Doctor Trek - The Green Green Glow Of Death (Parts 1, 2 And 3) (4)
Ian Kidd


 The boy opened the door and entered the bathroom. No wind, no void,

nothing. "It's not too bad," the boy told Sammy. "It's smelled worse."

 The Sci-Fi Club had moved off when Lawrence realised they'd left something.

 "Ooh, shiver me timbers!" Lawrence cried, flapping his arms. "The fairies!"

 "W - what?" Paul gawked.

 "The cakes, my dearest, the cakes!" Lawrence flapped.

 "Oh, right. N' mind, I'll fetch 'em," Paul volunteered.

 "Ooh, thanks ducky!" Lawrence beamed, blowing a kiss. "You're a real


 Paul hurried quickly away.

 Paul hurried into the home ec room, and headed for the cakes. As he reached

to pick up the tray, a deep, throat voice said


 Paul stopped, looking around. There was no one else in the room.

 "Not there," the voice said.

 Paul stared, realising where the voice was emanating from.

 "Yes." One of the fairy cakes suddenly lifted off, floating in mid-air in front of

Paul. "Here."

 "Cor Blimey," Paul whispered. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he

collapsed backwards onto the floor in a dead faint.

 Mr Dudley hurried to the boys toilets to find Sammy still standing outside.

"What are you doing here? Get back to the games! It's the custard pie fight

next. It'll be SUCH fun!"

 Muttering darkly, and casting a suspicious glance at the boys toilets, Sammy

hurried away.

 Mr Dudley hurried into the toilets, locked himself in a cubicle and pulled down

his pants, sitting on the toilet.

There was a slithering noise from beneath him.

 "What the - " Mr Dudley began.

Green slime leapt up from the toilet and oozed into his body via his anus.

 A few minutes later, Richard Warne entered the toilets, heading for a


 "Stop," said Mr Dudley.

 Warnie jumped. "What?"

 "Have you washed your hands?" Dudley asked. His voice was strange,

strained, deep, almost guttural.

 "I haven't been for a crap yet!" Warnie objected.

 Dudley took a step toward him. "Come here," he said. "Come here and show

me your hands."

 Warnie walked over to him. "I don't see - "

 Dudley opened his mouth and green slime came vomiting out onto Warnie.

Soon, Warnie's eyes were glowing bright green.

 "Go," Dudley rasped. "EXCRETE THE SLIME! SPREAD MY WILL!"


Space Station Delta Sigma, the far future.
Sgt. Garbel had Ace by the arm and was marching her down the corridors.

 "I keep telling you, face-ache, I am NOT a stowaway!" Ace protested.

 "You are an unauthorised presence," Garbel rasped. "And you will be

imprisoned until your identity is verified and you can be shipped out to your

rightful des - "

 "Will you get off!?" Ace shrugged him off violently. If this guy wanted a fight,

she'd give him one.

 Garbel drew his gun. "Behave yourself," he threatened.

 Ace looked at the clearly plastic gun disdainfully. "Can't you afford a real gun?"

she asked snottily.

 Garbel fired a warning laser blast at the floor.

 Ace paled. "Gordon Bennett," she muttered.

 "Thergeant Garbel, what on EARTH ith going on?"

 Ace and Garbel turned as Commander Kipling came marching up to them.

 "Sah!" Garbel saluted.

 Kipling nodded at Ace. "Well? Who ith thith perthon?"

 "I'm Ace," Ace told him.

 "Indeed," Kipling replied diplomatically. "Well?"

 "She's a stowaway, sir!" Garbel reported.

 "I am not!" Ace denied hotly.

 "I had apprehended the stowaway, and was just taking her to - "

 "Thecurity thell thickth?" Kipling interjected. "I'd have thought you'd

have theen enough of that plathe for one day, Thergeant." He turned to

Ace. "Well? Who are you and what are you doing on Thpace Thation Delta


 "I've told you, I'm Ace," Ace repeated. "As for what I'm doing here, I'm not

sure. The last thing I remember, we were on a mission with the Captain - "

 "Captain?" Kipling interrupted her. "Captain who?"

