Wake Up! You Hypnotised Morons. The A-Z Of Awakening. (4)
Mr Sel And Dr Lemuria


196. Hallucino-genetic-The word “hallucinogenic” means a substance, especially a drug that causes hallucinations. But this word is my own mash-up version referring to how experimenting with mushroom psilocybin can actually alter the light in our D.N.A.
197. Harmonic star-gate pyramid-The Great Pyramid was never ever a tomb, it was a physical-mer-ka-ba built by the Atlantean race before ancient Egyptians to harmonically synchronize humans with the universes higher mind. It was originally a stargate.
198. Hathor-In Egyptian mythology, Hathor was originally a personification of the Milky Way, which was seen as the milk that flowed from the udders of a heavenly cow. Hathor was an ancient Egyptian cow goddess and that’s why Indians still worship cows today.
199. Heart chakra-When people say they feel love in their hearts, its not actually the physical heart organ, for they are actually feeling prana-chi energy spinning in their heart chakra coming through their light body.
200. Heathen-An insult for someone who does not follow any type of organized religion.A heathen is one who practices the pre-Christian religion of the ancient Germanic people. They worship Norse gods and goddess (planets/comets) and also the earth.
201. Heaven-There may well be a spirit world of eternal light after physical life, but the religious people who believe in this concept are creating a hell on earth for everyone at this time, by projecting their consciousness into an undecided dark Armageddon future. In the Bible when they talked of heaven, they meant (the heavens), in other words, space.
202. Her-story-The real story of Mother Earth (the Goddess), which has been systematically erased by the terrorizing male dominated religions, by burning and looting libraries and slaughtering the Shamanic races such as the Celts, Africans and Indians.
203. Hieroglyphics-Were a picture language developed about four thousand years before Christ using a decimal system of numeration up to a million. Hieroglyphs were called by the Egyptians "the words of God".We couldn’t understand them until finding the Rosetta stone.
204. His-story-The false version of her-story written by the pens of men (who were the victors of battles and conquests) for political and religious gain. History is always re-written by the victor. His-story, not Mother Earths story. Her-story is found within the Akashic records.
205. Hollow Earth-There are said to be very advanced, highly spiritual civilizations that live within the earth, and they say their civilizations are supported by a central sun. Some people call the city Shamballa, and the entrance is believed to be in Tibet.
206. Hollow space-ship moon-The moon is actually hollow, its interior was once home to an ancient race that travelled across space in this celestial body. The moon landing photos have been meddled with to erase giant glass domes and mile high skyscraper structures. Those humans living at the time when it arrived were called Pelasgians, Proselenes (meaning “before the Moon”).Our own astronauts have walked through and filmed bases on the moon, and actually seen massive ships watching them. There are many alien/human bases on the dark side, and they aren’t anything to do with NASA. They are the secret governments.
207. Hologram mind projection-Everything your 5 senses can pickup, is a hologram produced by your subconscious-mind. Whatever you let absorb into your subconscious becomes your reality. This includes TV gore, stress and manufactured fear. We create reality!
208. Horus-Egyptian god in the form of a falcon, whose eyes were the sun and the moon. The Christian myths were first related to Horus or Osiris, and if you compare the symbolic story of Jesus, you will quickly see it was originally based on Horus. The eye of Horus is really the hyper-dimensional pineal gland.
209. Hubble-The name of the most powerful space satellite telescope in the world, named after astronomer Edwin Hubble. Its images are not blurred by earth’s atmosphere, and so the universe photos it takes are beyond extraordinary. It can see back in time, literally.
210. Hunab-Ku-Meaning 'Sole God'.This was the main deity of the Mayans. No images existed of Hunab-Ku since the entity was considered to be without visible form. In other words they understood it to be pure consciousness. The great yin yang spiral that created everything,
211. Hunters belt-The constellation of Orion represents Osiris in Egyptian religion. Orion is the hunter, and the 3 Giza Pyramids are aligned to the 3 stars in the constellations belt to the date of 10,500BC.These are the 3 kings of the symbolic Jesus Nativity story.
