When Decisions Backfire (2)
Winson Thai


LYNN: Oh yeah, yeah. I was just uh, uh...

JACOB: You were sanitizing your hands.

LYNN: No, I was not.

JACOB (Snickering): You were, nothing wrong with a man trying to be clean and fresh right?

LYNN (Beat, looking embarrassed): Okay, but it's for medical reasons.

JACOB: What? You have SARS or swine flu or trying to impress your sexy doctor?

LYNN (Showing his ring to Jacob): Neither and I am engaged, so I have no feelings toward Doctor Sokolova.

JACOB: Oh right, but you so look retarded with that skyscraper model Bethany.

LYNN: Hey, watch what you say about her, (Beat, watching Jacob grin) but seriously what do you want now?

He puts a folder on the desk. Lynn opens and looks inside.

JACOB: I want you to make me a screenplay.

LYNN: Wait, my crew has already finished the script for our upcoming movie.

JACOB: I know. This is for my project. All of the directions you need to write a good piece are inside the folder.

LYNN: Why aren't you doing this yourself?

JACOB: I'm taking a chick to dinner later. We met at a Queens market last week and realized we had much in common.

Jacob walks toward the door. Lynn gets up and goes to him.

LYNN: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you kidding me? This is not elementary school! I am not doing your work for you!

JACOB: I think you will.

LYNN: No, I am not.

JACOB: I assure you that you will.

LYNN: No, I will not.

JACOB (Beat, looking at Lynn): Do it if you want to avoid trouble.

LYNN: What trouble? You beating me up at the playground near the school at 3 p.m.? Is this really how you got to where you are now forcing others to do your things by threatening them?

JACOB (Beat, nodding and shrugging): Yeah I intend to keep doing that as it works and you will listen to me.

LYNN: Well let me tell you something. You are the most dishonest dude I have ever met and your scare tactics may have worked on me when I was eight, but I'm grown up now. Unlike you, I work hard to come up with new ideas for films. I am not afraid of you.

JACOB (Beat, staring at Lynn): Boo!

Lynn SHRIEKS, jumps, and falls onto the floor by his desk.

JACOB (CONT'D): You're still a wimp. You have until Mrs. Quinlan returns to write that.

He leaves as Lynn holds onto his desk trying to stand up.

LYNN: Damn you Jacob! Whoa weh, whoa!

Lynn slips and falls to the floor with the right side of his abdomen landing first. He holds onto that part and SCREAMS.


Beth sits on the side of a bed in a glittery dress. A jacket and blouse lie next to her. A stereo atop a drawer PLAYS pop music. A camera is on a tripod facing her. On its screen, a dot and REC in red are next to a timer that rises in value.

BETHANY: Okay, here we go!

She gets up, turns to the camera and walks up to it with her hand on her hip. She gets up-close, smiles, and waves about.

BETHANY (CONT'D): I love you guys so much!!

She turns around and walks in the same style. When she gets to the desk by the bed, she looks at the camera, flings her hair with her left hand looking seductive, and blows a kiss.

BETHANY (CONT'D): Let's try this again.

Beth walks to the camera with her hands on her sides. After she gets up-close, she stops, puts her left hand on her left hip, and blows a kiss with her right hand toward the camera.

BETHANY (CONT'D): You guys are the greatest!

She about faces and walks toward the desk. Upon reaching it, she turns her head to the camera with her back facing it and left hand on her buttocks and then turns her body toward it.

BETHANY (CONT'D): All right, one more time.

She goes toward the camera. Halfway between it and the desk, the room's door is kicked open. An angry Felicia enters in a nightgown holding Henri on one hand and Erika by her hand on the other. Beth steps back and looks startled and confused.

FELICIA: Bethany!!!!!

Beth presses buttons on the stereo and camera. They go off.

BETHANY: Felicia?! What makes you think you can just kick my room door open and barge in without asking me first?!

FELICIA: We need to have a little chat!

BETHANY: Not when I'm rehearsing for my next runway performance!! Return later!!

FELICIA (Looking at Henri): It's about your little friend here!

HENRI: Awk Henri is a foxy bird foxy bird.

BETHANY: What did he do now?

FELICIA: He pecked Erika's hand really hard when she fondled his head earlier.

BETHANY: (Bending down to Erika): Ooh, is she okay?

FELICIA: Thankfully, yes, but why didn't you warn anyone that Henri doesn't like to be pat in the head or anything?

BETHANY: I didn't know. I just feed him when he is hungry and give him his books and toys when he is feeling groggy.

