The Sword Of Light: The Odyssey Of The Guardians (2)
Willie Travis Jr


Aradeus nods in agreement.


Demon screams are heard,as our three heroes,
hastilly progress,through the woods.Vajiic
and Godon walk ahead,of Aradeus,who is carrying
Alonna.After some time,they emerge from the woods.
And onto a:


Horses graze on a beautiful moonlit meadow.


We shall need transportation.Remain here.

The Elvinian Mage,proceeds onto the meadow.By
way of sorcerey,he brings two beautiful Stallions,
under his will.The two Steeds,approach and stop,
before the Elf.

              (To Aradeus,and Godon)


Aradeus,and Vajiic,climb onto their mounts.Aradeus
sits Alonna,in front of him.While Vajiic,places his,
saddlemate..(Minus the Saddle)Godon,in front.Suddenly,
a winged Demon,in the air,catches sight of our,heroes!
It lets out a great scream,alerting other Demons,of it's



Our heroes tear across,the moonlit meadow,on their
fresh,barebacked,steeds!With a swarm of gigantic,
winged demons,hot on their heels!Night makes it's
transition,to DAWN!Where we find,our heroes,galloping
across a :


The Demons are still,in hot pursuit!The Steeds great,
breast muscles,work Vigorously,as they gallop,harder,
and faster.They are Sleek,and Shiny,from the perspiration,
of galloping,half the night!The Morning sun,is slowly
making,it's glorious ascent into,the Heavens!As our Heroes,
gallop towards,a Canyon trail!leading through Massive
cliff walls!


Maybe we can lose them,in there!

They proceed into the:


The Horses quickly progress,down the Canyon's,
narrow twists,and turns!The Winged Demons,shoot
into the Canyon,hot on their tails!Like Bloodhounds,
from Hell!They gracefully fly around,the rocky bends,
of the canyon!Quickly gaining on our heroes!

As they progress further down,the Canyon,with the
Winged Nightmares on their tails..the trail,becomes
wide enough,for the two horses,to gallop,side by side!
Suddenly Vajiic,steals a glance upward,and spots a
COLOSSAL BOULDER,just hanging by a thread(so to speak)
between,the two massive,cliff walls!


Aradeus keep going!

Aradeus continues on,as the Elf,brings his horse,to
a quick halt!


What?! We're stopping?! What are you doing,you crazy
Elf?! Are you mad?!

Vajiic ignores,the small Gnome's protests,as he focuses
his attention,on the great Boulder above!The Demons are,
fast approaching!Their screams,growing closer,and closer!
Godon looks up,and realizes what Vajiic,is about to do.


Oooh Noo!..You are Mad!!

Suddenly,by way of Sorcerey,the GIGANTIC BOULDER(one that
would make Wiley.E.Coyote cringe)gives way!And begins it's
great descent!Scraping the sides,of the Canyon walls,bring
ing great fragments,of STONE with it!

                  (to the horse)

Gallop my friend!Gallop like you never have before!

With that,the Stallion takes off!Just as the Nightmares,
clear the bend of the Canyon! The Horse gallops,beneath
the Great,descending boulder,in just the nick of time!
The Demons however,are not so lucky!Many are crushed,on
impact,by the great Boulder!Others are badly wounded,
or killed,from the falling Debris!

Vajiic and his Saddlemate,continue on!Galloping down,
the Canyon,where they rejoin Aradeus!Together they
gallop,out of the Canyon!Now they are fast approaching,
the :


They bring their horses,to a halt!They are at a dead
end!In front of them,the Sea!And on their rear..
a large Black swarm,of Winged,and deadly Demons!
Godon looks toward Vajiic:


What now?!Any ideas?!

Aradeus draws his Sword,as the swarm of Demons,
draw near!


Morrabus lights atop of the cliff wall.Watching
as his Demon Minions,are about to overtake,the


Pitiful little Guardians.What will you do now?
The sea at your front..Demons on your rear.
Where will you go? I'm afraid..that your ends
are quite near.

Our heroes are about,to make their,last stand!When
suddenly,to their surprise,(and to Morrabus surprise)
a Gigantic EMERALD PYRAMID-LIKE,vessel appears,
directly above,the four Guardians!

The Demons are startled,by the sudden appearance,of
the strange,transparent,Emerald Vessel!Suddenly,a
green Light,exits the bottom of the floating Vessel,
and envelopes,our heroes!Dematerializing all four,
of them,but leaving the Horses,intact!

