The Prince Of Whales (21)
Shmuel Yacobi


The Thalmulic folks threw Voodoo’s camera at the rear of the podium and covered Boris. The roof of the podium boomed second time and flew into the air like Aladdin’s magic carpet. The Thalmulic folks got up and dragged Boris from the dais. Boris came to the senses and said, ‘I am okay. I must find Bran. Take care of the wounded’. He got up and ran towards the departure gate. Joan and the ninja guys followed him.

The Police Chief signaled the security men to open the doors for them. Wilma, Bermann and Boer rushed towards their van. Matthew and Sam jumped into their van and rushed towards the canoe-parking dockyard. The Police Chief requested all the security units to go to the canoe-parking dock. Boris ran to the dock and saw the old man Ramses starting his pirogue. Boris ran and ran like a marathon runner and about to jump. The old man shot at Boris.

The ninja guys and Joan saw the situation and jumped into another motorboat and asked the guy for the keys. He quickly started the boat and cooperated with them. The old man shot at Boris again.

Boris jumped into the ocean. Joan cried aloud and asked the boat guy to go that side. She called Boris and screamed, ‘grandpa!’ She recalled her flashback and finally jumped into the ocean. Boris saw her and swam to her and said, ‘I am okay. Let’s go and get Bran’.

Joan said, ‘okay grandpa! Let’s go’. Their underwater conversation reached the prince of whales. The prince of whales understood that Boris and Joan were in trouble. The prince followed the sound and found Boris and Joan.

The ninja guys were looking for Boris and Joan. Boris asked Joan to hold him tight. He swam like the fastest fish. The ninja guys saw Boris and Joan they followed them with great speed. Matthew and Sam got into the cost guard boat and gave them directions.

The local police detained Wilma, Bermann and Boer and asked them to show their identities. Wilma pushed the police into the ocean and they took the police van and followed the boats by marine road.

They called the coast guard and asked for the aerial back up. The aerial back up guys identified the old man’s pirogue and aimed at him with repeated loudspeaker warnings.

Boris and Joan saw the prince and told him to chase the pirogue and stop Bran. The prince rushed towards the pirogue. Boris and Joan looked up and saw the coast guard helicopter. They tried to tell them not to shoot at the pirogue. They cried and said, ‘don’t shoot. You may kill the prince’. But their cries did not reach the helicopter guys. They shot a guided missile at the pirogue. Joan cried to the prince to leave the pirogue and escape from the missile. Boris asked the whales to take care of Joan and swam faster than the rorquals and passed on the message to the prince.

The prince calculated the situation and suddenly jolted the pirogue. The old man began to fly into the air. The prince then jerked off the pirogue and threw it in the different direction. He thus misled the missile.

The missile then hit the pirogue and broke it into thousand pieces. The prince narrowly escaped the missile in the most spectacular way. Matthew and Sam transmitted the message to the aircrew not to shoot at the pirogue. But it was too late and the aircrew saw what happened with utmost awe. They realized that they could have hurt the prince. Anyway they got the message and stopped shooting at Bran. The old man began to fall down from the air in a slow motion. The prince then opened his mouth and grabbed him in the right time. He looked like Triton the half human and half dolphin sea god.

Then the prince spat the old man up and the other whales swallowed him and threw him up again as though they were playing water volleyer game. The old Ramses make up fell off from the old man’s face and everybody recognized that it was Bran. Boris and Joan reached the area. Boris said to Bran, ‘O Bran! Now you are born again’.

All the coast guard boats and the aircrafts surrounded the spot. Joan and Boris brought Bran and handed over him to Bermann and Boer. The Police Chief arrived with the official media men and officially arrested Bran the notorious international criminal master brain of the century. He had made wonderful headlines in all newspapers. Bran said to the Police Chief, ‘if patriots got one life to lose for their country, I have thousand lives to use for my brainchild Ibtos. Don’t you know that it makes me a Matriot?’

Bran was convicted for all his pseudo-scientific deadly crimes and murderous cloning project. The UN has kept all the international criminals under its control for a long period of five years until all the court cases were completely settled.

The Whale family witnessed that Bran had killed many human beings and whales for his ugly devilish experiments in the past. The judge took note of their witness and gave him extra 100 years imprisonment.

The Thalmulic folks finally gave their witness and requested the Judge, ‘Bran is a psychopath having all the possible mental disorders. He must be in the asylum and not in the prison. He needs help. Not only him but all the members of his brainchild Ibtos, cheaters, smugglers, terrorists, murderers, liars and pseudo-scientific addictives and all sort of players of human lives should be treated as socio-politico-religio-pathic mental cases. They all needed our humanitarian help. We must teach them the real meaning of humanity. They must know the dangers of the untrained freewill, the value of human freedom and the life’s struggle between freewill and freedom on the arena of earth’.

