Slain Vs. T-Rex (5)
Tony James Sayers


    She fell 31 floors, gaining speed by every floor. There was no sound, her friends watched as she fell. There were no thoughts, Emma was unconscious and wouldn’t feel her death. She hit the floor, barbed wire from a fallen fence wrecked through her body; the sharp spikes drove through her body, ramming her spinal cord through her body, disconnecting her brain and shoving it through her gullet. Her body was completely destroyed, there was nothing left, just a mangled corpse of someone whose heart was pure. The corpse attracted a field of Dyrosaurus, who carefully snacked on the once beautiful body of Emma. Her friends couldn’t see her death, only a loud ripping of skin. Bit by bit, the group of tiny dinosaurs ate her body, leaving only a collection of bones, entangled in barbed wire.
Chapter 12: Upward Descent

Everyone put their friends death behind them, if they thought that no one would die in this fight, then they were in a dreamland. The guns were equipped and everyone took position, Leigh held a grenade in her hand. She grasped it hard and concentrated on the door. “FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!” she screamed, everyone took cover as the grenade hurled toward the door. With a huge explosion of fire and dust, the wooden door blew wide open revealing a long passageway, with doors left and right. It was empty, quiet, like nothing had happened. The team moved forward with their guns, and their thoughts intact “this was too easy”. Leigh leaded the group, she made it across to the stairs over the other side, the corridor was about 15 metres long. Everyone else followed slowly with Leigh having her watchful senses covering every door. Ben managed to get over without harm, same with Sophie and Jamie. “You go over Maria, I’ve got you okay, everything’s okay?” supported Mel as she raised her gun. Maria made little steps toward the staircase. Within a short amount of time she was safe, Mel started to walk. A croaking sound could be heard from the door next to her, she observed closely. Bringing her head closer to the door the sound grew larger, a sound she was all too familiar with over the last couple of days. “Fuck” she thought, “It’s a Raptor!!!” With her final note, the door slammed into her face, squashing her body against the wall. A huge snap echoed throughout the building, her spine had been broken in 2. The crack sparked a rain of bullets from Leigh’s M16. The Raptor who threw the door forward took a magazine of bullets before it fell but it was too late. Mel was dead.
    “Shit, we’re losing people, two already, we must get out here” thought Leigh as the team ran up the set of stairs. They were getting closer to the extraction point, the roof was level 40 and they were now on level 37, the unowned part of the skyscraper. The stairs ended here, there were only work ladders now, but over the other side of the building. There were no more windows, only a concrete floor and ceiling. The level was bare; it hadn’t even been started on yet. The team, what was left of it, ran across. Suddenly, they were blocked; Raptors had set a trap up for the humans. The came from almost nowhere, they were actually hanging on the concrete roof and in places where the team forgot to check. They were surround by about 30 Raptors, Leigh was low on ammunition, and Mel had the RPK but she was dead. Jamie was out of ammo. There was no way the five remaining survivors could make it with only half a magazine of M16 left, a knife, a sword, crowbar and an empty MPK. “Think Leigh, think!” exclaimed Ben. Leigh looked around, all the exits were blocked and they were surrounded. The team were being closed in; a sudden feel of disappointment filled their minds. They were so close, so near, they couldn’t lose now, and they had gotten so far. “Let’s go out fighting guys” everyone nodded gently and got into stance. If they were gonna go out, then they were gonna go out fighting.
    The rumbling sound came from the open wall. Like the whizzing of a helicopter’s blades. The Raptors could hear it too, as they were about a metre away from the gang of fighters; something came through the sunny fog. The sound elevated until everything and everyone could see what was coming.
   A helicopter flew full speed toward the building, showing no mercy without any sign of stopping. The Raptors tried to pull back and get out of range of the new threat opposing them. The helicopter collided with the building, causing a large explosion as blades whirred off which in turn killed many Raptors. The whole building shook violently but sustained it’s hard exterior. Fire crawled out of the cockpit of the mangled helicopter, smoke rose from the ruin. Both species were afraid of the attack; it had caused a huge dent in the side of the building. The smoke got thicker and thicker until the crash site could not be seen anymore. A silhouette generated from the grey sheet of smoke, a large figure carrying what seemed like a shotgun in his right hand. The figure began to shoot round for round at the attacking Raptors, after a short amount of time, there were no dinosaurs left. The figure walked into the light given from the bloody sun.

