Wake Up! You Hypnotised Morons. The A-Z Of Awakening. (8)
Mr Sel And Dr Lemuria


460. Tectonics-These giant continental plates cause earthquakes, as they grind against each other and eventually slip. Many standing stones were erected as acupuncture needles to release this immense earth-energy safely. The ancients were performing planetary acupuncture.
461. Therianthropes-These are half human/animal creatures we see painted on cave walls, that Shamans are seen to transform into, whilst ingesting hallucinogenic plants. They would become the part man/animal to receive inner knowledge off these predators, so as to become more proficient hunters. Shamans communicate through their own D.N.A straight to earths D.N.A and learn the secrets of healing roots and plants. Wise serpents are always seen.
462. The Watchers-In the Book of Enoch, which was banished from the Bible, it talked about these beings that would interfere and manipulate the direction of human history through wars and conquests. They are just another name for angels and Elohim, also Annuniki.
463. Tiahuanaco-Possibly the oldest existing ruined city on the planet, 15,ooo BC. It was built with enormous blocks, and was once a port of Lake Titicaca. When the Andes rose 13,000 years ago the Lake washed many miles away to its present position. Not far from its base is a place called Puma Punku where enormous blocks of over 200 tons lie scattered like bricks.
464. Tiarnen/Clare-Two of my closest friends who are both Indigo children in their own right. The 3 of us watched a black disc-shaped U.F.O fly slowly through the snow-clouds in Belfast while we were just finished making snow-angels in the front garden of Hue�s Mothers garden. I truly believe that they saw our snow angels, and decided to show themselves.
465. Time-travel-Time is not as humans know, for after all we invented it. You cannot go back in time and change something as you simply create another false time line or overlapping alternative reality. Not advised. Its thought many U.F.O�s are us from the future.
466. Titicaca Lake-The highest navigate-able lake in the world. When the Andes were created just 13,000 years ago in the great cataclysm, this lake was literally elevated to its present height. This is where we can find the ancient sites of Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco.
467. Tree of life-Just like the Tree of Knowledge, this was psychoactive plants. In the symbolic Garden of Eden the gods didn�t want their new human creations to know all, so they forbade the use and ingestion of higher visionary stems. This turned off the pineal-gland 3rd eye.
468. The Now-Peoples minds are usually regretting the past or worrying about the future, they are rarely consciously present in the moment. They need to concentrate on enjoying and manifesting the present moment. Check out the books by Eckhart Tolle.
469. Telepathic readings-The ancient humans were connected to earth intimately through the hyper-dimensional interactions of the pineal gland as they were able to communicate with plants and animals quite naturally. But this ended with the trauma of the great cataclysm.
470. Templar-These are the original Freemasons who dug under Jerusalem and found the truth of the symbolic Jesus� and were able to blackmail the Vatican which made them immensely powerful .They also found plans for advanced building techniques which helped them build their gravity defying gothic cathedrals in Europe. Its thought they also found the Ark of the Covenant. Friday the 13th is the date that the Templars were arrested and tortured.
471. Tiamat-Was an all ocean planet that according to the Sumerians used to exist in the solar system 4 billion years ago. It was thought to have been destroyed in a great collision with the planet Nibiru, and created the present earth, with its broken pieces becoming the asteroid belt.
472. Torah-The Jewish Book which is also the first 5 books of the Christian Bible. The title comes from the word Tarot (as in the cards) and if you go back further the word actually means truth or Thoth the Egyptian god of wisdom. All religion comes out of Egypt.
473. Tower of Babel-In the Bible, God comes down and destroys this tower to Heaven. But many believe this was the gods coming down to stop man using the Iraq/Sumerian stargate. Probably a volcano though. Yahweh.
474. Turin Shroud-The Christians would like to believe this is Jesus, but its not. It comes from a much later time but is still considered holy by many, as it most likely the image of a high ranking Knights-Templar.
475. Tzoklin-The name of the Mayan calendar system which can calculate dates of 300 million years into the future. Nothing is coincidence, so I�m truly amazed at the similarities of its name and the Lord of the Rings author J.R.R Tolkien, who was himself a prophet.
476. U.F.O-Many of the crafts that people see every year are made right here on earth, the first were made by the Nazis. But most saucers are from other worlds and they travel here through time, not through space. The spaceship moon is thought to be a giant craft.
477. Un-holy vultures-Referring to the predators that lurk openly within every religion who blatantly rob God-fearing, insecure people of their money, promising them false salvation, and preaching original sin. They are sick creatures and follow a very different god.
