Armageddon: The Odyssey Of The Guardians (2)
Willie Travis Jr


The ORCS,DEMONS,and the VOTHINIANS,run alongside,the gigantic
ICE GIANTS,and the SLAVE GIANTS,of the VALEKAI!Whose great
footsteps,shake the earth,with each step!

Suddenly,the phalanxes of the,Armies of light and Dark clash!
The Battle is fierce!It's sword blow against sword blow!The
Dwarves,who are fighting in unison,fend off Demons and
Vothinians,left and right!

While the Elve divisions,rush through dozens,of large Demons
and Giants!Their fine Elven Blades,work vigorously,on their
many opponets!Suddenly,a gigantic slave Giant,charges towards
the Elven leader:King Amrod!It's great spiked mace,speeding
towards the Elf King.

But being an Elve,born with the speed and agility, of his
race,King Amrod quickly outmanuevers,the Giant! After
launching a series of swipes, to the Giants weak spots,he
(the giant)is brought to his knees! Where he is decapitated,
by Amrod's fine blade!

Soon,the armies of the Alliance,have defeated the first wave,
of Erubus armies!But now,they spot new adversaries,gathering
on the battlefield.Which are attired in long black garments!
King Amrod,walks forward,to get a better look.He is joined
by King Lightaxe.

                   KING LIGHTAXE

Amrod,who are they?

                   KING AMROD

Shadows from the past.Our evil brethren,the Valekai!Evil
that should have,been vanquished long ago.Have you ever,
wondered why none return,from Dagorrah? They are the


Erubus stands over a great viewpool,observing the events
outside!The Demonlord,waves his great clawed hand,over the
Viewpool!Suddenly an image of the:TEMPLE OF OROLON,appears
within the pool's blackwaters!




Suddenly in the skies,over the Ancient Temple,three huge
Portals appear! The large winged Demons,swarming about the
Temple,begin entering the portals,by the thousands! While
thousands more, exit the Temple!Following their brethren,
into the Portals!And behind them,follows Erubus great
black Dragon!


The three Guardians,along with Toth,and his armies,slowly
ride through the,ruins of Arabul.Alonna stares at,the
slain civilians,lying amidst the rubble.A teardrop,rolls
down her cheek,as she looks,at the senseless loss of life.


Those responsible for this,must be made to answer.

Suddenly beyond,the city ruins,she hears the sound of
marching!Alonna,Vajiic,Toth,and Godon,run to the edge
of the ruined city,towards the marching sound!Upon
reaching the crumbled defense walls,of Arabul,they
spot an army of dark,robed soldiers,marching towards
the Armies of the Alliance!

form over the Battlefield!Thousands,of huge winged Demons,
shoot out of the Portals,like bats,issuing from a cave!
Suddenly,a huge BLACK SPIKEBACKED DRAGON,emerges from
one of the Portals!

It lets out an earsplitting scream,proclaiming it's


Princess Alonna,kneels before Godon.Who is clearly
terrified,by the horrendous sights.


Godon,if we do not survive this,i want you to run,as
fast and far,as you can.Do you understand,Godon?

Tears run from,Godon's eyes.


Don't talk like that,Alonna!


This is war,Godon.It claims lives.This is it's price.
Now you,stay up here.Try to keep,yourself concealed.
I need you,to be strong,for me.Can you do that?

Godon cracks a smile,through his tears,and nods:yes.
After a warm embrace,Alonna mounts her Horse.Godon
moves away,towards the crumbled Defense walls.

Alonna looks towards,Vajiic,Toth,and the rest of the
Ogres behind:Alonna pulls her Sword,from her Sheath!
Raising it up high,as she lets out,a great battle
cry!Suddenly,she,and the entire army of mounted Ogres,
gallop down the steep incline of sand,towards the flanks,
of the Marching Valekai!

Suddenly across the Battlefield,King Lightaxe,Tormellon,
and the rest,of the Soldiers,of the Alliance catch sight,
of the massive army,galloping onto the battlefield!

                   KING LIGHTAXE

Who are they? Friends or foes?

Suddenly,Queen Taramis,recognizes,their mounted

                   QUEEN TARAMIS

By the Goddess!It's Alonna!And she's brought allies!

No sooner then the Queen,finishes her statement,the
great black Dragon,speeds towards the Oleddonian
Cannonmasters,positioned behind the ranks of the,
allied armies! A great jet of Flame,leaves it's
Maw,and completely incinerates,the Cannons!Which
Elven Archers,focus their attention,on the attacking
winged Demons above!While the other divisions,rush
towards the Valekai!The combined armies,of the
Alliance,and the Valekai,fight!

