Wake Up! You Hypnotised Morons. The A-Z Of Awakening. (2)
Mr Sel And Dr Lemuria


64. Brains in compartments-Trauma based mind-control breaks the mind into compartments which are unaware of each other. These people are used for prostitution and drug runs for known political faces, also assassinations. The Nazis mastered this in the death camps and brought it to America after WW2.The German people lost the war, not the Nazis.
65. B.S.E-This lie is wheeled out every time there is a need to ruin farmers who wont comply with G.M food production. The mass burning of cattle stock was also a mass sacrifice to lower 4th dimensional demons. Just like 911 was.
66. Buddha-Indian prince, born over 2,5oo years ago who decided to live in poverty and attain enlightenment. The later Jesus sun-god story is identical with at least 40 other older characters from all around the world. This is pagan sun-worship and always has been.
67. Buddhist-A believer and follower in Buddha. In the years when Jesus was supposedly missing he was partly in Egypt and the Far East learning all the ancient esoteric scripts from these countries. He was known in India as Issa.
68. Burning bush-God was said to talk to Moses through a burning bush, but when you read it carefully you realize Moses had just eaten �manna� which was magic-mushrooms and was off his head witnessing St Elmos fire.
69. Buaval-Robert Buaval was the author/researcher who first noticed the connection between the three pyramids of Giza and the 3 stars on the belt of the hunter. The Orion constellation lines up at 10,500 BC. These 3 stars are the 3 Eastern kings from the Jesus (sun-god) Nativity play which is a wholly astrological story and never physically happened.
70. Celtic-Great Druidic people who settled on the islands of Briton. They originally came from Lemuria, also ruling Egypt at one time, and were not corrupted by the nefarious bloodlines. Histories recorded extermination of these psychic people was deliberate genocide. Many Egyptian Pharaohs had red hair and are still buried in Northern Ireland.
71. Central sun-Earths sun orbits Alcyone the central sun of the Milky Way. The solar system is part of a much larger cycle of cyclical evolution which lasts between 24-26,000 years, called precession. Alcyone is inside the 2000 year long photon belt.
72. Chakras-There are 7 main wheels of light in our light bodies which connect to major glands and organs within the physical body. If they are blocked with negative energy the body becomes diseased. The crown chakra is the ( 3rd eye ).The pineal gland. The eye if Horus.
73. Chamber airshafts-The so-called airshafts in the Great Pyramid are actually there to channel energy from the stars which they are deliberately aligned to, such as Orion/Osiris and Sirius/Isis. Alpha draconis and Ursa minor.
74. Channel alpha-Symbolic title, meaning to open up to your higher God-self. Tuning into channel alpha is the direct pineal-gland mind link into the mind of the creation force. The higher-self, the super-consciousness. The Great Spirit.
75. Chem-trail-The Governments are dumping chemicals over all major cities of the world, the residue looks like normal plane trails, but it is deadly. This is thought to be anything from viruses to nano-technology.
76. Cherubim-Little angel-like characters in the Bible. Ark lightning jumped between the two on the lid of the golden Ark. But these creatures were actually electrical elements, but only the priests/scientists knew about this technology. They had to remove their shoes. ZAP!
77. Cheyenne mountain-American nuclear-proof mountain which houses the command centre that controls home defence and the star-wars space missile system. Yet it did nothing to protect the country on the tragic manufactured day of 911.
78. Chi-The Chinese name for the energy force of the universe that flows through everything and is everything. This is the real God, it is the consciousness that gives life to all living things including the earth. We are it, it is us, it is love.
79. Chiron-Is a planetoid in the outer solar system that was initially classified as an asteroid. Dispute arose as to whether it was an asteroid or actually a comet. Today it is classified as both.
80. Christ Consciousness-The level of 9 dimensional consciousness that the great Shaman Jesus/Yeshua was believed to have functioned at on earth, but it fact can also be attained by any awakened or enlightened human. But it takes a few thousand incarnations.
81. Christos revelations-We are living in the times when all will be revealed about our true origins, revealing how all the different humans races came from the stars. The planet is about to jump evolution into the 4th dimension.
82. Clone-An identical copy of a individual, but do they have a soul? If they are showing the world how a sheep called Dolly can be cloned, then you can be sure as hell that humans have also been cloned in secret. In fact the human race was first cloned in E-din.
83. C.M.E-Stands for coronal-mass-ejection, which are giant solar flares that spout out from the sun. Some are millions of miles long and could easily fry the earth in a second. It is the earths journey through the photon belt that causes this, as well as global warming.
84. Coincidence-There is no such thing, as you have already planned your life before coming to earth. Coincidence and synchronicity are to let you know you have jumped back onto your correct life-path, so don�t just shrug them of.
85. Comet- Giant dusty snowballs that orbit around the galaxies slamming into planets like sperm, wiping out old life an mutating different new life into being through D.N.A fusion with their radiation, bacteria, germs and viruses.