478. Unity consciousness-Creatures on earth experience a polar-reality as they perceive everything to be opposites and disconnected from each other. Unity consciousness is when everything is acknowledged to be interconnected and as one complete consciousness.
479. Universal spirals-Everything in the universe and nature is a spiral. You have spiral galaxies and spiralling waves on earth. Just watch how smoke also spirals with no breeze. Look at how leaves and plants grow. Have a look at the golden ratio.
480. Ulster Scottish-People who live in Northern Ireland but have their ancestral roots in Protestant Scotland. They even have their own Celtic Gaelic form of language. At this present moment in Northern Ireland many folks are flying an Ulster flag/Israeli flag mix as they both have a star of David. Nobody understands that this has a very ancient connection and its not just about the Catholics supporting the Palestinians as it has its roots back in ancient Egypt to Akhenaton. Many Celts are naturally psychic.
481. Useless eaters-The Illuminati spelt out the kind of people that they wanted to eradicate from earth before their New World Order comes fully in. They are drug users, single homosexual men, the elderly and people of colour. They will try to do this with vaccinations and wars.
482. Vaccination fears-The multiple vaccination programs directed at children are not to protect their health, they are to destroy their D.N.A and higher consciousness. But they will not succeed in eliminating the higher wisdom and intuition of the Indigo children being born all over the planet at this time, because good will always win over bad. They are very scared.
483. Vampire-You watch the films and you think its all just myths and fairy tales, but these creatures exist in one form or other. Vlad the Impaler was a real blood drinker, and its not unheard of that warriors would drink each other�s blood in battle to receive an adrenaline boost. There are real vampire bloodlines on earth, and they control world finance. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that Vlad is an ancestor of the British Royal family. Explains a lot actually.
484. Vedas-The oldest written text on the planet today. These ancient Indian texts are supposed to have been passed through oral tradition for over 100,000 years. They came in written form between 4-6,000 years ago. The Mahabharata tells of missiles and iron rockets. All the way through these ancient scripts are the story of India�s ancient technology, from flying crafts made of mixtures of metal that we cant produce today to evidence of nuclear power and atomic explosions. All over the ancient world people find fused green glass and the only thing that creates this are nuclear bombs, as the same was found after modern explosions.
485. Vibration rates-Everything in reality is just energy and matter vibrating at different speeds. At this present time the photon belt is speeding matter up, and this is the sense that everyone feels that time is speeding up. Its all winding up to 2012 when time as we know it ends.
486. Visionary stems-There are many plants on earth that help induce higher consciousness. If they grow from the earth its obvious they are meant to be taken by the inhabitants. To make them illegal or to tax them is a crime. Its because they help us see through the bullshit.
487. Voodoo-Within the voodoo society, there are no accidents. Practitioners believe the universe is all one and each thing affects something else. Voo-doo. View-you. There is a lot more blood sacrifice in the Bible than in Voodoo. But many people do become possessed, which when you look at Christians talking in tongues is a bit hypocritical on their part .
488. Vril power-The Nazi Vril/Thule society has connections to the Bavarian Illuminati .They made the first flying disc in 1917 but it failed. The Nazis believed in a super Aryan race that lived within the hollow earth. They weren�t far off the truth, but they were maniacs. The Nazis were supposed to have possessed a giant bell which they could time-travel in.
489. Wars of the gods-Recorded in every ancient text of the world is the story of this war. From India to Scandinavia to Ireland and America, the ancients talk of the nuclear technological war of pre-history. But what else could this have been, could it have been a meteor storm? Do comet impacts create green glass like atomic bombs are known to?
490. Weather weapons-It�s a fact that the technology exists to manipulate weather. It was first invented By Nicola Tesla but now it�s in the hands of the Illuminati. All these recent major hurricanes are man-made, and don�t be surprised to find out that Thailand�s tsunami was man-made, along with Chinas earthquakes. The technology is called H.A.A.R.P.
491. We-moon cycles-In pre-history when humans respected and worshipped the Goddess earth, they followed the Mayan moon calendar of 13 months of 28 days. This was a time of great knowledge when women were in control and were respected as the more wise and intuitive of the species. Female menstrual cycles could be intimately predicted, and so babies could be deliberately birthed on days of particular energy to create a certain type of offspring.
492. White electric mirror Mayan line-This is one of the houses of knowledge within the Mayan calendar system. This is the nature calendar that the ancients used, to work with the differing daily energies throughout the year. Have a look at the Tzoklin.