Alonna,Vajiic,and the Ogres,cut down Demons,and Valekai
Troops indiscriminately!Alonna fights her way,through
Erubus hordes,to her fellow Zaranians,where she finds
her Mother,in the heat of battle!

Dressed in full Armor,working her Sword and Shield,
with equal skill! Blocking,stabbing,and swiping!
Laying down,or severly injuring,each attacker,with
each blow!Suddenly,a Large Demon,rushes towards,
Queen taramis!Who is locked in combat,with a Valekai

Alonna fits an Arrow,on her bow,and sends the Arrow,
speeding into Demon's,vital organs!Freezing the Demon,
in his tracks!It falls to the sand,deader then a door
knob! After defeating,the Valekai soldier,Queen
Taramis turns,to find her Daughter,standing before

                    QUEEN TARAMIS

Alonna!The Goddess,has answered my prayer!She has
sent,my daughter back,to me,on her swift wings!


Mother!I thought,you were dead!

The two quiuckly embrace!

                   QUEEN TARAMIS

Our Goddess,Ilutar watched over me.


We'll have to save our,reunion for later,Mother.Right
now,we have a battle to win!

Alonna,and her Mother,Queen Taramis focuses their
attention,back on their surroundings.

                  QUEEN TARAMIS

Alonna,it is an honor,to have you by my side.

Alonna smiles.Now,the two:Alonna,and Queen Taramis,Mother
and Daughter,fight side by side!


The beautiful dark Elfess,and her fellow,robed and hooded
Valekai,stands on the Balcony,overlooking the raging battle
below.A smile crossing her face,as she sees,the outnumbered
forces of the Alliance,being overwhelmed by Erubus Forces!

Suddenly,she shifts her gaze,away from the battlefield,and
focuses on the demon infested sky.Where she spots,strange
flying objects approaching!Which seem,to resemble stars!
As they draw near,they are revealed to be:TRIANGULARIUMS!
Dozens of them!

Upon arriving over the Battlefield,the great Emerald
Ships,begin firing beams,of Energy,amidst the winged
Demons!Felling them like flies!


Empress Jadestar,sits in the command chair,staring at the
massive black fortress,through the demon infested sky!


It's size is extraordinary!

Suddenly,something gigantic,black,and scaly,speeds past
the panoramic windows,of the Triangularium,in a flash!


What was that?!

The Huge scaly,black,creature which sped,by their window,is
revealed to be,the great Black Dragon!Which speeds towards
a Triangularium,blackening it's smooth surface,with a great
jet of flame!Afterward,the Dragon,whips it's great spiky
tail around!Striking and sending the Triangularium,speeding
towards the Battlefield below!

Where it crashes!Sending great fragments,of Crystal,flying
across the desert!


Upon seeing this,the Empress is enraged!

                   EMPRESS JADESTAR

We must bring that abomination of the Heavens down!
Commander Ovo,have all of our ships,concentrate all of
their fire, on that creature!


At once,all of the ships engage,the great black Dragon!
Which is gracefully,evading their attacks,as it flys,
through their formations,with utmost ease.


The Battle is still raging,on the ground.The Forces,
of the Alliance,valiantly fight through Erubus Hordes,
while progressing towards the huge,Fortress!Suddenly,
Tormellon stares at the heavens.The,three great MOONS:
THIRIS,TORRILUS,and PRIMUS are just minutes away,from
complete alignment!


Godon Brownbark,stands beside the crumbled defense wall,of
ARABUL.Watching the battle below,and above,when suddenly a
winged Demon,lands directly in front of him!Bearing it's
razor sharp Canines,in his face! Godon runs towards the
rubble,of the destroyed city!

The Demon sprints,behind,while lurching it's horned head
forward!Trying to snatch up,the small Gnome,with it's
great jaws! Godon runs through the remnants,of a:


With the Demon,right on his tail!Suddenly Godon catches
sight,of a descending stairwell,covered by debris!The
Demon's talons,are just about to reach him,as he leaps
through the debris,and tumbles down the stairwell!

The Demon gets on all fours,and does the amazing:It
squeezes itself,down the narrow stairwell!


Godon emerges from the stairwell,and bolts down,the sand
covered floor,of the hallway! The large winged Demon,
exits the stairwell on all fours!It sniffs the air,and
sprints down,the long hallway,after it's quarry!