The judge recommended Bran and all his Ibtos members for medical tests and finally sent them to the UN mental asylum in Hawaii. The scholars, politicians and other social scientists went there and studied the relationship between humanity and extra humanity in all forms of human life on earth.

The Supreme Court Judge Adams JR had appreciated Wilma, Bermann and Boer for their faithful service to the country. The Police Chief zealously praised Wilma for her selfless love towards Bermann and Boer at the same time. She has decided to live and die with both of them with all her freedom.

Wilma argued, ‘is there a limit to just love one? If that is so legal here, we three will live together in all freedom without marriage’. The Police Chief admitted that he was wrong and he apologized to them. Wilma welcomed him to join their pure human family.

The judge Adams JR unofficially appreciated her freewill yes freedom no concept and said, ‘my grandpa told me about how he defended the slaves in the famous Amistad case. I always encouraged the concept of freedom. I will think about what you said’.

The Thalmulic folks blessed her and said, ‘you are as praiseworthy as the legendary holy polyandric mothers of some religions. People will soon recognize your sociable nature and follow you. You will lead the warring people towards the peaceful life styles’. Boris appreciated the Thalmulic folks for their extrasensory perception and also for saving his life. Boris and Eliza invited the Thalmulic folks and the good ninja guys to become the citizens of Eretz Ephraim.

The peace-loving nations had appreciated and participated in Boris’ vision and came forward to recognize Eretz Ephraim the sister nation for all the diaspora communities on the thirteen Islands for the sake of world peace.

The UN member-nations welcomed the idea and encouraged their citizens to visit Eretz Ephraim. Many Arab nations also understood and appreciated Boris’ plan and came forward to participate in establishing Eretz Ephraim. The UN has granted a self-government status to Eretz Ephraim and agreed to leave Eretz Ephraim to the US trusteeship.
Joan and all the girls appreciated the prince of whales for all the help. They invited all his whale family to Eretz Ephraim since they can travel in all international waters without visas. The whale family members appreciated Boris and Joan for saving the life of the prince of whales. They expressed their friendship with the humans.

The UN appointed Bermann and Boer as the public relations officers of the Ibtos mental hospital in Hawaii. They gave special permission to anyone to go to the mental hospital and meet the Ibtos members for study purposes. The asylum was shifted to Eretz Ephraim after 5 years. The tourists and the resorters can talk to the Ibtos members.

The Kuwait Sheikh Mr. Jihad Zorrilla, the Moor from Northwest Africa Mr. Berber Alhambra and the Canadian Sikh Mr. Rajah Malay Singha visited Eretz Ephraim with their teams and spent many days in the resort. Mr. Stelepeg became the authorized mobile home deliverer for Eretz Ephraim. He had developed the half-timber work patterns in Eretz Ephraim. His boss joined the asylum along with the other Ibtos members and learned to appreciate his works. The best filmmaker of the century Mr. Akirosawa became the leading motion picture producer in Eretz Ephraim.

He encouraged other producers to make their films in Eretz Ephraim. The motion picture producers came to Eretz Ephraim and made the prince of whales their hero for their film series. The prince of whales is the largest living whale of the century. He was over 100 feet long weighing about 200 tons. The children loved him as their hero.

The UN had declared Eretz Ephraim as the war free zone. People from all nations began to visit Eretz Ephraim and learned living arts, live subjects and live sciences and took back the practical ideologies from Eretz Ephraim and introduced them in their countries. The children from all nations came every year and enjoyed their vacation in Eretz Ephraim.

They loved to watch and learn from the bottlenoses in Eretz Ephraim’s natural oceanarium. The prince of whales and his family members came every month and entertained the resorters.

They appealed to all the resorters not to kill the fellow humans or any friendly beings for the sake of experiments. They went to all nations and promoted their ideology everywhere with their slogan not to kill life for the sake of experiments.

They greeted everyone with their new way of greeting and said, ‘stop playing life or the life will play you’. Some nations took it as whale prophecy and warned their citizens not to play life in any form. Some other nations thought that it was silly. But gradually all nations understood that life is a universal issue and we cannot play with it as if we are the sole owners of entire life. The nations did not fully understand until after the first and second world wars.