 "That's him!" Ace pointed. "You know him?"

 "Yeth of courth," Kipling flustered. "But I thertainly don't wemember you."

 "No?" Ace frowned. "When was this?"

 "Leth than thickthty minutth ago," Kipling informed her. "He was with Mr Wok

and Fwobither."

 "Mr Wok?" Ace swore. "That must have been YEARS ago!"

 "No, I told you, less than thickthty - " Kipling began.

 "No, I mean for the Captain - MY Captain. Mr Wok hasn't travelled with the

Captain for a long time, since before he became Ms Wok!" Ace stressed.

 "MTH Wok?" Kipling replied, perplexed.

 "MS Wok," Ace stressed. "Oh, now what am I going to do? How can I contact

the Captain to let him know where to find me? I can't even remember how I got


 "Yeth, well, never mind," Kipling broke in. "Thergeant Garbel, I'm thatithfied

that Mith Athe here ithn't a thtowaway. Weleath her, pleathe."

 "But - " Garbel protested.

 "The'th a fwiend of the Captain!" Kipling said angrily. "Weleath her at onthe.

That'th an order. Bring her to my offith, and we'll dithcuth the thituathon."

 "Sah," Garbel released her, glowering.

 Ace stuck her tongue out at him, and they followed Commander Kipling down

the corridor.

 Dr Crawford was busy continuing his spectographic analysis of his latest

batch of fairy cakes when a sudden noise made him jump. Crawford looked up.

There was no one around - but the bowl with Ronlay's green dessert topping

in was suddenly, impossibly, lying on it's side. Frowning, Crawford walked over

and straightened up the bowl - to find no trace of the green slimy stuff within.

Crawford looked on the floor to see if it had fallen out, but there was no trace

of it.

 "Cor Blimey," Crawford muttered, perplexed. A chair on the other side of the

room moved with a clang, and Crawford caught a glimpse of something green

slithering away. "Cor BLIMEY!" Crawford leapt onto the table. The slime

slithered here and there, in and out of his view, seeming nearer and nearer

each time. "Cor Blimey, Cor Blimey, Cor Blimey!" Crawford sweated, panicking.

Then it leapt at his face.

 Crawford fell backwards off the table and onto the floor, struggling desperately,

to no avail. In a few moments, he climbed to his feet, eyes glowing green,

and spoke in a deep, guttural voice that was no longer his own.


 "Tho let me get thith thtwaight," Kipling was saying to Ace in his office. "You

and the Captain - my Captain, jutht many yearth later, and Fwobither, and

thethe Thammy Davith Jnr and Cody Willith people - were on thome thort of

mitthion, but you can't wemember what, and you don't know why you've ended

up on Thpathe Thathion Delta Thigma, or have any way of contacting the


 "That's about the size of it," Ace sighed.

 Kipling contemplated for a few moments. "You're thcrewed," he said finally.

 There was a knock on the door.

 "Who ith it?" Kipling called.

 "Sergeant Garbel, reporting at the double, sah!"

 "Oh, come in," Kipling said grumpily.

 Garbel entered and performed his several minutes long salute. "Sah!"

 "Oh, what ith it, Thergeant?"

 "Sah," Garbel cast a suspicious glance at Ace. "There's been a murder, sah."

 "Murder? On MY thpace thation?" Kipling protested. "Not again. Who'th been


 "Citizen McVitie's brother, sah, Citizen McVitie," Garbel noted.


 "No, sah," Garbel swallowed. "He's dead, and glowing green, sah."

 "Glowing gween?" Kipling wailed. "What could do that?" Garbel looked

meaningfully at Ace. "Oh, don't be widiculouth, Thergeant! I've already told

you, Mith Athe ith a fwiend of Captain Who!" Ace was looking worried.

"What'th wong?"