212. Hunter Gatherers-Humans were thought to be hunter gathers no more than 10,000 years ago. People still believe this, and yet the proof exists in the form of advanced ancient monolithic cities going back to 15,ooo years ago. Not to mention giant 14 ft skeletons.
213. Hybrid-religion-All religions fight and kill each other because they think they are right and think they are unique, but its easy to trace most Western and Middle Eastern male dominated religions straight back to Egypt and Iraq/Sumeria. Around 3500 years ago a giant comet appeared in the sky and tipped the earth causing mass destruction, food shortages, wars and new religions. All the religions were based upon the comet which they thought was God.
214. Hyksos-Were a Semitic people who came to power in Egypt in the 18th dynasty, their Pharaoh’s name was Akhenaton. Akhenaton changed the centuries old religions into a monotheistic worship of the giant comet and not the sun which led to him and 500,000 followers being banished to the wilderness. This is the real Israelite Exodus. They called this God Aten, but it is also known as Yahweh.
215. Ice-age-The earth goes through ice-ages in observable cycles, as it spins on its cosmic orbits, but there are many things that can instigate them such as global warming. But times of ice and cooling can also be caused by comet impacts that set off many volcanoes which block out the suns heat. Lets just say it’s a mixture of many things.
216. I-Ching-This book is a symbol system used to identify order in chance events. The text describes an ancient system of cosmology and philosophy that is intrinsic to ancient Chinese cultural beliefs. It aligns and comes awake when used with the Mayan symbols.
217. Ice-dragons-The ancients thought comets and meteorites in the sky were the ancient dragon gods returning in their rocket ships. These are the same gods that arrived from Mars in the time of mass destruction in the solar system. Did the primitive ancients at Nazca in South America, try to coax the gods back by building fake runways, or is this more astrology?
218. ID card-The New World order are trying to bring in mandatory ID cards by causing as much deliberate chaos and terrorism across the world as possible. They will then say the cards are not working and bring in mandatory micro-chipping.
219. Illuminati-The Bavarian Illuminatii are a secret society founded in the late eighteenth century, which in modern times controls world affairs by funding all sides of manufactured blood sacrifice wars through governments and corporations.
220. Incas-Amazing spiritual civilization that existed in Peru/Bolivia. They were the people who adopted the mountain worshipping temple of Maccu Piccu which was so well hidden that the murdering Spanish didn’t destroy it.
221. Indigo-children-A medium lady who can see people’s auras noticed that from around the year 1974 different highly evolved children were incarnating on the earth. Their auras were the colour of indigo and they are acutely aware of their earth missions unlike most tuned down TV obsessed adults.
222. Inner Christ-Jesus is not coming back, this has been heavily misunderstood. What is happening is that there is a coming jump in human evolution after 2012 when Christ consciousness awakens within the self. The Messiah returning is a comet.
223. Inner Earth-There are many different races that live within the earth, some are incredibly advanced, but some are so ghastly that the humans have killed them off in legends right up to the Medieval times. These entities are lizard humanoids.
224. Inner sun-Many believe there are holes at the north and south poles which are gates to the inner hollow-earth. Its believed the northern lights are energies coming from the central sun of the spiritually advanced light city of Shamballa.
225. Intellect mind-The brain has two sides, the right female side controls emotion and intuition and the left is intellect and logic. The western world is predominately left and male dominated, while the east has always been more right brained.
226. Inter-pineal mankind-The Goddess/planet was once worshipped and respected and humans were right brain thinkers, having use of their telepathic abilities. The pineal-glands D.M.T powers are now virtually turned off due to D.N.A damaging vaccines and TV banality.
227. Inter-dimensional-This is the 3rd dimension and is the lowest level where physical beings positive and toxic can exist together. Humans are multi-dimensional and many of the beings who come to earth are inter-dimensional and not necessarily extraterrestrial.
228. Immortal-Everything in the universe including humans is electromagnetic energy, and cannot die, it simply transforms into another form of energy. This means that consciousness is immortal and stays intact between different physical incarnations.
229. Isis-This deity is the mother of the Egyptian Sun-of-God Horus. She was the earth Goddess who the early Egyptians worshipped. Later the Christian Mary figure was based on her, and the star Sirius (Bethlehem star) symbolizes her.
