This is the horrible result of watching 3 X-FILES re-runs in a single afternoon. It's a treatment for a TV series about alien abduction. Key words - faster than light radio (the EPR effect), time-travel telegraph (tachyons), _erenkov radiation, alien abduction, black cats. [2,931 words]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (8) Cold-Eyed Triage Nurses In High-Heeled Boots (Short Stories) Forced into a Lesbian encounter in the fitting room. [Rated R] [2,527 words] Dreamwalk (Screenplays) Paco and Jesus (call him Jesse, it makes him happy) are twin brothers. They hate each other. Jesse has the kind of diabetes that turns your kidneys to fibreboard. He needs a transplant. Paco says no. ... [15,540 words] Hard Street (Screenplays) It's the satire play to A Little Original Sin, about the circumstances in which it was written. This is what should have happened. [17,998 words] Murder Considered As One Of The Fine Arts (Novels) A novella. The title says it all. I wanted to call it Lesbian Vampires Of Brooklyn Heights, but readers might get annoyed because it has nothing to do with the story. [22,607 words] Opium (Screenplays) This one is an upscale Natural Born Killers. You'll love it or hate it. This has been getting more play than any of my other scripts. Please tell me why you like it. Revised March 2002. [14,762 words] Savage Grace (Screenplays) It starts out, as many detective stories do, with an eerily beautiful woman giving him an assignment that doesn’t quite make sense: To track down a man missing and presumed dead who turns up dangerous... [17,572 words] The Last Swan (Screenplays) A promising drug for the treatment of breast cancer is passed over because there wouldn't be enough profit in it's development. A girl researcher steals the data and runs, but she can't get anyone to ... [20,646 words] The Way To Bet (Short Stories) The horrible result of reading a book called The Pleasures of Probability by Richard Isaac. [1,035 words]
"Here I am as promised. Now, what did you want to know? What are you looking for from this review, otherwise I'll just go spelling Nazi on you." -- JA St.George.
"Very well then. If you do not wish to respond to my query, I will simply do a spelling and grammar check." -- JA St.George.
"They're playing a video game: building weapons that dont work to meet threats that dont exist. (apostrophe not present in either “don’t.”) 2 hour/3rd (I dislike the use of digits, used for things other than times and dates, where written form would look more appropriate “two-hour/third,” but if you simply must use “shorthand,” “2 hour” then don’t forget to include the hyphen.) Same goes with “5 minute.” “Day time” is a compound word. “but, draws a blank except for anger without a target.” (Unnecessary use of a comma.) If I am not mistaken a “cant” is a type of South American bean. I believe you mean, “can’t.” He's been abducted by star aliens. (If you’d like you can take this line out of the passive and put it in the active by saying “He's been abducted by star aliens. Tiajuana (Pretty close, it’s Tijuana.) film makers (compound word.) How is that possible?, (Unnecessary double punctuation, since a question mark effectively serves to end any complete thought.) …radio. you may ask, when… (Not capitalized.) dialling (One “l” not two. I had to disable the “correct” function on my computer just so I could print the word with an unnecessary extra “l.”) bushwack (Forgotten “h” in bushwhack.) signalled (Same problem as with “dialling.”) it'stachyons (Need to separate “it’s” from “tachyons” while dropping the apostrophe, since nothing belongs to an “it.” So is the misfortune of the poor “it.”) meaning or something (unnecessary space.) …story is condensed but, in stories of this a kind, it's used as incantation: (Unnecessary use of comma after “but.”) THE X-FILES are admirable but totally humorless and paranoid. (“are” should be changed to “is” due to the fact that although the name of the show is plural, there is only one show, therefore a singular.) otrageous (what happened to the second “u” in this word?) THE X-FILES have argued, (once again there is only “one” show therefore it “has argued.”) yodelled (Same problem as with “dialling” and “signalled.”) "Misplaced my decimal point." said IVAN, looking morose. (This line is slightly ironic considering you placed another point. There should be no period here, this is a place for a comma.) slip stream (Compound word “slipstream.”) …variety even in your paranoia.. (Unnecessary double period, ending this sentence.) Most common mistakes: Forgotten apostrophes; misplaced punctuation, especially at the ends of quotations; Unnecessary breaks throughout, either due to improper formatting on web-page, cause unknown, or writer error. This has been exclusively a spelling and grammar check, since the writer did not bring up specific review criteria when queried. " -- JA St.George.
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