Morrabus watches,in amazement,as the great Emerald
ship,speeds away!Vanishing over the horizon!


The four companions,rematerialize inside a room,
made of Emerald.The wall before them,slides up..
revealing a tall,slender woman.Dressed in long
flowing garments.But she has an,odd feature:
Where there should be two eyes,there is only
one!Centered in the middle,of her forehead!



She is soon joined,by two more women,dressed in
similar garb.A Emerald Slab,floats between,the
two of them.They lift Alonna,from Aradeus arm's
and places her,atop the Slab.


Have no fear.She shall come,to no harm.
We shall,heal your injured companion.Now
if you three,will accompany me,please.

Aradeus,Vajiic,and Godon,follow the strange
woman,down the Emerald corridor,leaving Alonna
in the care of the other two women.The three
Guardians,follow the tall woman,into a large:


Where they find,more One-eyed-individuals,seated
before a great Emerald console.Lined with various
geometric shapes!The walls of the Chamber,appear to
be transparent.Providing an excellent view,of the
outside world!Behind the beings,seated before the
consoles,sits a man in a Crystal chair,on a raised
pedestal.Who keeps everything under a watchful eye.

The woman bows,and speaks something,in their strange,
native tongue.The man in the chair(who is obviously,the
Commander)turns to face the woman,and the three guest.


I am Ovo,commander of this Triangularium.You four are
lucky,that we happend to be in this,area.


We are grateful,and are forever in your debt.
However,i have never encountered,your kind


We are children of the prism.We are called,
Theopians.It is an honor to meet you.Welcome aboard.


The glorious morning sun,rises over the,great city,
of Oleddon.Where we find King Lightaxe,and Tormellon,
who are dressed in armor,standing atop the Defense
walls.Alongside the Knights of Oleddon.Watching as
Gigantic,Demons rampage across,the lush hills,towards
the city!While thousands of Vothinian troops,march behind

Angle on the Battlefield:

The Vothinian fieldmarshals,shout commands,which
brings the leathery skinned,demons to a halt!
The marching Vothinians behind,also come to a
halt.They stand in perfect formation,on the
Battlefield,as their Cannon masters,level the
Cannonbarrels,towards the Walls of Oleddon!

King Hiss,mounted on his great black steed,
strides atop the hill.Behind his Grand Army.
The Troops stand awaiting,the order to
attack,from their King.Who sets quietly..
surveying his troops,from beneath his helm.
As the wind plays through,his great cape.


The Knights atop the Walls,watch as King
Hiss,gives the Signal to attack.The ground
trembles,as Gigantic Demons,and Vothinian
soldiers,rush towards the Defense walls!


And so..the Battle for Oleddon,begins!


A great Emerald city,sits sprawled across a snow
covered steppe.It's great gleaming,Emerald towers,
spann into the air,at fantastic heights.


Ovo,Aradeus,and Vajiic,stand before a beautiful,
Theopian woman.Who is seated on an Emerald Throne,
between two helmed guards,armed with Crystal Staves.
A fantastic view of the surrounding city,can be seen
through the great,wrap around windows,of the Throne

                     THEOPIAN WOMAN

Well..that is quite a tale human.But why should this,
Demonlord,concern us?


Forgive me,Empress.But this current plight,concerns
all.Erubus hordes will not,only affect our realms,but
yours as well!If we fail to unite,as before..the
forces of darkness,shall sweep across the world,like
an ocean tide!There will be,no one left,to stop them!


The Demonlord,is of no concern to us.We are Theopians.
Our grand kingdom,has survived for centuries.Long before
any of your realms,were ever concieved.We have withstood,
many hardships,in the past..and we shall withstand the

Vajiic strides forward,and bows.


Surely,your highness,you cannot believe that your
people,can stand alone against,the Demonlord?


I have heard enough!This conversation is at end!

The Empress rises from,her Throne.And proceeds
towards the doors,with her two loyal guards,on
her flanks.Her long dark robes,trail behind as
she walks.Before reaching the exit,she turns and
addresses,Aradeus and Vajiic:


For the meantime,you are welcomed guest of Theopia.
By morning,your friend should be healed.We shall
aid you,on your quest.But that,shall be all.

The two Guardians bow.The Empress,and her two guards
exit.Leaving Ovo,Aradeus,and Vajiic,alone in the room.


