Duty Calls (3)
Olurotimi Adeola


Caller: You don’t know me ma, in fact I am calling on behalf of your son Lekan. He was arrested yesterday by a police patrol team.

Bisi’s mum: My God, when will these police people leave my family alone? Please where is he being detained?

Caller: He is at the police station near Palm groove.

Bisi’s mum: Thank you very much.

Caller: You are welcome ma.

Scene 36

At Chike’s burial…
Chike is being bury with full police honour. There is wailing from his family members, friends and colleagues.
Just as his casket is being lower to mother earth, Kola remember an encounter that happened way back in Police Academy, when Chike was listing out his dreams to become a super cop…

Chike: Look Kola, after we are commission as officers, criminals in Nigeria are going to be in serious trouble, because I am going to go all out for them.

Kola: Thank God, you and I share the same zeal. Now I believe the battered image of the Nigeria Police force will be redeem much earlier than the society would have expected.

Chike: I intend becoming a Rambo kind of super cop, you know the type we watch in America films. I will be daring and uncompromising in my duties. Men, criminals go suffer wahala for my hands.

Kola [smiling]: With the fire coming out from your mouth, any criminal that encounters you is surely in deep trouble.
(They both laugh over it)

Scene 37

In the afternoon…
Bisi and her uncle at the police station to bail Lekan.
After a long due process of procedures the uncle is finally given a form to signs for Lekan’s release.

Bisi’s uncle: (After signing the bail form) Officer, can I have him now?

Police Officer: Yes sir. (To a constable) Constable abeg go bring that young man come. (The constable brings Lekan out from the cell and Lekan is then release to his Uncle and sister).

Scene 38

Forty minutes later…
At home, Lekan accuses Kola of being the cause of his arrest.

Lekan [ to his mum and sister]: I am sure Kola is responsible for my arrest.

Bisi: Why do you say that?

Lekan: Can’t you see that the team of police men that arrest me were members of the anti-robbery squad he is heading?

Bisi: But Lekan, I can’t see Kola doing that to you, beside he does not have any reason to do that.

Lekan: There you go again defending him. Why do you feel he is not capable of such evil, after all is he not a member of the police force where no good come out from?

Bisi [in a resigning tone]: Well, I will confront him any time I come across him over your allegation, but I still strongly feel that Kola is not capable of such wickedness.

Scene 39

The next day, in the morning…
Bisi visits Kola in his office.
On entering his office, she goes offensive…

Bisi: Kola what has my brother done to you that you wants him dead?

Kola [shock]: Your brother? What are talking about?

Bisi: Please spare me this pretension. Just tell me what my brother did to you that you want him dead?

Kola [angry]: Bisi, if you are not ready to compose yourself and explain to me what your anger is all about, then you can take your leave. (Pointing to the door)

Bisi: You are asking to walk out of your office?

Kola: That’s exactly what I say, if you are not ready to make sense out of what you are saying.

Bisi: All right then Kola, you shall soon hear from me.
(She then storms out of his office).

Scene 40

One morning, at the police station…
Kola carrying out routine checking of the suspects arrested by his men. He does that every first day of the week, this is to ensure that suspects are not inhumanly treated.

Kola [during one of such visit, he sees a sick suspect]: Sergeant, why did you not take this suspect to the hospital? Can’t you see he is not feeling fine?

Sergeant: Sorry sir, he will be send to the hospital immediately.

Kola [angry]: You better do that.

Scene 41

Some minutes later…
Bisi in her office with Ada; she narrating her earlier encounter with Kola…

Bisi: Ada, I have suffered today. Can you believe Kola practically walked me out of his office?

Ada: Did I hear you well? Did you just say Kola walk you out of his office? But what took you to his office?

Bisi: My dear, Kola ordered the arrest of my brother and I went there to find out from him what my brother did to him, for him to mete out that kind of unjust order for his arrest. But instead of Kola explaining himself as I have expected, he simply orders me out of his office.