FELICIA: That is all you do to for care him? His crappy singing's also annoying.

HENRI: If you want my body and you think I am sexy, come on sugar let me know.

BETHANY: Hey, it is his favorite song, which means he is in a good mood. You do not want to get him angry, do you?

FELICIA: Uh but how long does he sing until? I cannot sleep if he keeps this up.

BETHANY: I have no idea. He'll probably sing until he is sleepy. Wait a sec, why are you going to bed already? It is only a quarter past 9 p.m. Felicia.

FELICIA: I have a 5:00 a.m. forecast to give tomorrow and so do not want to fall asleep on air like I did last year.

HENRI: If you need me, just reach out and touch me, come on baby, tell me so.

BETHANY: Who watches the news at 5:00 a.m.?

FELICIA: People who work early and thus need to know the traffic conditions and weather so that they can decide the best attire and routes for the day. (Looking around the room): Wait, why are you rehearsing here?

BETHANY: I have the room to myself as Lynn's in Greenpoint making his movie set, so I do not have to worry about him wanting to have sex with me. I must perfect this show to get promoted.

FELICIA: Oh that's why you left Henri in the living room with no clue on what is happening with him and not up here, so that you can keep an eye on him?

HENRI: Sits alone waiting for suggestions. He's so nervous avoiding all of the questions. Her lips are dry, her...

BETHANY: Hey, I put a note by his stand that clearly says absolutely no one can touch him without asking me first.

FELICIA: Do you really think Erika can read? I still have problems understanding what she is trying to say damn you.

BETHANY: Um, but a three-year-old should be able to talk and read simple words.

FELICIA: Well, Erika can't do either of that and even if she could, she probably would still want to play with Henri as he's really colorful and she has never met a bird before. You should know kids are attracted to collages of color and have high curiosities. Shirley got so mad with her ripping and drawing on his transit maps, he locked them all in a damn toolbox.

BETHANY: Yeah I know. he has a rather insane obsession with mass transit, losing his mind over just a few old maps.

HENRI: Heart is gently pounding. Don't you know exactly what they're thinking? If you want my body and you think..

FELICIA (Letting go of Erika): Hey, he values those maps like they are gold since that's his hobby. We all have that and just because you are the oldest one living here does not mean you can be an arrogant...

Henri defecates on Felicia's arm. Some of his waste falls to the floor. The women look disgusted. Felicia runs in place.

FELICIA: Oh my god! Henri just pooped on me!

BETHANY: Damn, it is first time he did that.

Beth takes Henri off of Felicia's arm and puts him on top of her stereo. Felicia heads to the bed's right side, using the coat on it to wipe her arm. Beth talks to Henri obliviously.

BETHANY: Uh you need to let us know when you have to use the bathroom or else...

She then notices what Felicia is doing and runs up to her.

BETHANY (CONT'D): Shit what the hell are you doing?!

FELICIA: Hey, it is your bird, so he should poop on your things if he has to!!

Beth holds the jacket up and looks at its stain angrily.

BETHANY: Okay first off, he is not mine. I'm caring for him for my boss until he returns from his honeymoon. Second, do you know this jacket costs $3000 and needs a long handwash to clean?

FELICIA: No, but why would you leave such an extravagant jacket out in the open?

BETHANY: Oh my god, I was going to practice walking on the runway with it right after I was finished with my dress! Do you honestly ruin other people's stuff when you get annoyed Felicia?

FELICIA: Only for fools like you Beth!

BETHANY: (Looking offended): Are you calling me an idiot?!?!

She pushes Felicia, who pushes her back. The women look mad.

FELICIA: No, but you are very irresponsible!

BETHANY: You better watch what you say!!

FELICIA: (Stretching her arms out): Or what, you'll body slam me?!?!

Beth lunges at Felicia. They GRUNT and YELL while scuffling, then Felicia sees Erika bending down looking at the waste on the floor. She puts a hand to it and Felicia looks panicked.

FELICIA (CONT'D): No, no, no Erika! That is not food!

Beth and Felicia let go of each other and the latter runs to Erika, kneels, and lifts her upright. Beth takes out a cloth from a drawer, goes to where the waste is, gets on her hands and knees and wipes it. Erika CRIES. Felicia pats her back.

FELICIA (CONT'D): Shh, baby. Don't worry, you can eat some tiny fruits in our room, okay?

She pats Erika's back and kisses her until she stops crying.

FELICIA (CONT'D): Come on sweetheart, let's go.

Felicia holds Erika's hand and stands. They go to the door. Felicia spanks Beth's buttocks. She YELLS, wiping the floor.

