The Prince Of Whales (3)
Shmuel Yacobi


The age of modernism is quite some thing. It has perfect humanity on one side and certain extra humanity on the other side. It became a burdensome responsibility for the innocent human beings to spot these extra human elements in the society and help them to understand true humanity. This extra humanity has crept into the human society and co-lived since prehistoric times. Now it takes some precious human time to draw the line between the Original humanity and the Clone humanity. But it should be done for the sake of universal peace. The sooner the humans do this research the better for the future human generations to live their peaceful human lives.

Chapter four

Here they come!

The seaplane reached the big vessel. The scientists had waved at the vessel personnel. Dr. Joan and the other scientists were received into the motor whaleboat. The seaplane took off like a determined sea gull.

The motor whaleboat rowed them towards the big whaling vessel. It reminded her of the castle villa. Dr. Joan suddenly remembered that she had to call her mother. She told Dr. Chad to arrange the phone call. He told her that she could do that from the vessel. The motor whaleboat brought itself closer to the whaling vessel. The crew lifted the whaleboat along with the scientists to the deck.

Roger Felix the captain of the whaling vessel welcomed all the scientists and gave a big hug and appreciated Dr. Chad for convincing and bringing Dr. Joan as if he had fore-anointed him for that job.

Dr. Joan is excited to see the sophisticated scientific equipment in the vessel and all the other systematic arrangements. She forgot to call her mother. She forgot her hydrophobia. She was ready to even go into the ocean in the detachable water capsule along with Sam. The expedition began. The vessel moved towards the famous deep whale cave. Sam was even more excited to be with Joan in the ocean. In the past he had tried several times to take Joan for a swim into the ocean. But Joan never listened to his suggestions or trusted his swimming talent because of her hydrophobia.

Sam is the best swimmer and got several medals in the swimming contests. Joan knew that Sam should be with her in this trip. Dr. Joan�s stepfather Rodrigo was really upset as if he had lost his soul mission.

He started a tiger walk in the dressing room. Lillian was worried more about his feelings than her daughter�s safety. Rodrigo finally broke his silence and verbalized the soliloquy, �she doesn�t take the mobile phone with her. She doesn�t remember to call us. She doesn�t understand how important it is for us. She acts like a little girl. Now I am worried about her. I called the Palace hotel desk and they couldn�t reach her. I think we should call the Hawaiian police and tell them the situation�. He seemed as if he is more worried about Joan.
Lillian hugged him and said, �O dear! She is not a little girl any more. She is going to be the world famous scientist�. Rodrigo looked at her and managed his feelings. The phone finally rang and Lillian picked up the receiver.

The male voice from the other side said, �hello! Is this Mrs. Lillian? Dr. Joan is on the line. Please don�t hang up�. The whaling vessel radio operator signaled Dr. Joan to pick up the nearby intercom phone receiver.

Dr. Joan lifted the receiver and said, �Mummy, is that you? I am sorry�. Rodrigo grabbed the receiver from Lillian and said, �O baby? Where are you? We are worried about you. Are you okay? Where are you? Is every thing okay? Where are you? Please talk to me. Where are you? Just tell me you are okay�.

Dr. Joan laughed and said, �Uncle Rod! Every thing is fine. Don� worry. I am with Captain Roger Felix in his beautiful whaling lab vessel�. Rodrigo gave the receiver to Lillian. Dr. Joan continued, �I saw granny. She is okay. I will call you tomorrow. Tell mummy my love. Bye�. Dr. Joan put the receiver on the hook and went to the dinning hall.

Dr. Chad and Captain Roger Felix were munching snacks and seriously discussing their plans for the day. They were hoping that they could communicate with the whales through Dr. Joan�s talking machine and find out the way to their dreamland.

They both believed that there is a goldhill in the ocean and the whales could some how lead them to the hill. Dr. Joan joined their conversation. Captain Roger Felix has explained Dr. Joan that they needed to communicate with the whales and see if they knew any thing about a particular hilly place in the ocean. Dr. Joan showed him the sound language dictionary of the whales that her grandfather Boris had developed. There are few symbol sounds. They could not understand a single thing in the dictionary. She then explained to them that each whale community has different sound symbols just like the different humans have different linguistic communities.

The sound symbols of one whale community may or may not resemble the sound symbols of other whale communities of other regions. But above all the existing inconveniences the whales can learn their sound languages faster than the humans learn their languages.

Dr. Joan�s explanation renewed their hopes and they looked at each other as winners. The goldhill in the ocean had been their research target even though it was a different story for the outsiders.

Dr. Joan further added, �after all it is possible to teach new sound symbols to the whales. But those sound symbols must be the sound symbols of the whales of different whale community and not just any sounds. Whales are good learners among themselves�.

The whaling lab vessel reached the deep whale cave area. The crew started to prepare the see-through lab. Dr. Joan made her equipment ready for the divers.

Dr. Chad and Captain Roger Felix and other two scientists from the whale-shaped see-through submarine led the divers into the cave area. Every thing seemed normal.

