Journey To The Planet Merridion (2)
Michael Harris


Lucas turned the craft into another skyway and they approached, the Inviolable getting more and more enormous as they got closer. When they finally reached it, Lucas entered into hover mode, and waited. A voice finally greeted them from inside The Inviolable. It was loud and resonating.

“Welcome home, Lucalan. We trust that you and the contact have made it here unharmed.”

Suddenly, two sliding doors pulled apart from one another, revealing a ship port, brimming with other crafts, some seemingly military (at least to Adrian's untrained eyes), others seemingly civilian. Lucas led the craft inside and the doors behind them were sealed shut.

There was something very much akin to a control tower at an airport that sat in one far corner of the impressively spacious ship port, a see-through window occupying its peak and all, with Merridions stationed inside of it, their attention commanded by computer terminals.

Other Merridions populated the terminus, servicing aircraft. These were not outfitted in human chameleon suits, like what Lucas himself was wearing. They were all blue skinned (just as Lucas was when he proved to Adrian that he was an extraterrestrial), and wearing bright, multi-hued clothing, with collars that extended past their pointy ears. They had elongated fingers, and all were devoid of hair.

The hatch to the silver ship flew open and Lucas lead Adrian down the now-appearing transparent steps. They were then greeted by a cadre of important looking Merridions (at least in dress), all wearing high collared outfits and multi hued fabrics with varied eye catching designs. They all talked in an excited alien tongue as they approached. Then one of the Merridions positioned himself at the forefront of the group and took in the pair.

“Lucalan, our burden has been lifted because of your arrival. You and your contact were the last of those whom we awaited. Were there any...hazards that you had to overcome?”

“Yes. Clev of the Aelkighted was shadowing me the whole time. He must have picked up my trail on one of the colonized worlds. I—cannot be sure if we were followed.”

“That is...the gravest of news. If you were followed the Aelkighted may have discovered the capital of our people. I must relay this news to the rest of the Contingent. I trust, however, that no harm came upon the contact?”

“No. Clev was thwarted in his designs.”

“And just what shall we call you, young Earthling?” Said the Merridion. Adrian stammered. Everything was going so fast: the drawing in of the massive ship port, the musing upon the supremely foreign language of Merridions (which Adrian had heard before through Lucas), and the idea that they could have been followed, leading Clev to Merridion, a planet of which—supposedly—the Aelkighted didn't know about, all hit him squarely in the face.

“My—my—my name is Adrian, Adrian Belfast.”

“Well met, young Adrian,” he said as he extended his left arm outwards with palm facing the ground and then brought it swiftly to his heart. A worldwide greeting, Adrian supposed. “I am called Ser Armanas Delforia Jaltai. In honor I serve as The Third Head of the Contingent, Overseer of Inviolable Justice, and Sub-Commander of Intergalactic Forces. We have summoned you and others in a time of great need. Soon, we shall reveal all. But first, you must rest. Lucalan, if you would lead our young friend Adrian Belfast to the guest chambers, where he can find rest.”

“As you command, Ser Jaltai,” said Lucas, performing the same motion with his left hand that Jaltai did. Lucas motioned and Adrian followed, still trying to grasp the implications of all that he'd heard and seen.


Lucas led Adrian through the brightly lit coated white halls of the Inviolable. The pair passed many an oncoming Merridion during the walk, both males and females, and they all greeted him with beneficence, letting Adrian know that they were honored to serve host to his people.

They were going to a place called the Concourse. It adjoined the guest chambers and was a large area where he could associate with the other humans who were shuttled to Merridion.

“I imagine that the Contingent will have a brief meeting before they call for the gathering of you and the rest of humanity summoned,” said Lucas as they walked through the broad, lighted hall. “That should give us enough time to serve you with food, and allow you to rest a bit. After the meeting...well...we'll just have to see.”

“Do Merridions have people of other species often here in the Inviolable?”

“Well, the Inviolable is one of the many beacons where those who sit on the Galactic Council meet. The Contingent was established a millennia ago, when the Galactic Council saw fit for us to join, because of our progress technologically and socially. But there are other places where the different races of the Council discuss the concerns of the species in the galaxy.”