 "I don't know," Ace admitted. "But I've a very bad feeling about this,"

 The possessed Crawford walked over to the tray of fairy cakes and regarded

them with a deathly smile. He reached his hands out over the tray. Little

droplets of green slime dripped from his hands and absorbed into each and

every one of the cakes. Soon, the dozen fairy cakes, cherries glowing green,

rose up into the air.



 The dozen fairy cakes floated toward the door,

 Commander Kipling, Sergeant Garbel and Ace were inspecting the body of

Citizen McVitie's identical twin brother, Citizen McVitie. As Garbel had said,

his face and hands - and presumably his entire body - were glowing bright


 "I've seen something like this before," Ace realised.

 "You have?" Kipling inquired. "Where?"
 "I'm not sure," Ace stared at the body. "Somewhere,"

 Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a black void opened up in the corridor, and a

howling wind knocked them all to the floor.
 Ace found herself being dragged along the floor toward the hole. "Nooo!" she


 Garbel grabbed her from behind, one hand on her, one on a pillar in the corridor.

Suddenly, as quickly as it had appeared, the void disappeared.

 "And what on Earth wath THAT?" Kipling wanted to know, picking himself up.

 "I don't know," Ace admitted, doing the same. She was trembling a little. "But

I get the feeling, I get the feeling,"

 "Yeth?" Kipling demanded.

 Ace looked at him. "That it wanted ME."

 Kipling noticed her trembling. "Thergeant, take care of Mith Athe. I'm going

to have a word with Dr Wonlay about all thith."

 "Yes, sah!" Garbel saluted.

 Kipling marched off down the corridor.

 Garbel led Ace to his apartment, where he made her a nice hot cup of tea.

 Ace sat, sipping at it, her mind whirling. Her memory loss, the green body and

the void were seriously freaking her out, and despite his kindness, she still

had a bad feeling about Garbel too. Ace noticed a collection of dvd's lining

the walls and walked over to them, reading the labels. "The Best of, Neighbours",

it read. "Volume 40". They were ALL 'Neighbours', Ace realised. She looked

over at Garbel, startled. "You like 'Neighbours'? I wouldn't have thought anyone

would even remember it in this day and age."

 "Oh no, I love it," Garbel said earnestly. "Especially when Cody's in it."

 Ace gaped. "You like, Cody?"

 "Oh yeah, she's GORGEOUS," Garbel noted. "That flowing red hair, that

elegant dress sense, that lovely voice,"

 "Sorry, what?" Ace frowned, confused. "Did you say red hair?"

 "That's right," Garbel looked at her blankly. "Long, flowing, curly red hair."

 Horrified realisation was dawning on Ace. "You mean the second Cody, don't

you? The Peta Brady version."

 "Yes, of course," Garbel nodded.

 The hairs on the back of Ace's neck were standing up. She decided to give

him one last chance. "You prefer her to, to, the original?"

 "What, Amelia Frid?" Garbel snorted. "She was AWFUL. Nowhere NEAR

as hot as Peta."

 Ace stared at him in pure horror. She'd just wanted to be sure.

Now she KNEW he was mad.


Meadowhall Shopping Centre, Sheffield, England.

March 31, 2003.

 "The store will be closing in a few minutes. Thank you."

 Paul heard the announcement with a vague sense of irritation, but was too

preoccupied with his black eyes and bruised ribs to care. He, Klaus, and an

apologetic Jason were sitting on a bench in the centre, recuperating.

 "I'm terribly sorry," Jason apologised for the thousandth time. "It's just whenever

anyone mentions, mentions, the 'K' word, my Doctors call it an involuntary

psychotic reaction."

 "You could have warned me before," Paul complained. "I take it your

relationship with - " Jason shot him a warning glance, "'K' did not end well?"

Unknown to Jason or even Paul Klaus still had his camera running.

 "You could say that," Jason sighed. "I mean, Michael Hutchence? FOR


 "Yes, well," Paul coughed awkwardly. "So it's entirely personal, then? Not

professional jealousy of any kind?"

 Jason looked at him. "I'm afraid I don't understand the question."

