Jimsonweed (3)
Teresa Ann Salyer


No, not even our Attie’s.
(FATHER INOXIA enters the
room and puts his arms around the sisters. In a corner of the hospital room, a brilliant light illuminates a magnificent spiral staircase.
An ANGEL appears at the top of this magnificent spiral staircase. The ANGEL wears a long white flowing robe. The ANGEL has the traditional wings, which angels are often portrayed as having. The ANGEL makes her way down the long, spiral staircase.The ANGEL stands at the foot of ATTIE’S bed and stretches out her hand to ATTIE. FATHER INOXIA,
TAYLOR, CINCI, Dr. RICHARDS and NURSE CONNIE stand frozen, motionless.)

ANGEL (In a gentle, but commanding voice)
Attie! Attie Datura! Arise! I have come for you!

(ATTIE rises and walks obediently towards the ANGEL. ATTIE is dressed
in the clothes she wore after the Christmas Eve Service. She looks first at the ANGEL and then at
        her family. She is confused.)

ATTIE (Confused)
Where am I? And who are you?

ANGEL (Comfortingly)
Attie, relax.

ATTIE (Looking at her family)
Relax! I’m there and I’m me! I mean. Am I dead? And who the hell are you? Oh, my God, you’re an angel, aren’t you?

Yes, Attie, I’m your guardian angel. We have work
to do before morning. Come.

I’m not going anywhere with you!


How did I get here? The truck! I felt hands
pushing me!

Listen to me Attie. You are not dead, yet. You
may live!

Some crazy son of a bitch pushed me.

No person was seen by your family.
It was a person, some evil

Yes, indeed, something evil. Something evil pushed
you. The thing, the evil presence you’ve been feeling
lately. Especially, at your seances.

ATTIE (Finally comprehending)
 An evil spirit has attached itself to me, hasn’t it?

Yes, Attie, I am afraid so.

How? God, that jimsonweed god. That evil god.

Yes that is right.

It meant to kill me and it nearly did! Why pick
on me?

Attie, no one knows the answers to these questions.
Do the innocent need know why the evil in the world
enjoys their suffering?

This thing, this evil spirit, it won’t be happy
until I am dead, will it?

No. (The ANGEL shakes her head ‘no’.) Toloache
will not be happy until you are dead. He is a warrior
spirit. Because of your God given ability to contact
the Spirit world, he considers you a Warrior. He con-
siders you a worthy opponent. There isn’t much time
till morning. And we have much work to do. come.
Come Attie Datura.

(ATTIE and the ANGEL climb the magnificent staircase coming to the top, the brilliant, white light vanishes.)

                       SCENE 2

     A wooded park adjacent to a cemetery. ATTIE and the ANGEL are seated on a park bench next to a frozen pond. ATTIE and the ANGEL are invisible to others. They watch the ICESKATERS, a FATHER with his CHILDREN (one of these children is DANNY.)

I don’t feel dead. Are you sure I’m not dead?

Cross my heart, Attie. You are not dead.

I’m not cold. I don’t feel cold. Are you cold? Oh
I guess Angels don’t have to feel cold.

No, I am not cold. And you needn’t worry about the
cold tonight. Relax!

Relax! I got hit by a truck! And I am supposed to
(The SKATERS, having fun skate past ATTIE and the ANGEL. ATTIE sees that one of the skaters, is DANNY!)
Hey, there goes Danny! (The SKATERS exit right.) Danny can really skate. Way to go Danny! Look how fast he can skate. He’s got way ahead of the others! Wait Danny! He’s gone way out past the safe skating area! His father has gone after him! Oh, no, the ice gave way under Danny! He’s fallen in. Help! Help! Someone save the little boy! Save Danny!

Attie! Attie! Danny’s father has him. He’s reached
down under the freezing water and grabbed Danny by his
coat! Only a matter of inches! He’s got him!

(DANNY’S FATHER carries a very lifeless DANNY. He enters stage right. He places DANNY’S very lifeless body on stage.)

What do I do? What do I do?

