AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (13) A Hangover In My Office Chair (Short Stories) Not sure if this is a purely interior monologue. Or it could be the narrator writing in his journal. I'm not sure what you call it, so I'll leave that up to the readers. [1,322 words] A Jennifer Love-Affair (Short Stories) A completely false story of a treeplanter from Vancouver who meets and falls in love with the actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. The story is told by a grandfather to his grandsons much later in the twenty... [3,869 words] [Fan Fiction] A Quarrel In The Forest (Short Stories) An argument between a cedar tree and a stone resolves itself after much time. [161 words] I Was Treeplanting One Day (Short Stories) This may not resemble the mind of any real treeplanters out there, so take no offense if you are one. I have been one, and this is just a snapshot of what I may have been thinking on any given day out... [1,957 words] [Mind] Some Mirrors Never Lie (Short Stories) - [2,406 words] The Cold, Bitter Taste Of Gin (Short Stories) A man in his mid thirties is watching the sunset one summer evening at his lakeside cabin. As he sits, taking everything in, his senses trigger memories from his past which he realizes still haunt him... [3,123 words] [Mind] The Fate Machine (Short Stories) This is a story about a desperate man who finds a way to take control of his own fate. Or does he? This is an unfinished story that I am having trouble with and would appreciate any ideas or comments ... [1,157 words] [Science Fiction] The Smelter Worker (Novels) A strange guy who nobody knows about joind their crew at an aluminum smelter in a small town called Kitimat, in th northcoast of British Columbia. Who is this guy and where does he come from? [4,214 words] The Trouble With Carla (Short Stories) This story follows a previous one, "The Winds of Change." This story is more of a horror and may not be for those who dislike blood and gore. [4,905 words] [Horror] The Winds Of Change (Short Stories) This is the first short story I wrote based on characters in a novel I tried writing when I was twelve. This story is set in an alternate universe. The story introduces some key characters that I use ... [7,246 words] [Fantasy] What Are You Thinking About? (Short Stories) Has your girlfriend ever asked you that question before? The usual response from a man is "nothing." Of course this can lead to trouble. [1,028 words] [Relationships] What Dogs Really Think.... (Short Stories) This is simply a beginning of what I believe Dogs think of humans. [412 words] [Animal] ...And Everything Goes Black (Short Stories) A nightmarish story about a young man, two taxi drivers, and one unforgettable woman. The story is meant to leave the reader wondering what exactly is going on here? [2,517 words] [Mystical]
The Big Bang Darcy K Metz
"Hey you, Tom!" "Ya, what do ya want old man?" "I know all about you and what you'll become." "What the fuck are you talking about?" "You're going down a bad path and I don't want to be on the end of it no more." "Old man, I've got no idea what in the hell you're talking about." "You've got so much potential if you apply yourself boy. It has to change this time." "Look, you're obviously senile or something. Now get the fuck out of my face before I make you regret it." "Do you know how many times I remember uttering that threat to me." "Again, you've lost me asshole!" "I've escaped the loop. Now I've come to break it." "Ya, I think you're loopy all right!" "Don't you get it? Use your head! Apply yourself! Stop this crime nonsense so we can have a new reality!" "We? Okay, what the fuck are ya talking about?" "I am you, you are me. I've been here countless times before, observing. Now everything can go on, continue anew." "Uh-huh! No more cosmic loop right? What if I shoot you dead?" "Then I'll be here again differently." "So if I change my path, the universe continues everlasting?" "Now you get it!" "I sure do!" - BANG!
"Dammit, man! You had such a cool idea and you limited it to a half-page colloquy which was as ambiguous as it was pointless. With such a plot, you could do great things, so try rewriting it." -- Tyrant.
"I agree somewhat with tyrant, the story had a great premise and could have been better. Although I still found it entertaining and any intelligent person could figure out what was happening, not at all ambiguous if you ask me." -- Screef.
"A very good idea. Could do without the cursing, it takes away from the story line and is distracting to most readers. It also makes the author look like their vocabulary is quite limited. Even though I understood what happened, it would be a much better story if expanded upon. " -- Jenine Boisits, Shirly, Ny, USA.
"Short and sweet....leaves me wanting more" -- Katrina, PG, BC, Canada.
"Hey, it isn't that bad. But let's be honest, it was a bit confusing at the end. I got it, since I read stories a lot, but other people that haven't...How would they react??" -- Bernay.
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