230. Jehovah-Main God of the Bible Hebrews. They were said to be monotheistic (belief in one God) but it’s clear they worshipped many gods and chose Jehovah as top dog, simply because he could melt mountains and move the seas. He is also known as Yahweh the volcano/comet God. The state of Israel stands for Is=Isis, ra=Amun-Ra, and el=Elohim.
231. Jesus-Character and story made up by a Greek Roman called St Paul from the life and times of a real holy Druidic Shaman spiritual master called Yeshua. Its believed by many that the real Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, who was in no way a whore but a highly respected teacher in her own right. The Roman church did away with the Books of Mary and many others. Jesus is astrology, he is a comet, he is also a very ancient pagan sun-god.
232. Jihad-The Muslims version of the Armageddon holy war to end all wars. The Muslims are thought to worship a meteorite (the Black stone) which is housed in Mecca. They said this stone fell from God in the sky, and there might be a lot of truth to this as the Muslims also unknowingly worship the same comet God as the ancient Israelites.
233. Jordan Maxwell-Highly respected researcher and speaker on the topic of the identity of the Illuminati, and the E.T intervention history of earth. He has come to the E.T intervention theory after over 40 years of studying the Bible and other ancient sources.
234. Josephus-Was a 1st-century Jewish historian who survived and recorded the Destruction of Jerusalem in AD70. He was really a propagandist for the Romans who he defected to, to save his own life. He actually didn’t believe Jesus was the son of God, yet modern Christians unknowingly follow his writings to this day.
235. Judaic Saturn worship-The Jews worship the Passover festival on a Saturday as opposed to the Christian SUN-day. Saturday worship is the worship of the planet Saturn or as the ancients called it, Satan. Satan is said to be Lucifer, and we all now know that Lucifer was a fallen angel. In other words, he was a devastating meteorite, and therefore an actual piece of the entity known as Yahweh, in other words, God. Santa is also an anagram for Satan, so what the hell is going on here?
236. Kabbalah-This is the name applied to the whole range of Jewish mystical activities. While codes of Jewish law focus on what it is God wants from man, kabbalah tries to penetrate deeper into God's (the inner God) essence itself. Even now this knowledge has been twisted, into a backwards modern cult that many famous faces are affiliated with.
237. Karma-Due to the electro-magnetic make up of the universe, every thought and action will attract the very same type of energy and life situation back into your present life, or the next. So watch your thoughts, intentions and words very closely.
238. Khem-This is the ancient name for Egypt. This is where the science of alchemy sprouts from, where base metals are transformed into precious metals. Khem is also a name for the seven sisters constellation where the galaxies central star Alcyone orbits.
239. Ki-This is the Japanese version of Chi-prana- kundalini- life-force. It translates as energy flow, or literally as air or breath. Japanese contains 11442 uses for Ki.
240. Kings chamber granite coffer-Inside the Great Pyramid is what looks like a coffer to hold a sarcophagus, but there was no mummy, no treasure and no hieroglyphics found anywhere inside. It was not a tomb, it was an ancient stargate, but was also used for spiritual initiation.
241. King Nebuchadnezzar-Was a ruler of Babylon in the Chaldean Dynasty, who reined 605 BC-562 BC. He was famous for the hanging gardens of Babylon and destroying Jerusalem. Saddam Hussein thought he was his modern day re-incarnation. There is thought to be a stargate in Iraq from where the original Annuniki gods came to earth through, and that this is the real reason for the invasions of this very ancient technological civilization.
242. Koran-Holy book of the Muslims which followers of the Great teacher Mohammad compiled after his death. Just like Yeshua/Jesus he never wrote anything down and so he didn’t actually invent the religion, his followers did about 150 years later.
243. Krishna-Is a deity worshipped across many traditions of Hinduism. He is usually depicted as a young cowherd boy playing a flute. Like Jesus, he was a symbol for the Sun, the light of the world.
244. Kundalini-The God energy that lies dormant at the bottom of each human’s spine. When it is awakened, it spirals like two D.N.A serpents up into the pineal-gland, and with the help of meditation spark higher conscious 3rd eye awakening in the individual.