I do not believe,your Empress fully understands,the
gravity of this situation.


Give her time.Empress Jadestar,is young and very
proud.She will understand in time.


Let us hope,that she learns,before it is too late.


Alonna who is still uncounscious,lays on a Crystal
slab.As a Theopian woman,passes a glowing Crystal,
over her wound.Godon stands beside the bed,as the
woman finishes up.


Will she be alright?

                        THEOPIAN NURSE

She will be fine,little one.She just needs to rest.

The nurse turns,and exits the room.Leaving the
two alone.Godon walks over to the grand windows.
And stares out at the well lit,towering Emerald
structures,of the city's skyline.

Fade to black

Fade in:


The sun's morning rays,beam down on the grand city,
of Theopia.Causing it's many towering structures,to
sparkle beneath it's radiance!


Sunlight penetrates through the grand windows,of
the infirmary chamber,and onto Alonna's bed.
Warming her face.Alonna opens her eye's,and sets
up on the bed.

Her P.O.V.-Her vision is blurry.She spots a small
figure,sitting in the chair beside the window.


Godon?Godon is that you?

Godon awakes!


Alonna!You're awake!

The small Gnome,rushes out of the room,and into


Where he see's Vajiic,and Aradeus approaching.


She's awake!The Princess is awake!

Aradeus and Vajiic,rush into the:


Where they find Alonna,standing up.Intaking
her surroundings.Godon runs up to her,and
hugs her tightly,around the thigh!


I missed you too,Godon.


It is good to see you well,Alonna.


Likewise.How long have i been out?


The sun has risen,and set twice,since you saw
it last.


Two days?!Where am i?


Theopia.Welcome back,old friend!


Aradeus,Alonna,Vajiic,and Godon,stand before
Empress Jadestar,in the glorious,sunlight
drenched Throneroom.Four tall,slender Theopian
males,attired in long robes,enter the room.They
each carry,a shirt of Chain mail.

                   EMPRESS JADESTAR

As i said,we shall aid you,on your quest.But
no more.

The four male Theopians,stop before the Guardians.
And present to them,their new,Diamond embedded,
chain mails!

                    EMPRESS JADESTAR

Accept these,as gifts of Theopia.This new armor
shall conceal you,from the sight,of thy enemies.
We shall also,provide you with,fresh transportation.
Go now.May your quest,prove successful.Farewell


The four Guardians,attired in their new armor,
gallop across the snow covered steppe,on fresh
steeds!Leaving the Crystal city behind!After
galloping for some length of time,Aradeus brings
his horse,to a halt.He looks back,to take a final
look,at the Emerald Metropolis..when suddenly,the
city disappears,before his very eye's!

Vajiic brings his horse up,beside's Aradeus's


They would have made,great allies.


Indeed,they would have.Come friend.Let's
be off.We have a lot of ground,to cover.

And now,together again,the four Guardians,
Aradeus,Alonna,Vajiic,and Godon,(who shares the
saddle with Alonna)set out,on their trek North,
once more.


Morrabus stands on the snowcovered ground,as
dozens of his Demon Minions:The Nightmares,
soar high above,admidst the clouds.Like great
Vultures.Scanning the ground for any sign of
tracks.Suddenly the Etheral face of Erubus,
appears before the hooded sorcerer!


Morrabus,how goes thy progress?


They escaped our grasp,my lord.But we are tracking
them,as i speak.They were aided by-

Erubus interrupts Morrabus.


ENOUGH!See that thou does not fail me!Remember:
that which i give,i can take away.Go!Find
them!And do not fail this time!


yes my Lord.

Erubus face slowly fades away.With a great flap,
of his wings,Morrabus takes to the sky!Joining
his Demons.Where they hastily speed off,across
the northern sky,vanishing out of sight!


The Vothinian,and Oleddonian cannons,exchange fire,
as Demons and Vothinian soldiers,scale the defense
walls of Oledddon.King Lightaxe,is busy shouting
orders,as the Knights fend off Demons! Attempting to
climb over the walls!

Suddenly,the mighty Sorcerer Tormellon,raises his staff
towards the Heavens.And goes into a deep meditation,atop
the wall.Dark clouds begin to develop over the :


King Hiss,who sits on his mount,overseeing the battle,
from a hilltop,takes notice of the developing dark
clouds overhead!Suddenly fiery Hail,rains down from
the Heavens!Impacting with the cannonballs,which are
stacked beside,the Cannons!The resulting Explosions
are spectacular!Cannons are sent flying violently,
into the air!Coming back down,as twisted fragments
of metal!

