Wake Up! You Hypnotised Morons. The A-Z Of Awakening. (7)
Mr Sel And Dr Lemuria


394. Santa-Christmas celebrations, such as Santa Claus, Christmas trees, magical reindeer and the giving of gifts, are originally based upon the harvest and consumption of the sacred red and white magic-mushroom. Finding presents under the tree in red and white socks. Hmm!
395. S.A.R.S-(Severe acute respiratory syndrome).SARS is a respiratory disease in humans which is caused by the SARS corona-virus. It was man-ufactured to only target certain races such as far eastern casts, as it hardly affected any other race.
396. Satan-The serpent in the Garden of Eden was labelled as Satan, but this happened much later when the Bible was being re-written by the church to suit ideas of the time. The serpent actually means knowledge and healing. Though it could have been a lizard humanoid.
397. Satanic pentagon-This building of war was consciously constructed and designed to be the centre of a giant upside-down satanic pentagram. The rest of Washington D.C is laid out as another gargoyle city geometrically, with very ancient esoteric symbols carved into it. The roads around it make up a picture of Moloch, a satanic owl-god, which is worshipped in the Bible, and at Bohemian Grove by the members of the New World Order.
398. Satanic rituals-Blood sacrifice follows certain bloodlines right the way throughout history. These groups kill people to appease demonic gods that reside in the lower 4th dimension. There was a lot of blood sacrifice in the Bible to the Volcano God Yahweh.
399. Saturn-day Sabbath-Judaism is a Saturn cult as they worship on Saturday, just like Christianity is a SUN cult as they worship Jesus the Sun-god. Unfortunately Saturn is also linked to the character Satan, also being an anagram of Santa. And so the plot thickens.
400. Second coming-This is referring to the return of the comet planet Nibiru/Eris and the new human awareness known as Christ consciousness. Christians think its Jesus returning, but he was the Sun-god and the mushroom. New-Jerusalem will be a noticeable cosmic event.
401. Second coming ice-snake-Again this is referring to the return of a cosmic body which will again enter the solar system. Nibiru is thought to be a planet, but may actually be actually a large ice-comet. Although we may just be waiting for a supernova.
402. Second sun-In the ancient earth there was a large body in the solar system that reflected the sun and looked like a second sun.(This may also be a supernova). There is also the Lucifer project to ignite a planet into a sun with a nuclear device, so I wonder did they already do this, as Jupiter has a new black spot which is spreading.
403. Secret societies-These groups have always hidden earth knowledge and magic from the masses for their own good. But this hidden knowledge can be used by nefarious groups to enslave and create fear through chaos. This is the secret of electromagnetic magic.
404. Secret-space-N.A.S.A knows about the reality of ancient pyramids on Mars and mile high structures on the Moon. There are many secret missions going to space from Antarctica in giant magnetic ships. The secret government is 100 years ahead of N.A.S.A technologically.
405. Serpent D.N.A-The ancients depicted the D.N.A strands as two intertwining serpents, but how did they know this before the modern invention of microscopes?
406. Serpent gods-When shamans take hallucinogenic plants, they always meet wise snakes. All ancient texts talk of snake-gods, and some people say they have seen people shape-shift into reptilian entities. Not all reptilians are evil, some are just plain naughty.
407. Serpent power-This is the kundalini energy that rises up the spine like 2 serpents into the 3d eye pineal-gland to activate human higher consciousness. The same energy within earth�s dragon lines.
408. Shape-shifting-The author David Icke is the main information source for researching the fact, that many people see other humans change from human form into reptilians right before their eyes. Quantum mechanics has proved reality is not solid, so this is actually quite easy to do, if you know how of course. Remember we have Chameleons and cuttlefish that change.
409. Shaman-Holy medicine people who are initiated into secret earth knowledge, who ingest hallucinogenic plants to meet with the animal teachers of human-kind. The real Jesus was a Shaman who was initiated in the Great Pyramid. If he existed of course.
410. Shaman Christ-Jesus was possibly part of a Shamanic sect called the Essenes who lived in the Sinai desert in Qumran. He was initiated into high knowledge in Egypt, Tibet and India and returned as a teacher. He was known as Issa in the east.