Dr. Joan is continuously watching every thing on the big screen monitor and giving them directions from the vessel. Sam is operating the keyboard and sending her directions to the divers. Sam and Joan could see the baby whales on the screen. The vessel moved closer towards the cave and the roaring noise of the engine stopped. Every thing became ghostly calm. Dr. Joan started her talking machine. Her words were converted into sound symbols and the whales started coming out from the cave to greet the new comer. Dr. Chad started typing certain words relating to the goldhill address with different descriptions. Dr. Joan verbalized those words with her voice.

The whales did respond positively. Captain Roger Felix was trying to figure out the location, distance and the route to the goldhill through the whale language. They were asking Dr. Joan and she was giving the exact meanings of the sounds by referring to her dictionary. Every thing was excitingly cool.

Suddenly the whales started returning to the cave. Dr. Joan asked the whales, �what is happening?� and the whales replied, �some thing is coming towards them in the sky�. Sam heard the sound of a seaplane and watched it on the monitor screen. He tried to communicate with the seaplane crewmembers. He suddenly realized that it is the pirate plane.
Chapter five

Get the girl!

The Big Boss told the regional bosses all information about the girl and asked them to get the girl. The action started. The Hawaiian mafia team is waiting at the dock for the seaplane. As soon as it arrived, they asked the pilot to take them to the new vessel. The pilot said, �my duty is over and I am not taking you any where�. The bad guys threw him in the water and took control of the seaplane. They flew towards the vessel.

They radioed to the their boss when they saw the vessel. They stopped the seaplane near the vessel and threw the ropes to the deck. The bad guys in the ninja costumes glided up to the deck. They pushed Sam to the deck and asked him about the girl. The vessel crew came to the deck with their weapons and provoked the ninja guys by shooting at them. Soon the ninja guys used their ninja tricks and went down the lab and came up with Dr. Joan. They roped and glided her down towards the seaplane. Joan looked down and screamed for help waving her hand towards Sam.

She doesn�t like even to touch the water at all. All the bad guys jumped into the water and went into the seaplane and dropped other another rope for Joan and the ninja guy who was holding her.

The ninja guy jumped into the water along with Dr. Joan and caught the rope and tied it around him and her. Then he signaled the seaplane pilot to take them up.

Sam got up and roared at them and quickly jumped from the deck into the water to stop them. He swam towards the seaplane and grabbed the rope. The seaplane dragged the ninja guy, Joan and Sam on the water runway and was about to take off. Sam cried aloud like a little boy. Joan was calling Sam all the time. The seaplane took off. The ninja guy, Joan and Sam were hanging in the air. The ninja guy tied Dr. Joan and tried to cut the rope so that Sam would fall down.

Suddenly like a lightning, a huge blue whale torpedoed and swallowed Sam, ninja guy and Joan and took the seaplane down. The big whale dragged the seaplane for a while until it was flipped and torn apart.

The ninja guys were holding on to the divided seaplane parts, looking around and trying to understand the cause for such a sudden disaster. They had disenchanted their ninja costumes and cried out for help.

Dr. Chad and Captain Roger Felix and all the divers were terribly shocked and quickly returned to the vessel. The ninja guys were waving at them for help from the ocean. The vessel crewmembers were yelling from the deck and shouting at them not to help those ninja guys. But Dr. Chad and Captain Roger Felix threw some ropes and brought them to the deck. When they came up to the deck the crewmembers threw the ninja guys into the water again and again.

The vessel crew, Dr. Chad and Captain Roger Felix were still helping the ninja guys to crawl up to the deck. There was a communication gap. The ninja guys suddenly remembered their mission and started fighting and negotiating with the vessel personnel for the special CD.

Then they all rushed to the lab room to search for the CD. They had finally identified and found the described carry bag. When the crewmembers came to know about the value of the CD, they started to fight again. Both the parties were trying hard to secure the carry bag. The fight was so chaotic and they accidentally threw the bag into the ocean. But no one seemed to venture into the ocean this time because they were all shocked to see the lightning attack of the big whale. The ninja guys were helplessly watching the falling bag from the deck.
The ninja guy, Sam and Joan had found plenty of empty space in the whale�s stomach. The whale started churning them taking water in and out. There seemed no time for them to figure out what is going on. It looked like a big churning machine.

The ninja guy tried hard to resist the churning effects. They all tried to crawl out from the whale stomach at the same time but the whale had belched them in again throwing only the water. The ninja guy was pushing them down and trying to get out before they do.

The whale has somehow figured out who is who by their screams. The whale is making a self-study of the movements in its stomach and waiting for right time to throw up. Finally the whale figured out and spewed out only the ninja guy. He was spat out like a torpedo. He flew in the air and screamed and could not notice the falling carry bag. The whale then dived into the ocean again. The ninja guys and the vessel crewmembers were yelling at the spewed out ninja guy to secure the bag. He was busy falling down into water and screaming. He could not hear a thing.