493. Wisdom smoke-From about 40,000 years ago, humans have used hallucinogenic plant mixtures to meet with the earth and animal gods. This is how the ancients were able to evolve all a sudden into advanced humans. They were meeting with the serpent D.N.A teachers of mankind.
494. World bank-Leaders of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the European Union meet every year and attend the Bilderberg group. These are the people who run the world and are accountable to no-one or any country. This is what�s known as the New World Order. World government� is really about using debt to enslave us; it is an international loan collection agency, and will be controlled soon by micro-chip.
495. Wormhole-A passage in space-time connecting widely separated parts of the universe. The scientists on earth are still trying to find one and prove they exist. So I ask you, how do you think that Dr Mu got here? They have built an artificial stargate machine under Switzerland, but really they need to look again at the Bermuda Triangle.
496. Yahweh-The Hebrew/Christian God also known as Jehovah. He was a male wrathful creator who asked for animal and human Sacrifices. Moses told the Israelites that the electricity pouring out of the Ark of the Covenant was the presence of Yahweh, as it looked just like the God-comets lightning sparking in the sky. One of the identities of Yahweh (Jahve ) was most certainly a giant volcano-god. But Egypt has no volcanoes and the mountains of the Sinai peninsula have never been volcanic; on the other hand, volcanoes which may have been active up to a late period are found along the western border of Arabia. And this we find, if we research deep enough, was the real route of the Biblical Exodus across the Dead Sea.
497. Yellowstone park- The largest super volcano in the world which is showing some disturbance at this time. If this thing erupted it would annihilate America and block out the sun destroying crops and instigating extreme drops in temperature all over the planet. This would unmistakably be the real Yahweh. Yahweh-stone park.
498. Yemen stargate-Off the coast of the country of Yemen there is a massive build up of war ships from every country in the world. Some of these countries are apparently enemies, so what could be so important as to make them work together? You have seen the news about Somalia�s pirates and how they are boarding massive ships from their little boats and taking them hostage, well this is the apparent problem that needs hundreds of modern warships to mass in this area. You will have also seen that the Illuminati puppet front men and women say they are worried that terrorists operate out of Yemen and this is why troops should be sent in here immediately. Well, this is all bullshit as usual. The real reason why the ships and troops are there is because just off the coast a massive water/stargate has opened and something could be coming through this portal. It is also possible that due to the electromagnetic frequency of this gate that all WMD�s in the world could be rendered useless, but we will just have to wait and see. Fingers crossed.
499. Yeshua-This would have been the real name of the great Shaman Christ as his family would have referred to him. That is if he even existed of course. All words and names have a certain vibration and some are very powerful and holy mantras. See the film Dune.
500. Yin-Yang-The action-reaction of the universe. Religious people think a God is always watching and will punish or reward them accordingly. But everything is electro-magnetic energy, so what you give out, you get back. There is not a watcher doing this, it is yourself.
501. Yoga-This was one of the arts along with meditation etc that was devised by the Lemurian Shamans to help the humans balance and deal with the hybrid D.N.A in their make-up. They used to be naturally connected to the planet and the source, purely by breathing prana correctly from the diaphragm, but birth trauma suppresses this action.
502. Zep-Tepi- This was the starting point (the first time) of the world again, halfway through the 26,000 year precessional cycle, when the solar system recovered from the great cataclysm after being in the photon band for 2000 years. This was the start of Egypt and the time of Osiris.
503. Zero-time-What was the reason for restarting time at the supposed birth of Christ? It was so that the dark-lords could steal time through their new calendars. There is a distinct possibility that this is not actually 2009 but a totally different year.
504. Ziggurats-Massive pyramid step-like structures built in ancient Sumeria for the gods, so they could impregnate the human females. This story is told very clearly within the verses of Genesis in the Bible. Only the chosen priest humans could ever see the gods in person.
505. Zion- Most often designates the Land of Israel and its capital, Jerusalem. The word is found in texts dating back almost three millennia. It commonly referred to a specific mountain near Jerusalem (Mount Zion). But the Olympics in London are the celebrations of the creation of the new Zion. The 2012 logo clearly says Zion. London is the New Jerusalem, so who is the Messiah/Anti-Christ that will come to power, because its all the same person? Liar!
