Duty Calls (2)
Segun [irritated by Bisi’s reactions]: Look Bisi, what Kola just said, do not deserve such emotional outburst from you. Bisi [shouting]: Well, since you guys don’t like hearing the truth, can you please leave my house. Kola [in an emotional tone]: Well, Bisi, if that’s what you want, no problem. But I will like you to search your conscience and see whether what you are doing is fair. Goodbye. Please Segun lets go. (They left her house). Scene 17 After Kola and Segun’s departure. Bisi’s mind flash back to how she met Kola… ….. It all started one day, when she was taking a walk around her neighbourhood (which is a notorious area of area-boys) and some miscreants in her area starting molesting her. Because of the mini-skirt she wore. When their abusive words seem not to have any effect on her, they resorted to physical molestation. But luck was on her side, because that was when Kola came to her rescue. Kola (not on duty) was just driving into the neighbourhood, to see his Aunty, when he saw some miscreants molesting a lady. He stopped his car, came out and advanced toward them. On sighting him, they left her and took to their heels, but one of them was unlucky, because Kola caught up with him and gave him the beating of his life. Bisi was very thankful to her rescuer. Bisi [with a smile]: I don’t know how to thank you. Kola [stretching his hand for a handshake]: Well, I think telling me your name will be your first attempt at showing your gratitude. Bisi: Bisi, is my name. And what’s yours? Kola: A-Ah, not too fast, you are the one that owns me some gratitude here, or have you forgotten? So I believe I should be the one asking the questions. Bisi: You are very funny. Since you don’t want to tell me your name. I may as well run home, and once again, I’m grateful for what you just did. Kola: Bisi, I can see you don’t like people playing pranks with you. Okay, on a serious note, my name is Kola, and I’m around the neighbourhood to see my aunty, she stays in the next building over there (pointing to a direction). Bisi: I see. Kola: Since you are in a hurry, why not tell me how I’m going to see you again. I will be very please to see you again, if you don’t mind? Bisi [beginning to like him]: That’s my house over there (pointing at a bungalow). You are welcome any day. (They shake hands and went their different ways). …She also cast her mind to the first time Kola visited her at home, and how her family warmly received him. Recalling the many exciting outings she had with him. Like visiting the beach together, going to nightclubs, having dinners in nice restaurants etc. Finally, her mind drift back to what happened two weeks after she met Kola. On that fateful day, Kola came to visit her at home as usual, but something strange took place that day, Kola visited wearing a police uniform, for it never occur to her till that very day that Kola is a police officer. Probably because she was so carried away by her feelings for him that she never bother to ask him what he does for a living. Her mother was very angry on sighting Kola in police uniform and walked him out of the house. And for Bisi, that day her love and affections for Kola started sliding downward. Scene 18 Kola at home, in deep thoughts. Then the doorbell rang and his Aunty came in, even before he responds to the bell. Aunty Funke [Kola’s aunty]: Kola, what is this that I am hearing about you? So you are now a weakling, all because of a lady; answer me. Kola: A-Ah, aunty, you didn’t even sit down for me to offer something to you, before you begin your interrogations. Aunty Funke [sitting]: I don’t want anything thank you. Can you answer my question now? Kola: But aunty, you can’t just jump into conclusion without hearing my own side, or have you forgotten how you taught me to hear both side of a story before arriving at a conclusion. Aunty Funke: Okay, I agree with you. So can I hear your own side? Kola: Thanks, but first let me offer you something to drink. Aunty Funke [getting furious]: No, I already say I am in no mood for drinks. Please go straight to your story. Kola [making fun]: Aunty, you are really very keen on hearing this story. Aunty Funke [angry]: Of course, I am. I can’t just fold my arms and watch my nephew being humiliated by a lady, when I know he can stand his own with any woman. Kola: You are funny, Aunty. Aunty Funke: Kola, stop patronizing me, I am getting too impatience, so tell me your own side. Kola: Well, there isn’t much to tell is just that I love her, but somehow she wouldn’t budge to my love advances. Aunty Funke [not convince]: But I learnt she poured water on you at a restaurant and walked you out of her house, the day you and Segun went there on a visit. Do you have your defense for them? Kola [shocked]: Is amazing the way story fly in this town. You’ve actually heard everything, but I have my explanations. Aunty Funke: My young man, what are your explanations? You mean that despite what she did to you, you still feel her action may be justified? Kola: You see aunty, I love her, and you know the way ladies behave when they are having emotional problems. I believe Bisi is currently going through one of such emotional problems. And I strongly believe with time she will get over it. Aunty Funke: So that’s why she has to humiliate you? Look I don’t think you and this lady are compatible, just get yourself another lady. Kola: Okay, aunty, I will give your advice a thought. Aunty Funke: Kola I hope you know you’re