86. Comet Anu-When comets fell, or were seen in the sky, the ancient humans thought it was the original gods returning in their rocket ships. Anu was the leader of the Annuniki, the supposed gods from Nibiru. Or are these theories all mixed up?
87. Comet germs-Germs and genes from space slam into planets and mutate species. When nebulas or supernovas explode, their immense radiation changes the D.NA of life within all the cosmos, creating brand new mixes of species, and mass evolutionary jumps.
88. Comet Messiah-Religions are expecting the return of peace to earth in the form of a Messiah. But due to their lack of science understanding, this actually may be in the form of a returning celestial body that will cleanse the planet. If it�s a person, they may hurry up.
89. Conditioned reality-The form of false-reality that is beamed into peoples minds daily by tel-lie-vision. What the masses of people on earth believe to be reality is simply all the TV negatives rolled into one wholly depressing and banal newscast. This is mind control.
90. Constantine-Roman Emperor who hijacked the original pure Gnostic Christianity and edited it into the dark Roman Catholism and its Protestant offshoots, by sneaking his pagan idol gods into the story, topped off with sun-worship. Christianity has always been Paganism, because the saviour on the cross existed long before Christianity used it.
91. Council of Nicea-This is where Constantine in 325AD decided to banish the Christian Gnostics original Buddhist teachings of reincarnation and karma. There are many other banished Biblical books, such as the books of Mary, Thomas and Enoch. There was a second council in 787AD, where they took out many more, because they told earths true history.
92. Creationism-Many people blindly believe the entire infinite universe was created in 7 earth days. This idiocy was fine when people thought the sun orbited the earth and that the earth was flat. Apparently God buried dinosaur bones to test their faith. Unbelievable!
93. Creationists-Religious folk who believe the earth was made between 6-12 thousand years ago. They used to say that God buried dinosaur bones to test their faith. Many have wised up and now say that the Noah�s Ark had dinosaurs on it. DOH!
94. Creo-lution- A word I created to help the opposing sides of the origins-argument realize they have more in common than they have differences. Evolution and Creationism mixed, as its all a little bit of both all mixed up with D.N.A mutation.
95. Crop circle-Magnificent geometrical formations in fields that are there to awaken humans to the fact that other intelligent races are here trying to make contact through the eternal language of sacred geometry.
96. Crystal technology-Lost civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis encoded their knowledge in crystal, and also used it for a type of cutting tool or laser. Modern humans now use silicon chips instead, and cant decode the ancient knowledge that remains within the crystals.
97. Crystal skulls-Many of these incredible artefacts have been found around the world. It is believed that encoded within the crystal is great esoteric knowledge, but that moderns have lost the power to decode it. Were these crystal balls, maybe communicating along the planets dragon-lines from place to place? Is this how the wizards and shamans could see the future? Hmmm!
98. Cubits-Ancient Biblical form of measurement from elbow to fingertip. Its written in the Bible that Noah�s Ark and the Ark of the Covenant were both constructed using this measurement.
99. Cuneiform-This ancient language and writing of the ancient Sumerians was found in Iraq inscribed on clay tablets, telling the original uncorrupted story of the flood and Genesis, and the supposed genetic creation of humans. They were suppressed by the Vatican.
100. Dark-age-After a comet and toxic lead poisoning initiated the fall of Rome, Europe went back to the stone-age, and was swamped by Christianities cruel, dark and misguided world vision. There is little or no history recorded, as the church forbade all knowledge.
101. Dark-lords-The faces who control governments are just puppets, they bow down to unseen demonic forces which exist outside of earths 3rd dimension. These people control earth with electro-magnetic, hypnotic-black magic, and answer to non human entities.
102. Dark matter-Human scientists can only see 10% of matter and space, the majority of the universe is dark-matter and is thought to be the God-consciousness that controls it all. The brain functions at only 10%, unless on hallucinogenic plants of course.
103. Dark-side of the government-There is an unseen world government that controls all known world governments, and their god is the dark side of the sun- Lucifer. This is The New World Order, and they function on their own, being funded at this time by illegal Afgan opium production. They blatantly steal our money and answer, and care for no one.
104. Darwin-He hatched the idea of natural selection within nature. He was correct for his day, but different species evolve through D.N.A fusion and mutation, not selection. The different kinds of humans come from very different space races.
105. David Icke-Fantastic researcher who has dedicated his life to exposing the false reality that humans believe to be real. He has pursued fanatically the idea that the world is controlled by shape-shifting lizards, who holographicly possess the bodies and souls of the murdering New world. Order elite.
106. Dead sea-Salt lake which lies between Israel and Jordan, formed by an ancient cataclysm (or was it a nuclear strike?) in the Bible which destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. This is the lowest place on earth and is the most important mining site on earth as it is full of O.R.M.E gold which can extend life, raise consciousness and bend space-time.
107. Dead sea scrolls-Consisting of roughly 1,000 documents, including texts from the Hebrew Bible. These scrolls were discovered between 1947 and 1979 in eleven caves, and were compiled by the Essene sect that Jesus belonged to. So why does the Vatican suppress them? Well because among them was the book of Enoch. Go have a look at its explanation now.