“The Galactic Council? You're saying that there are...”

“Yeah, pretty much,” said Lucas with a grin. “But I'm getting way ahead of myself. A lot of this will be discussed when the Contingent spells it all out for you.” Adrian considered for a great while as they walked on. A Galactic Council comprised of who knows how many different species, all technologically and socially advanced, much more so than Earth and its inhabitants, with its myriad of international conflicts and corrupt governments. Then he made another mental link. Earth is no where near ready to assimilate into the Galactic Council, so why exactly did the Contingent wish to speak with representatives from the planet?

Telkwinira. That was the planet Lucas (or Lucalan) mentioned when Clev confronted them. What did the Aelkighted do to Telkwinira? He wanted to ask Lucas about it, but decided that he could wait just a little longer for the answers that he so desperately needed. Lucas had already revealed to him that there was a Galactic Council when he was supposed to keep his mouth shut. He was not likely to reveal anything else of significance.

Lucas lead Adrian down the corridor and they approached a honeycombed inspired amalgamation of passageways, the bright illumination of the area cascading upon them. Adrian looked about himself with great astonishment and could scarcely keep up with Lucas until Lucas implored him to continue on. Lucas then took a left, Adrian following. They then found themselves confronted with an impasse, some kind of metallic structure at its end, a diminished yellow light permeating from the inside of its structure, exceedingly wide in dimensions, capable of holding ten to fifteen Merridions and/or Earthlings.

“This,” began Lucas, “is what's called a Transporter. It can zap you from here to any one of the seventy-one levels of the Inviolable, where you'd come out of the other side of another Transporter. We'll use it to get to the Concourse.”

“We'll there be any—side effects?”

“Not at all,” replied Lucas. “Let's hurry. It's past time you had some nourishment.”

“Food would be nice,” responded Adrian. “And—I also would like to speak with other human beings.”

“Right,” said Lucas. Lucas then lead Adrian into the Transporter, and clear, crystalline-like doors closed them in.

“To the Concourse,” was Lucas command, and the shimmering of the structure intensified, though it was tolerable on the eyes. The Transporter produced sounds very much akin to some kind of science fiction weapon drawing energy unto itself, or at least to Adrian's untrained ears.

Then they were enveloped in a flash of yellow light and Adrian found himself staring out into a great expanse of space. High, light gray walls and crystal-like flooring encompassed the area. Statuesque structures stood congregated along the walls, great behemoths that touched the high ceiling, made of all kinds of precious alien medals, gemstones of which populated the pommels of ancient alien hand to hand combat weapons. And there was a fountain that encompassed the very middle of the spacious area, with sparkling water shooting forth out of the mouth of some kind of curving sea serpent.

There were human beings here (and not just blue skinned Merridions), and they mostly milled about with an air of uneasiness, a scant few of which were together in little groups conversing back and forth. And tables were situated in one area to the right, bespotted with trays of all kinds of delectable dishes, the savoring smells of which floated towards Adrian, beckoning after him, summoning him. Lucas stepped out of the Transporter and Adrian followed, trying to take in the glorious magnificence of the Concourse.

“First let's get you something to eat,” replied Lucas as he led the way to the elongated table that was situated in the heart of the structure. Adrian followed, occasionally taking in the splendor of the Concourse, and sometimes trying to overhear the conversations of the Merridions and Earthlings.

As they strode on, he was suddenly startled to find that there were many different representatives of Earthly regions and continents here in the Concourse. There were—from what he could see—peoples from Asia, Africa, The Middle East, and English speaking peoples. Have they gone and assembled people from every country on Earth, he thought. He was glad then that he was still under the influences of that many sided and splendiferous calming leaf that Lucas had provided, because this was enough to get one's mind working, in overdrive.

Lucas led Adrian to the table and Adrian stood glaring down at the many dishes. Strange, alien meats of which Adrian hadn't a clue as to the kind of animals they were, were spread out before him. At least they smell delectable, Adrian thought. Plates lined every seat (some of which stood empty, others of which had occupants), a handful of individuals of which were eating judiciously, others of which didn't seem to have any problems. Utensils were situated throughout the many platters, some alien in their design, others of which seemed or at least appeared to be inspired from Earth. Adrian looked towards Lucas, his eyes bulging out of their sockets.