Chapter 12: Return of the Hero

“SLAIN!!” shouted Maria as she hugged the blood soaked body of Slain. “That’s right, I’m here, I’m here,” he whispered to her ear “I take it Emma and Mel didn’t make it”. Maria just nodded against his body with tears streaming down, she was happy that he made it, very happy. “Slain you bastard, how did you make it here?” asked Leigh, Slain started his story…
    He climbed over the fence, his wound seemed to have calmed down and he was losing less blood. The chase was still on; his lost blood provided the stench that the tracker gene needed to have. The Zoo was trashed apart; animals were still in cages screaming, bloodstains were on the path of which we stood, scaffolding above his head and the ground began to shake more vigorously. Slain began to run as fast as he possibly could toward the receptionist building, he could take shelter there against the monstrous threat approaching him. A devilish scream fired from behind him, the monster was close, and gaining distance upon him. The path was short; he only had a little way to go until he was in safety. The receptionist area had the door closed; it was a modern with extravagant colours painted on the brick outlay. He ran and ran until the door was in front of him, with a dropkick, the door flew open banging against the wall. Slain picked himself up and ran into the main hall for safety. It was basically empty; there had been a clearout a few days before by the sounds of it. He leant against the wall awaiting the attack, over the other side was a window, he could see where he ran from, and the highway he was left from. Through the window, his attacker emerged from the foggy winds; it was the devastating T-Rex, moving with all its tenacity and carnivorous strength. His yellow eyes were filled with hatred and its heart set on death of the finest warrior to hit humanity. With speed it smashed it’s head through the window in a hard attempt to kill the fighter. It was barely a metre away from him, it was the furthest the monster could squeeze its large head. “I know you probably think that I killed the other one, I didn’t y’know, so back off you bastard,” Slain shouted while aiming his shotgun at the T-Rex’s head. The T-Rex continued to shuffle and swarm his way closer, inch by inch. “I know you can hear me you piece of Jurassic shit, if you don’t want a shotgun cartridge in your head, you might as well back off” he stated once more. Suddenly the T-Rex removed its head from the building. It was the perfect way out, now he could get up top, which was safer, he could use the scaffolding to escape the onslaught.
    The T-Rex turned to it’s right; a thick backed Spinosaurus came full speed toward him with a hunter’s edge. A new fight of huge proportions began, with a bite from the new attacker, directly on the neck of the dinosaur king. Slain ran up the stairs with full speed, he didn’t have much time, the Spinosaurus would fall in a matter of seconds, the T-Rex was much more intelligent now. He reached the roof after busting open a hole in the roof of the building. He had a perfect view of the fight; the T-Rex was using his tail as a whip against his foe. The roof was slanted, but had scaffolding over it as well; the scaffolding was all over the zoo, almost like a second level was being made. With quickness his climbed to a wooden beam. He began to run, with all his haste trying to find a way out while his new nemesis fought against its new threat. Although the Spinosaurus took an early lead in the fight, it didn’t take long for the dominating T-Rex to take the lead, eventually twisting the opposer’s neck. The huge carnivorous dinosaur fell to the floor with a loud thud and the winner screamed a loud scream of victory. The gene reacted to Slain’s scent; he was running quickly along the zoo scaffolding. The chase began again, the T-Rex charged with all it’s might, knocking over vital stands of the building frames. Suddenly the scaffolding started to fall, like a domino set it started to collapse. Slain kept on sprinting with the T-Rex hot on his tail, in the distance he could see a helicopter on top of what seemed like a animal hospital. With speed he unhooked a grenade that was hooked around his belt and threw it behind him. Then he leaped for life, with the loud explosion of the grenade giving him extra push through the air. The explosion managed to affect the T-Rex’s charge as its eye took a large amount of damage, being hit by heat and heavy soot. It screamed out in pain while Slain was still floating in the air, gaining the advantage from the grenade explosion.
   He landed hard on the rooftop, only just managing to roll over and keep balance. It didn’t take long for the T-Rex to carry on charging for Slain’s flesh, the fight wasn’t over yet. Slain jumped into the cockpit and started to hack into it’s advanced system, it had a lock. The building shook harshly as the Jurassic might smashed into the building. He didn’t have much time; the centre would fall in a matter of seconds. It was becoming aggravating for the hero; he pulled out his shotgun and fired a shot into the helicopter main screen. The helicopter triggered to life as its blades started to move, the building started to collapse as its supports crumbled. The building couldn’t take the strain of the repetitive blows anymore it shook then fell, but the T-Rex had failed, Slain was already in the air with his new helicopter. The zoo was left a burning hellhole. “I can get away now, but the others, I have to save them, the Hydram Skyscraper, I can’t let them die” Slain muttered to himself.
    The helicopter flew neatly through the air; the sun burned through the clouds harshly but gave a beautiful atmosphere along the helicopter side window. Slain leant out the window to breath the fresh air, in his attempt he could only see a Pteranodon flew directly toward him. Slain jumped back into the cockpit, slammed on the manual pilot and swerved away in time. Suddenly a whole heard of flying beasts dived toward him with fierce tenacity. Slain tapped a few buttons to activate the Gatling cannons, within a few seconds they started to blast away, hacking down countless Pteranodon. The helicopter started to take hits from various different points, he wasn’t exactly familiar with helicopters but Slain started to try to use evasive manoeuvres. Cutting up several beasts with the helicopter blades Slain moved the flying machine around trying to stop the ongoing onslaught, the skyscraper was within sight. “There’s only one way to do this I guess,” he thought, “GO FOR IT!!” The helicopter hit the strong gear and gained more acceleration, it was becoming hard for the beasts to keep up.
   “This isn’t it, it isn’t over, I know where he’s going, to the skyscraper, if I can get there, I’ve got him, I’ll teach him for killing her, I’ll kill him for what he did!”