Tilt his head back. Hold his nose, while you
breathe through his mouth in several deep breaths!

(DANNY’S FATHER does just this and DANNY comes to! Gasping and sputtering! But he is alive.)

Lord be praised! Danny is going to be OK!

(DANNY’S FATHER picks his son up and exits right.

ATTIE and the ANGEL walk through the cemetery entrance. The cemetery is very quiet and well
tended. There are many elaborately carved headstones, some with angels, some with small children. The snow drifts around the headstones.)

This is the cemetery where my mother is buried.

(ATTIE and the ANGEL come to a small
headstone engraved with the words: ‘Edna Jean Datura, born 1935-1960, Loving Mother and Daughter.’
I was so angry with her for dying. For leaving me!

She loved you and your sisters very much.

Yes, I know.

She didn’t want to leave you. You were all so little. And hard as it was to understand, in the midst of pain. Sometimes, God has a plan.

(ATTIE and the ANGEL towards walk a burial. There are three YOUNG GIRLS; YOUNG ATTIE, YOUNG TAYLOR and
YOUNG CINCI. ATTIE’S GRANDMOTHER holds the sisters, comforting them. They are all crying. FATHER INOXIA
dressed in Church vestments, and holding a Bible in his hand, officiates at the burial service. He is, of course, thirty years younger. EDNA JEAN DATURA,ATTIE’S mother, appears at a nearby gravestone. She
beckons to YOUNG ATTIE. Both YOUNG ATTIE and ATTIE walks towards her.

Attie, you mustn’t grieve for me. (She brushes
away YOUNG ATTIE’S tears.)

Why did you leave us?

I didn’t want to leave you or your sisters. It was my time. It was part of God’s plan.

Then I hate God!
(YOUNG ATTIE bursts into tears and
cries against her Mother’s chest.)

Attie Datura! You do not! And you know it. God simply has a plan for each one of us. We don’t always know what that plan is, or why.

 I don’t care! I want you back!

I will never be far away. I promise!
(From behind them, ATTIE’S GRANDMOTHER and her two sisters are moving away from the grave.)
Attie, it is time for you to go back to Grandmother. It is time for you to leave me.

No! No!

Remember that I love you always. Attie. Remember that in each of us the spirit can either weep or sing! In you Attie Datura, the spirit sings!

(EDNA JEAN exits left. ATTIE, tearfully gets up from the bench and makes it back to her GRANDMOTHER and YOUNG TAYLOR and CINCI. The GRANDMOTHER puts her arms around YOUNG ATTIE. The ANGEL puts her arms around ATTIE.)

You know Attie, your Mother is in heaven, and she
still keeps an eye on things; on you, your sisters. She
and Grandma still argue as to whether Cinci is too fat
  and needs to loose weight. Or that Taylor is too intra-
  verted for her own good. Or whether it’s time you, Attie,
  found a nice man. Let’s go have some fun!


                        SCENE 3

     Outside the ANDREWS’ home. The only thing solid about the house, is the front door, gaily decorated with a Christmas wreath, there are no walls to obstruct our view.
ATTIE and the ANGEL are following CARROLERS. They join in singing traditional Christmas carols. They join in singing,
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen.

CAROLERS (ATTIE and the ANGEL join in)
 God rest ye merry gentlemen,
 Let nothing you dismay,
 For Jesus Christ, Our Savior,
 Was born upon this day,
 To save us all from Satan’s power
 When we were gone astray
 Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
 Comfort and joy,
 Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.

(ATTIE and the ANGEL stop suddenly in front of the ANDREWS’ home. ATTIE seems confused. The ANGEL puts her arm around ATTIE.

ANGEL (Knowingly)
What is it, Attie?

I feel. I feel compelled to enter this house. I
don’t know this house. I don’t know the people who live

It’s the gift, Attie. It is directing you!

Yeah, I’ll say. I feel an extreme sense of urgency.
How perfect everything looks blanketed in snow. Like a
Christmas card.

ANGEL (To herself)
Yes, it’s hard to believe that an evil thing has been let loose on the world tonight.