FELICIA (CONT'D): This is not over!

Bethany glares at Felicia, who leaves with Erika and closes the door. Beth stands, goes to the coat on the bed and picks it up. She looks at it, shakes her head in frustration, goes to Henri with the coat and cloth, and points at him angrily.

BETHANY: Thanks to you, I have to spend the night washing this coat instead of preparing for my next performance. You have to start behaving yourself if ya want to see your owner again.

She leaves with the coat and cloth. Henri bends down to peck the stereo buttons until he hits the "PLAY" one. It plays Da Ya Think I'm Sexy as he twists his head and flaps his wings.



Lynn lies on the long couch beneath a small blanket with his head on a pillow. He holds a small plush doll in his arms as he TWITCHES and SHIVERS. Shirley and Felicia then enter from the front door holding hands and happily twirl by the sofas.

FELICIA: On my, I had such a wonderful time riding the subway with you my love.

SHIRLEY: I told you railfanning can be fun.

FELICIA: Especially watching Myrtle Avenue's abandoned upper level, the trackway by Alabama Avenue and parts of the Broadway Ferry's spur. I wonder how these areas were like in the past.

SHIRLEY: We will look at pictures people put online when they were in operation.

FELICIA: Awesome, are there any other areas in the subway you want to show me?

Felicia and Shirley LAUGH and hold each other's waists.

SHIRLEY: Oh of course, but you don't want to ruin the surprise now, do you baby?

FELICIA: Oh not at all cupcake, so why don't we make this great day even better?

She winks at Shirley, who GIGGLES. They liplock as he undoes her shirt's top two buttons showing a part of her white bra. He slips his hands up her skirt and on her buttocks, kissing her upper chest. She MOANS as Lynn turns his head, sees them and CLEARS his throat. They spot him and release each other.

SHIRLEY (Looking surprised): What the?! Lynn?!

LYNN: (Fidgeting and stuttering): Yes, next time before you two kiss, strip and rub each other's bodies, be sure no one else is in the room.

Felicia buttons back her top before holding Shirley's hand.

FELICIA: You didn't go to work today?

LYNN: No, I haven't been feeling well. My head is spinning, stomach hurts and nostrils feel clogged. Could one of you make me a chicken sandwich with cheese, mayonnaise, and the usual?

SHIRLEY: It is odd you're ill for this long.

FELICIA: Oh he is not ill. He is just afraid to go to work, as a childhood bully named Jacob Wilkins is there honey.

SHIRLEY: Oh yes Paola told me all about him. Hmph, "Faggot Ruan," now how come I did not think of it in high school?

FELICIA: Now dear, it is not right to attack people when they feel down even if you don't love them. You have to be very nice if they are to get better and stand up versus the ones who... (Noticing Lynn's doll) Hey is that Erika's favorite doll?!

LYNN: Well guys this is the closest thing that I have to my beloved Krissy!!!

Felicia looks confused and Shirley notices.

SHIRLEY: Krissy was a creepy, bug-eyed doll his family got for his older sister and never wanted to toss away love.

LYNN (Pointing at Shirley angrily): She was cute and fun to play with!!

FELICIA: Well, you're not playing with this!

She lets go of Shirley, goes to LYNN and takes the doll. He MOANS, grabs and holds her skirt as she holds onto his arms.

FELICIA (CONT'D): Hey, let go Lynn! (Slapping Lynn's arms twice) Shirley, please let him hold a few of your subway teddy bears sweetie.

SHIRLEY: What? I'm not letting this brat...

Lynn pulls Felicia's skirt down to her ankles, revealing her white panties. Shirley looks at her in shock. Felicia glares at him before he takes the doll, walks to the dresser by the wall, kneels and opens the lowest drawer to put the doll in.

SHIRLEY (CONT'D): What are your favorite colors Lynn?

LYNN: Um, red and aqua blue.

He holds Felicia's thigh. The two look at Shirley, who sifts through the drawer and sees two toy bears, one aqua blue and the other red. He grabs them, shuts the drawer and goes near Lynn's feet. He tosses the bears at him and they land on his abdomen. Lynn lets go of Felicia, who pulls her skirt up. He plays with the bears, looking confused at the aqua blue one.

LYNN: T train? Wait a second guys, there is no T train in our subway system.

SHIRLEY: The Second Avenue Subway will use T logo with an aqua blue circle Lynn.

LYNN: Oh, I hope it opens soon.

SHIRLEY: Same, but anyway, what will you do? You have not worked for four days.

