Wake Up! You Hypnotised Morons. The A-Z Of Awakening. (6)
Mr Sel And Dr Lemuria


328. Octave-An interval between two music notes on the diatonic scale. But this also relates to dimensions of reality, and where you can usually very find nasty entities from the lower 4th dimension feeding of human negative energy and fear.
329. One world mind-Because of the poles on earth, people experience a polar reality and see things as opposites and disconnected. But after 2012 when our galaxies black hole aligns with us and time itself changes, all humans will start to become of one mind, this is what the dark-lords truly fear and this is what all the manufactured chaos tries to disrupt.
330. Orme gold-The ancient Kings and Pharaohs of the world used to ingest powdered gold, as it extended their life span and heightened their consciousness. It was found in modern days to also change the make-up of space-time. When the earth moved out of the light of the photon belt humans fell consciously asleep like many still are today, but the Kings and rulers would eat the gold to keep their 3rd eye awake while the solar system journeyed through the dark.
331. Original sin-Religions brainwash people to join them using scare tactics. They usually pick on insecure God-fearing individuals who are scared of death by telling them that they sinned before birth and will burn in hell, and that they can buy their way to salvation UH!
332. Orion-This is the Hunter constellation that the Egyptians believed to be their god Osiris. The 3 pyramids in Giza/Egypt are aligned to the 3 stars in the belt of Orion at 10, 500 BC.
333. Orthodox resistance-Many new archaeological discoveries are time and time again suppressed because they do not fit with more primitive science and religious ideas of supposed history. This is rife in Egyptology as they don�t want people knowing that the pyramids were actually very ancient stargates and not built by the ancient Egyptians.
334. Osama Bin-Laden-Political and economic connections have remained unbroken for over 25 years between the Bush and Bin Laden families. The war in Afghanistan has to do with C.I.A opium imports which they are secretly flying back to the west.
335. Osiris-Throughout the height of Egyptian civilization, Osiris was the primary deity. In power, he was second only his father, Ra, (Amen-Ra=Amen) and was the leader of the gods on earth. Osiris is the constellation of Orion.
336. Over-soul-There is an all-knowing consciousness that flows through everything and is everything. Some call it God, some Allah, some Yahweh and there are countless other names. But all in all, it is just light, love and all creative possibility. Not a killer.
337. Ozone truth defect-The ozone is depleting because of the sun. The dark lords are also beaming scalar weapons onto the upper atmosphere to try to break the dimensional energy web that keeps them inter-dimensionally imprisoned here on earth.
338. Pagan-The Latin word pagus, originally meant something stuck in the ground as a landmark. The noun paganus means country dweller or villager. The Roman Church labelled all these earthly people as devil worshippers but Satanism comes straight out of Christianity. Black Mass? Christ-mass?
339. Pagan Christ-Early Christianity, before the Romans edited its teachings, was a pagan Goddess worshiping belief system. The Son of God story actually in its true form means the SUN-of God and existed for millennia before the astrological Jesus figure.
340. Palm resorts-Amazing luxury resorts claimed from the sea on the coast of Dubai. The way they were built sounds like how Plato described the layout of Atlantis .There is actually an underwater replica of Atlantis which is a luxury hotel. This always makes me wonder has the sinking of Atlantis even happened yet? Hmmmmmm!
341. Pandora�s box-In Greek mythology, Pandora was sent by the gods with a jar full of evils in order to avenge Prometheus�s theft of fire. She opened the jar out of curiosity, thus releasing the evils into the world. This story was later repeated in Christianity.
342. Pharaoh lineage- There is supposedly good evidence in the Bible, Torah and Koran indicating that Jesus and his followers were not poor shepherds, carpenters and fishermen, but the Hyksos Shepherd pharaohs who followed Akhenaton. The Biblical Exodus then makes historical sense, as the Hyksos Exodus from Egypt was an actual historical event when half a million people evacuated Egypt after a civil war with the Thebans, at a time when the God-comet was in the sky.
343. Phi-The measurement of 3.14, used in most ancient architecture. Phi is the number of times a circle's diameter will fit around its circumference. The building of the Great pyramid incorporated the measurement of Phi many millennia before it was supposedly discovered.
344. Philadelphia experiment-In 1943 the American military used given (alien) technology to try and cloak a ship called the Eldridge from enemy radar, but the experiment ripped open a time portal to the Montauk experiment in 1983.
345. Philosophy-The branch of knowledge or academic study devoted to the examination of concepts such as truth, existence, and reality. It used to be very much a part of Gnostic Christianity but was mostly and banished from Roman Christianity.
346. Photonic rains-The solar system at this time has started its journey through the photon belt where it will once again align with the Milky Ways galactic centre and with the Pleiadian central library on star Alcyone. This is the golden-age, the time of Aquarius.
347. Photons-In physics, the photon is the elementary particle responsible for electromagnetic phenomena including gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves. Photons pulsing through the sun are causing global warming.
348. Photon belt-Belt of highly charged photonic light that the solar system as a whole is orbiting into at this present time and will stay there for over 2000 years. Every 13,000 years when this happens there is great planetary cleansing and evolution of all planetary D.N.A.