Ada: Come on Bisi, do you want me to believe that Kola just order you out of his office, if all you did was what you said? Bisi I know you well enough, and I strongly believe you didn’t give that poor guy a chance to explain himself at all.

Bisi: Ada, you’ve started again with this your defending of Kola.

Ada: I am not defending him, I only know he is not capable of doing what you said, if you didn’t push him to that extreme. Please Bisi allow me to see him, myself, I will confront him with your accusation.

Bisi: If you insist, then is okay with me.

Ada: Then I insist.

Scene 42

One evening, Kola and his men on patrol…
They stop a bus, with five occupants. On ordering them to come out, one of the occupants suddenly open fire. Kola reacts promptly and shot the guy in the right hand.

Kola: (Arresting the men) So you are the undesirable elements tormenting the society? Well the hand of the law has finally caught up with you. (He order his men to move the robbers to the pick up van. And they were all driven the police station).

Scene 43
Gladys visits Segun at home…
She speaking with Segun and telling him of her interest in Kola.
In his living room, Segun offers her a drink…

Segun: So how are you, Gladys?

Gladys: I am fine, and you?

Segun: Am okay.

Gladys: How about your friends, particularly Kola?

Segun: Kola is fine, so are the rest of the guys.

Gladys: You know, I notice Kola was moody the other day we all went relaxing at the beach. I try to find out what was wrong with him but he wouldn’t open up to me.

Segun: You wouldn’t believe this, but that is his nature. He can be naughty with his mood at times, but when he is himself, he is most friendly and loving person to be with.

Gladys: Honestly, I think I like the guy.

Segun: (Smiling) Gladys, we’ve been friends since university days, and I have never known you to make such an affectionate statement on any guy. For you to have said you like Kola, simply means you are in love with him. (More laughter).

Gladys [A bit shy]: Of course I am. Is any thing wrong with that?

Segun: No my dear. I only hope Kola will realise you want him, because I believe you two are perfect match.

Gladys: Well thanks, I will likely see Kola myself before the week runs out.
(They change their conversation to other issues).

Scene 44

The next morning, the commissioner of police call to congratulate Kola on his gallantry and bravery…

The Commissioner: (on the phone) ASP Kola, I just learnt of your successful arrest of a notorious gang. I must confess that you are doing a great job, very soon I intend recommending you to IG.

Kola: Thank you sir.

The Commissioner: Don’t mention. I will also want to see the report of your investigation as it concerns these robbers when you are through.

Kola: That shall be done sir.

The Commissioner: Okay then, goodbye for now.

Kola: Goodbye sir.

Scene 45

In afternoon, in Kola’s office…
Segun talking to Kola about Gladys.

Segun: Kola, do you remember that lady I introduced to you at the beach, the other day?

Kola: Yes I do. Is any the matter with her?

Segun: No, not really. She came to my house yesterday. And from the tone of her voice, I think she is in love with you.

Kola [laughing]: You wouldn’t stop amusing me Segun. How can you tell that a lady is in love with a guy from the tone of her voice?

Segun: Sit down there. I am not surprise you don’t know one can judge a lady’s affections from the tone of her voice, afterall all you’ve been doing all this while is wasting your time and energy on Bisi; a lady who does not deserve you.

Kola [annoy]: Segun, you need to be abusive over my harmless question.

Segun: I am not abusive, I only want you to know that Gladys love you. Just give her a chance, and see if she would not be a better alternative to the nightmarish Bisi.

Kola: Okay O, lets just wait and see how things turn out.

Scene 46

Ada (Bisi’s friend) visits Kola at home…

She meets him at home, he offers her drink and some minutes later they settles for what brings her to his house…

Ada: I know by now you will be wondering what brought me to your house.

Kola [smiling]: Wondering? Why should I be wondering about your visit, are you not my friend? Because your friend and I have not been doing things the right way does not mean you and I are not friends. I believe as a friend, you can visit me anytime.

Ada: Kola, you are just too impossible, especially with the way you twist words to your favour. We are friends I agreed but my purpose of coming here goes beyond a friendly visit. I actually came because my friend Bisi is claiming you are responsible for her brother’s arrest and detention. But I believe strongly that you are not capable of such vengefulness, so I decide to come and hear you out.