The Gigantic Demons,and Vothinian soldiers on the
battlefield,retreat!As the fiery hail,rains down
admidst their ranks!Setting Gigantic Demons,and
Vothinians alike,on fire!With the forces of King
Hiss,retreating,the Defense door,of the Wall,is

Oleddonian Knights,on horses rush out onto the
Battlefield!Their swords gleam in the sunlight,
as they rush through,the ranks of the retreating
Gigantic demons,and Vothinian troops!Hacking and
slicing,as they ride!


Tormellon falls,to one knee.Exhausted from summoning
the Fiery Hailstorm!He sits panting,as King Lightaxe

                    KING LIGHTAXE

Truly.. you are a great Sorcerer,old friend.


I am getting too old,for this.

King Lightaxe chuckles,as he helps the wise old,
Sorcerer,to his feet.The two stand,staring out,over
the Battlefield.Watching from atop the wall,as the
mounted Knights pursue the,remaining Demons across
the green battlefield!

                    KING LIGHTAXE

It appears that victory,is ours.

No sooner than,King Lightaxe completes his sentence,
he and Tormellon,watch as the Mounted Oleddonian
Knights,retreat back towards,the Walls of Oleddon!
As HUNDREDS,of Leathery Winged Demons,shoot up from
behind the Hills,and into the air,like great Bats!
The Demons high pitched screams fill the air,as they
swoop down,picking the retreating Knights,off their

                    KING LIGHTAXE

Maybe i spoke too soon.

The Knights atop the Defense walls,position the
Cannonbarrels skyward.Firing admidst the winged
terrors!While the Oleddonians,are busy defending,
against the arial attackers..below on the:


The Vothinians have positioned more Cannons,on the
Battlefield.Their Barrels,aimed towards the BASE
SECTIONS,of the Defense Walls!The Vothinian
Cannonmaster,gives the order to:FIRE!

The Cannonballs,leave the Barrels,speeding towards
the walls of Oleddon!Tormellon and King Lightaxe,
stand atop the wall,fighting off Demons!When suddenly,
a cannonball crashes into,a section of the wall
beneath their feet!The whole section collaspses!
Taking Tormellon,and the King of Oleddon,along
with it!

Tormellon,and King Lightaxe,along with dozens of
Knights,fall admidst the rubble.Many are killed,
on impact.Luckily,King Lightaxe is unscathed,but
the wise old Wizard,Tormellon..lies admidst the
rubble,very still.The King scrambles over the,
large fragments of stone,to his friend!He checks
Tormellon's pulse:

                   KING LIGHTAXE

I feared i had lost you,old friend.

Suddenly a group of Knights approach.

                   1ST KNIGHT

My Lord,are you injured?!

                   KING LIGHTAXE

No.I am fine.But Tormellon is injured!Get him to a
safer area!And begin moving,the rest,of the injured!


King Hiss orders his forces,to cease hostility.
The winged Demons in the air,along with the
Vothinian troops on the ground,come to a halt!
King Hiss,and his Generals,stride through the
ranks,of their magnificent Army,on their mounts.
Heading towards the Battle Ravaged walls,of

A Vothinian Standard bearer,marches before King
Hiss,waving a white flag!

                    KING LIGHTAXE

They want a truce?

King Hiss and his Generals,stop before the Battle
ravaged walls,of Oleddon.King Lightaxe mounts his
horse,and rides out to meet them.Four Knights
accompany him.The two leaders confront each other.

                    KING HISS

King Lightaxe,why don't you just surrender? Why
continue this pointless fight? Look around you..
the walls of your great city,are breached.Your
forces are crippled.You are surrounded by superior are defeated.

There is a moment of silence,as King Lightaxe
contemplates the matter.He stares across the
lush green Battlefield,at the grand Army amassed
behind King Hiss.He steals a glance skyward,and
spots the Snake king's Winged Demons,circling in
the air above Oleddon,like Carrion fowls.

                    KING HISS

What is your answer?

                    KING LIGHTAXE

The answer is no.We shall never surrender.We shall
not live out the remainder,of our days as slaves.
We shall fight,to the very end.

                     KING HISS

Very well.You have made your decision.But,i shall
be merciful.I shall give you,and your men,time to
think it over.You have until sunrise,to come to
a decision!