506. Zionists-The Zionists are really the Illuminati under yet another name, and are the driving force behind a one-world government New World Order. Zionism is a movement to deceive Jews into advancing the objectives of British imperialism to colonize and ethnically cleanse the Middle East for its oil and dead sea minerals using people who have absolutely no claim to Israel�s ancients lands.
507. Zodiac-Means animal circle, and is referring to the 12 star signs, yet there are thought to have originally been 13. The Bible is said to be the greatest story ever told, but you don�t have to look too deep to find out that the Bible is the story of the Precession of the equinox.
508. 2D-Offers a living experience as an animal, from the amoeba to the whale, dolphin or cow. The 1st dimension consists of life as an inanimate object, such as a rock, and is the lowest of the physical dimensions. Its highest format is the crystal. Inside earths core is a giant crystal mer-ka-ba.
509. 3rd dimension-This is the level of density where earth is now, it is the only density where openly negative and openly positive souls can exist on the same planet. This is also where beings can do evil, yet justify it to their own minds that they are doing it for the good of the whole.
510. 3rd eye-The pineal-gland in the brain used to secrete hormones of higher consciousness, the ancient humans could use this power to speak telepathically and astrally project to other places in the universe.. This was genetically turned off due to the Fall of Man.
511. 4th dimension-This is the density (heart chakra) that the planet as a whole (except negative toxic people) is going to jump into after the time of 2012.It is the density of unconditional love, but on the negative, is also the love of self, and where you can instantly manifest any reality you wish. So you need to be of pure thought, so not to create hell.
512. 5 platonic solids-The 5 geometric shapes that everything in the physical universe and nature are made up of. All of the ancient monuments on Mars and the Moon show evidence that this knowledge is universal. Have a look at flower of life.
513. 5th Dimension-This is the realm of light (throat chakra) which must also be reached along with 4th density consciousness, so as to be aware of self sacrifice for the greater good.
514. 5th New world of man-The North American Native Indian Hopi tribe believe in the coming Earth Shaking, or Spiritual earth purification time. They believe in the Coming of the 5th Age on this earth. The age of cleansing and light. The age of Aquarius.
515. 6D-This is the unity of 4th and 5th density love and light (crown chakra).This is the level of the higher self (compassion and wisdom=unity).Its also the density from where the Sirians operate from.
516. 7th heaven-Different holy characters were taken on different types of heavenly flights up to the 7th heaven. These are the 7 densities of earth up above this positive/negative physical 3rd dimension that is being experienced now.
517. 9D- This is the plane of the collective-consciousness of planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions. Once again, it is very difficult for a human to get a sense of this, because when a soul is in this state, you are so vast, that everything is you. Unity-consciousness.
518. 9 Dimensional man-Christ is thought to have been a 9 dimensional being who came here to inject the love vibration back into the planet for the humans on the lead up to 2012.Its understandable why people thought he was the Son of God. But did he really exist?
519. 2012-The date that the Mayan calendar finishes on. Many people think it will be the end of the world, but this is deliberate propaganda to scare people into accepting a nefarious world government. It�s simply the end of this age, although there will be many physical changes to earth and great D.N.A mutation among all species.
520. 20 symbols from the stars-This is referring to the Mayan Calendar glyphs which each represent a different energy, used by the Mayan parents to deliberately birth a specific personality based on conceiving on a particular day.
521. 10,500BC-This is the date that the Sphinx and Great Pyramid where cosmically aligned to. The ancients knew the only knowledge that would survive the coming cataclysm would have to be encoded within the geometry of the giant pyramid. Moderns are only beginning to de-code the secrets of this hyper-dimensional stargate.
522. 10 Commandments-The Ten Commandments originated in ancient Egyptian religion. Moses-Akhenaton borrowed the concept after the Exodus (banishment) from Egypt. Chapter (spell)125 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead includes a list of things to which a Pharaoh must swear in order to enter the afterlife. Akhenaton was a Pharaoh and would have had intimate knowledge of its origins, and so he used it to create his new Atonist religion.
523. 33rd parallel-Most of the world's wealth is stored north of the 33rd Parallel. Major financial centres north of the 33rd Parallel include London, New York, Chicago, and Switzerland. Most of this planet's six billion people live south of the 33rd Parallel. Many esoteric murders and satanic rituals are also committed along this line by secret societies.
524. 7 tablets of creation-The creation story in the Bible is not unique, it was copied from much earlier tablets that were found in Iraq. In its day, this area was called Sumeria, and this is where the Annuniki gods dwelt and walked with mortal men. It�s in the Bible.



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