Suddenly,the hallway leads Godon,into a large:


Which is filled,with survivors,of the destroyed city!
Before the winded Gnome,can say anything,the Demon burst
into the hall,behind him! Just as it is,about to attack,
an arrow from a guard's crossbow,speeds across the room!
Striking the Demon,in the forehead!It falls to the floor,
deader than a doorknob!

Godon stares back,at the survivors,who are standing
quietly,staring at the small Gnome.

                (to the crowd)


Aradeus emerges from the Temple.There is a strange glow,
surrounding him.His years are more advanced.His hair,and
beard are white.But yet,he looks strong,and formidable.
He appears to have wisdom,exceeding that of the most,
learned scholar.

He walks over to his horse.


You have served me well,dweller of the meadows.But now i
am setting you free.Go,return to your place,of origin.

The horse understands.It rears up,and gallops away.
Aradeus looks towards,the heavens,and notices the ECLIPSE.
The land is covered,in shadow.


Erubus stands in the great black Throneroom.Observing the
raging battle outside,by way of the viewpool.Suddenly,the
images in the pool change.The three great Moons,which are
now in complete alignment,appear,in the pools blackwaters.


It is time.


The Triangulariums,are still fighting the,huge Dragon.
Suddenly,the huge black terror,is brought down,by a beam
of energy,fired from a Triangularium!Which kills it
instantly!The great Dragon,falls to the desert floor,dead!


The Forces of the Alliance,are gaining ground.Tormellon
has made it,atop of the great black ramp,leading to the
great Doors,of the Fortress of Darkness.When suddenly,
the great Doors of the Fortress open!The Demonlord himself:
Erubus,emerges from his dark,sanctuary!He speaks to the
armies,gathered on the Battlefield,with a voice,fit for a

Bringing the fighting,on the ground,and in the air,to
a complete stop!


Behold!The hour of my ascension is at hand!


Not,if i can help it.

Tormellon,the mighty old Sorcerer,forms a large ball,of
fiery red magic,in his hands.He sends it,speeding towards
the gigantic Demonlord! With a wave,of Erubus hand,the
speeding ball of hot magic,is extinguished!The Demon
lord lifts his finger,placing Tormellon in a state of
paralysis!While levitating him,off of the ramp.

Tormellon struggles to free himself,but to no avail!A
BALL OF BLUE FLAME,leaves Erubus Mouth,and totally
incinerates Tormellon!Leaving only fragments,of his
burnt robes behind!At that moment,upon seeing his long
time friend,Tormellon:burnt to nothingness,he gives out
a great cry!

                   KING LIGHTAXE


Suddenly,Queen Taramis,steps out from amidst her
warriors!Fits an arrow,on her bow!And sends it speeding,
towards Erubus!But,before it reaches it's target,it burns
to nothingness!Suddenly,a Valekai Archer,aims,and fires!

His arrow strikes Queen Taramis!Mortally wounding her!
She falls to her knees.The Arrow shaft,protruding from
her abdomen!

Princess Alonna Zonn,sends two arrows,speeding towards
the Evil Elve archer!The arrows strike,his vital organs!
Putting him down,permanently!afterward,she runs to her
dying mother.Who is surrounded,by her loyal Zaranian
warriors.Who stand encircled,around her!Their swords,and
spears,held at the ready!


No can't die.You can't leave me..don't-

The queen places,her bloodstained hand,on Alonna's

                  QUEEN TARAMIS

The Goddess summons me,Alonna.I have lived a full life.
You must be strong.You must lead,our people now.My time
is over..

The Queen grimaces,in pain.Alonna and her fellow,Zaranians
lowers her,to the ground.Trying to comfort her,during her
last moments.

Queen Taramis smiles,through the pain.She reaches out to,
her Daughter.The two embrace.

                   QUEEN TARAMIS

It was an honor,to have fought,beside battle.


Oh Mother-

Queen Taramis takes,her last breath.Her eye's wide open.
Staring at infiniti.Jasiah places her hand,on Alonna's


Alonna...she's dead.

Alonna,lets out a great cry,of anguish.And cradles her
dead mother.

ANGLE ON:TRIANGULARIUM:Suddenly a Triangularium,moves in
closer,to the Fortress,and fires a hot beam of Energy,
towards Erubus!Everyone on the ground,watches in
anticipation!Knowing that Erubus fate is near!But
they are wrong!