Kola: I can’t begin to thank you for such thoughtfulness. You see, Bisi came to my office the other day and I could barely make senses out of what she was saying, so I walked out of my office. (A pause) On the issue of Lekan (Bisi’s brother), I didn’t know he was even arrested until now that you said it. So you can see how greatly surprised I am, that Bisi and her family could accuse me of being responsible. (Long pause) Well if is a crime to love someone with all your heart, I think I have committed that crime; I have suffered so much because of my love for Bisi. Please tell her, she and her family should leave me alone, I don’t deserve more pains from them.

Ada [a bit sober]: Kola don’t talk like this. Some day I believe love will bring Bisi back to you. I strongly believe it will one day happen.

(They change their discussion to other issues)

Scene 47

In the morning…
At the police station…
Some police men admiring the leadership qualities of Kola…

Sergeant [talking to two other police men at the police counter with him]: I really admire ASP Kola, if all of us in the police force can be as committed to our jobs like him, then the sky will surely be the limit to the level of respect society will accord us.

Corporal: True talk oga sergeant, that officer is just too good. I wish im fellow officers go emulate am.

Sergeant: No be only officers suppose emulate am even us too, we suppose follow im foot steps.

Scene 48

One afternoon…
Gladys visits Kola in his office…

Kola: I must admit that I am surprise by your visit.

Gladys [smiling]: I hope that do not imply that I am not welcome?

Kola: Of course not. How could you ever thought I will not be delighted to see you? I was only pleasantly surprise by your visit that was why I made that statement. My dear, you are highly welcome.

Gladys: I am sorry that I misunderstood your statement.

Kola: Is no problem. (A long pause) Why don’t we go to a restaurant in town and have some little refreshment.

Gladys: That’s okay by me.
(They leave for a restaurant in town).

Scene 49

Some minutes later…
They arrive at a restaurant; orders for their meals.
They are about their meals, when Kola notices Bisi staring at him and Gladys from a far corner of the restaurant. Immediately Bisi realises Kola has seen her, she abandon what she is eating and leaves.

Gladys notices Bisi’s strange reaction…
Gladys (to Kola): Do you know that lady?

Kola: Yes, she used to be my friend.

Gladys: Used to be your friend? Then what happen to you two?

Kola: Gladys, please lets eat our food, is no use discussing it. I am trying to forget the memories, I hope you understand.

Gladys (in a resigning tone): I do understand.
(They continue eating their meals, and their conversation changes to other issues)

Scene 50

Minutes later…
Bisi back at her office from the restaurant, where she sees Kola with a female companion.

Bisi [to Ada]: You won’t believe who I saw at the restaurant today?

Ada: And who could that be?

Bisi: Kola of course. And he was not along O. In fact he came in with female companion. Na wa for that bobo; when did we break up that he is already dating another babe? All men are the same, one cannot trust anyone of them with matters of the heart. I can’t believe Kola could just forget all about me so easily.

Ada [shock]: But Bisi, you are the one who says you don’t want the guy, simply because he is a police officer. And now that the poor guy is beginning to get over you, you are complaining. You no want make the bobo continue with im life?

Bisi [annoy]: you can say whatever you like, Ada. I don’t even know why I told you my feelings.

Ada: Abeg I am sorry O. Next time I will keep my big mouth intact.

Bisi [hissing]: Na you sabi.
(She then walk away).

Scene 51

Two days later,
The youngest member of the arrested robbery gang, confessing during interrogation…

Kola: (Addressing the youngest member of the arrested gang) I learnt you want to make your confession?

The arrested armed robber [badly deformed from beating receive from the police]: Yes sir, I am ready to confess and own up to my crimes against the society.