“Go ahead. I suspect you've found that the aromas are agreeable to you. I think you'll find that the taste will be agreeable to you as well. Go on, give something a try.” Adrian took a seat, somewhat determined to find something of which would agree with his stomach.

“I'll leave you to your meal, and allow you to get acquainted with your people. My parents will be expecting me to be engaged in diplomatic relations. The Contingent will call for the meeting soon. Try to relax until then.”

“Okay,” managed Adrian as he watched Lucas turn on a smile and become his tinted blue self for the first time since their reunion. Lucas bounded for the Transporter and disappeared in a flash of brilliantly bright yellow.

Adrian glanced down either side of the table and observed others eating with barely any perceived hesitation. He sat staring at the many dishes, a good deal reluctant to take the plunge, when his stomach began speaking to him in not too kindly tones. Just do it, he thought. If it smells good it likely tastes good.

He then used a large knife and a somewhat awkward looking fork to butcher a red meat that was dripping with juices and decorated with a great assortment of vegetable side dishes. He placed the meat in his plate and scooped up with a spoon some of the veggies and then stuck the meat with his fork, slowly placing it inside of his mouth. The juices exploded on his tastebuds, and he perceived that he was eating the Merridion version of Earthly steak. At least it doesn't taste like chicken, he thought.

He then glanced at a pitcher and glass that was situated to his right and poured himself a nice helping of the beverage, which came flooding down his throat and possessed a taste akin to aged wine. Not bad, thought Adrian. Not bad at all. He then realized that he hadn't had any of the vegetables and scooped up some with his alien looking fork and placed them in his mouth. Eh, vegetables, smedgetables, I never really liked these things to begin with.

He went back to eating the red meat and drinking the alien wine and after a time he was approached by two individuals. One was a young white woman, with golden locks that fell down past her shoulders, full lips, and a slender figure, though possessing ample subsidies in all the right places. The other a young black male, with a naturally curly afro and of light skin complexion. Both appeared to be in their early twenties. Adrian looked a little startled as they approached, with juices from the meat dripping down his chin. He wiped his chin clean with the cuff of his shirt.

“Hi,” replied the young woman. “We assumed that you were from America, so that's why we approached.”

“Yeah,” replied Adrian after swallowing his last mouthful. “I'm from a town bordering Washington D.C. My name's Adrian, Adrian Belfast.”

“I'm Ashley Harrison.”

“Christopher Jones,” replied the black youth. “It's good to make your acquaintance.”

“Likewise,” said Adrian, as the two took seats next to him.

“So,” began Ashley with a hint of hesitation, “do you...have any idea why we are here?” Adrian reflected on her questioning for a time. He thought on all that he had seen and heard up and unto this point. The confrontation with the Aelkighted, Clev; what Lucas had revealed about a Galactic Council; the knowledge that a planet named Telkwinira was once a victim to whatever deeds the Aelkighted had inspired in their dark hearts. He tried to piece together a semblance of a scenario, something that might make sense.

“I think,” began Adrian, “I think that alien people on this planet are trying to protect us from something...something dastardly. But I don't know what.”

“I feared as much,” said Ashley as she lowered her head.

“An invasion,” said Christopher almost reverently as he reflected on what possibly lay ahead.

“So,” said Adrian, “the Merridion who brought you here has shared that with you?”

“Huh? No, no, it's just something that I...kinda feel is what's about to happen, that's all. I don't know, it just seems kinda silly to gather so many representatives here from Earth, from all corners of the globe, if something big isn't about to take place.”

“What if the Contingent just wants to assist us in some way, to serve as liberators of a divided humanity?” said Ashley. “This gathering doesn't necessarily have to spell doom and gloom, there could be greatness just beyond the horizon for all of humanity.” Adrian didn't tell them about he and Lucas' confrontation with Clev. He didn't want to soil Ashley's lone beacon of hope, no matter if he had some inkling as to the truth.

Most everyone at the elongated table had feasted and Adrian noticed that Merridions had approached a good deal of them, and before any of the three Americans could speak another word a Merridion approached them all and said the following: “The Contingent, they are ready for you.” Adrian's heart dropped to the soles of his feet in fear of what lay on the other side of the reveal.


