Night Clerk (3)
Robin Taylor


       Kline bends at the knees, dropping eye to eye with Jerry.

                 Jerry. Your nails don’t grow. Neither
                 does your hair. It never has, not once
                 in thirty years.
                 Do you remember when I drew your blood
                 a few years back?

       He nods.

                           KLINE (cont’d)
                 Those samples disappeared like they’d
                 never been, right after you left the
                 building. Just clean empty test tubes.
                 There’s never been any proof you
                 exist...until now.

                 What does that mean?

                 I have no idea but I am going to find


       The station wagon chugs to a stop across the street from
       Jerry’s apartment building.


       Pitcher yawns and stretches, and tries to rub the sleep
       from his eye. Harris reaches forward and taps Morse on
       the shoulder. She snaps awake, unsure of her whereabouts
       for a moment, then collects her self.

                 Is this it?

       Pitcher nods and points to the apartment building:

                 Vamp central.


       A red early 90’s civic zips around the corner and
       screechs to a stop in front of the building, across the
       street from the stationwagon. Kerry jumps out of the car
       and slams the door, storming towards a side entrance of
       the building.


       Harris squints at her.

                 That’s his girlfriend.

                 Are you sure?

       Harris hands her a file-folder.

                 See for yourself.

       Morse scans a thin file dominated by an ID photo from the
       call center. Pitcher watches the sun rise higher above
       the horizon.

                 Sun’s full-up, boss.

       Harris nods, silently staring at the building.

                           PITCHER (cont’d)
                 Either he’s in his coffin or he ain’t
                 coming home today.

                 He might have been delayed or
                 ...hey, you guys got a theory why they
                 can’t go out in the daylight?

       Pitcher smiles.

                 Let’s find a motel. Jerry isn’t going
                 anywhere and we all some shut-eye.


       Kline backs into her office, telling her receptionist to
       continue holding calls.

       The room is still as dark as it can be. Bright strips of
       light criss-cross the room as Kline makes to switch on
       the light and stops herself. She drops a large pile of
       papers and reports onto a chair, then crosses the room to
       the closet. She knocks quietly on the door and opens it.


       A dark shape shifts with a loud snore. Kline smiles
       ruefully (its a familiar sound) and closes the door. She
       walks to the desk and snaps on the desk lamp. She sighs
       and sits, and after a moment she reaches for the phone--


                 --HE’S WHERE!?!

       She’s pacing back and forth in the kitchen. She stops,
       her shoulders slumping.

                           KERRY (cont’d)
                 I’m sorry Doctor Kline. I just wish
                 Jerry had to call me himself.
                 I’m glad its nothing serious. Thank
                 you again for letting me know. Please
                 ask him to call me as soon as he can,
                 Thanks again, good-bye.

       She hangs up, then stares at the phone for a moment.
       Tears well up and she begins to sob, covering her mouth
       with both hands, trying to hold it in. She slowly slides
       down the wall, unable to contain herself.


       Pitcher is curled into a fetal position, the covers
       curled around him, breathing softly through his mouth.
       Harris is stretched out on the other single bed, his face
       still tight even though he is asleep. Steam billows out
       from the bathroom’s half-opened door.


       Morse wraps a towel around herself, tucking the end in
       just before her armpit.She rubs the steam off the grimy
       mirror with one hand and stares long and hard at herself,
       studying her tired eyes and the lines forming around her
       mouth. She grimaces slightly and runs a brush through her


       Morse steps out of the bathroom in a grey robe, tieing
       off the sash.
       She pulls a ball of clothes from under one arm and tosses
       it towards her open suitcase in the corner of the room.
       The small suitcase is surrounded by equipment cases, a
       duffel bag and well-worn backpack.

                 Feel better?

                 Dammit! Stop that!

       He smiles, a tight line.

                  You need to get some sleep.

       He sits up.

                           HARRIS (cont’d)
                 Bed’s all yours.

                 S’okay, I’m not tired.

                 Don’t bother with the tough act,
                 Agent, I need you at your best.

       She opens her mouth to argue but stops. She sags slightly
       and then moves towards the bed as he moves away from it.

                 All right. You sure?

                 It’s okay, Morse. Get some rest.

