Taming Sophie (Continued)
Martine Hayes


Chapter 6

The cafe was grubby. Sophie entered and sat in the corner of the square diner. The tea looked very yellow, she knew it would be too strong, but she had to have it sit in front of her. There were a few drivers eating what looked like full breakfasts. One of the drivers was eating a sandwich and reading a newspaper. She could almost imagine his thoughts on reading about the robbery. Maybe he thought it was sad, or typical of today’s society and turned the page. Sophie couldn’t turn the page, the images of what had happened were firmly stuck in her mind along with what was happening now. He didn’t appear to be too absorbed in it as he turned the paper over and studied the sports page. He was a big man, he looked as though he hadn’t washed and had been working all night. Sophie didn’t mean to stare, but she wished she could trade lives with him. She could travel around the country all day everyday, she could be unconcerned about the headlines, she could lead a simple life of work and home. She could be by herself, not have to account to anyone else, not have to be in the mess she was in. The man got up and placed his newspaper under his arm, carried his cup to the counter and shouted the waitress.

‘I’m off, love. I’ll see you next Monday then?’

‘Yes Tara, mate. Have a safe journey.’

Sophie was so leapt to hear another Scottish accent. This was it, all the time she had been staring, she never thought for one minute that the big man could be going home, to Scotland. Maybe he wasn’t, maybe he had just arrived in London, maybe he wouldn’t be leaving until tomorrow, maybe he lived in London, maybe he was already home. She would have to ask. She would have to follow him and ask. The man went to his truck, Sophie followed, she could see him open the huge door and begin to climb inside. Sophie ran towards the truck, it was all or nothing,

‘Excuse me, please,’ she shouted.

The man turned to see the beautiful, young girl run towards him. Sophie was face to face with him, his hair was greasy, and he smelled of sweat. Perhaps she would wait, pretend she had made a mistake and go back to the truck stop. She had been looking for a father figure, who would understand and take care of her, he would drive her home, he would look out for her and keep her safe. The big man didn’t meet any of the previous images. He looked dirty and had the same look in his eyes as ‘Handy Hammond’.

‘Can I help you, miss?’

‘Yes, I need a lift, to Scotland’

The man looked her up and down, his eyes touched every area of Sophie’s figure. Her hair, her eyes, her body.

‘Sure, jump in’

Sophie was apprehensive, she was scared for a moment. She thought of Clive, she thought of the shooting, she thought of James, she jumped in the cabin. This was going to be an extra long trip.


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Copyright (c) 1999 Martine Hayes
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"