The Prince Of Whales (15)
Shmuel Yacobi


The manager Mr. Remus is decorously trying to explain. But she quickly turned to the gifts and began to unwrap the packets. The gifts are from the Sheikh and the bride and the groom. They finally saw the wedding invitation card.

The manager of the resort Mr. Remus took the opportunity and explained, ‘this is the custom of bride and groom to send gifts to the wedding guests. You are the first guests and won the first prize. The other guests, relatives, parents of the bride and the groom will arrive soon. In the meantime you can relax and enjoy our new Island resort’. Eliza wanted to ask him about the Sheikh. But the spectacular Island resort and the fantasticating oceanic view have overwhelmed her.

The girls began to walk around with enhanced excitement to see and enjoy all the natural tender groves, caves, land animals, all kinds of deer and birds on the Island resort. The Island reminded the Garden of Eden.

Chapter nineteen

We have enough proofs

At exactly 5.30 Boris, Joan, Sam, Detective Bermann, Shea, Matthew and the other Thalmulic guys arrived at the Island airport and occupied their rooms. They refreshed and refilled themselves and started their official businesses. Detective Bermann’s new resort boulevard office is well equipped with all the modern communicative devices, intercom connections and highly professional e-staff. He can contact anyone in the Islands or mainland within no time. He is gathering proofs from all sources to arrest all the mafia guys. The Island satellite province is at his e-service round the clock.

The only goal for the staff to reach within three days is to gather all proofs and solid evidences to book the first batch of the bad guys. He checked with all his detective friends in the Islands and mainland. He exchanged the needful information with them. But he personally checked Mr. Dukhobors’ dealings and his movements.

The US private detectives association has voluntarily taken up this fresh challenge to book all the mafia networks after the nine eleven incident. Detective Bermann is just doing his part.

They got their inspirations and green signals directly from the US Marine Corps to go ahead with all their amphibious operations. Detective Bermann got his training for land, sea and aerial combat and trained most of the private detectives along these lines.

He contacted Boris and Shea through the intercom and said, ‘we must clear the cavities’. Boris said, ‘the drama is not over yet. Let Dr. Cree and Mr. Stelepeg first prepare special rooms for Dr. Chad, Captain Roger Felix and the other cave guests. Then they can clear the cavities. Put on your costumes and let’s go and meet the girls first’.

The make up session began. Boris is the Kuwait Sheikh Mr. Jihad Zorrilla. Shea is the Moor from Northwest Africa Mr. Berber Alhambra and Detective Bermann is the Canadian Sikh Mr. Rajah Malay Singha with his black stallion.

Matthew, Sam and Joan are still the translators. The good ninja guys are the special security guards. All the Thalmulic folks are the financial secretaries. They all met at the new dinning hall. A special message has been sent to the girls.

They returned from their brief resort tour knowing the arrival of the great Sheikh. Eliza saw the Sheikh and said, ‘is this the Island you bought for me? Now tell me where is Boris. I cannot wait to see him’.

The Sheikh greeted all the girls and said, ‘yes Mem! This is the Island I have bought for you. I have invited my friend and your husband Boris and your beloved son Shea for the wedding of my grand children. You will see them on the third day’. He introduced Joan as his grand daughter Nurzahan the bride and Sam as his grandson Zahangir the groom.

Eliza blessed Joan and said, ‘may HaShem bless you like Sarah, Rivca, Leah and Rachel’. Then she blessed Sam and said, ‘may HaShem bless you like Ephraim and Manasseh’.

As she blessed both of them Feggy and Lillian burst into tears for Sam and Joan. The Sheikh quickly realized that he had forgotten to tell them about Sam, Joan and Matthew.

He immediately said, ‘Mem! I forgot to tell you that your husband Boris is coming with your grandson Sam and your grand daughter Joan for the wedding. And I forgot to tell you that your grandson Sam is recovered and he is able to speak’. Cathy asked the Sheikh in tears, ‘Sir! Did Sam say any thing about Matthew?’

Boris said, ‘you mean the computer teacher Matthew? I forgot to tell you. He invited me for his wedding here on this very Island. He is going to marry my brother’s granddaughter Aikaterinc. This is their wedding card’. The Sheikh gave her the wedding card. Cathy took the card but she did not know how to react. She was extremely happy to know that Matthew is alive. On the other hand she is hurt to realize that Matthew had cheated her. She left the card there and ran to her room to cry. She did not look at her picture and Matthew’s picture on the wedding card.

Eliza looked at the card and blessed the groom and the bride. The girls looked at the card and saw that Cathy is the bride. They looked for Cathy the bride but she is not around.

Matthew went to Cathy’s room and said, ‘mem! The great Sheikh wanted you to come for the special breakfast. He wanted to introduce you to his friends. They are waiting in the dinning hall. They wanted to see you’. Cathy said, ‘go away. I don’t want to see anybody. Why should I see them?’ Matthew said, ‘but his relatives wanted to see the bride’. He then left her alone and returned to the dinning hall. Cathy wanted to say to him that she is not the bride. But she looked at the wedding card again. She realized that she is the bride. She came out and ran towards the dinning hall. Boris saw her and introduced her as the bride to all the guests. They appreciated the Sheikh for introducing Cathy as his brother’s granddaughter.