The ninja guy thought that he was the only heroic survivor and that the girl and the boy had died in the whale stomach. He was terribly shocked and looking around to quickly escape from the sight of the big whale.

But Sam and Joan were still in the whale stomach. Both cried out, �we are alive and we have air to breathe. We are in the whale stomach. We are in the in the ocean�. Joan then suddenly realized that Sam was speaking. She noticed the sudden change in Sam and cried, �O Sam you are speaking again�. Sam also noticed the change in his throat and both were excited. The whales started to swim towards the other islands.

The ninja guy finally heard the other ninja guys and saw the carry bag and got it. The ninja guys threw the ropes for him to glide up with the carry bag. While he was still crawling up like a spider man, the crewmembers were hindering him. The leaders of the two groups finally sat at the negotiating table. The peace talks finally began with heated arguments.

The ninja guy with the bag was hanging in the air and was screaming for help. The negotiations went on peacefully and they all unanimously resolved to pick the ninja guy and the carry bag up to the deck.

They came and looked for the ninja guy. But they saw only the rope and no ninja guy. He had already found the squirrel steps up to the deck and walked with the bag and was unwillingly doing the deep breath exercise. They all came and opened the bag. But there was no CD in it. The Big Boss called the head ninja and told him that they should look for the secret CD not in the carry bag any more but in Dr. Joan�s wallet.

The head ninja said, �ok boss�. He does not want to tell the whole story to the boss yet. He had maintained the blessed hope to find Dr. Joan�s wallet somewhere in the vessel.

Not knowing all these historical incidents, the head cook of the vessel made the hot lunch ready and rang the bell for the lunch. They all realized that they were hungry and came to the dining hall. There the head cook handed over the little packet to Dr. Chad and said, �Dr. Joan gave it for you. She asked me to tell you that you should watch this little CD�. He quickly opened the little package and found the little CD. Then Dr. Chad and Captain Roger Felix talked with their eyes and slowly got up and ran towards the lab room to watch the secret CD. All the ninja guys also came to the lab room and watched the CD.

It�s about the glittering underwater golden hill. The Goldhill is covered underwater like the birthing Island. The whole island is glowing like a golden mound. They watched the whole CD again and again. The Island is like a heaven on earth. The trees are like golden trees. The sand is like gold sand. The whole sea is like a golden sea.

The ninja guys and the crewmembers suddenly started to fight for the ownership of the goldhill. The scientists tried to support both the warring parties according to their promises. Some times they are fighting for the ninjas and other times for the crewmembers. Finally they all involuntarily sat for the peace talks. Finally every one voted for the equal shares, equal rights and equal responsibilities.
Chapter six

Sam! I am starving

Dr. Joan and Sam were still in the whale stomach. The whale stopped churning them any more. Sam tried to tell her that they could survive. Joan stopped screaming at last. She studied the whale behavior form its stomach. The big whale was opening its mouth and let them enjoy the sunlight within the stomach. It was a great experience.

Dr. Joan realized and finally acknowledged that they were safe. They felt that the whale is moving like the bullet train and taking them somewhere towards southwest. The whale stomach was like a big swimming pool and a foamy warm water triple mikvah.

Dr. Joan seemed like wheat colored seal freely floating this way and that way within the whale stomach pool. Her hydrophobia was gone. They forgot the difference in their gender. They became true soul mates. Then Joan felt hungry. She said, �Sam! I am starving�. Sam had no idea how he could answer her. But the whale responded very well by further diving down and swallowing some sea fruits. They never saw such fruits in their entire life.

The sea fruit was like a mixture of sweet potato and the pineapple fruit. Sam called it as pintato. Sam tried to taste the fruit but Joan stopped him and said, �it might be a poisonous fruit�. They hungrily looked at it but scared to taste it.

But the whale sensed the situation and allowed some cute little whales into its stomach to give a demo. The baby whales came in and started peeling and eating the pintatoes. Sam then tried and encouraged Dr. Joan. They both ate and soon fell asleep. The whale contracted its stomach and made it like a waterbed for them. Dr. Joan and Sam both went into sound sleep after eating pintatoes. They did not know how many hours they slept. The whale took them towards Kiritimati Island. And from there the whales moved towards Howland Island. There are some unnamed islands between Kiritimati Island and Howland Island. They seemed like floating islands and nobody ever noticed as they were still under water.

The whales stopped at one unnamed island. The whale swallowed lot of water and gave a wake up call to its inner guests. And Sam woke up and saw the rising sun in the ocean. The seawater was half yellow and reddish. Sam wanted to go out and see the morning sun. He said To Joan, �let�s go out and see if there is any land here�.

Sam signaled the whale that they wished to get out of the belly. The whale torpedoed them on the sand and all the whales greeted them good morning and good luck. Dr. Joan asked them to come back soon. They both waved goodbye to the whales. Sam looked around and walked towards a sandy mound that looked like ancient Masada. And Joan followed him to the top of the mound. The mound was glittering and they both realized that it was the legendary goldhill in the yellow sea.



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Copyright © 2001 Shmuel Yacobi
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