Hundreds and thousands of people died during wars. Many people are still dying during the elections and riots and class struggle. Others were being killed in the name of religions and gods. For all the life on earth destroyed by the beings, life has taught great lessons.

How long do we postpone learning about the value of life? How much time do we need to recognize the value of life in general and human life in particular? Is there an evidential proof that the life lives after death? Religiously we can say yes but scientifically it is still no. Even if it so, we cannot kill life.
Until at least we scientifically explain life beyond death, we should not take life. When we cannot give life we cannot take it. When we cannot make, we cannot break. But Ramses is completely occupied in his special room sending and receiving the thought waves to the other prisoners in the Ibtos body. He started his morning homily and said:

- As promised I have brought you to the goldhill. As promised I gave you separate rooms to each of you.
- As promised I arranged gold to eat in the morning, at noon and in the evening.
- As promised I have gave my life to you all. You are one in me now. This is the goldhill. We will be here forever.
- I have given you Oedipus complex and Electra complex. Like the hagfish you can become male or female at your will.
- Enjoy my life my clone children. You will live-die-live forever in me’.

They all praised him and said, ‘you are anointed to do all these great things for us. You are worthy to be our Huitzilopochtli. You are in us and we are in you’.

They started the black mass and sang praise songs for Dr. Bran. He became their god on earth who had promised and fulfilled every thing that was promised. Dr. Bran the master shamanist brainwashed and titillated his devotees for some time.

The students of life sciences from the peace-loving nations came and studied the extra human nature in the human behavior manifested in these devotees. The devotees became taciturnly silent for some time and suddenly became garrulous for some time.

All the other times they were amenable to every statement that was said in the name of Dr. Bran their god. Ramses told them in the name of Dr. Bran saying, ‘Dr. Bran said’. They completely became addicted to the name Bran. They praised his as Dr. Monoversalis. They looked towards the sky like the stargazers for the return of Dr. Bran while he was always there among their cell bodies.

Ramses looked at them and noticed all his qualities were distributed in them. He was fully satisfied that he achieved his clonal goal. After that he did not know what to do. He slowly developed abnormal schizophrenic symptoms and began to talk with the guards.

He became peccatophobic and poinophobic at the same time. He became demophobic for some time and monophobic other times. Slowly he developed pantophobia and phobophobia. He cried aloud like a kid.

Boris visited him every day and reminded him of their childhood friendship. He began to recall his childhood days. He said to Ramses, ‘we started the Book of Job the father of didactic life sciences who said, ‘But ask the animals and they will teach you or the birds of the air and they will tell you or speak to the earth and it will teach you or let the fish of the sea inform you which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.

Then we began to learn from the hill myna. If myna can mimic human speech we can surely learn some thing from his speech apparatus. We can develop a device and help the entire mute and the speechless. Now we have to continue our study and help the mankind’.

Ramses said, ‘yes I remember the study. After I left Boston I have invented the clones. They can mimic the human speech like myna’. Boris slowly brought Ramses into his senses. He finally agreed to start medication. The expert doctors of Eretz Ephraim started medication to him and his devotees. They mixed the medicine in their food and gave them medicines since they became pathophobic and iatrophobic at the same time. While the psychosomatic treatment was going on well the medical students from all nations came to Eretz Ephraim and learned practical lessons in genetic engineering.

The diaspora communities slowly realized and appreciated Boris plan. They became the member-citizens of Eretz Ephraim and supported the Middle East peace process as a sister nation to Israel in the UNO.

All the nations appreciated Boris plan and participated in all the peaceful activities of Eretz Ephraim. Nations have sent their students to Eretz Ephraim to study and learn life subjects in all levels.

The prisoners have slowly shared their individual peaceful life styles to all the international students. There is no more killing in Eretz Ephraim. The intelligent world finally learned the life sciences and the value of life.

After five years

It took five years for Boris to cytologically figure out that the prisoners are 44 just like the number of autosomes in the common human body cell. There are 22 pairs of prisoners plus Ramses. Dr. Bran must be still missing.

A group of women from various countries made reservations to stay in the Island resort. One of them is Dr. Bran with a woman’s name as Brittany. The airplane landed on the Island. The whales smelled Brittany and told Joan that it was Dr. Bran. Boris showed the prisoners to the visitors as usual. Brittany went into the bathroom. She took out her lipstick equipment and fixed her pistol and shot Boris’ dupe. The security guys arrested Brittany-Bran. He sent his thought waves to the prisoners from his special room and they all chanted, ‘Bran-god finally killed Boris’.



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Copyright © 2001 Shmuel Yacobi
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