The Demonlord absorbs,the Energy,like a sponge!Suddenly
he raises,his great clawed hand!By way of his dark powers,
he pulls,the great Emerald Vessel,out of the sky!And sends
it,speeding towards the battlefield!

The combatants on the battlefield,rush out of the great
ship's path,as it crashes to the desert!Erubus slowly closes
his great fist.Causing the Triangularium,to implode!


The Demonlord lets out a thunderous laugh,as he waves his,
great clawed hands,over the Fortress ramp!Suddenly,a large
black ORB,mounted on black stone,rises from the ramp,before
the Demonlord.Hot red Energy,swirls around inside,of it.

The Earth,begins to shake violently!Knocking soldiers,on
both sides,off their feet!Suddenly,a beam of hot,red
energy,leaves the Orb!And extends,into the dark Heavens
above! Speeding towards the three aligned Moons!

The beam of energy,can be seen as far away as,the
neighboring realms.In:


People stand staring,at the great beam of red light,extending
towards the moons!

The same scene is being,played out,all across Elonia.In the
Forest Realm,of -


Snowbark Greenstem,his fellow Elders,along with the,citizens
of Haldorath,stand staring at the,great beam of red Energy,
extending into the heavens!

And in-


Survivors of the conquered city,of Carabul,have taken
refuge,in the caves of a mountain! They stand at the Cave
entrance,staring at the great beam,of red Energy,extending
into the heavens,as well.Yashiva,the Sultan of Carabul:An
elderly,bearded Gentleman,,slowly moves through,the crowd.
Staring at the strange beam,of light.

While thousands of miles away,aboard,the:


Stands Jacksillus Arixxus!Standing on the maindeck,of
his ship.Staring at the red beam,of Energy,extending into
the dark heavens!


The strange beam of red energy,leaves the planet's
atmosphere,and races through the blackness,of Space!
Heading directly for,the:

The red beam of Energy,makes contact with,the first moon's
surface.After enveloping,the entire first moon,in a strange
red light,it quicly spreads,to the other two moons!After
ward,locking them in place!


Suddenly,hundreds of Radiant,winged,Ancients,appear in the
dark heavens above!The Armies on the battlefield,stare in

Erubus,speaks to the Ancients,with that god like voice of


Brothers! You have come to witness,my ascension!Soon the
Gates of ASRAELYN,shall welcome their new lord!

The Demonlord lets out a monstrous laugh,that echoes
across the Desert!Alonna is still holding,her slain
mother,Queen Taramis,as she stares up,at the heavens,
in vain.


By the goddess!Is there,no one,that can stop him?

At that very moment,a ball of Energy,speeds across the
Battlefield!And destroys the large black orb!It explodes
into a million pieces!Extinguishing the beam of Red
Energy!Erubus looks towards,the Moons,and realizes that,
they are moving,out of alignment!Erubus roars in anger!


Who dares oppose me?!

Everyone,present on the battlefield,turns towards the
direction,where the blast of Magic,came from!Only to
see,a radiant being,standing atop,of a sand dune!Behind
the armies of the alliance!

                    KING BANEHAMMER

Who is it? Is it an Ancient?

The Radiant being,is revealed to be a man!As he advances
towards,the Armies of the alliance!The lines of soldiers
part,as he slowly,walks through their ranks.Heading for
the awaiting Demonlord.Suddenly,he is approached by,Alonna
and Vajiic!


Aradeus,is it you? You look different.You have aged.

A smile appears on Aradeus bearded face,as ribbons of
energy plays around,his armor.


Yes,my friends.I am the man,that you knew,as Aradeus.And i
am more.Much more.

Aradeus continues towards,the huge Black Fortress.Leaving
his two companions,staring in amazement!Along with everyone
else,as he proceeds towards,the awaiting Demonlord.


Come to me foolish Mortal.Reveal thyself!

Aradeus proceeds onto,the great black ramp.Standing
before Erubus!The Lord of Darkness,himself!


I am Aradeus!Champion of the light,and Weilder of the
Sacred Sword! I shall bring Your reign,over this world,
to an end!

Upon hearing Aradeus statement,Erubus lets out a great
laugh,that reverberates across,the desert Battlefield.


Do you think yourself,my equal pathetic mortal?! I
AM A GOD!I witnessed the creation,of this world!And
i shall witness,it's destruction.For i am the one,
that shall bring it about.


There is only one god,Erubus.And that,is not you.

Aradeus brings the radiant blade,from it's sheath!


All,that stand before me...shall perish!