108. Deja-vu-What is known as linear-time is not exactly true reality, as earth is living past-present-future all at the one time. Deja-vu is when little overlaps and pauses let humans see a glimpse of true non-linear time, and show how everything is happening in the one moment. This magic lets us know we are on the right path.
109. Deliberate reality-The act of consciously creating your perfect reality, by being fully aware of every thought and wish. You are exactly where you are today by no ones else�s decisions and choices but your own, as you create reality. Don�t try to predict the future, create it
110. Delilah- In the Bible she cut Samson�s (SUN) hair which made him lose his strength. This is symbolic of the sun losing its strength, as the name Delilah means (night-time). Sam-SUN is once again Biblical pagan astrology.
111. Demi-god-The Pharaohs and Caesars believed themselves to be part god. Its said their bloodlines were genetically modified to rule the earth for the gods until their return to modern Iraq through the stargate. This is what the Iraq war was all about.
112. Dendera-There are ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics here showing ancient electric light bulbs. This is how they lit-up the insides of the pyramids. Folk have puzzled for years why there are no torch fire burns. They had electronic know-how.
113. Destiny-Is where in your life you will inevitably end up, but it depends on how you plan your journey, as to how the outcome manifests. You still have a choice to create your own reality with your thoughts and life-choices.
114. Dinosaurs-We are told these magnificent creatures were all wiped out 65 million years ago, but many medium sized species existed up until the cataclysm of 13000 BC. Other small dino�s went inside the earth, yet many others evolved into an intelligent humanoid form.
115. D.M.T-(dimethyltryptamine) Is synthesized in the brain by the pineal gland. DMT plays significant roles in birth, REM sleep, psychosis, death, near-death and mystical experiences also astral projection. The psychedelics are already in our brains, not in the drugs.
116. D.N.A-Stands for (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) and is really a code that decides what genes and proteins a person carries. More than 95 percent of all DNA, was called Junk DNA by molecular biologists, but this is just ignorance. It is a transmitter/receiver of light.
117. Dogon tribe-African people who claim to be directly descended from extraterrestrials from Sirius. They said these gods were amphibious and taught them the weights and orbits of the Sirius triple star system. They were also believed to have travelled to earth in water-ships or balls, and we can see them if we watch the Secret-Space dvd of the Space Shuttle.
118. Dollars eye and pyramid-On the reverse of the one dollar bill is a picture of a pyramid with the capstone missing. It says New Order of the age. This is the Illumnati New World Order showing us who supposedly controls the world. But don�t forget, we create reality.
119. Double think-To deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies. From George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984.The daily news millions watch every night is utter double-think. TV is not true reality!
120. Dragon-lines-The Chinese name for the energy ley-lines that criss-cross the earth containing life-force serpent power. This is why the Druids built their temples on the intersections which are actually mini stargates, and why the Christians knowingly do also.
121. Druid-Celtic Shamanic spiritual teachers who held the knowledge of the healing earth powers. They were wiped out by Roman Christians, and yet Jesus/Yeshua was a Shamanic Druid. That is if he ever existed of course as the nativity play is astro-theology.
122. Dust-ball makers-Comets that orbit into the solar system can be from very far out in the universe. They bring microscopic life from other worlds to seed new planets. Comets started many different life-cycles of mutation on earth within animals and especially humans.
123. Earths axis grid-The Great Pyramid was built exactly on the centre of the earth and aligned to a date of 10,500 BC, showing the later humans that advanced races existed before humans and the great halfway pole-shift cataclysm and flood.
124. Earths continuous mass-Referring to the area of north Africa where the Great Pyramid was built, where the longest intersection of landmass anywhere on the planet exists. This spot was the ancient Greenwich meantime, and was specifically chosen and surveyed by a very advanced race of ancient humans who no longer exist.
125. Earths expansion-13,000 years ago a global cataclysm changed the face of the earth. It�s thought that a polar-shift took place, but a comet hit and the earth actually expanded, forcing the continents apart and losing all traces of Atlantis and Lemuria. This is why the dinosaurs 65,000000 years ago were massive, as the gravity is now much stronger.
126. Earths first time souls-Many ancient souls are here working to evolve humans out of this present self made chaos. But over population, forces many infant-like souls to be born who have no concept of how to break the re-incarnation cycle, and so they live in fear.
127. Earths 4 cardinal points-The Great Pyramid was aligned exactly to the points of the compass, and was intimately aligned to earth�s holiest vortex sites. This is a very highly advanced science that has all but disappeared, because it wasn�t built by humans.
128. Eden-Symbolic garden in the Bible where God created Adam and Eve. This is ancient Iraq where the Annuniki gods genetically manipulated the earth humans with their genes to create a hy-brid race. The Adamic race.
129. Eden-burgh-Edinburgh was named so, because it was the new headquarters of the Illuminati, from where they would re-start their New World Order propaganda in the form of organized college education.



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