They led them all through the broad, lighted, and elongated hallway adjoining the Concourse. From there, to the heart of the giant dome of the Audience Chamber, a massive construct situated inside of the Inviolable, used for meetings with the Galactic Council. There was an escort in front of them, and behind..
Adrian wasn't the only Earthling left thunderstruck upon entering the incredible resplendency of the Audience Chamber. Ashley and Christopher who were beside him were also craning their heads. Light from some high fixtures fell down upon them in spades. The thing was a towering structure, tinted in white, with various figures from Merridion's past populating its curvatures. In the murals, a host of Merridions (both male and female) were seen guarding over less capable species. Battle bled forth from them, and glory seemed to echo from above.

The Audience Chamber was structurally different than say, an auditorium from Earth. Adrian couldn't help but notice this as they were ushered down the aisles. The stage or the area where the speakers were to be present was situated in the very heart of the chamber, and the seats were arranged circularly about it. The stage itself was also circular, but there was a great recess or opening that reached far to the lower depths, the stage not being present. Adrian wasn't too inclined to get that close and perhaps take a peek, in fact he would have probably experienced something akin to vertigo if he did.

Adrian and his newfound companions were finally seated (Ashley between them) and waited anxiously as others took their places. Christopher had his hands interlocked, looking about uneasily, while Ashley was looking lowly towards the ground.

“I wish,” began Adrian almost to himself, “I wish that¯Lucas was here...” Ashley looked up towards him with a look of knowing.

“Lucas is¯your Merridion friend?”

“Yeah,” replied Adrian. “He's been very much a friend to me, even when I didn't deserve it. I'm sure he could say something right about now that would help to alleviate these feelings.” Ashley placed her hand on Adrian's knee and turned on a smile.

“We're all feeling a little uneasy. But¯I'm sure things will not turn out to be as dire as we think.” Adrian stared at her for the briefest of times, and it seemed as if from his vantage point that they were both drawing courage from one another. It all lasted for a moment in time, after everyone was seated and Christopher mentioned the following:

“ The stage is, rising.” The two turned, and watched anxiously as the sound of humming could be heard in the lower enclosures of the Audience Chamber. Murmuring drifted from the concerned human beings, until finally the stage presented itself, and standing on it were several Merridion dignitaries, all dressed in perceived imposing dress, high collared, with many badges and medals hanging about them. One of these dignitaries was none other than the one who welcomed Adrian to the Inviolable, Armanas Delforia Jaltai. Perhaps, Adrian pondered, the others were Lucas (or Lucalan's) parents? He had said that his parents were diplomats, so it was certainly possible. They all had what looked like the alien equivalent of mini microphone speakers projecting forth from their ears, presumably allowing for them to speak over the broad expanse of the Audience Chamber.

The female began asking the Earthlings if she could have their attention, and they gave it. The silence stretched on for a brief amount of time until finally one of the diplomats began presenting himself and the others to the anxious audience.

“We Welcome you all, Earthlings. I am called Ser Arfalla Di Hanistallan III. Beside me is Sai Nalora Kai Hanistallan, my beautiful wife, and Ser Armanas Delforia Jaltai. We are the heads of the Contingent, an order established over a millennia ago to bring lasting peace to Merridion and her satellite planets.

“This great area here, called the Audience Chamber, normally serves as host to most auspicious engagements, or diplomatic entanglements that the Galactic Council may face, and I fear that today we face a most pressing engagement.” An instance of murmuring returned as fear encapsulated the hearts of the Earthlings. Adrian glanced over towards his two companions and saw what was plain in both of their pairs of eyes: fright. Sai Nalora Kai Hanistallan took over from her husband. Her voice rang loud, brilliantly, and beautifully throughout the Audience Chamber.

“There is, an aggressive alien power who calls themselves the Aelkighted who wish to make your planet more habitable to them, to turn Earth into a satellite power, for strategic intergalactic reasons.” Now the murmuring had reached deafening levels. Adrian--who had hoped against hope that this was not the reason for this great gathering--felt the courage he had amassed with Ashley syphoning out of him.