411. Shamanic raves-The ancient Shamans of the world would retreat to deep caves to hold their holy plant initiations, and then paint their journeys onto cave walls. Moderns still do exactly the same in their techno clubs spraying their graffiti onto walls. it�s a suppressed memory.
412. Shamballa-There has always been the story, that within the earth exists a highly advanced civilization of people that went there thousands of years ago to escape earth changes. The entrance may be in Tibet as the Nazis were very interested in Tibetan genetics.
413. Shangri-la-A different name for Shamballa.
414. Sinai-The triangular Red sea peninsular which is part of Egypt. There is supposed proof here of an ancient nuclear explosion. Sinai is the supposed area of the Biblical story of Moses and the Israelites escaping from Egypt when the God-comet struck, but (Galations 4:25) in the Bible says the mountain is in Saudi Arabia and Mt Jabal Al Lawz seems to fit�s the picture.
415. Sirians-People from the star system Sirius who assisted the ancients before the Egyptians in building the Great Pyramid through their great geometric knowledge. They also visited the Dogon people of Africa who said that Nommo water-gods came down and taught them.
416. Sirius-The brightest star in the sky which lies down to the left of the Orion constellation. Ancient Egypt is heavily influenced by this star as it was worshipped as the goddess Isis. This is the star of Bethlehem. Sirius, also known as "Sothis" in the Greek and "Sepdet" or "Sopdet" in the Egyptian, and was associated with the life-giving Nile flood from around 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. Hence, the "Star in the East" heralded the birth of the Egyptian Messiah thousands of years before the Christian era.
417. Sith-The evil Darth soldiers of the Emperor in the Star-Wars films who are as powerful as the JedI Knights. The JedI were a real secret sect from ancient Egypt. Spelt Djedi, just like Skywalker is a Mayan symbol, Anakin Skywalker was the hybrid Anakim of the Bible, and Yoda was the real spiritual teacher Adida. Goerge Lucas knew he was doing this.
418. Sky snakes-The primitive earth people saw comets in the sky and knew they brought destruction to their civilizations. They fanatically tracked these cycles with standing stone calendars such as Stone-Henge. They also called them the gods as at one time they had watched higher races in their sky ships coming down to earth, who they then worshipped.
419. Smart bomb-In the first Glf war the military were supposed to possess weapons that can think for themselves and target only military sites, saving civilian lives. Obviously they must all be malfunctioning.
420. Sodom and Gomorrah-In the Bible its said that God destroyed these cities as they were depraved and evil. But this was a devastating natural cataclysm, either the God-comet passed or hit, or it was a volcanic explosion such as the Yahweh. Raining fire and brimstone.
421. Solar hormone theory-The sun directly affects changes within human D.N.A and conception genes, this creates changes in females biological fertility systems and can affect which type of baby they birth. This was the cause of high infant mortality rates among the Mayans..
422. Softened granite-The ancient builders in South America were able to soften rock so as to easily mould it together into an earthquake proof construction. Have a look at Sacsayhuaman, in Peru. Explorers first saw a bird melt a hole in rock for its nest.
423. Solar Godly son-The Jesus story is all about how the sun moves through the sky over the year. Jesus is just the latest character for the sun-god zodiac story that has been told for millennia. That�s not to say an actual teacher didn�t exist, but the Bible is astrology.
424. Solon-This is the person who Plato got the story from, about the existence and destruction of Atlantis. Solon was said to have travelled to Egypt and heard the story from some high priests who told him that Egypt was older than history, yet Greece was in its infancy .
425. Sonic levitation-It�s possible to make an object weightless by directing sound at it. The ancients had mastered this concept, and were able to move, cut, and place giant blocks high up with extreme precision over earth�s vortex points were gravity can be manipulated. Whoever built Baal-Bek were either giants or advanced, forgotten beings.
426. Sonic power-The ancients built their temples with sacred geometrical-harmonic knowledge Everything they did, and everything they built was in tune with the breathing patterns of the planet. Today�s buildings are built for vanity, and will disappear leaving nothing for future humans to find, and then the cycle of forgotten knowledge will start all over again.
427. Spaceship moon-Earths moon is supposedly not the original, there used to be two other orbs orbiting our planet millions of years ago. This moon was thought to have been piloted into its orbit to stabilize the oceans after a great cosmic cataclysm, and to instigate a new evolution of species. The moon is hollow and artificial, and has intelligently built structures over a mile high on the dark side. At this time of writing (November 2009) the government has just bombed the moon, they said it was to find water, but we know better.