LYNN: I'm avoiding Jacob as much as I can even if it means having to postpone my next film projects indefinitely.

FELICIA: So you are staying home for as long as he is there? You insane? Beth is upset at having no time to practice for her show as you always want to have sex with her and Paola will be angry to learn she won't be acting.

LYNN: Look, I would rather deal with that than Jacob's persistent harassment.

FELICIA: All right sit up. We really need to talk about this now. Come on, Lynn.

Lynn sits upright wrapped in the blanket and Felicia sits to his left, pats the cushion to her left and looks at Shirley. He sits there while Felicia wraps her right arm around Lynn.

FELICIA (CONT'D): Listen, running from your troubles won't fix them. Jacob isn't leaving that studio anytime soon and you'll lose your job if you don't go back.

LYNN: So what should I do? Fighting won't work as he's much stronger than me.

SHIRLEY: You will never know unless you try. You are stronger than you think and really need to stand up against the enemy. You inspired me to do that.

LYNN (Looking at Shirley): What do you mean?

SHIRLEY: You bullied me for liking trains at Murrow High School for three years.

LYNN: Could you blame me? All you blabbed about about was the subway and your class projects involved it. I even thought about trapping you in that Redbird car at Queens Borough Hall.

SHIRLEY: I'd really like that as the R33 and R36 Mainline cars are my favorite.

Lynn and Felicia look confused at him while he smirks.

SHIRLEY (CONT'D): But anyway, don't you get it, Lynn? I didn't let your mean remarks stop me from liking the rails or work on my dreams of being an MTA employee.

LYNN: Well look at you now. You are about to get your bachelor's degree from Baruch College, but haven't land a job for them, which I dub the worst public service provider ever. With more service cuts and fare hikes on the horizon their new slogan should be, "MTA! Going your opposite way."

Felicia takes her arm off of Lynn and CHUCKLES at Shirley.

FELICIA: He has a point Shirley.

SHIRLEY: Truthfully, I agree, but the point is everyone, including those living here, is picked on in some way. The only way to beat the meanies is to never let them get the best of you.

LYNN: I guess that is true, but everybody has been bullied? You also Felicia?

FELICIA (Looking annoyed): You never thought viewers complain about how I dress while I give the weather? Lots of news reporters and anchors are stalked or hounded with threatening messages by idiots that love or hate them too much. That is why they change stations or cities a lot. Though that has not happened to me, I am prepared for the worst.

SHIRLEY: Felicia's right. Did you think that advertisers pick on Beth for being one of the so few models out there who do not look like stick figures?

Lynn hesitantly looks at Shirley, then shakes his head.

SHIRLEY (CONT'D): They do. Did you think people post mean comments on my YouTube videos as they do not get what railfanning means or poke at Cindy for being a lustful bisexual? Even Paola knows critics will make fun of her acting skills after she begins her career.

LYNN: So are you saying that everyone has somebody that despises him or her?

FELICIA: Exactly, but we do not let them get in our way. You shouldn't let Jacob get in your way either or you will lose all that you got, your fiance, your dignity, your confidence, etc.

LYNN: You know you're right. I should not put up with this. I'm an adult now!

He pulls the blanket off of him, revealing his bright pink pajamas, and stands up as Shirley and Felicia do the same.

FELICIA: Yeah, so suit up and next time you see Jacob, don't give in to his big figure! Teach him a lesson and beat him to a pulp! Come on say it Lynn!

LYNN (Hesitantly, quietly): I... I will beat Jacob to a pulp.

SHIRLEY: No, no, no, say it like this. (Screaming squeakily) I will beat Jacob to a pulp!!!

LYNN: I will beat Jacob to a pulp!!!!

SHIRLEY: That's it! So who you going after?!

LYNN: Jacob Wilkins!!!

Felicia and Shirley take a few steps towards Lynn.

FELICIA: What are you going to do!?!?!?

LYNN: Beat him to a pulp!!!!

SHIRLEY: And what are you going to wear?!

Felicia and Shirley move toward Lynn again, who backs away.

LYNN: Slacks!!! No windbreakers!!! Wait a second guys, does that even matter?

SHIRLEY (Taking the bears from Lynn): Oh no, not at all. I just think you need to get a new sense of fashion.

FELICIA: I agree. I know you support breast cancer awareness, but god, that hot pink looks awful on you. Don't wear that when you whoop Jacob's behind.

She and Shirley leave. Lynn puts his arms across his chest.