Chapter 13: Betrayer of the Mist

“Great story, but we’ve really got to be getting out of here, the extraction helicopter leaves in about half an hour” explained Leigh. Slain moved away from the almost hysterical Maria, she had a smile that reached from one ear to the other. “Lets get going, the next floor will be the freezer floor, it’s cold up there but not enough to stop us,” he said. Everyone was glad that the hero was back, they stood a much better chance of survival with Slain with them, and he was a pure veteran. The team moved forward, they had their leader back and it never felt better. Everyone climbed up the ladder, Maria close behind Slain, finally something good had happened over the last couple of days. The next floor was the freezer floor, they had to find a way up again from here, and there was no ladder as far as they could see. The level was just an open room, with a few containment rooms on the corners. It was generally cold, the freezer laid to their right, it was a large round container frosted from the inside. “Here’s the way up!” shouted Leigh; she pointed toward another set of stairs that lead up further. Slain nodded as the team moved up quickly, Ben, Leigh and Jamie had run up the stairs. “You guys, go up, I’ll be right behind you okay?” shouted Slain. Maria looked at him before heading for the door, as she got closer to it, Sophie moved forward. She slammed the door and locked it in Maria’s face. “What did you do that for?” she asked. Sophie just gave an evil smile. “I’ve been a bad girl”
    “What’s all this Sophie, we’re almost out, what are you doing” screamed Maria. Slain moved forward, he had just figured it out. “You’re the one, I knew someone was betraying the team, I thought it was Ben, obviously not” said Slain with a calm voice “you reactivated the dinosaur generator didn’t you, that’s the reason there’s been more dinosaurs than expected, you were in love with Pete, and now your finishing his sick revolution”. Sophie uncheived her knife and got into a fighting stance “Pete was a great man, yes I loved him, and I’m going to kill you now, so the new revolution can’t be stopped, see Slain, there was a reason Pete was your friend, he knew you were the best and the only one who could possibly stop the T-Rex, so he became friends with you, so he could get your sample, so he could get every warrior of his to go after you, watch your back Slain” as she said that, a Raptor jumped at Slain, knocking over his gun far away. “This is it Maria, time to die you bitch” Sophie shouted as she lunged toward her friend. Maria uncheived Slain’s sword and the fight began.
   Slain picked himself back up and backed off from the monster as it screamed. He threw in a right hook and connected it with the Raptors head. It tried to snap back but missed the bite; Slain saw the opportunity and seized it. Maria blocked a vicious combo from Sophie and looked for an opening to start her own attack, her betrayer wasn’t having any of it as she attacked over and over again. Slain picked up the Raptor by the head, and with a huge test of strength, threw him over his shoulders. The beast was knocked out for now. Maria soon found an opening; she ducked under a slow attack and sliced Sophie’s stomach slightly. Slain saw the threat coming, he jumped and grabbed the defence style Maria. Both of them rolled into a freezer room and the door closed. Sophie screamed out in pain, the Raptor had gained its consciousness. She turned around only to be pinned on the floor, with one fail swoop, the Raptor bit off her head cleanly. The body kept on twitching even though the head was completely disconnected.



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Copyright © 2004 Tony James Sayers
Published on the World Wide Web by ""