Kola: Okay then you can go ahead.
The arrested armed robber: (A long pause) My life is a story of betrayal, because my parents are never around to give me the kind of parental guide every growing child needs. Some seven years back, I was a normal child living with my parents, my father was a top civil servant while my mum was a very busy and well travel business woman. Because of their tight schedules, they left my younger brother and I in the care of an old nanny and other domestic servants. By the time I was fifteen I was already close to my family gate man, who unfortunately introduce me to the consumption of cannabis. (Now crying) From the consumption of cannabis, I graduated to taking cocaine, which is a very expensive habit. And because I am always short of cash as a result of my habit, I had no choice than to turn to armed robbery. In fact my parents lost their lives when my gang raided my house to rob them of the money and goods my mother brought back from Dubai. I have been involved in so many robberies, my gang and I were actually going for another operation when you and your men intersect us. (Shaking his head) I know, I don’t have a second chance, but my plead to parents is to try and spend enough time with their children, so as to build them up in the fear of God.

Scene 52

A month later, Kola is in the office when he receives a distress call, informing him of an armed robbery operation in one of the banks in the town. He hurriedly jerks into action, instructing his men to go for their firearms in combat readiness and afterward they enter their patrol vehicle. On getting to the scene of the robbery, (Robbers are still operating), Kola discovers, it is the bank where Bisi work. He then instructs his men to surround the entire bank premise. When the Robbers discover that the police are around, some of them made attempt to escape but where gun down by the combat ready policemen. The two robbers that were left inside, after realizing the futility of an escape, decide to take Bisi and one other staff of the bank as their human shield.

Bisi is crying and at the same time screaming for help, saying, “Please leave me alone”. One of the robbers bark at her, telling her to stop screaming or he will blast her head with his riffle.
Kola on the other hand is still outside the bank, dishing instructions to his men. Suddenly, Ada who is able to escape from the inside of the bank through the window of the loo, ran straight to Kola and informs him that Bisi has been taken hostage by the robbers. On hearing this, Kola corks his pistol and enters the bank. He sneaks into the bank through the same window used by Ada. On entering, he peeps through the door keyhole. He sees the robber, who held Bisi firmly, backing the door, while the other robber is looking directly at the door. Kola made a mental calculation, and swung the door open, catching the robber facing the door unaware and shoot at him, but the second robber holding Bisi is so fast, he push Bisi aside and shoot back at Kola, getting him on the chest. Kola musters enough strength to shoot back at the robber before he falls. His bullet hit the robber on the forehead, killing him instantly.
The Policemen outside, on hearing the sound of the sporadic shootings, rush into the bank, only to find the two robbers dead and Kola seriously injured. An ambulance is brought to convey him to the hospital.

Scene 53

On arrival at the hospital, a stretcher is brought and Kola place on it. As the stretcher is being move to the theatre. The following conversation ensued between Kola and Bisi.

Bisi [in tears]: Kola, please don’t give up on me; I am very sorry for all I did.

Kola [in pain]: Bisi, stop crying, I will be okay.

Bisi: Please, Kola, please, don’t leave me, I love you, and can’t imagine life without you.

Kola [answered faintly]: I love you too.
(He enters the theatre and the door is lock).

Scene 54

Some minutes later, Segun comes in and meet Bisi sobbing at the ‘waiting room’ of the hospital.

Segun: Bisi, where is Kola?

Bisi: Oh! Segun, you are here already? He was rushed into the theatre some minutes back.

Segun: My God, I pray nothing happen to Kola.

Bisi: I pray so too, for I can’t imagine life without him.

Segun [shocked on hearing her]: But if you love him this much, why then did you make him miserable.

Bisi [still in tears]: Segun, is a long story, but I will tell you.
(Pause) My family hatred for the police force started a long time ago. You see, the night my father was murdered, I jumped the fence of my house to call the police at a police station very close to my house. On getting there, I met three police officers on duty, and I informed them of the presence of hired assassins in my house. And I begged them to follow me home before the killers kill my father. But the police officers refused, instead they told me they do not have an operational vehicle. So I told them, my house is not far from their station. On hearing this, they told me they do not have enough ammunition, and so cannot risk their lives. (Pause) I left them and ran back home, only to meet the lifeless body of my father. (Pause) Right there, I vowed never to forgive the police.