 "Well, I mean," Paul continued tactlessly, "what with her leaving "Neighbours"

to go on and have a spectacularly successful showbiz career, and you," Jason

looked at him dangerously, ", not so much."

 "What are you saying?" Jason demanded irritably. "What's wrong with my

career? Hmm?"
 "Oh, er," Paul flailed.

 "Paul!" Blessed relief came from an unexpected quarter as Paul looked over

to see an old friend.

 "Joe!" Paul exclaimed delightedly, standing up. "Joe Binks!"

 "Hey, man," Joe gave his old friend a hug. "How are you?"

 "Oh, good, good," Paul smirked.

 "What happened to you?" Joe asked, indicating his black eyes.

 "Slight, er, disagreement," Paul said awkwardly.

 "Who are your friends?" Joe nodded at them.

 "Oh, sorry. This is my cameraman, Klaus Kinky. Klaus, my good friend Joe

Binks," Paul introduced them. "And this is,"

 "Jason Donovan," Jason stood up, smiling proudly.

 Joe looked at him bemusedly. "Who?"

 Jason's smile faded slightly. "Jason Donovan." Joe looked at him blankly.

"Y'know, Scott Robinson from 'Neighbours'?"

 "Oh, right," Joe looked at him, then laughed suddenly. "No, really. Who are


 Jason scowled dangerously.

 "Er, Joe," Paul interrupted quickly. "He IS Jason Donovan. Really."

 "Oh, er, I see," Joe still couldn't see the resemblance. "So, see much of

Kylie Minogue lately?"

 "Joe, no!" Paul yelled.

 "Kylie Minogue?" Jason screamed, launching himself at Joe.

"KYLIE MINOGUE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

 Meadowhall was emptying of customers as the centre began to close down.

 "The cameras still not back on?" Who inquired in the security office.

 Robin shook her head.

 "And no word from Hitchcock or Pan either," Peter commented.

 "Getting worried, Mr Tinker?" Who inquired.

 The radio crackled. "Control, this is Alfonso. Bringing in four people caught


 "Rightyho," Peter answered.

 "How many people are left now?" Who wanted to know.

 Peter checked his watch. "Well, most of the customers should be gone now.

But there's still a few hundred staff members,"

 "Too many people," Who said worriedly. "Far too many."

 "What are you on about?" Peter demanded irritably. "Exactly what is it you

think is about to happen?"

 Security guard Alfonso Delancie was escorting the decidedly shamefaced

Paul Bates, Joe Binks, Jason Donovan and Klaus Kinky up to the security office

when he was confronted by Hitchcock, and another guard. "Hey, boss,"

Alfonso said. "Sorry about this. I know it's nearly knocking off time now, but these

four were brawling in public."

 "He started it!" Joe objected.

 "We can caution 'em, or call the police, it's up to you," Alfonso noted.

 "NO POLICE," Hitchcock said, his voice deep and guttural. "YOU'RE NOT


 "I'm sorry?" Alfonso blinked.

 Hitchcock and the other guard advanced. As they did, their green eyes became


 "What the hell?" Paul started.

 Hitchcock sprayed green slime at them. It quickly attached to Klaus.

 Yelling, Joe, Paul, Jason and Alfonso turned, to find a crowd - security guards

and shop workers - gathering around them.

All their eyes - and in some cases their faces - were glowing bright green.

 "Help!" Alfonso's voice came yelling through the radio. "We're under attack!"

 Who and Robin looked up in alarm.

 "Alfonso? Where are you?" Peter commanded. "What do you mean? By whom?"

 "Level 3. They're everywhere. We're - aaaarrrgggghhhhh!" Alfonso cut off.

 Peter stared at the radio uncomprehendingly.

 Who was already halfway out the door, scarf trailing behind him. "Come on!"

 "Level 3," Alfonso was saying as the possessed army crowded around him,

Joe, Paul and Jason, the possessed army now including a glowing-green Klaus

among it's ranks. "They're everywhere. We're - "

 The zombies attacked, Hitchcock knocking Alfonso's head from his shoulders

with one blow, a shower of utterly unnecessary and rather OTT blood and gore

flying everywhere.