the only one left for me. Please don’t let any girl hurt you. Scene 19 Ada visits Bisi at home. They get talking on why Bisi poured water on Kola. Ada: Bisi, I sometimes feel I can never understand you, because I can’t just comprehend what Kola must have said to warrant the insult you subjected him to, the other day at the restaurant. Bisi: O-Oh that! Just because I splashed water on Kola you now feel, you can’t understand me? Come on Ada, the guy insulted me first, imagine telling me that my behaviour towards him might be connected to the fact that I have gotten someone else, whom he believe must be richer than he is. Invariably he was calling me a gold digger. Ada: But that is not enough for you to pour water on him. Bisi: Come, Ada, from the way you are defending Kola, I am beginning to feel that you are more sympathetic towards him than me. Ada: Look, Bisi that’s not true, you are my friend and I think you’ve gone too far with this hatred for the police. After all, the day you met Kola, he risks his life to rescue you from those boys. Bisi [feeling guilty]: Please lets change the topic, you are making me feel guilty already. Ada: Well, if you say so. (She then asks for a glass of wine). Scene 20 In the market… In one of the stalls in the market… Kola’s auntie having a discussion with a co-trader in her stall. Co-trader: Madam Funke, did you hear the news today? Auntie Funke: No, I didn’t. But why do you ask? Co-trader: Well I heard that your nephew have been assign to be in charge of the newly establish anti-robbery squad. Auntie Funke [shock]: What? You mean my Kola have been asked to take charge of an anti-robbery squad? My God, are these people trying to kill me? Why Kola, is he the only one in the force? Co-trader: I wonder so myself. I think you should go and advice your nephew to be careful. Auntie Funke: My problem with that boy is that he is so confident of himself. He would not see any reason with anyone as along as it concerns his duty in the police force. I just don’t know what to do with him over this his strange passion for his profession. Co-trader: I pray God will help you in convincing him to see reason this time around. Auntie Funke: I pray so myself, thank you O. Scene 21 In the evening… Kola’s auntie visits him at home… She meets him outside his apartment, he is on his way out. Auntie Funke [screaming]: Kola you won’t kill me before my time. What is wrong with you? What kind of stubbornness are you displaying? First is your father, now you. Are you the only one in the force? Are you the only officer in this state? Kola [in shock]: But auntie, what are you talking about? Auntie Funke: Kola don’t auntie me. If you cannot take my simple advice to quit this profession, I wonder whose advice you will take. Kola: Auntie, I still do not know what you are saying. Auntie Funke: How will you know what I am saying? Were not named the leader of the anti robbery squad? Kola: Yes, is anything wrong with it? Auntie Funke: I know you won’t see anything wrong with it. Even when they are plotting your death just like they did your father, you still do not see the handwriting on the wall? Kola: Auntie forget this rumour about anyone wanting me dead. What happened to my parents was unfortunate, and only God knows why. Please auntie don’t get yourself worked up unnecessarily because of me. Auntie Funke [in a resigning tone]: Well Kola, God knows I have tried my best for you. I only pray one day you will see reason with me before it too late. (She shakes her head and walk away). Scene 22 In Segun’s house, Segun advising Kola to let go of Bisi, calling her a ‘bad dream’. Segun: Kolly, you have to let that Bisi girl go. In fact I think you’ve received enough insults already. Kola: Segun, you don’t seem to understand my predicament. You see, initially at the beginning of our getting to know each other, it was obvious she was in love with me, and I was warmly received in her house. But the day I went to her house in uniform changed everything. She became withdrawn and unhappy anytime she sees me. My inner mind tells me, she’s running away or probably fighting away something, maybe a pain from her past. That’s why I have to keep hanging on, even if I didn’t succeed in winning her love, at least I will be happy knowing she finally get over her problems. Segun: But, why do you have to do this for a lady that had humiliated you on so many occasions? Kola: Segun, hatred can’t solve anything, even if she dislikes me, I won’t sit back and allow her torment herself to dead over what she can get through with, if only some one offer a comforting presence. Segun: Well, you know what is good for you. If you still insist you will hang on, I wish you the best of luck. Kola: Thanks I quite appreciate that. Scene 23 Kola is coming out from an eatery joint and Bisi is about going into the eatery, when they meet. On sighting Kola, Bisi immediately turn towards her car, enters and speed off, leaving a shock Kola watching the unfolding scenario in amazement. (Kola gets into his car. On the wheel, his mind flashes back to one of his outings with Bisi in a restaurant, when they had everything going between them). Kola [having dinner with Bisi]: Bisi, what is your greater fear in life? Bisi: That’s a tough question. Honestly if I am going to provide an answer to your question, I think getting married to the wrong person is my greatest fear in life. Kola: What do you mean by a wrong person? Bisi: Don’t worry; I think I will like to