Come on!
(ATTIE and the ANGEL simply
walk right up to the ANDREWS’ front door and enter! The living room and dining room are festively decorated for the Christmas season. There is a Christmas tree gaily decorated in one corner of the living room. ATTIE
and the ANGEL arrive just as a young couple, JANET and TOM MERCER, are greeted at the door. They are
welcomed by JANET’S MOTHER, ELLEN ANDREWS. She takes the couple’s coats.)

Janet, Tom right on time! Dinner is almost ready.

Smells wonderful. Oh, what a beautiful tree!

(ATTIE almost bumps into JANET’S stomach.)
Now that is what I call one pregnant lady! Any minute she’s
gonna pop!
(The ANGEL laughs and places a hand on JANET’S shoulder.)

Yes, any time now.

(JANET places her hand on her
         stomach in a surprised manner.)

That’s my boy! Is he at it again, honey?

Yes, he is! He’s got a first rate kick going!

(JANET’S father, JAMES, rises from his chair and paper to welcome JANET and TOM. He gives each one of them a hug.)

Well, glad to see you both. Glad you could make it.
Ellen has got one terrific Christmas Eve meal going! Let
me tell you. She’s been slaving away all day! Not too
much traffic kids?

Really not too bad for Christmas Eve.

We did hear something on the car radio. A poor woman
just leaving a Christmas Eve service at her church, was
pushed in front of a truck by someone. No one could
identify a suspect. She is in serious condition at New
York City Hospital.

How awful! The world can indeed be an insane place.

(ATTIE walks up to JANET and becomes very serious when she hears this news about herself.)

ATTIE (Reflectively)
Yes, indeed.
(The ANGEL puts her arms around ATTIE.)



     The lights come up in the dining room. The ANDREWS are
seated around the dining table. ATTIE sits in DICK’S place at the table. The ANGEL sits on top of the china cabinet drinking a glass of wine.
     The dining room table is set beautifully with elegant china. A festive Yule centerpiece decorates the table. ATTIE is busy checking out the china.

Isn’t Dick coming tonight for dinner?

He called saying he’d be running a little late.

What beautiful china! (ATTIE checks underneath
a plate to see the make of the china.)
Wedgewood! I knew it! You know, I’ve always loved Wedgewood! I’ve often said to myself, ‘One of these days, Attie Datura,
  you are going to buy yourself some beautiful china. You
  know to show off at dinner parties.

Be quiet, Attie! (The ANGEL hiccups.)

Be quiet, yourself! And how many glasses of wine
have you had?
(The ANGEL toasts ATTIE with
her glass. ELLEN brings in the turkey on a large platter.)

Oh, my. Would you look at that beautiful turkey! And
it’s browned so lovely. I never can get my turkys to
brown nice like that.
(ATTIE tucks her napkin in her
I’m starved! Let’s eat!

Attie Datura! Do not do anything to draw attention
to yourself!

Well, hell. You’re sitting on top of the china

I am doing what all angels do. I am being unobtru-
sive. (The ANGEL hiccups.)

And do they all drink like a fish?
(The ANGEL sticks her tongue out at ATTIE. ATTIE does likewise.)

Mother that is one delicious looking bird!

Well, and I thank you James!
(ELLEN sits the turkey down on the table, just as DICK enters the dining room. He starts to sit in his place
at the table, where ATTIE is seated. She quickly gets up!)

Sorry, everyone. I’m late. Traffic. Lots of
traffic on the freeway.

ATTIE (To everyone)
Excuses, excuses. And you see what a delicious holiday meal your mother fixed.(To DICK) Geez, you’re cute! Tall, handsome.

(ATTIE sits on DICK’S lap and throws her arms around his neck. She kisses him on the cheek.)

ANGEL (Admonishingly)
Attie Datura!

(ATTIE kisses DICK on the lips!

Good Heavens, how much wine have you had?

So, I do imbibe, from time to time.

You look embalmed, not imbibed! (ATTIE looks at DICK.) Isn’t he cute? Now, why can’t I meet a cute guy like that?