The zombies advanced.

 "Oh, Cor Blimey!" Paul sank to his knees in terror. "Cor Blimey, Cor Blimey,

Cor Blimey!"

 "Gentlemen, please!" The zombies turned, temporarily distracted from their

victims as Captain Who came breezing down the walkway, apparently

unconcerned by being surrounded by dozens of hungry, glowing, possessed

zombie-men. "That's no way to behave, now is it? Even if you're really, really

hungry, a little bit of etiquette and table manners never hurt anyone!"

 "CAPTAIN," Klaus grinned horribly. "WE'VE BEEN EXPECTING YOU."

 "You have?" Who beamed. "So you knew I was coming, then?"
 "OH YES," Hitchcock rasped.

 Who frowned. "Then why didn't you bake me a cake? Hmm? What do you

have to say for yourselves?" He stared over Paul, Joe and Jason's shoulders.


 The zombies whirled. Peter and Robin opened fire, blasting at the possessed


 "Come ON!" Who ushered Joe, Paul and Jason along the walkway and they

ran for their lives.

 Peter and Robin kept blasting away at the zombies, wrongly coloured blood

and unconvincing sausage entrails being thrown about with gleeful abandon

as they did so, but the zombies kept on coming regardless. "Run!"

 Who, Joe, Paul and Jason were pelting down the walkway.

 "Where are we going?" Joe gasped.

 "The security office!" Who pointed, then blanched as he saw a veritable

army of the possessed zombies crowding around the door. "Or then again,

perhaps not." He paused, temporarily flustered.

 "I know a place," Joe yelled. "Follow me!" He plunged ahead.

 Peter and Robin joined up with the others and Peter realised where they were

heading. "The vid production unit, right?"

 "Right!" Joe grinned.

They reached the unit, slamming the doors, and barricading them.

 "This won't hold them for long," Robin noted.

 "Long enough, hopefully," Who replied. "Although it's not so much the zombies

I'm worried about."

 "It's NOT?!" Jason gawked.

 "No," Who shook his head. "It's what's INSIDE them."

 Robin slumped in a seat. "I think I'm having deja vu," he noted.

 "Something's CONTROLLING the zombies, some entity, some FORCE - "

Who realised what Robin had just said. "What? What do you mean, 'deja vu'?

Have you seen this before?"

 "Well, no. Not in real life," Robin noted.

 "Explain," Who demanded.

 "Well, it's just like that weird storyline on 'Neighbours', innit?" Robin commented.

 "Hunh?" Peter, Paul, Jason and Joe goggled.

 "WHAT storyline?" Who narrowed his eyes.
 "With the green slime possessing people, and Cody and that," Robin


 "WHAT?!" Who exclaimed. "There's no such storyline."

 "That's what I thought. I don't remember it," Robin shook her head. "But it's

there now. The last episode I watched ended with this slime-possessed giant

maggot creeping up behind that rather dishy Cody chick."

 "Cody, green slime, ERINSBOROUGH!" Who's eyes bulged. "Oh, my

giddy aunt!" He turned back to Robin. "Do you have any more tapes with this

storyline on?"

 "Yeah," Robin nodded. "There's a few more weeks worth I've not seen yet.


 "Where are they?" Who urged.

 "They're in the," Robin paused. "The security office."

 "Well, spin my nipple nuts and send me to Alaska," Who cursed.

 "What is it, Captain?" Joe wanted to know.

 "Don't you see? That storyline is REAL, it's connected to what's happening

here," Who shook his head. "We have to get to that security office and get

those tapes." He turned to stare at an invisible audience impassively.

"'Neighbours' could be the key to saving the entire universe!"


Melbourne, Australia.

Erinsborough, 1991.

The front door opened a tad, silently. A giant maggot slithered through the

crack into the Willis house. Cody sat, reading quietly as behind her the giant



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Copyright © 2003 Ian Kidd
Published on the World Wide Web by ""