245. Left-brained-The left side of the brain is the male, aggressive, logical and intellectual part. The world is ruled by this mentality but right-brained balance is coming back in. The extreme side of this, apparently manifests as the amazing condition known as autism.
246. Left hand course-Referring to taking the dark path to power, as in selling your soul for notoriety and material power and fame in this life. Knowledge and esoteric magic are neutral, and can be used for good or evil just like how the Nazis reversed the Tibetan Swastika to create mass control and fear..
247. Lemuria-Great spiritual telepathic civilization of earth before the Annuniki came and created Atlantis, genetically meddling with humans and waging war. The Islands of the Pacific are thought to be what’s left of the Lemurian continent. It was more than likely an Eden-type time of earth rather than an actual location.
248. Leo constellation-The Great pyramid was first built to point to the zodiac time of Leo around 10,500 BC. It and the Sphinx were aligned to the lion in the sky to let future human races know that advanced humans existed on the earth before them.
249. Lightning crystal cutters-The ancients had technology of a kind that is only being re-discovered now with advanced science. Don’t think for a second that giant granite blocks were cut with soft metals such as copper or bronze. There was an advanced race on earth before modern humans. In fact, we have yet to reach their level of technology.
250. Life-force-This is the conscious God energy that flows through all, and is all. Some people like to perceive it like a large man like the Thor or the Zeus images, who watch over people and punish them according. But this is primitive and was adopted from the Greek religions by St Paul, and used later in Christianity. We are electromagnetic light energy.
251. Life’s hologram-What you see as your life is a holographic mind projection of what you believe to be reality. What you believe to be reality is what is inside your subconscious-mind. Don’t you think you should watch what goes in it? Turn off the Tv for a start.
252. Linear illusion-Referring to linear-time, being past to present to future. This is illusion, as it was humans that invented time. All time happens in the same ever-evolving moment. In the now. Time-travel is very real. See the listing called Eldridge.
253. Lizard humanoids-According to David Icke and many other researchers, there is a race of E.T’s here on earth at this time controlling all evil through possession of powerful human figures. They are believed by many to be shape-shifting reptilians. Watch the movie V.
254. Longest land meridian-The Great Pyramid was perfectly built on the longest 90 degree intersecting piece of landmass on the planet. To do this, the builders would have had to have surveyed the entire earth probably by air over 10,000 years ago.
255. Longitude-Unlike latitude, which has the equator as a natural starting position, there is no natural starting position for longitude. It wasn’t discovered until the 17th century and yet the ancients had already mapped Antarctica when it free of ice.
256. Lord Pacal-The Mayan equivalent of Jesus/Yeshua, born on the 25th of December, who was also a symbol of the sun. He came to earth from the star Maya in the 7 sisters to implant the Mayan calendar knowledge back on earth.
257. Lots wife-In the original Sumerian text story, she was turned to a cloud of vapour rather than a pillar of salt, when the god Enlil/ Jehova destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible. But this was actually a natural disaster, being the fallout from the God-comet.
258. Lower 4th dimension-This is a level that contains some very nefarious individuals. When satanic rituals are taking place in the 3rd dimension, the controllers are contacting reptilian demons to offer them blood-energy through human sacrifice or wars.
259. Lucifer-This wasn’t used as the name of Satan until the 4th century BC. Lucifer means the morning-star which is Venus, the bringer of light, and rises before the sun. Some say it is the sun, yet others say that because he was a fallen angel and son of god, that he was a devastating falling meteorite or comet. Jesus is also called the bringer of light and was of course the son of God and the symbolic sun.
260. Luciferian blunder-Many dying races in the universe decided to create artificial intelligence such as clones to try to mend their wrecked D.N.A and to take over other races against their will. They had decided to take the left hand course into genetically modifying themselves but this act eventually destroys love, emotion and the soul. This is why they abduct humans.
261. Lunar synchronicity-When humans were using the nature moon-calendar of 13 months and 28 days, women’s menstrual cycles were in sync with the cosmos, and birthed humans were born in harmony with the daily cosmic earth energies.



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