       She pulls down the sheets and slips into the bed,
       fluffing the pillow. She turns on one side, away from
       Harris, hiding that her eyes are wide open.

       She listens, trying to figure out what he is doing.
       Harris watches her for a moment and then, as quietly as
       possible, opens the room’s door and slips out, closing it
       silently behind him. Morse lets her eyes droop closed and
       falls quickly asleep.


       Dark red curtains hang over red-velvet covered walls.

       Francais Bacon paintings hang like dark blotches on each
       wall. A large red-wood desk dominates one corner while a
       full wet-bar stands diagonally across from it. A
       bartender, young, thin, dark hair with dramatically pale
       skin, dries glasses and sets them done on the counter.

       Double doors swing open at the end of the room,
       announcing the entrance of an impossibly beautiful woman.
       Long thick black hair follows her, bouncing off the
       shoulders of her black business suit. She strides towards
       the desk.

                     (to bartender)
                 Ronaldo, a drink!

       He grins and grabs a bottle of vodka, then leans to the
       BAR FRIDGE.

       This is the same woman that killed the victim of Jerry’s
       vision. Her voice is immediately familiar as the one who
       threatened Kerry. She slides into a large leather chair,
       crossing her ankles on the edge of the desk. She leans
       back in the chair, finding a thin cigar and lighting it.
       Ronaldo crosses the room placing her glass on the desk.
       Red liquid shimmers in the light.

                 Thank you darling, that will be all.

       He bows and leaves the room, pulling the doors closed
       behind him. She sips at the drink, leaving red marks at
       the corners of her mouth and closes her eyes, her head
       lolling back in relaxation. There is a quiet shuffle of a
       pair shoes across the carpet. She smiles, eyes still

                           SASHA (cont’d)
                 Henry! Welcome!

       The tall black man tosses a thick file on top of the

                 We have more pressing matters than
                 this man, this ‘Jerry’. This
                 corporation is a garden that requires
                 constant attention from its CEO and
                 she has been distracted of late.

                 All things will wait until I am ready
                 to address them. Nothing is more
                 important than finding him, what does
                 he call himself now? Jerry? Finding
                 Jerry and returning him to my flock.
                 Absence may make the heart grow fonder
                 but 300 years worth is quite enough.
                 Anything else?

        No Magistrix.

       He turns to leave.

                 I have great faith that you can handle
                 things while I am away.

                 Magistrix! I--thank you--

                 However, do not become comfortable, I
                 won’t be gone long.

       He smiles a cold smile, revealing incisors of a slightly
       unnatural length and turns to leave, already plotting.

       Sasha watches him go and then presses a small intercom

                 Henry requires a trip to the box for
                 the duration of my absence.

                           MAN’S VOICE
                     (over intercom)
                     (most respectful)
                 Yes Magistrix...your certain that is

                 Are you questioning me?

                           MAN’S VOICE
                 No Magistrix!

       She then snaps the intercom off. She touches a small
       button under the lip of a the desk and almost immediately
       the Lasher (the latte sipping man from earlier) strides
       into the room.

                           SASHA (cont’d)
                 Oh Lasher! You have done a simply
                 marvelous job and now the time has
                 come. Jerry’s memory must be returning
                 by now and I cannot wait to see his
                 face when I arrive at his doorstep
                 after all these centuries.


                 Go now, and clear my path.

       Eyes gleaming he smiles and quickly leaves. Sasha returns
       to the desk and puffs her cigar, laughing.


       Jerry kicks at the closet door as he sleeps.

       He tosses and turns, deep in the throes of a nightmare,
       worse and more vivid than any that have come before....


       ....a beautiful woman, the victim from his vision, laughs
       as she tugs at his arm, half-dragging him up a dirt

       The street is lit by the full moon and a few sputtering
       torches. (All dialogue is in french with subtitles)

                     (french with subtitles)
                 JEAN! Jean, let us go, my love,you
                 have great things awaiting you at

                 You devil! Calm down. There is no need
                 to hurry. We have as much time as we
                 want, now.

                 If my father were here, you would move
                 more quickly I think.

                 Unfortunately he is more than two
                 towns away and does not know that we
                 have escaped into the night to live in

                 Only until we are wed and then you are
                 mine forever.

                 I am already that cherie.