keep that to myself. Scene 24 Kola gets home. He sit on the settee, his thoughts flashes back to what his friend (Segun) told him the last time they met. (Show Scene 22) Scene 25 Bisi visit her father’s tomb. Bisi [in tears]: Dad, you sudden and untimely death has created a big vacuum in my life. How I wish you were still alive, maybe I won’t be in my present dilemma. Dad, I met this guy, I am so crazy about, but he is a police officer. He is so kind and caring. He treats me so specially, the way no other guy have ever done. But dad, I can’t forgive the police for not being there, when we needed them most. And because of that, it is difficult for me to return his love. Now, I am very confuse, what must I do, father? Scene 26 One weekend… Kola follows his friends to the breach. At the beach, Kola is being introduce to one of Segun’s female friends in their midst. After a while, his friends leave them (Kola and Segun’s female friend), for other interesting spots at the beach. After what look like eternity, Gladys (Segun’s female friend) breaks the silence. Gladys: You must be a quiet person? Kola [surprise]: Very funny. What makes you say so? Gladys: It obvious, we’ve been sitting alone over a couple of minutes now, and all you do, is just staring at the ocean waves. Kola: Oh! So that’s why you think I am a quiet person? Well, I am not, is just that I have been under pressure lately. Gladys: Pressure? Over what? Kola: Thanks for your concern, but I really don’t want to talk about it. Gladys [feels disappointed]: Well, if that’s what you want. But please don’t let whatever is bothering you dampen the fun of the beach. Kola: Okay, I won’t. Lets join the rest of the party; they are catching fun over there. (They then move toward the group) Scene 27 In the evening… Bisi is celebrating her 25th birthday. Kola, though not invited by Bisi, got prior information about the celebration, so decides to show up. But at the entrance, he is being bar by Bisi’s brother (Lekan) from entering the house. Kola: Lekan, what’s up, how comes you don’t want me to come in. Lekan [in aggressive tone]: Look Mr. Kola or whatever you call yourself, I am sick and tired of the way and manner you’ve been disturbing my sister. She says, she is not interested in you; can’t you just let it sink into your head? (Bisi hears the raising voices of her brother from inside and comes out). Bisi [surprise to find Kola there]: Lekan, what’s the matter? Lekan [in angry tone]: You ask what’s the matter? Can’t you see we have an intruder here? Kola [trying hard to control himself]: Young man, I resent that statement of yours. And Bisi, I am surprised at the behaviour of Lekan. I don’t know is now a crime to bring gift to a friend on her special day. Bisi: Kola, come off it, you know I won’t take your gift, so why bothering yourself? Kola [now angry]: Look Bisi, I think you have subjected me to enough insult already. If this is all I get for loving you, I think is time I call this whole thing off. Bisi [feigning relieve]: Thank God, you’ve finally let go; now I can be in peace. I don’t need to go through the trauma of your pestering anymore. (Kola drops his gift and move towards his car, and zoom off). Scene 28 Segun chatting with two other friends (They are all police officers) at his home. They were discussing general happening in town, until their conversations shift to Kola’s strange passion for Bisi. Segun [to friends]: Guys, I don’t know the type of love portion Bisi gave Kola. You guys just needed to witness how she insulted him, when I followed him to her house. In fact it got to the level I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I spoke to Kola on the need to let go of her, but he wouldn’t see reason with me. Chike [one the friends]: Ol’ boy, the lady na Miss World? Well, Kola is your close pal, as for me, I believe by the time that love becomes clear in his eyes, he wouldn’t need an advice to call it quit with the lady. (Just then Kola enters. He notices an unusual silence). Kola [to them]: I hope, I didn’t spoil anything? Segun [feigning surprise]: Spoil? I don’t understand what you mean? Kola: I just feel there was fun in here until I entered. And I feel maybe my presence change the mood around here. Chike: Ha, Ha, Kola, why should you think that way. Your entry was only a surprise to us, because we thought you would be at Bisi’s birthday party. Kola: I was there, but something happened, so I left. Segun [concern]: I hope is not one of those unfriendly attitudes of Bisi again. Kola [getting agitated]: Please if you don’t mind, lets talk about something else. Segun: If that’s what you want, no problem. Guys lets play chess. (He went inside his bedroom and comes out with a chess box). Scene 29 At home… In the night, Bisi decides to open her gifts. After opening some of the gifts, she picks Kola’s gift, which he left as he was leaving. On opening the gift, she is a poem inside, with the following message… Because I love My tears flow endlessly When I realized the futility of my attempt To win you love My heart is in torment, And pain and sorrow Have since become my companions True love, does it truly exist? I gave you, my all Keeping nothing to myself But nay, Nothing of mine is good enough for you You’ve given me so much pain By virtue of your rejection And my life is fast becoming An unending nightmare Yet, I can’t stop my feelings Even if I try… Because I truly love you -----Kola (On reading this poem, Bisi bursts into tears). Scene 