Suddenly,Hellish clouds,begin to form,around Erubus feet!
The Clouds,begin to rise!Encircling his lower section!
Leaving only,his head and torso visible!As he rises into
the air!

Erubus,and Aradeus are now,in sharp contrast,to each other.
Aradeus glows like a star,of the Heavens!While Erubus,has
become a thing,of clouds,blacker than night!

The two fight!The armies,on the Battlefield,watch!The
Ancients watch also.King Lightaxe,stands amidst,his
knights.Watching the battle!He speaks,to a young knight,
standing beside him.

                      KING LIGHTAXE

Remember this day boy!We are witnessing,the great battle
of our time!One that shall decide,the fate of our two
Realms!Asraelyn,and the mortal realm,of Elonia!

Suddenly,the black clouds,emanating from the DemonLord,
completely engulf Aradeus!Obscuring the two,combatants,
from our sight! ARADEUS P.O.V-Inside the clouds,the two
are locked in fierce combat!

Aradeus,slices and swipes,the radiant Blade,at Erubus!
With each lick,Erubus howls in pain!Suddenly,Erubus brings
his great hand across,his body!Striking Aradeus,with a
backhanded blow!Sending him flying,out of the Black Clouds!
Where he falls,to the desert!

The Armies of Light and Darkness,stand watching the
battle,in disbelief!Suddenly,Erubus summons the great
Clouds,close to him.Forming a massive Funnel cloud!
Suddenly the huge,black,funnel cloud,writhes about
like,a great snake!And speeds towards,Aradeus!

Aradeus is sucked,into the massive funnel cloud!Where
his body is twisted,and spinned violently!Each twist,
breaking his limbs!While rocks,and sand,and all sorts,
of other debris,spins violently,inside the twister!
Impacting,and mortally wounding him,with each strike!

Suddenly,the Demonlord,great Clawed hand,reaches out,
from within the dark funnel clouds!

Suddenly the funnel clouds cease!Erubus is seen,
levitating over the battlefield!Holding Aradeus broken
body,up high!For all present,to see!The Sword of Light,
falls to the sand!Erubus speaks to the gathered armies!


Behold,your Champion!Behold your Hope!Behold your savior!
Now broken,and defeated.No one can stand against me.For i
am eternal!And my reign,over this world, is forever!

Erubus sends Aradeus body,flying towards the Desert!
It is a grim moment,for the Armies of the Alliance!


It can't end,like this.It just can't.

Erubus slowly brings himself,down to the desert floor!
Standing over Aradeus Body!Suddenly,ribbons of Energy,
begin exiting,and encircling Aradeus corpse!Repairing his
broken and mangled body!The great Demonlord backs away,
in shock!

                    ERUBUS this cannot be!By what power is this possible?
Wait!I sense a presence,within him.One i have not felt,
for over a thousand years!But,this cannot be!

Erubus speaks,to the Ancients stationed,in the
air,over the battlefield.


You have broken your oath!You were told,not to interfere
in this!This battle must,be decided by Mortals!


We have kept,our oath Erubus.We are only here,to witness
and to record this event.

Aradeus is completely restored,back to health!He rises
from the Sand.And stands before,the Demonlord!


Your senses do not,fail you Erubus.I joined with,the
Arubrim Cherubs.Slain by you,during the last great
battle,a thousand years ago! They are dead.And are
bound,by no oath!The time has come,to reap what you
have sowed!

Erubus looks towards,the Heavens!



Suddenly,Aradeus wills the sword,out of the sand,with
his mind!The Sword of Light,speeds towards the Demonlord!
It's sharp blade,piercing Erubus,through the abdomen!
Erubus lets out a great cry!As he rears back, in pain!He
falls to his knees,dying.


Darkness,can never,vanquish the light,Erubus.

Murmurs are heard,through the ranks,of the Armies of
Darkness!As they watch their,Great Lord,defeat at the
hands of Aradeus!The Champion of Light!The Demons are
overcome with fear!

Suddenly the HEAVENS PART!A Huge swirling V ORTEX forms,
in the heavens above!High sucking winds,begin pulling,
Demons into it!

Demons try to escape,but to no avail! Thousands of Demons
fly past,the soldiers of the Alliance!As they are being
pulled,into the supermassive VORTEX,in the heavens!Erubus
tears,at the sand,trying to hang on to something!Anything!
But there is nothing!Just as,a thousand years before,he is
the last one,to be pulled in.