       She begins to sing dramatically, pulling him closer to
       dance up the street with her. He spins her away and then
       back into his arms, kissing her with the passion of

                     (whispers in her ear)
                 Genevieve. I will love you forever

                 Of course you will! How you could do
                 less when I have given up my life for

                 But I wonder if you are trying to make
                 me feel guilty, cherie?

                 I would dare that and all other things
                 to be your wife. You are my mine now,
                 and I am yours.

       Jean lifts and spins her laughing loudly as she shrieks
       with delight.

       He returns her to her feet, unaware of the presence
       behind him.

       Genevieve screams again, with fear not joy as a demonic
       creature grabs Jean by the back of the neck with one hand
       and effortlessly flings him down the road.


       He lands hard in the mud, near a pile of horse shit with
       a shovel sticking out of it. The breath is knocked out of
       him. The creature hisses. She backs away as the creature
       bares impossibly long fangs and glowing yellow eyes. Its
       nails are talons and they dance threateningly before her.
       Jean struggles to remain conscious. The creatures hisses
       again, frightening Genevieve back again--

       --into the arms of another creature. It snickers as she
       screams and struggles, held fast in the impossibly strong
       arms. It’s fangs draw close to her bare neck, saliva
       dripping onto her flawless skin. The first creature
       cackles as it watches, licking its lips at the meal to
       come. The other being’s fangs dent her skin above the

       --A shattered wooden shaft pierces the first
       vampire’s(duh) chest.

       It screams, clawing at the shaft as Jean tries to dig the
       broken shovel deeper into the vampire as it writhes in
       agony. The other creature throws Genevieve to the ground
       stunning her and moves to attack Jean.

       The wounded vampire screams hideously. Bright blue sparks
       begin to issue from the wound in its chest,flowing out
       over its body to each extremity. Jean watches in horror,

       The vampire begins to flicker and distort like video
       image filled with interference, and spasms wildly. Jean
       clings to the shovel like it was bucking bronco, his feet
       bouncing off the ground. The vampire screechs once and
       arcs like a broken transformer, brilliant blue sparks
       exploding everywhere, knocking Jean to the ground.

       The second vampire roars its outrage over its
       disintegrated brethren and lunges at Jean, who, kneeling,
       valiantly jabs the charred tip of the shovel handle at
       the oncoming creature--


       The vampire freezes, turning to the source of the

       Sasha, dressed in a black leather corset and flowing
       black velvet cape lined with red silk, saunters over to
       the sitting man and the vampire standing over him. She
       smiles seductively, bringing all her ample talents to
       bear, aimed at Jean. After an eyeful and a moment to
       steady himself, Jean blushes and looks away.

       The vampire backs away as she draws near, standing over

                 You are indeed a gentleman, but I
                 wouldn’t dress this way if I did not
                 want to be appreciated.

       She reaches down, a finger to Jean’s chin, urging him to
       look at her. Jean tries to look elsewhere but soon finds
       himself lost in her eyes.

                           MAN’S VOICE
       The moment is broken as they both turn towards it. A tall
       dapper nobleman, Lucien, walks quickly towards them.

                 This one must die.

                 Oh but he’s so pretty. Please, his
                 life? For me?

                 He has slain one of us. Though it was
                 obviously an unintentional, vengeance
                 must be had.

                 It was no accident!

                 Oh but it was. You do not know what we
                 are. Nor do you know how effective
                 that rough spear would be.

                 I know now.

                 ooooooh, the fire in him. I must have
                 him, Lucien, I must.
                     (cozying up to Lucien)
                 You know had bored I get...

       Jean gains his feet and starts looking for Genevieve,
       finding her being held by another vampire, Vladimir.

                 RELEASE HER!

       Her screams are muffled by Vladimir’s hand, one of her
       arms hammerlocked behind her back. Vladimir glares at
       Jean and licks Genevieve’s ear.

                           JERRY/JEAN (cont’d)

       Jean launches himself at the vampire, swinging what’s
       left of the shovel like a bat.

                 HER TO LIVE!

       Jean freezes. Smouldering, he turns to glare at Lucien
       and Sasha.

                 What do you want?

                 I want you my sweet. Give yourself to
                 me and we will release your wench

       Jean is stunned.

                 Very Well, Sasha. You must decide and
                 quickly, hero.