Beth sits on a chair by a table reading a magazine. Henri is on his stand on a counter. Cindy, Paola and Erika enter with Cindy holding a pizza box and Paola holding a two-liter soda bottle. Erika then sits on a chair on the table's short end.

CINDY: Wow, it is amazing you are playing a mother in a novice movie Paola!!

PAOLA: I know, but I couldn't have done it if I never watched Felicia and you take care of your lovely daughters.

CINDY: Glad I could help. Hey, do you know if Lynn still needs actors for it?

PAOLA: Um, I don't think so, why?

CINDY: I have so wanted to be in a lesbian type film or see Inna be herself on the huge screen. Lynn told me about the film last year after he learned I was housekeeping for the place he and Beth lived in back then, saying my fetishes for women inspired him.

PAOLA: You should have talked to him about it then, as I think he is done with casting. He did not want to cast me (Pouting her lips) at first as a mom as I'm too young. I see no point of Inna being in it. She cannot speak or understand us. (Noticing Cindy's sad face) Look just go see Lynn when you can. He may work on a compromise Cindy.

CINDY: All right, thank you Paola. (Noticing Beth) Hey, what you reading there Beth?

She and Paola put the pizza box and bottle on the table.

BETHANY (Shaking her head annoyingly): Vogue. Why do all female models in these magazines have to be so thin?

CINDY: They are not always skinny. Editors often edit them out of proportion.

HENRI (Singing off-tune): His heart's beating like a drum, at last he's got this girl home. Relax

BETHANY (Looking at Cindy and Paola): Either way it's a bad influence for young females. They will think they have to be twigs to look beautiful.

CINDY: It�s so pitiful plus size models do not get the attention they deserve.

PAOLA: Yes, but there isn't much we can do about it. I am just happy you don't have to starve yourself to be model material Beth, but hope that actors and dancers do not have to do that.

CINDY: Oh, no, no, people like you should be fine, but wait, you dance Paola?

PAOLA: Yes, in fact, I was part of an all girl dance group in high school and one night we performed a really...

A roaring jet engine NOISE is heard and Paola runs to one of the windows to look up. Beth and Cindy look at her GIGGLING.

BETHANY: As with Lynn's studio, there are no planes usually flying around here.

The sound FADES as Paola goes back to where she was before.

PAOLA: Sorry, but as I was saying my group once did an amazing show at school. I realized then how fun performing arts are and that I wanted to sing, act and dance since I was a child.

BETHANY: No wonder you were so desperate to star in Lynn's latest flick Paola.

CINDY: Can you show us the dance moves you did that night if you remember any?

Paola nods, puts a phone from her skirt pocket on the table, and taps its screen. Beth and Cindy watch her, who backs off a few feet. When the phone PLAYS classical music, Paola does twirls, graceful limb swings and other moves. When the music STOPS she poses, holding her skirt out. Beth and Cindy CLAP.

BETHANY: Wow that was amazing!

Paola bows, smiling. Erika puts a hand toward the pizza box.

HENRI (Singing off-tune): ...baby, now we are all alone. They wake at dawn 'cos all the birds are singing. Two total strangers but...

CINDY: I agree. I would love to see you in a Broadway show or teaching at your own big dance school in the future.

PAOLA: Yes, I am eager to have a personal website about on-stage performance. (Noticing Erika) Hey, you know you are not supposed to eat before the rest of us Erika!

Cindy looks sad while rubbing her stomach.

CINDY: Well we should eat now. I'm getting hungry and the pizza will get cold.

PAOLA: Oh right. You want some pizza Beth?

Beth nods, then Paola and Cindy go toward the cabinets.


Beth, Cindy, Paola and Erika sit at the table and the adults eat a slice of pizza on a plate or drink from a glass cup of soda in front of them. Paola is next to Erika, feeding her a piece of her slice. The box is opened with a half pie in it.

HENRI: Awk Henri is a foxy bird foxy bird.

BETHANY: You know, I am starting to get sick of that parrot. Since the day I met him, all he ever says is, "Henri is a foxy bird, Henri is a foxy bird."

CINDY: I know, not to mention his terrible singing is keeping everybody awake.

BETHANY: Oh my goodness, I hope none of our neighbors will file any complaints.

PAOLA (Going up to Henry): Paola is cool, Paola is cool. Well?

She looks at Henri, then Cindy stands and turns to the two.

CINDY: Let me show how it is done, watch. (To Henri) Cindy is number 1. (Pausing with an upbeat look) Cindy is number 1, eh?

HENRI: Awk Henri is a foxy bird foxy bird.



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Copyright © 2012 Winson Thai
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