After clawing and tearing,at the earth,he is finally,picked
up by the,high sucking winds.He lets out a great cry,as
he speeds,towards the,great VORTEX!

His massive Fortress,is broken apart,by the high sucking
winds!Huge chunks of black Stone,of the Fortress,rises
into the air!Speeding into the great VORTEX!


Erubus and all of his demons,exit the vortex,speeding
towards,massive oceans of churning flames!Where they
all impact with fiery seas!And are burnt,to nothingness!
Huge Flames lurch upward,from the surface,and into the
depths,of space!After claiming their victims!


Aradeus stands upon the sands of the Desert.The
Sword of Light,falls from the heavens,back into
Aradeus hands.The armies of both sides,light and
dark,stand silent on the battlefield.

King Banehammer,of the Dwarves,looks around in all
directions:No sign of the Demons anywhere!Suddenly,
he lets out,a great hearty laugh,as only a Dwarve
can!Suddenly,he is joined in rejoicing,by the rest
of the Alliance!

With their leader,Erubus destroyed,and all of his Demons
gone,the armies of darkness,are in disaray!The Northern
Ice Giants,along with the Orcs,and the Vothinians,retreat
across the desert!Leaving only,the Valekai,and their
remaining Slave Giants,on the battlefield!

Suddenly,EON,of the Ancients,descends.Speaking to


You have done it,Mortal.You have defeated the Lord of
Darkness.You have proven yourselves,worthy to inhabit,
this world.The realm of Asraelyn,smiles down upon you.
Congratulations,and farewell Mortal.May the light,
continue to illuminate your path.

Eon along with his fellow Ancients,ascend into the
heavens.Afterward,Aradeus friends:Alonna,and Vajiic


Aradeus,you defeated Erubus.It's over!It's finally


Yes.Perhaps now,the world,can return to normal.


The Demonlord,and his Minions are no more.Maybe there
will,be a return to normalcy.But i shall not,witness
it with you.

Aradeus directs their attention,skyward.Where they spot
two Ancients,floating silently overhead.


I'm afraid,i cannot remain here.I have joined with them.


Joined with them? What do you mean?


It's a rather long story.We made an agreement.I intend
to keep my end,of the bargain.


Where shall you go,Aradeus?


I do not know.But i have a feeling,that my journey,is
far from over.It has been an honor,and a privelige,to
have called,you friends.

Vajiic bows.


May your journey,be very enlightening.

Alonna moves in closer,to Aradeus.


I don't know,what to say..i guess this is where,we
part ways.We have been,through so much together...

Suddenly,Alonna embraces Aradeus.After a warm embrace,
she steps back,rejoining Vajiic.


Journey well,Aradeus.

Aradeus smiles.Afterward,he looks towards the heavens.
His Boots leave,the sand.He rises into the air.Slowly
progressing towards the,two awaiting Ancients!He looks
down,at Alonna,and Vajiic.


Farewell,my friends.


Godon emerges,from the city ruins,along with dozens
of survivors,of the destroyed city.Suddenly Godon,
looks towards the Heavens,and catches sight,of a radiant
man,ascending upward!Towards two awaiting ancients!



After,joining the two Ancients,they:The two Ancients,
and Aradeus,dissapear into the clouds.


The Armies of the Alliance,remain on the battlefield.
Staring at the Valekai.King Lightaxe,approaches King
Amrod,lord of the Elves.

                   KING LIGHTAXE

What about your corrupted brethren,Amrod?

King Amrod,steps out from among,his Elve divisions,
and addressess the Valekai.

                   KING AMROD

Brethren hear me! The war is over!There is no reason,
to continue fighting.The Lord of Darkness,is no more.
Your cause is lost.Put down your weapons,and join us
in peace.

The Valekai murmur,amongst themselves.Suddenly,a robed
figure,steps out from,amidst them.It removes it's hood,
revealing it to,be a male Elve,of the Valekai.

                   MALE VALEKAI

I am Xel'Tixnor.Our leader is dead.I speak in her place.
Your offer for peace,sounds interesting.But can we trust
you? If we,drop our weapons,what guarantee do we have,that
you will,let us live?

King Amrod commands,all under his command,to lower their
weapons!Everyone does,even those under,the leadership
of the Dwarves,Humans,and Ogres.

                    KING AMROD

You have my word,as Lord of Elvinia,that no one here,
shall harm you.


And you will,let us return home?

                    KING AMROD

If that is your wish.