Segun: But Bisi, Kola had a worst experience with the police than you did. Policemen at a checkpoint murdered his parents, just because his father refused to offer money to them. Kola was barely twelve years old when it happened. In fact, he joined the force to flush out the bad eggs in it. And to help in returning the already battered image of the organization to an enviable and respectable level.
(Bisi continue crying, feeling sorry for all she did to Kola).

Just then the Doctor walks in, he had a pensive look on, and in a shaking voice.

Doctor [to Segun]: Are you a friend to the patient?

Segun: Yes I am.

Doctor: then I will love to see you in my office.
(Bisi believing the worst as happened, scream and take to her heel. Segun calls out to her to no avail).
Scene 55

A week later…
Bisi drop a wreath on her father’s tomb and say this…

Bisi [in tears]: Dad, the guilt of Kola’s death shall be my cross forever. He gave me love in it purest form, but I was too blind to see. I allow an event from my past to influence my feelings towards him. Now, I have lost him – the only person who would have given me the type of fulfillment only true love offers. I am on a crossroad, dad, wishing I can bring back the past, so that I can have Kola around me again. I pray that you both would find eternal peace in the bosom of our creator. (She takes a look at the sky and continues) Even though, you are gone, Kola, in my heart you will forever be alive, for my love for you goes on… {Play the song of Puff Daddy & Faiths Evans}

Just then, she hears a voice from behind…
Segun: Bisi.
(Bisi turns, lo and behold she faces Segun and Kola)

Bisi [shock]: What? Is this a dream?

Kola: No princess, you are not dreaming. This is me, I’m alive.

Bisi: But I thought…

Segun: You thought the worst has happened and ran off.

Bisi [in tears]: (turns to Kola) Is because I couldn’t live with the guilt of your death. Kola, will you ever forgive me, for all the pains I brought to your life?

Kola [holding her hands]: You don’t need to ask me for forgiveness, in fact I should be the one asking for forgiveness on behalf of the entire police force over the unfortunate incident that befell your family.

Bisi: Oh, Kola you are too benevolent. Who will believe you would overlook everything I did to you as simple as you are doing now.

Kola: My dear, when love touches a heart. That heart can never keep malice again anyone. You and I are victims of circumstance, but love has given us another chance to make up for the bitter past in our lives, we cannot afford to waste this opportunity.

Bisi [looking at Segun]: But Segun, for two whole weeks, you make me live with the impression that Kola is dead. Do you really know how much pain, you made me go through because I thought he is dead?

Segun [on the defensive]: I’m sorry, but you see the doctor believe Kola had a slim chance of survival, so to play safe, I kept his condition from everyone, even his aunty, until his health started improving.

Kola: You people should stop dabbling into the past, it is the present that matters now. Thank God I am alive.

Bisi: I thank God too, in fact I will be thanking him every minute of my life for not allowing me suffer from the effect of my folly. For how would I have live on, if you have died? Ah! Kola I thank God O, for giving me a second chance to amend my folly, so as to taste and enjoy true love with you the only person I ever truly love. (She embraces Kola)

They had their wedding 3 months later…



“To give our painful past a meaning in our lives…
Is to injure our today and subject our tomorrow on the path of destruction.”
____ Olurotimi W. Adeola ‘99

My Plead

We must learn to live with the fact that, like in every other profession, the police force have it bad eggs, and equally very good and refine officers and men. We must not judge them all by the misconduct of the bad ones in their midst. Remember in the police force are some of our Fathers, Mothers, Uncles, Aunts, Brothers and Sisters etc. My only brother was one of them, a very refine and gentle officer, and he died in the course of duty to fatherland.
Please for sake of his memory and that of other dear ones to so many of us out there, who have fallen in the line of duty, spare us all (their surviving relations), the agony of thinking our loved ones died in vain. Please show some measures of appreciation to the profession in which they lost their lives.

- Olurotimi Williams Adeola ‘2002



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Copyright © 1999 Olurotimi Adeola
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"