With that,the Vothinian King,and his Generals,
turn and gallop away!King Lightaxe does likewise.
As the Vothinian King gallops,one of his Generals
brings his horse,up beside the Snakelord's horse.

                    VOTHINIAN GENERAL

My Lord..why let the Oleddonians live? Why don't
we just destroy them now?

                      KING HISS

To simply kill them,is not enough.To subdue them,
to quell their spirits,shall deal more damage,to
the Oleddonians.With them bound in shackles,will
show the surrounding Realms,that even the mighty,
cannot withstand the might,of Vothinia!


Deep within the pine forest,beneath the light of
the three great Moons,the women of Zarania,lie
asleep,around their campfires.All except Queen
Taramis.Her long dark hair,flowing over her
shoulders,complementing her feminine features.
As she walks through the forest,in her long,
flowing garments,in deep contemplation.

She comes to a stop,at the edge of the forest.
Staring out over the moonlit,hilly landscape.
All is serene,until she spots a burning city!
Far across the hills,as great plumes of smoke,
rise into the starfilled nightsky!

                    QUEEN TARAMIS

By the Goddess!Oleddon!

Suddenly,she hears a twig,snap behind her!

                    QUEEN TARAMIS

Jasiah.Come out.I know you're back there.

Jasiah,a fellow Zaranian woman:With a sturdy
build,blonde hair,and piercing blue eyes,steps
from behind a pine tree.


Forgive my intrusion,your highness.But you walked
off alone.I figured that i should follow.These are
perilous times,my Queen.You never know,who could be

Queen Taramis nods towards Oleddon.

                        QUEEN TARAMIS

Oleddon burns.They are in danger Jasiah.They need


You intend to turn back? Maybe this is not the,best
course of action,my lady!We are not ready,to fight
just yet!We have to return home,rebuild-

Jasiah is interrupted.

                   QUEEN TARAMIS

They risked their lives,to save us!It is only fair,
that we repay,our debt!Wake the warriors,have them
prepare!We shall march,to the Oleddonians aid!


Yes your highness!As you wish.

Jasiah proceeds back into the forest,leaving
Queen Taramis alone.Staring at the burning city.


Our heroes:Aradeus,Vajiic,Alonna,and Godon,sit on
their mounts,in the snowfall!Before a great
glacier laden,Mountain!It's top extending into
the heavens!


Mount Taranthalas..the resting place of the sacred,
Sword of Light.

The four Guardians,proceeds towards the mountain.
As they approach,they see a Village,comprised of
Stone Huts,at the Base of the Mountain.


Smoke rises from the Chimmneys,of the Stone built
huts.As it's inhabitants:A race of Green skinned,
sturdy built people,with great mops of black and
brown hair,go about their daily routines!A small
boy,in the Village catches sight,of the four
strangers,and alerts others.

The Guardian's P.O.V-As they near the Village,a
group of large Green Men,dressed in furs,and
Chainmail,block their paths!They all carry,
Great Swords,and Battle Axes!Our four heroes,
come to a halt,as the largest of the men..
(who is obviously the leader)steps forward.

                    LARGE MAN

Halt!What be you?Friends or Foes?


We come in peace.We have journeyed here,from
Realms afar.We are seekers of the Sword of

                     LARGE MAN

Many have sought it.None have ever

The large green skinned Man,brings his great
Axe blade to rest,on the snow covered ground.

                     LARGE MAN

I am called Toth.Welcome to Valoria.Come,
i shall take you,before the Elder.

They follow the strange green men,through the
village.As they receive scrutinizing stares,
from the Village inhabitants.


What sort of creatures are they?


They are called Ogres.I have read much about them,
during my time as an Apprentice,in the Mage Temple
Guilds.They are a strong,and sturdy race.Basing their
lives,on simple principles...Strength,Honor,and Loyalty.


Are they going to eat us?


I do not recall reading of Ogres,practicing

The Ogre called Toth,leads the four companions,to
a :


Where the Guardians dismount,and proceed in.


Upon entering the stone hut,they find a painfully
thin,Ogre woman,of extremely advanced years.Sitting
on animal skins,before a small fire.She has long,
flowing,white hair,and her forehead,is mottled with
brown age spots.Toth addresses her,in their strange,
native tongue.

She looks up at Toth,and then towards the four Guardians.
She then addresses them in the Common tongue.