Xel'tixnor speaks to his Valekai,in their native tongue.
Afterward,they all drop,their weapons.


We have decided,that we shall return to,our homeland.

                    KING AMROD

Xel'tixnor,can there be peace,between us?

The Coal skinned,green eyed,male Elve stands contemplating
King Amrod's question.


I do not know.That remains to be seen.For now,we shall
return to our homeland.

Xel'tixnor turns his back,on King Amrod,about to follow
his soldiers,across the Desert.Suddenly he stops,and looks
back,at King Amrod,and shouts:


You have not,seen the last of us,King Amrod!Until next

Xel,tixnor ends with a smile,and continues on,with
his soldiers.Leaving the Armies of the Alliance,
watching as they,progress across the desert.From
high above the Desert,the Theopians watch from inside


The Empress and Comm.Ovo,stare down at the Armies,
and their leaders,gathered on the desert Battlefield

                    EMPRESS JADESTAR

I belive,that i shall,go down,and meet with them.Come


Yes,my Empress.

Ovo smiles,and follows behind,Empress Jadestar,and her
two loyal guards.


The Gathered Armies stare in awe,as they watch,one of
the huge TRIANGULARIUMS,descend towards them.It stops
so many,feet over the Desert.Suddenly,a thin Emerald
Sphere,descends from a port,beneath the underside of
the Triangularium.

A tall,pale and attractive Woman,in long,flowing dark
garments,stands atop the Sphere.Along with two,Guards
armed with with lightning staves.And another Theopian
stands behind her.The Emerald Sphere,levitates them down,
to the Desert.They step off.And proceed towards the
Armies of the Alliance.

King Amrod,Lightaxe,and the rest of the lords,gather
together.Watching as the Theopians approach.Behind them,
Princess Alonna,watches with Vajiic,and her fellow
Zaranians.Suddenly,JASIAH:A Sturdy built Zaranian woman,
speaks to Alonna.


Princess Alonna,forgive my intrusion.But you represent,
and speak,for Zarania.Now,that our Queen is dead.You
should be out there,with them.

Alonna considers her words:


I suppose you're right.I must take my,mothers place.

Alonna joins the other,Realm Lords.Their P.O.V-
The tall attractive,One,eyed woman,along with her,
two loyal Guards,approach the respective rulers of
each of,the Various realms.She speaks to them:

                   EMPRESS JADESTAR

Greetings..I am Jadestar.Empress of Theopia.For centuries,
my people have been isolationists.It is time,that we break
some,of our old ways,and open relations,with our neighboring
realms.We extend our hand,to you in friendship.Do you accept?

                   KING LIGHTAXE

We accept.

The Armies of the alliance rejoice.Suddenly King
Banehammer cuts in:

                  KING BANEHAMMER

Well,now that the Demonlord is dead...and we're all friends,
we've got celebrating to do!! There's drinking to be HAD!

The Dwarves,and Humans all cheer heartily at that!

                     KING BANEHAMMER



There,is a major celebration,going on in Oleddon!Fire
works light up the starry,nightsky.As the citizens,revel
in the streets.The Dwarves and Humans soldiers,drink and
Dance,merrily with the city's inhabitants!

Even the large Ogres dance!A bit clumsily,but they are
not ashamed! For they continue dancing,to the flutists
band's tunes.The Theopians,and the Elves,are more reserved,
then the Dwarves,Ogres,and Humans.But they enjoy the,
festivities nevertheless.In their own way.


A Body wrapped in cloth,lays atop of a burial platform,
constructed of logs.Suddenly a Torch,comes into view.
Setting the Wooden platform ablaze!Alonna moves away,
torch in hand.

Watching as a strong wind gust,plays through the flames,
which are engulfing,the platform.Tears stream from her
eyes,as it burns to oblivion.

The King of Oleddon,along with the other Monarchs,are
also present at the Queen's cremation.Along with Vajiic
El Hajiic,and Godon brownbark.The Zaranians,silently
grieve,with their soon-to-be-Queen:Alonna Zonn.



Alonna is being,fitted and having her,wardrobe placed
on her,while she stands,before a mirror.After the two
Tailors are finished,she stares at herself,in the mirror.
She spots a strand,of gray hair,amidst her sea of black.

She turns, towards Jasiah.


Has it been this long? Have i been away,fighting,against
the demonlord,for so long? I have aged,this much?


All the makings,of a wise ruler,my Queen.

Alonna smiles.The two exit the fitting room.


