I enjoy passing the time by jotting down my random ideas onto paper. Getting published would be nice but finishing a story always feels so much better. [November 1999]
Remember The Bubbles Dana Drew
Just like every Saturday morning, a red sedan would pull up into Mr. Brown's driveway. Inside the sedan was Jacob, the son of Mr. Brown accompanied by his wife Tia. "I'm giving you a half hour. I don't want to be here," stated Tia. "Listen I know you don't like being here, but he's my father" replied Jacob. "I understand that, but look at him. He just sits on his porch and stares out into the street. If maybe he showed some sign of life, I'd enjoy our visits," replied Tia. "Fine give me my precious half hour and then we'll leave," answered Jacob. As he opened the car door and exited the sedan. On the porch of the old Victorian home was Mr. Brown. Perched in his rocking chair, the old man quietly sat. Enjoying the calm cool afternoon staring out into his front lawn. When out of the corner of his eye, a young boy grabbed his attention. The child was running about in the front yard. With his left hand raised high in the air holding a bubble maker. The boy joyfully created numerous bubbles into the atmosphere. "Hello dad," interupted Jacob. Mr. Brown finally turned his attentions to son with no reply. After witnessing the bubbles dancing in the front yard, bursting and then disappearing. "How's it going. You thirsty? I'm just going to go inside and grab some ice tea for the both of us." remarked the old man's son. Yet no reply was given as Mr. Brown just stared at his son with a stoned face. Getting a glimpse of Tia behind him sitting in the car impatiently. And with a light tap on his father's back from his son, Jacob too disappeared in the house. The man's focus returned to a yard filled with fresh bubbles. And the laughter of a youth dancing under them. A smile crossed the face of Mr. brown. Then as spontaneous as the child before him, the old man stood up. And like the bubbles floating in the air, he gracefully made his way down the porch. "Oh great, he's gonna fall and break his hip now." Tia telling herself, as she peered through the passenger side window of the car. Mr. Brown peacefully made his way next to the boy in the yard. And gazed at the bubbles as they blew off the child's magical wand. And like the child within, the old man jumped up and grabbed for the bubbles in the sky. Letting out bursts of laughter as each bubble popped before him. Following the child as the two playfully danced together in the afternoon sun. Tia who by now couldn't believe her eyes, opened the car door. And immediately ran over to her father-in-law. "Dad are you alright?" asked a concerned daughter. "I've never felt better." Mr. Brown replied. As he stopped for a moment and looked into her eyes. "Will you dance with me?" And a smile overcame Tia's face as she held out both of her hands. And the father gently placed his hands into hers. And the two of them began to dance together as if they had done this before. Just inside the house, standing behind a screen door stood Jacob. With a glass of ice tea in each hand and a smile across his face, he simply took in the moment. As he watched his wife and father embraced in a way he never imagined. Feeling the love being shared between the two of them from a distance. And as the afternoon sun began to fade into the evening. The old man looked down at the young boy and gave him a wink. And continued to dance with his daughter, as the boy disappeared like the bubbles from the magical wand.
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