Cathy said to herself, ‘how dare you creep to marry me without asking my permission? She forgot that she typed a message to Matthew at Sam’s bookroom saying that she will wait for him and she will marry him.

Eliza sat next to Boris the Kuwait Sheikh Mr. Jihad Zorrilla. Feggy sat next to Shea the Moor from Northwest Africa Mr. Berber Alhambra and Cathy sat next to Matthew the translator Mr. Kimchi. Lillian sat next to Rajah Malay Singha. Bermann noticed that Lillian is very shallow and not enjoying the talk very much. He called Michael and handed over the cell phone to Lillian. Michael is in sound sleep. But Dr. Moshe told, ‘Lillian! Your husband is sleeping. I don’t want to disturb him. He was telling all good things about you. We will be there in one hour’. Lillian felt very happy.

The aristocratic breakfast session has been inaugurated with the good old ritualistic introductions and traditional exchanges of the senses of humor in the new dinning hall.

Feggy is thinking about Shea and Sam and she is not able to laugh. Shea quoted Edgar Watson’s proverb and said, ‘if you don’t laugh at trouble you don’t have any thing to laugh at when you become old’. After breakfast Boris said, ‘listen everybody. We have some special cavemen arriving from the underwater cavity. Let’s go and receive them’. They all proceeded towards the Westside area.

Joan and Mr. Stelepeg showed the underwater cavities to Sheikh on the monitor screen. The Sheikh has pointed to a spot. Stelepeg gave instructions to his workers. They started the rig and bore a hole.

Stelepeg signaled the crane guy. The crane’s movable projecting arm went down and picked up all the cavity men. Dr. Chad and the scientists saw the light and screamed with joy. Captain Roger Felix and his crewmembers got into the lift and came out. They smelled like the devil’s coach horses. Detective Bermann received all the cave guests and showed them a big hall.

It looked like a big gas chamber. But it’s only a big open bathroom where the snorkelers can wash themselves again. The cavemen washed themselves. The Island resort security guards gave them special clothing and took them into custody and led them to special rooms.

Dr. Chad and Captain Roger Felix tried to explain that they were scientists and researchers. But the Island resort security guard asked them for personal identities and never understood the other pleas. These Thalmulic guards don’t speak any language other than Thalmulic.

They supplied breakfast to the cavemen. They gave special number codes to all the cavemen. Dr. Chad pleaded for his lucky number 13. But they gave him number seven, which he always feared and hated. They gave Captain Roger Felix number six.

The guards told the cavemen that they would come to the door and call the numbers and deliver them the breakfast, lunch and dinner at scheduled times. The cavemen felt that they had enjoyed more freedom in the underwater cavity than in these special rooms in spite of the guaranteed 3-time meals per day.

Sometimes the human beings prefer freedom to the food. The Thalmulic guards noted this point as they looked at the cavemen as subjects for their historic ‘freewill yes but freedom no’ study program among the life patterns. The aim of this special program is to study the criminals and their nature in different angles in different circumstances.

The workers have sent the crane’s arm to clear the rocks in the other cavity. Joan hooked the communication device when they removed the big rocks from the other cavity. The whale was set free and slowly crawled into the lake.

Joan continued to send encouraging messages to the whale. They made another hole in the wall of the cavity. The seawater flowed into the lake giving enough water to the whale to swim. The whale easily swam back into the ocean from the lake.

Boris observed every thing in the monitor screen and said goodbye to his whale friend. Joan asked the whale to go to the whale cave and invite the whale family to the Island. The whale seemed to understand the concept of wedding to certain extent.

The whale byebyed Joan and Boris and dived into the deep ocean and proceeded towards the whale cave promising to bring the family of the Prince of Whales to the Island area. The workers then covered the cavities with metal plates and connected the sewage pipelines to the cavities. Mr. Stelepeg completed the last item in his contract and came to the Sheikh for payment.

The Sheikh appreciated Mr. Stelepeg for his personal service. Mr. Stelepeg had managed to bring some 10000 tons of material to the Island and fixed all the rooms, suites, homes, halls, International Island Reserve Bank house, security offices, Detective Bermann’s office, children’s park, children’s swimming pool, big screen auditoriums, helipads, runways, dockyards, airplane parking facilities, seaplane parking facilities, satellite stations, watchtowers on all sides of the resort, dinning halls, conference halls big and small, gymnasium, mini zoo park, open air movie screens, motor vehicles, trucks, mini buses, hanging cars, criminology study facility center with all amenities, library and the super specialty health center within twelve hours.

The Sheikh appreciated him again and said, ‘you must go to the Guinness Book record for this job’. He also asked him to stay in the resort suite and attend the wedding. Mr. Stelepeg felt very honored.