349. Pineal eye-The pineal gland in the brain is the secret to higher consciousness. This is why mystics through time have always said that heightened sight comes through a 3rd eye in the forehead. Ancient kings used to elongate the soft heads of their children so that this gland would be closer to the front of the skull.
350. Pineal gland-The ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland was the connection to the Realms of thought. The great philosopher Descartes called it the (Seat of the Soul). It is located in the exact geometric centre of the brain, just like the Great Pyramid sits in the centre of the planet. The eye of Horus symbol looks exactly like the actual gland in the brain.
351. Piri-Reis Antarctic map-This map was owned by a Turkish Admiral who says it was a copy of much earlier maps. It shows the coasts of ancient South America, Africa, and the north of the continent of Antarctica without ice. The original map would have to be over 8000 years old. So when was longitude really discovered?
352. Pisces end-The 2160 years of the age of Pisces is ending and Aquarius the age of light, is beginning. Pisces was the age of religious fear and female/Goddess suppression, but this time is passing and we are all moving into the age of the multi-dimensional human.
353. Planetary acupuncture-The ancient Celtic Druids knew the planet consisted of crisscrossing energy lines called ley-lines or dragon lines and so they erected massive stones on these points to harness the earths healing electromagnetic energies.
354. Planets nerve cells-The Druids built their temples on these vortex points and used the energies to heal and to balance and dissipate the powerful destruction of earthquakes away from their city states. They would then direct the power to their pyramids for energy
355. Planets grid-There is a complex grid of energy-lines intersecting each other all across the planet causing vortex points. The ancient pagans built their places of worship on these spots, then later Christians hijacked them and said the energies being felt inside their newly built churches was the power of God, when really it was Goddess energy.
356. Planet X-The Sumerians 6000BC already knew all the planets in our solar system and also a 10th one called Nibiru. This is where religions creation gods were said to come from according to the many dubious translations. Planet X may be a giant comet.
357. Plato-Was a Classical Greek philosopher, who, together with his teacher, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy.It is from his works that modern researchers get their foundation information about Atlantis.
358. Polar-reality-Because of earth�s physical poles, life here is forced to experience reality as opposites. Up-down/good-bad/light-dark. Earth is soon to move into unity-consciousness.
359. Pole-globe deluge shift-Around 13,000 years ago the poles of the earth physically shifted due to earths expansion and caused a massive deluge across large parts of the planet. This is thought to have happened due to a shockwave coming from an exploding supernova.
360. Pole-shift-There is the magnetic pole of earth which wanders across the planet all the time, but there is also an actual physical pole-shift that throws mountains around like pebbles, raising and sinking entire continents and forcing civilization back to the stone-age. All the ancient monuments like the Great Pyramid are a few degrees off where they should be.
361. Powdered gold-Ancient kings knew that monatomic orme-gold when eaten could extend life and raise consciousness. The Dead sea in Israel /Jordan stores it naturally, along with many other priceless substances. This is the real reason for the holy lands, it was never about religion, as whoever controlled Jerusalem and its precious trade routes controlled the gold.
362. Prana-The life-force energy of the universe that we breathe in with oxygen. Through the violent shock of birth-trauma, humans are forced through fear to breathe shallow, which closes off the memory of how to breathe prana properly and deeply.
363. Precession of the equinox-There is a 26,000 year cycle of the earth that travels through the 12 constellations. The cosmic effects of each different time of 2160 years dictates rises and falls of human civilizations, and what gods would be worshipped.
364. Pre-history-History is biased against everyone except the ruler who re-writes it. Some religious people think their history only goes back a few thousands of years, and some don�t even believe in dinosaurs. Ha! They shouldn�t have burnt down Alexandria library then.
365. Project Paperclip-Operation Paperclip was the code name under which the U.S. intelligence and military services extracted German scientists from Nazi Germany, after the final stages of World War II. It was Nazis that helped the Illuminati create their secret-space program.
366. Psychedelic life-Humans would be nothing like they are today if their ancestor�s religions hadn�t been based heavily around hallucinogenic plant ingestion. All religions are based around natural drug ingestion, as this is who we learn about earth, by speaking to her D.N.A.
367. Psychoactive plants-The earth gives natural herbs, plants and fungi to humans for free, to enhance and expand their awareness and consciousness. But their very existence threatens the extremely spiritually insecure Global-Elite who think they are in control.
368. Puma Punku-Amazing ancient site in Bolivia that has intricately carved blocks that weigh more than 200 tons. They were thrown around like play-blocks by an enormous earthquake 11,500Bc. This was the polar-shift that created the flood.
369. Puppet leaders-The faces seen everyday on the news, who you think are in control of the world, are just lackeys who answer to some very nefarious unseen forces. They are just power-hungry, soulless, mind controlled puppets. J.F.K got to the top and realised he wasn�t in control. BANG-BANG and BANG!