       Genevieve’s muffled screams echo across the road.

       Tears are streaming down her face, her eyes begging Jean
       not to do this, not even for her. Jean bites back tears
       as he meets her eyes.

                           JERRY/JEAN (cont’d)
                 I love you.

       She screams as he nods to Sasha The vampire mistress
       giggles in delight and saunters over to him.

                 An excellent choice, my sweet.

       She runs her index finger across his chest as she circles
       him, impossibly rising as if she was climbing stairs,
       until she is at eye level with him.

       Valdimir removes his hand allowing Genevieve to scream at


       Jean winces at the sound, trying to ignore her as Sasha
       leans in to him.

                 Oh I am going to enjoy this...

       He stares straight ahead as she bares her fangs and
       drives them deep into his neck. Genevieve shrieks and
       Vladimir lets her collapse, sobbing.

       Jean squirms as Sasha drinks from him, blood splashing
       down his shirt. He grows paler and paler, weakening from
       the blood loss.

                 Are you quite done yet?

       She releases Jean with satisfied growl, her mouth
       strangely unmarred by blood. Jean falls to the ground,
       near death, unable to move.

                 Rest my sweet. You made the right
                 choice, though you may not think so
                 now. This is for the best.

       She turns, gesturing to Vladimir, who hauls Genevieve to
       her feet.

                 I could not live with myself if I knew
                 that you would spend the rest of
                 eternity moping. Mourning the loss of
                 your one true love.

       Dazed Genevieve takes moment to realize what’s happening
       before beginning to scream again.

                 No! NO!!!!

       She struggles harder when she sees that Jean is still
       alive. Vladimir holds her still as Lucien wanders over to
       them. He throws a semi-conscious Jean a grin and bares
       his fangs, terrifying Genevieve even more, before biting
       into her.


       Jean screams and weeps as he watches, anger and
       frustration coloring his face. His body begins to shifts
       and change, warping and shimmering in a way similar to
       the death throes of the earlier vampire. Jean screams
       soundlessly as the air is driven from his body. Blue
       sparks crackle and flicker about him as he begins to
       thrash and fight--

       --there is a brilliant flash of light and the sense of
       his body imploding. He seems to become incorporeal, his
       clothing deflating like balloons until they lie empty on
       the ground. Jean is like a phantasm lying atop the
       clothing, his translucent form still dressed in the same
       clothes. As he sits up he quickly becomes less
       transparent until he has returned to ‘normal’.

       Lucien is gorging himself on Genevieve. Blood has pooled
       around their feet and she dangles seemingly lifeless from
       Vladimir’s arms. Sasha watches with delight, oohing and

                 She looks delicious!

       She turns to check on Jean to find him gone.

                           SASHA (cont’d)
                 Where has my darling gone?

       Lucien screams as the charred tip of the shovel handle
       juts out of his chest.

       Jean lifts him easily, his face painted with rage. His
       eyes gleam with madnerss as he holds the sparking figure
       over his head.

                           SASHA (cont’d)
                 LUCIEN!!!! NOOO!!!!

       She hisses, moving to leap into the fray. Vladimir leaps
       at her, stopping her.

                 NOW IS NOT THE TIME. HE IS GONE!


                 HE IS GONE!!!

       She struggles a moment more, then sags against him. They
       turn to flee but inspiration colors her face. Sasha turns
       to some insidious deed..

       Lucien’s death cry rattles across the hills, spooking
       cattle and waking fearful farmers. He shimmers as the
       earlier vampire did but begins to grow brighter as the
       interference arcs over him. In a massive flash of light,
       Lucien explodes but then implodes like a bomb under
       water. Pure energy lights up the area and then, all at
       once, flows into Jean, who collapses into the mud,


       Jean awakens, just as dawn approaches. He shakes his head
       clear, trying to remember the earlier events.


       He spins, looking any sign of the other. He spots muddy
       clothes and moves to them. They are his own but in his
       frenzy he doesn’t recognize them.

       He crosses over to where Lucien died. Small puddles of
       dirty blood are here and there, the dry ground soaking up
       the liquid and forming a dark red-brown crust.
       A few feet away, half-buried in the mud is Genevieve’s



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Copyright © 2001 Robin Taylor
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