Alonna strides,strides down the aisle,of the Glorious
sunfilled throneroom.Everyone is present:Empress Jadestar,
of the THEOPIANS,Toth,and the other Cheiftians,of the
OGRES,King Amrod of the ELVES,King Banehammer,of
the DWARVES,and King Odono,of HARRALIAH.

Vajiic stands with his,fellow Elve mages.He parts
a smile,as she strides past.Godon of the GNOMES,
is also present.He stands near,the Elves.Alonna stops
before,King Lightaxe.Who stands upon,the steps issuing
from,his Thronechair.He holds a CROWN in his hands.

Alonna goes down,on one knee,before King Lightaxe.

                   KING LIGHTAXE

Alonna Zonn,Princess of Zarania,do you swear,to speak,
act,and defend,with your life,if need be,the Realm of
Zarania?And to succeed your mother,as its rightful ruler?



                   KING LIGHTAXE

Arise,Alonna Zonn,Queen of Zarania!

King Lightaxe,places the crown,upon Alonna head.

                   KING LIGHTAXE

People of Zarania!Behold your new Queen!Alonna Zonn!
Queen of Zarania!

All of the,Zaranian Warrior Women,bow to their queen.
Queen Alonna,addressess her subjects:

                     QUEEN ALONNA

People of Zarania!As your new queen,i shall try,my best,
to fill the void,that my mother,left behind!I shall try,
to be just,and upright,as my mother was.The Goddess,has
placed a new path,before me.But i cannot walk it alone.
I shall need you,my faithful subjects,and friends,to
help me travel down this path.And together,we shall walk,
into a future,brighter than,any before!

The Zaranians,and all others present applaud,at Queen
Alonna's speech.



Queen Alonna,Vajiic El Hajiic,and Godon,stand outside
of the palace,great Doors.Her mounted Entourage,of her
loyal Zaranian guards,await her at the end,of the long
cobblestone walkway.

                    QUEEN ALONNA

Well...Godon,Vajiic,I guess this is where,we say goodbye.


So,the end,has finally come,eh?


So,it would seem.

                    QUEEN ALONNA

So Godon,what will you do now?


I suppose,i shall return to Haldorath.After i see a,
little more of the outside world.

                    QUEEN ALONNA

Well,don't get lost,out there.The surrounding realms,are
quite vast.(to Vajiic) And what of you,my Friend?


I am undecided,as of this moment.I have been pondering,
on whether to return,to Elvinia...or to accept,King
lightaxe offer,on filling the void,vacated by Tormellon.

                    QUEEN ALONNA

Well,i'm sure that you,shall make the wisest decision,in
the end.I guess,i better be underway,.I have a Kingdom,to

She turns and stares at,her entourage,and sighs.

                   QUEEN ALONNA

I just wish,Aradeus were here,to see us.


So do i.



                  QUEEN ALONNA

I have stayed long enough.Farewell.

The Three Embrace,in turn.

                  QUEEN ALONNA

Godon,Vajiic,you are forever ,welcomed guest,in
Zarania.Make sure to visit,sometime.

The Queen of Zarania,strides down the cobblestone
path,to her Zaranian escourts.She Mounts her horse.
After one last look,at her friends,and the Palace,
of Oleddon,she gallops away,with her entourage!



Alonna became a wise,and just queen,of her people.
Revered by many,across various realms.Vajiic became
a close advisor,to King Lightaxe,and Master Mage,
of Oleddon.Who would come,to take many apprentices,
in the years to come.

I never saw Aradeus,again.But a huge statue,of him was
erected in Oleddon.Championing him,as the savior of
Elonia.And as for myself...i eventually returned,to


Haldorath.The magnificent,and vast forest,sets serenely
beneath the light,of the Three great Moons.Suddenly,Godon
head comes into view.


The council of Elders,set on their plush pillows,
conversing among themselves.Suddenly,Godon enters
the room!The Elders are amazed!Stembark rises from
his pillow!


GODON!! Where have you been?!

Godon throws down,his traveling bags,and begins to


The things i've seen,the places i've been!

Godon goes on and on!Telling and gesturing,as the
Elders stare,in amazement.

P.O.V-We slowly move away,from the tree of Elders,while
Godon is still,busy telling,the Elders about all,of
his travels!While other Gnomes:Adults and Children both,
rush to the entranceway,and windows of the Tree of Elders!
Eager to hear about,all of the Gnome's travels!

Inspiring others,with tales of far away places,Dangerous
Creatures,and the thrill,of high adventures!


























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