428. Space sperms-Comets and meteorites hold new life in their frozen ice in the form of bacteria and viruses. When they crash into planets their radiation and heat creates mass extintions (like 13,000 yeas go) but simultaneously instigate new mutations in all life. Planets are the female eggs. When will followers of Darwin find the animal before the giraffe I wonder?
429. Spermy comets-Comets are the sperm of the universe, which bring new life and bacteria in the form of cosmic D.N.A to the eggs of the universe, which are the billions of planets. Evolution does not follow one straight line like Darwin thought and life did not begin on earth for it was brought here from another world that ended.
430. Spheres of renaissance times-Right from Europe�s renaissance times, people were seeing U.F.O�s in the sky and many were painted into important scenes such as Jesus/Mary nativity paintings. This continues today, but just know that U.F.O�s are inter-dimensional.
431. Sphinx-The guardian of great ancient secrets that sits in Giza beside the pyramids. It is more than 8000 years old, as it is weathered by years of vertical floods, water flows and rains, from when Egypt was semi-tropical. It was thought to be originally a lion as some researchers believe it stares out at the constellation leo at the date 10,500BC and that the later Egyptians carved the present smaller face. But Egypt was based on the worship of the star Sirius, the dog-star, so the monument rather that being a lion, is now thought to be originally a representation of the jackel/dog god Anubis.
432. Spiral arm-Everything on earth and in the universe exists in the shape of a spiral. This is evident if you look at the golden ratio. The solar-system exists at the end of a spiral arm in the Milky Way galaxy. All nature grows as a spiral. The universal God is also a spiral.
433. Spirituality-People associate religion as the only way to spirituality, but this is untrue, as spirituality is an inner, personal realization of some higher-conscious force of personal creation. You can be aware of the Great Spirit and not be indoctrinated into guilt, fear, bigotry and ignorance.
434. Spear of destiny-This is supposed to be the spear that was used to pierce Jesus on the cross. Hitler was supposed to have possessed this holy relic, and to have also searched for the Holy Grail. But did they physically exist, or are they metaphysical and symbolic? Of course they were. The spear/Jesus story could very well be symbolic of a comet passing the Sun.
435. Star children-Many humans are not strictly just human, as many are different soul entities that have chosen to incarnate in human form on earth at this time. Take a very close look at the children being born now, they are Indigo-kids. That�s why they vaccinate them.
436. Star-gates-Only when the solar-system is inside the photon-belt can time-travel and earths star-gates be understood and used. Earth has now cycled back to this time of galactic awakening, the star-gates are opening, hence the crop-circles. This is why they are harvesting Orme-gold, as this is the hyper-dimensional fuel that will power mind-travel.
437. Star-sea-The Great Ocean that is the universe and night-time zodiac sky. The Egyptian Pharaohs depicted themselves sailing across the sky in their great boats returning home to Osiris/Orion. They symbolized this physically on the Nile, and actually re-directed the river to depict the Milky Way more accurately.
438. Stepford-wife-Used to describe a servile, compliant, submissive, spineless wife who happily does her husband's bidding and serves his every whim dutifully. Referring to the sleeping earth masses, male and female who are distracted with TV and blind-faith.
439. Star-wars-We all know the movies, but the Americans also started a space defence missile system of the same name. It was supposed to have finished after the cold war but of course it didn�t. The cold war was all illusion and distraction. Watch the secret-space videos to see a laser being fired from earth at a U.F.O, that gets out of the way just in time.
440. St Elmos fire-This non-burning fire is the visible electrical glow on the tops and extremities of masts of ships, or at the summits and ends of branches of trees. This is what Moses saw on Sinai around the burning-bush and it was also present on top of the Great pyramid. It whistles somewhat like a voice, and so in the story Moses heard God speak to him.
441. St Nick-Was born during the third century in the village of Patara in Greece. He was buried in his cathedral church, where a unique relic, called manna, formed in his grave. This liquid substance, was said to have healing powers. But we now know manna is the magic mushroom, so fungi grew in his grave and was at sometime eaten.