370. Quantum theory-Quantum mechanics is the study of the relationship between energy quanta (radiation) and matter, and provides accurate descriptions for many previously unexplained cosmic phenomena, such as how the observation of something actually physically changes it. How can our Matrix-type world be solid, if the atoms that create it are not solid?
371. Quetzalcoatl-The plumed serpent in Aztec belief. He was the sun-god born on the 25th of December like all the others. The Spanish Christians knew about his return, and claimed they were the Indians God. Then they slaughtered them and stole their gold for their gods.
372. Qumran-Is where the ancient holy sect the Essenes lived near the Dead Sea in Israel. They followed the true esoteric/astrological teachings of Christianity and wrote and hid the now suppressed Dead sea scrolls.
373. Rainbow tribe-Referring to the awakening happening on earth to the human race, when many souls who have incarnated together for millennia in different bodies and life situations, will come together for the earths imminent jump in evolution into the age of Aquarius.
374. Rapture-Most religious people are waiting for the so-called final battle of Armageddon to come and destroy the billions of so-called unclean souls. Some of these fanatics are even trying to speed it up by re-building the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They believe they will be taken up to God at the end of time, but they, like all of us, will experience a planetary out of body experience brought on by earths magnetic reversal and polarity-shift.
375. Reality hosts-Entities with no fixed abode in time and space and answer to no power in the universe except the Great spirit known as the source. When a planet is in quarantine, they come to pass knowledge that has long been forgotten in the darkness of space.
376. Rear Admiral Byrd-Said he flew into the land of the inner earth by going down through the entrance at the north pole. He claimed that he saw valleys, mountains, rivers, a mammoth and U.F.O�s. He wasn�t wrong as civilizations do live down there in Shamballa.
377. Re-birth- To be spiritually re-born in a physical body, by realizing the sacred spiritual concept of conscious evolution of the soul, and the secret of releasing accumulated negative karma from the light-body. The great pyramid was also used as a re-birthing machine.
378. Red one without a face-The ancient Sumerians said that the colour of the planet of the gods, the planet Nibiru was red. It may be also be a comet. They also knew the size and orbits of the other planets, as they proclaim the Annunaki told them.
379. Reiki-Japanese healing art, where universal energy (God) flows through the giver into the receiver by the laying on of hands or lightly touching the persons body around the chakras.
380. Reincarnation-This is the very real cycle of life to death, when a person�s soul inhabits a new body to return to the lower densities of life to work off bad accumulated karma. Even this is not the big secret behind existence, as its also illusion, but its an important part.
381. Remote viewing-This is the ability to gather information that is hidden from the physical perception of the viewer at distance, a form of extra-sensory perception. The Nazis used it in WW 2, and other viewers have went past the year 2012 and found nothing but a void.
382. Reptilian-brain-The most ancient part of the human brain. This is where extreme hierarchy, cast systems and cold blooded dictatorship mindsets stem from. Watch the reptiles in the wild as his is how the Illuminati behave. It is known as the R-complex. See RH-negative.
383. Resurrection-Christians believe that Jesus resurrected after being on the cross. But they really need to do some homework, as this story is symbolic of the SUN-of God being born at the end of the year, after not rising for 3 days between December 21st-24th.
384. Retro-virus�s-This is any virus belonging to the family Retroviridae, whose members share a unique method of replicating themselves when they infect living cells. These are what the man-made A.I.D�s virus attacks in the human body.
385. Revelations-Last book in the Bible that prophetically tells of the beast (New World Order/U.N) and the Messiah (comet/Nibiru/sun) and the end of the world. Or did this already happen at the fall of the Roman Empire, ushering in the dark-age?
386. RH-Negative-It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus monkey. This is rhesus positive blood. The blood origin of the Basque people is unknown and is thought not to originate on earth. Mothers with RH-negative will naturally abort the baby of a male with an incompatible blood type.
387. Right side of the brain-This is the female, intuitive, emotional and knowing side of the brain, that has been suppressed by left-brained science, religion and education. But it is making a comeback due to the coming of the age of Aquarius.
388. Rule of male-As above. The Goddess religions were first subjugated in the 18th dynasty of Egypt under the rule of Ahkenaten when aggressive, male-dominated. dictator based religions took over the world and consciousness of mankind. They saw the God-comet.
389. Sacred geometry flowers-(see Flower of Life)
390. Sacsayhuaman-Massive zig-zag kundalini fortress in Cusco, Peru, where the builders actually softened granite blocks with herbs, moulding and pushing them together making its walls virtually earthquake proof. It is a serpent worshipping temple.
391. Saddam Hussein-This guy actually believed he was the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon. He built the Tower of Babel which was an ancient Stargate. A stairway to heaven. The guy you saw executed on the internet was not the real dictator, he had many doubles. I think he is a lifeguard in Florida.
392. Samaria-The name "Samaria" derives from an ancient city of the same name, which was located near the centre of Samaria, and was the capital of ancient Israel. The good Samaritan.
393. Samson -Had his hair cut in the Bible by Delilah and lost his strength. This again never happened, as it is symbolic of the sun losing its power. The name Delilah means night-time. Sam-Sun



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