“Please,” Sai Hanistallan said, “we must be allowed to continue, we do not have much time as is.” Silence enveloped the Chamber. Sai Hanistallan continued. “As was briefly mentioned, there is such an organization as a Galactic Council, composed of numerous species from the galaxy. The Aelkighted, however, are not a part of this council. We have tried, along with other species, to appease them, to try to reason with them. But they very much cannot be appeased.”

“Those on the Galactic Council have been lax in trying to quell the threat of the Aelkighted,” said Ser Arfalla Di Hanistallan III. “We, as Merridions, who recognize the threat they pose, have tried our very best to repel them. We have have been engaged in a war with the Aelkighted because of what they have done to a developing world called Telkwinira, but alas, our best efforts have not been enough.” Adrian lowered his head, and wondered at the benevolence of Merrdion and Merridions.

Silence encapsulated the Chamber once more, but there could still be heard here and there mutterings. Ser Armanas Delforia Jaltai continued.

“We have gathered all of you here together as you will serve to warn the governments on Earth. Even though we have been watching humanity for many decades now, we felt it sensible and prudent that we use those who were close to us to communicate the dire circumstances to the governments of Earth. We must now evacuate Castillia, as the Aelkighted have discovered the location of our home world and the seat of the Contingent. What this great Inviolable represents will live still, on one of our undiscovered satellite planets. That is all. Merridions will now escort you to the ship port, where you will meet up with your Merridion contacts. We cannot mislead you and say that what is coming will be insignificant, the fate of your world, and indeed even our own way of life, lay in the balance. We will, however, fight to uphold those values that we have so ardently supported for over a millennia, and we will protect you, at all costs.” With that, the stage began to descend and Merridions hustled about in the aisleways, leading the Earthlings to the ship port.

An alert system blared and rang sonorously throughout the path that the Merridions were leading the human beings through, and the Inviolable. Adrian, Ashley, and Christopher held on to each other's hands (Ashley in between them) so that they wouldn't get separated, as they rushed on amidst the excessive chaos.

When they got to the overwhelmingly large ship port, they found¯as Ser Armanas indicated¯their Merridion contacts stationed at intervals near spacious drop ships. Human beings rushed to meet those Merridions whom they had come to know as brothers and sisters. As Adrian and his newfound companions hustled on and looked about, Adrian noticed Lucas. He was standing near a drop ship.

Ashley and Christopher's also noticed their contacts whom were stationed some ways away. Adrian, looked about longingly, and was hesitant, Lucas approaching him, questioningly.

“What's wrong? Why aren't you coming?”

“I¯want them to come with me. We don't want to be separated, they live in America, like me.”

Lucas considered, and Ashley and Christopher noticed that their Merridion contacts were approaching. Lucas approached the two of them, and they exchanged words. Adrian looked about him, at the faces of his newfound companions, at the mass of human and Merridions now populating the many drop ships. To think that the fate of the human race lies in the seemingly incapable hands of all of us here is a frightening thought. He didn't want to think about what lay ahead, and for sure if he hadn't been able to bond with a few choice individuals, things would be gravely difficult for him. After a time, all three Merridions then came back to the huddled trio.

“We'll all go together,” said Lucas. Adrian, at just that one moment, felt that just maybe, things could work out in Earth and Merridion's favor.

The sextet loaded up into the drop ship, Adrian, Ashley, and Christopher sitting in the back of a craft about as big as a van, while the Merridions populated the control deck. Their craft, along with others, began to hover. Soon, the ships were speeding out of the port and heading for the boundless atmosphere.

Adrian caught glances out of the rear view windows, as colossal structures were lifting themselves off of Castillia, bespotting the sky.

“The whole planet is being, evacuated...” said Christopher almost to himself.

“We have to,” mentioned one of the Merridions in the cockpit area. “What the Aelkighted do to planets when they have them in sight is unspeakable.” And this race of alien super beings was headed for Earth and humanity. Whatever it is I can do to aid my people, I will do it, thought Adrian to himself. Humanity will resist the Aelkighted, and win through, no matter what the cost...




Go to part: 1  2 



Copyright © 2008 Michael Harris
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