Because, you’re in the shop all hours, or busy giving readings. Not busy living, Attie.

ATTIE (Sadly)
Yeah, and now it may be too late.

(The ANGEL touches ATTIE’S shoulder comfortingly.)

All right, Janet, sister of mine, how is my nephew

Kicking, keeping me up at night. The doctor says
any day now.

Any minute, more like!
(JANET laughs and then has
to stop laughing, placing a hand on her stomach.)

  Sister, you’ve certainly had a rough nine months of it!

Yeah, she certainly has. Complete bed rest. This is
really the first time she’s been out of the house in

Well, I wouldn’t have missed one of Mom’s holiday meals for all the world!

JAMES (He lifts his glass in a toast.)
To Janet and Tom. And to their new baby!

ATTIE (Puzzled)
They’re so cute! I feel such a sense of urgency when I’m around them. Like I’m supposed to be with them. Protect them… But, I haven’t got a clue as to why.

Perhaps, it’s because you wanted children, Attie.

Yes, wanted and still do. But, the right man just
never came along.

Nonsense, Attie! You never gave it a chance. What
with working all hours in the shop and those rediculous
séance sessions. Mostly, telling fools what they wanted
to hear.

ATTIE (With anger)
Hey, I have the gift. My mother had it, and my grandmother.

TOM (Concerned)
What is it Janet?

JANET (Alarmed, she is grabbing her stomach in pain.)
Oh, Tom, something is wrong with the baby. I can feel
it! Blackout
                       SCENE 4

     The hallway adjacent to the delivery room in the New York City Hospital. JANET lies on a hospital gurney. A
DOCTOR and NURSE push her quickly down the hallway to the delivery room. TOM holds her hand.
     ATTIE and the ANGEL follow down the hallway some
distance from the others, trying to catch up with them.
Suddenly, TOLOACHE, the jimsonweed god appears! TOLOACHE
tries to stop ATTIE and the ANGEL. TOLOACHE knocks ATTIE
down to the floor. The ANGEL struggles with it and TOLOACHE
knocks her to the floor.

ANGEL (With desperation)
Attie! Grab this evil thing! Don’t let it get near Janet’s baby!

(TOLOACHE moves towards the delivery room. ATTIE grabs it and struggles violently with it. The ANGEL appears by ATTIE’S side. Her countenance is fierce and righteous! Suddenly, TOLOACHE screams and vanishes! The deafening scream and desperate fight
with the evil TOLOACHE goes unnoticed by JANET and the others, who enter the delivery room.)

It’s gone! Vanished! Praise the Lord!

Yes, praise the Lord, indeed Attie! Amen!

(Suddenly, ATTIE grabs her chest in pain and collapses!)

Attie! What is it?


                        SCENE 5

     ATTIE’S hospital room in ICU is adjacent to the hospital nursery. ATTIE sits up in bed, holding her head in her hands. She has a bandage on her right temple. TAYLOR and CINCI sit next to her holding her hand. Dr. RICHARDS
reads her chart.

Well, Attie, you sure gave us all one hell of a scare. It really is a miracle that you survived with such a head trauma. You’re made of stronger stuff than I can even guess at.

Attie Datura you gave us all one hell of a scare and
on Christmas Eve, too.

You’re alive. You’re alive!

Sister, I told you Attie has one thick skull. Some
people, their brains go scattering all over the street.
Not Attie’s! Her brains aren’t scrambled, not one bit! (ATTIE holds her stomach.)All those brains look like someone poured ketchup all over them, runny. You know, some people do, put ketchup on their eggs. But, not Sister here. She likes her eyes over easy, no ketchup on her eggs.

ATTIE (Holding her head.)
My head. Oh, my head! Tylenol, extra strength.

Does your head hurt bad, Attie?

ATTIE (With sarcasm)
No, it doesn’t. It just feels like I got hit by a truck!

(Everyone laughs.)

Well, done, Attie.

(A light fills up one corner of
the stage, illuminating the magnificent staircase. The ANGEL appears half way up the staircase. She stands there looking down at ATTIE and the others. They are frozen motionless.)