He smiled and agreed to stay for the wedding. The Sheikh looked at him and asked him to see Rajah Malay Singha for the payment. Detective Bermann came to know that the name of the owner of the mobile home delivery company is in Ibtos member list. He has transferred his secret Swiss bank amount to the Sheikh’s accounts.

Detective Bermann told Stelepeg, ‘look Mr. Stelepeg. We will give you the check in your name. We have a slight problem with your owner. We will deal with him directly if he has any problem with this check. We know you are a nice guy and you don’t want to accept the check in your name. But as far as our policy is concerned we will give you the check in your name. You take it now and let us know if you have a problem with your boss. Or else you can wait here until the problem is cleared with your boss. Its up to you decide’.

Mr. Stelepeg innocently looked at the check. It’s a billion dollar check in his name with the 15% tip included. He quickly took the check into his trembling hands and said with a quivery voice, ‘thank you for the tip. I hope my boss will accept this check without any problem. I don’t see any problem except that I don’t have an international e-account and I don’t know how to operate it’.

Detective Bermann said, ‘you can open an international e-account in the Island Reserve Bank here if you want to. I will call the Bank manager Mr. Jamboree if you want to’.

Mr. Stelepeg immediately nodded and went to the Island Reserve Bank and immediately opened an international e-account in his name and deposited the check in his personal account. The Bank manager Mr. Jamboree gave him a special device and said, ‘welcome to the Island Reserve Bank international e-account services. Now you can avail this facility from anywhere on the globe. Just hook this thing to any telephone and punch your code and follow the directions. That’s all’. Stelepeg tried to give some amount and send all his company workers back to the company. But they said, ‘the Sheikh wanted us to attend the wedding’. Stelepeg said, ‘let us stay and enjoy for these two more days in the new world and attend the heavenly wedding’.

He quickly went to Mr. Remus the manager of the Island resort and booked the special suite for him and special rooms for his workers in the resort for two days to begin with.

Remus welcomed Stelepeg and his crew and personally showed him his revolving suite. It’s the first of its kind in the history of resort hotels. He also gave special rooms for his team members. The bellhops brought their personal belongings and the wedding gifts from the Sheikh.

Mr. Stelepeg has been serving as the general manager of the company for seven years. His boss never told him that he was getting such huge tips from the customers on his behalf. He muttered in his heart, ‘all bosses cheat’. Stelepeg began to play with his calculator explaining his team members how much did the company owe to them.

At 8 am the US naval air-ambulance landed on the Island helipad with Michael, Dr. Moshe and his assistants. The Island resort super specialty health center doctors and the staff members are waiting to receive Dr. Moshe and Michael. They already prepared his room and the operation theatre for Michael.

The aircrew rushed him to the health center. Detective Bermann came with his staff and personally recorded Michael’s statements and his side story. According to him Rodrigo was their limousine driver.

Fifteen years ago on one occasion Michael was taking his nephew Sam to the Spring Valley in Monsey. The brakes failed and he fell in the valley. Some one somehow took him to the hospital. He was under prolonged coma since then. Dr. Moshe was visiting his relatives at Monsey at that time. He somehow came to know about this special case of coma combined with a persistently dogged priapism. He took him to San Francisco to his private hospital with all legal papers and permits. Dr. Moshe received no claims from anyone for Michael since then.

Rodrigo has managed to convince Lillian that Michael was dead without leaving his body. There are no personal identity cards, driver licenses, photo ID, Bankcards or any thing with Michael. Dr. Moshe treated him for all these fifteen years. He has been taking very good care of Michael. He gave him a new name and began to call him as Dicky all these fifteen years. After fifteen years’ sleep Dicky woke up and told that his name is Michael.

Sam was a little boy at that time and he became speechless since then. The by passers brought Sam to the nearby police station and Sam wrote the address on a piece of paper and the police brought him home in Hawaii. Detective Bermann recorded all the versions and then allowed Lillian to see Michael.

Lillian came into his special bedroom and saw Michael with hysterical excitement. They began to kiss each other. Dr. Moshe prophetically asked all the visitors and the staff to leave them alone. He closed the doors. As a laywoman Lillian has no idea about the pathological problem of her husband. But as his beloved wife she figured out what to do as a hungry wolf. She began to actively make dinosaurian wild love to him.

At the same hour the outside observers and the medical personnel began to feel a slight earthquake on the Island. But Mr. Stelepeg assuredly told everyone that all the heavy metal plated wooden structures on the Island were not only typhoon proofed but also quakeproofed.

All the pathognomonic problems connected to his condition seemed to obey to the immunity systems of Michael’s body. Lillian coolly opened the door and invited everybody into the room again. Dr. Moshe came into the room and noticed the change in Michael’s body. The observers and the medical staff members are eagerly waiting outside the room. Dr. Moshe rechecked the change in Michael’s body and gave a loud Archimedean cry and said ‘I knew it’.

He noted down the latest developments in the last pages of his thesis, which he started fifteen years ago. He opened the doors and asked Michael to get up and go out and see everybody.



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Copyright © 2001 Shmuel Yacobi
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