                      OLD OGRE WOMAN

I am called,Sha'olath,welcome.You be the seekers of the
Sacred Sword of light?




My eye's do not serve me,as they once did..please
come forward.

Our four heroes step forward.In doing so,their faces
are illuminated by the fire.


Three strong,sturdy warriors,and a small child..


I am not a Child,i am a-

Godon is interrupted by Aradeus.


Godon!Not now.

The old Ogre woman continues:

                     SHA'OLATH are all strong and brave.But only one
of you,may ascend Mount Taranthalas.You must

The cold northern wind,howls outside,as Aradeus,
Alonna,Vajiic,and Godon,stand quietly deciding.
After carefully considering,Vajiic breaks the


The task of locating this sword,was appointed to
Aradeus,by the Ancient,EON.I feel that Aradeus,should
make the ascent.

Alonna,and Godon,agree with Vajiic's assessment.


You are decided?

                      (stepping forward)

Yes.I,Aradeus,Ranger of Vallachia,shall ascend Mount

The elderly Ogress,reaches out,taking Aradeus hands,
into hers.


Good,strong,and steady,hands.You will need them,young
Ranger.For all that wish to attain,the Sacred blade,
must first endure the three trials.The First Trial:
You must ascend the Steps of Crystal Tears,the Second
Trial:You must scale the icy sides,of Mount Taranthalas.
And endure the frigid bone chilling winds,on your way,to
it's apex.And finally..the The Third test..upon reaching
the top,you must prove your worthiness..

She pauses,and stares Aradeus directly in the eyes.


You must do battle,with Kyrrax,the Slayer of men!
Defeat him,and only then,may you obtain the Sacred Sword.


Toth,and the four Guardians,stand in the snowfall.Before
the great steps,of Crystal Tears.Which issue into,the
great Mountain.Two great Monoliths,of winged ancients,armed
with great swords,stand guard on each side,of the entrance.
Aradeus proceeds toward the steps,but is stopped by Toth.


Wait.You must leave your weapons behind.

Aradeus removes his Sword,and Dagger,from his belt,and
hands them to Vajiic.


We shall not abandon you Aradeus.


Take care Aradeus.May the Goddess of Strength,watch
over you.

Toth,Vajiic,Alonna,and Godon,watch as Aradeus proceeds
up the torch lit Hallway,of the Steps of Crystal Tears.


The morning sun rises over,the battle ravaged city.We
find King Lightaxe,atop the city's breached defense
walls,along with his Knights.Their cannons are trained,
on the Vothinian and Demon hordes,which are assembled on
the battlefield below!

King Lightaxe P.O.V.-King Lightaxe stands staring down,
at the massive army,of the Snake king.When he catches
sight of a mounted Vothinian soldier,with a small white
flag,attached to his armor.Galloping through the ranks,
of the Vothinian troops,towards the breached walls of

The Vothinian cavalier brings his horse,to a halt,before
the wall!

                      VOTHINIAN CAVALIER

King Hiss,the Sovereign of Vothinia,sends you his decree:
Surrender or be Destroyed!

                       KING LIGHTAXE

My answer is the same as before:We shall never surrender!

King Lightaxe P.O.V.-He watches the Vothinian messenger
turn,and gallop back to his King.After relaying his
message,King Hiss gives the order to attack.His great
Army,comes to attention at once!Vothinian Field Marshals,
walk through the ranks,shouting commands,as the Vothinian
troops,begin a precision death march,towards the walls,of

The Winged Demons in the air,flight patterns becomes erratic,
as they prepare to swoop down,on the outnumbered Oleddonian
Knights,stationed atop the walls!


King Lightaxe and his Knights,are preparing to make their,
last stand.They train their Cannons,and Crossbows,on the
approaching Vothinian,and Demon hordes,on the ground.As
well as those in the Air.The Oleddonian King,turns and
takes a long,wristful look,at his once beautiful Kingdom,
then back at his Knights.Knowing that they are all doomed.

                   KING LIGHTAXE

Eon..where are you?

As the Oleddonian cannon masters await the order to fire..
suddenly hundreds of Ancients descend from the heavens!
Armed with radiant broadswords!They fly through the ranks
of the marching Vothinain and Demon hordes!Striking them
down,as they speed through!

The Ancient EON,comes to a stop,before King Lightaxe.


Did you think,i had abandoned you,mortal?

                    KING LIGHTAXE

Not for a second!



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Copyright © 2007 Willie Travis Jr
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