You’ve scored some points with the Lord tonight. You’ve used your God given talents unselfishly and generously and lovingly. And in this world where evil sometimes gets a hold and wins, that’s all there is child, to save us. Thank you Attie. Well done. Well done.

(The ANGEL begins to climb the
staircase. When she gets to the top, the staircase and brilliant light vanish.)

ATTIE (Still holding her head)
Oh, my head. Tylenol. Tylenol.

Sister, you need to look before you go crossing the street!
(ATTIE puts on her robe and slippers and slips out of the room. Directly adjacent, is the hospital nursery. There is a large window, allowing visitors to see the newborns in their cribs. The boy babies are wrapped in blue. The girl babies in pink. A
NURSE places a boy in a crib. He is JEREMIAH MERCER JANET and TOM’S son. A NURSE, returning a newborn baby girl to the nursery, stops briefly beside ATTIE.

Aren’t they all beautiful?

Yes, they are. I have a feeling about this one here. (She points to baby JEREMIAH. She reads his name.) Jeremiah Mercer. Jeremiah, I think you are special. Just look at you.

Oh, my dear, all babies are special.

(DICK arrives with ELLEN and JAMES ANDREWS. They happily tap on the nursery glass as they look at
         little JEREMIAH.)

Oh, he’s adorable.
Oh, Ellen, all babies are adorable.

Well, little Jeremiah certainly is. Can’t wait to
have one of my own someday.

(DICK kisses ELLEN and she
pats his hand. ATTIE suddenly becomes dizzy and touches the bandage on her head.)

My dear, are you all right?

Oh, just a bit dizzy. Maybe, I need to go back to
my room.

Let me find someone to help you back to your room.

Please allow me to take you back to your room. No
trouble. Miss?

Thank you.

         from a nearby elevator.)
Oh, good grief.
(DICK takes her arm and escorts
her to the elevator.)

Attie Datura! What could have possessed you! Well, at least you found a nice man to escort you back.

ATTIE (DICK and ATTIE share a glance and laugh.)
Will you be my knight in shinning armor?

Always! (ATTIE stares up at DICK in an adoring way as the elevator closes.
                        ACT THREE

                         SCENE 1

     ATTIE’S Séance Chamber is decorated with Christmas
trimmings. A Christmas tree is beautifully decorated in a
corner of the room. ATTIE is seated behind the séance
table. We can see her face, arms and upper torso. Edgar
is perched on his stand preening himself.

CINCI (Opening the door for a client, MISS KELLY, an eccentric, elderly lady.)
Sister Attie will see you now.

(MISS KELLY has brought her dog, Princess Ann, a small dog, which she carries.)
Miss Kelly, you’ve brought a dog for a reading?

Yes, Princess Ann seems troubled lately.

Miss Kelly, I don’t do dogs.

Oh, rubbish Sister Attie! Princess Ann is one of God’s creatures and she’s troubled.

Well, I guess in this case I can make an exception.
After all, it is Christmas Eve.

Oh, thank you!

What seems to be troubling Princess Ann lately?

I think it is the recent death of Lord Rutherford.

Lord Rutherford?

Yes, Lord Rutherford. He was Princess Ann’s husband.

Oh, I see. And Princess Ann would like to make con-
tact with her late husband tonight?

Yes, precisely. Sister Attie you see everything

Yeah, well. All right. I feel that the Spirits are
churning tonight!

(ATTIE prepares to go into a trance. Her eyes close and her breathing becomes deeper. We hear a growling sound.)
Lord Rutherford is with us. (Opening her right eye.) He sounds pissed!

Pissed? Are you sure?

Well, he’s growling.
(The growling sound changes
         into an urgent barking.)
Slowly, Lord Rutherford. More slowly.
(The barking becomes less urgent sounding.)

Yes, yes. That’s better. Go on. Yes, Princess Ann was
right. Lord Rutherford has something to say to her.

         (The barking becomes happy barking.)

What is it? What is it? Sister Attie?






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Copyright © 2002 Teresa Ann Salyer
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"