442. String theory-Elementary particles in space-time could be thought of as the musical notes or excitation modes of elementary strings. String theory suggests the existence of eleven dimensions, hence the dissipation of gravity throughout the higher dimensions.
443. Subjugation of the female-After the great cataclysm of 13,000 years ago, because of mans new fear of nature, and lack of science, he decided he had to enslave the Goddess/earth. Male dominated religions still do this today, yet Christianity worships Mary the Goddess. Which is obviously a graven image. The Christians are unknowingly worshipping Isis, the star Sirius.
444. Superconductivity-This is when an electrical charge moves over distance without diminishing its power. The Ark of the Covenant was an ancient superconductor and powdered-gold also turns humans into one, as it turns the D.N.A into an optic fibre.
445. Supernatural-Pertains to entities, events or powers regarded as beyond nature, in that they cannot be explained by the laws of the natural world. Religious miracles are also supernatural, and esoteric. So basically the God of the Bible was a supernatural spook.
446. Supernova-A supernova can radiate as much energy as the Sun would emit over 10 billion years, the expanding shock waves from supernova explosions can trigger the formation of new stars and massive destructions and evolutionary mutations across planetary species.
447. Super-conscious-The conscious mind is the personality. The sub-conscious operates all internal organs and the brain. The super-conscious is the link to the Great Spirit. The higher mind of man and God.
448. Sun flares-These giant explosions on the sun typically last a few minutes and can release energies equivalent to millions of hydrogen bombs. Flares become frequent near sunspot maximum. Any one of these could send our planet back to the stone-age. Ask the Mayans.
449. Sun-spot cycles-Large black spot regions on the Sun's surface marked by a lower temperature, which have intense magnetic activity, forming areas of low surface temperature. Cycles last 11 years, and have minimums and maximums that cause global warming.
450. Super-conscious mind-If humans were able to use 100% of their brains instead of less than 10, they would be plugged directly into the mind of the Great Spirit once more, and easily be able to create a deliberate reality. We can only sense 10% of reality and space.
451. Sun-moon rituals-Moderns have lost the knowledge of why souls come to earth in the first place. Humans have forgotten what it is to understand the cycles of life and death and the evolution of the soul. We are certainly not here to be on TV.
452. Sumeria-Ancient civilization (6000bc) ancient Iraq. These people knew information about the planets and stars that moderns have only recently discovered with the use of satellites and telescopes. Most of our modern sciences and mathematics come from this time. Its thought the Annuniki gods founded this civilization with the help of genetic engineering.
453. Sumerian tablets-The Sumerian King List records all the rulers of Earth back over 400,000 years. They also tell the original Flood and creation stories which were later put randomly on paper as the Bible. These tablets were suppressed by the church as they talk about ancient technology, and would render their own copied scripts as obsolete plagiarisms.
454. SUN of God-Jesus was not the son of God he was the symbolic SUN of God, that dies on the 21st of December on the cross of the zodiac, and is re-born every year 3 days later on the 25th. Do they never wonder why its called Sun-day?
455. SUN-gods-The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30 degrees, hence, the Sun of God begins his ministry at age 30.The sun is hung on a cross or crucified, which represents its passing through the equinoxes, and the cross of the zodiac. 12 disciples=12 star signs.
456. Sun-mutation-It is widely known that the sun among other things causes mutation within the species of earth. Photonic light from galactic centre and Alcyone filters through the whole galaxy to the sun which yet again filters the information energies down to earth.
457. Swine-flu-This virus has been sold to the world as the next great apocalyptical event that will spread across the world and instigate such horror and death that the fearful masses will think its Armageddon. But its an utter scare-mongering scam, as more people have died from the so-called vaccine than the actual virus. The Illuminati owned pharmaceutical companies are now being given the go ahead to vaccinate certain groups of society such as children, the elderly and special needs patients. But the truth is that this vaccine destroys the D.N.A.
458. Symbolism-The right- brain understands and perceives the world as symbolism. but modern humans are mostly turned off to this reality through the predominantly left-brained education/indoctrination of this planet. The best artists and musicians are right-brained.
459. Synchronicity-Your life is already planned out by yourself before your present incarnation. This has to do with the types of accumulated karma you still retain within your light body and soul after physical death. Reincarnation is how we work off and cleanse bad karma.



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