30 In morning, Kola is just arriving the office, meet every one having pensive look. He calls an Inspector to his office. Kola [to Inspector]: What’s the problem? Why is everyone looking sad? Inspector: Oga, is yesterday night event O. Kola: Yesterday night? What happened yesterday night? Inspector: Sorry sir, I thought you knew. Is like some of our officers lost their lives during night patrol yesterday. I even learn the officer that led the team is your friend. And he is among those that died. Kola [shocked]: My friend? Who could that be? Inspector: Sir, is Oga chike. Kola: My God, you mean ASP Chike was killed yesterday night. Inspector: That’s exactly what happened sir; sorry sir. (He salutes him and left). (Kola is not himself throughout the day). Scene 31 Kola at home, discussing with Segun and his Aunty over ASP Chike’s death. Aunty Funke: I think is high time, the two of you consider changing your jobs. Your job is very risky, every day some of your men are killed in the line of duty. Just look at the way Chike was wasted for nothing. Please you people should resign and seek jobs in other safer occupations. Kola: Aunty, you’ve come again. If we all leave the police, who is going to help the society fight crime? Every job have it risk, beside I have always love the police, that’s why I joined. Segun: Aunty, Kola is right, though our job is risky, we can only pray for God’s protection. Aunty Funke: I pray that God will continue to protect the two of you. (They are answered an Amen). Scene 32 In the morning… Kola and Segun visits the parents of Chike to commiserate with them over his death. They meet the entire family in mourning mood. Kola: (hugging Chike’s mum) Mama, please take heart. Chike’s mum [in tears]: My son, they have killed my hope. But why? Who did I offend that have refuse to forgive me, instead waited for my old age to remove the only cloth that cover me. Who do not know Chike is the only child I have? (She is now rolling on the floor; some members of her family come to lift her up). Please let me go. What is the use of being alive again, after all my only reason for being alive has been taken away from me. Chike’s Uncle: Please Mr. Kola and Segun, can I see you outside? (They follow him out) Chike’s Uncle: You have to understand my sister’s predicament. Chike is her only child, in fact she went through hell before she had him. I can’t begin to recall the number of night vigils she went for, in her desperate desire to seek for a child, now death have taken him violently from her. (Long pause) But the reason I called you both out is because I also want to tell you the piece of my mind. I have just lost a nephew, I don’t think I want your families to suffer the same fate. Please for the sake of your families leave this thankless job, before you make the mistake my late nephew Chike made, which of course cause his life. Kola: Thank you sir, for your advice. We beg to take our leave, please help us extend our heartfelt sympathy to Chike’s mum. I think our going back into the house might bring back memories of her dear Chike to her, so we will like to leave from here. Chike’s Uncle: I understand, I thank you too for coming to see us. And please give my advice some thoughts. Scene 33 On an evening outing… Lekan (Bisi’s brother) is driving roughly. He is stop by a Police patrol team. Leader of the police patrol team: Young man, why are you driving so dangerously? Lekan [angry that he was stopped]: And what business of yours is that? Leader of the police patrol team [Shock]: Is me you are replying like this? Lekan: Yes, and what can you do about that? Leader of the police patrol team: You must be a very rude person. If you are properly trained I don’t think you will be addressing an older person like me in this manner. Lekan: Is you that is not properly trained. Leader of the police patrol team: Well since you’ve decided to be disrespectful over a harmless question, you would have to follow us to the station and explain yourself. Lekan: I am not going anywhere with you. Leader of the police patrol team: (turning to his team) Boys arrest him. (Lekan is being arrested, despite his resistance, and taken to the police station). Scene 34 One morning… On official assignment, Kola is member of a team of police officers send to commiserate with the families of departed police officers and men. On each of the visit, they are confront by the wailing of the families of their bereaved colleagues. The leader of the team has this to say in every home visited… Leader of the team of officers [in sober tone]: We came here on behalf of the I.G and the entire police command to commiserate with you on the sudden and untimely departure of our colleague. We know how painful this news is to you, we equally share in your hour of grief because in the police force we are one happy family. I must not forget to tell you that the police force will do every thing possible to ensure that the family our departed colleague left behind is adequately taken care of. May God grant you the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. Scene 35 In the morning… In Bisi’s house, her mother receiving a call… Bisi’s mum [picking the phone]: Hello. Caller: Is this the home of the Adesinas? Bisi’s mum: Yes, can I help you? Caller: I would like to speak to Mrs. Adesina. Bisi’s mum: Mrs. Adesina speaking. Caller: Good morning ma. Bisi’s mum: Good morning, who is on the line?
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