Slain Vs. T-Rex (3)
Tony James Sayers


    “Right we have a RPK here, where the hell did he get this, it’s army surplus shit” Jamie explained to Mel. She gave a nice smile to him “can I give it a go?” Jamie looked over his shoulder to the even younger learner. “Go for it, but be careful, the recoil on that bastard will wreck your shoulder”. She picked up the gun, it was heavy but she aimed with all her physical might at one of the targets at the back of the room. She fired three shots “hey well done, they all hit the target, keep that gun, you’re good with it”. The target had been hit for sure all three times “can I see where I hit him?” the Special Agent complied easily, he tapped a few buttons and the cardboard sheet came closer. He looked at the target, it was a picture of an army man but was truly intriguing was where she fired the shots. They all hit the lower region of the male sexual organs. “Right, keep that gun, just don’t fire it anywhere near me or Slain okay?” The smell of toast came from the kitchen, it was strong and enticing.
     “Hey, Maria, can you keep a secret?” asked Sophie as they both continued to watch the news. Without looking back she replied, “Yeah sure, of course you can”. Sophie huddled up closer to her life long friend “I think I’ve done something wrong”. Just as Maria could reply with her thoughts, Emma walked in with a large amount of infusing toast. She put the plate down on the table and everyone dived in, they had barely eaten for hours. “Look, Slain’s on TV!!” shouted Emma. Everyone walked in apart from the famed fighter. The news announcer spoke:
“Marc Slain, the governments best weapon against any opposing threat hasn’t been found still, he is presumed dead and is a terrible loss to the United States Army. He is the only survivor of three consecutive wars, killed more men than ever recorded. During the dinosaur frenzy he was locked inside the local hospital where he was surely eaten”

The pond and the ground started to shake. Something big was coming, something bad was coming. Slain had almost a sixth sense for these things. The presumed dead hero stood up and looked around, the ground started to shake worse and worse, it was becoming hard to stand. This definitely wasn’t good news. The dark smell of dead carcasses hit him hard; he had no weapon, no way of defending himself. He couldn’t run back into the house, whatever was coming would kill everyone that way, the only way he could save their lives would be too… “Sacrifice Myself,” he said softly. He stood up firmly and walked out to the front of the house with no regret, down the street was his killer. The front garden had a gentle wooden fence around it, nothing to help him though. He stood by his front gate and looked down the street, it was empty but the ground was still shaking badly. This was it, his story was about to end, and at least he had saved the other lives. He knew as once as this thing had him, there was no need for him to be there anymore, therefore saving his team. Something came from the distance with speed, breaking through fields of dust and mist. It was the T-Rex; the physique of the beast gave it all away. From Slain’s observations, it was the female one, it was much more aggressive than any of the other dinosaurs he had fought. He threw his arms up “is this the end? Am I coming back to you?” he thought to himself. Her face flashed over and over again in his mind, whispering the words in his mind “I’m here for you too”. Then, like a seeping mist into his mind, the vision of Maria saying exactly the same thing. “What in the fuck?” he thought. Suddenly two rockets fired from almost nowhere, two flashes of light flew in the air and hit directly into the T-Rex’s head, decapitating it, the beast fell to the floor in all of it’s Jurassic might with part’s of it’s eye flying in the air. Bits of brain and skin dripped on the floor. Slain opened his eyes up and looked for his saviour, he was standing on top of his house, with two steaming rocket launchers on his shoulders, grinning largely. Everyone ran outside to see what the ruckus was all about.
    “Wahay fuckers, my names Ben, and I have just saved your ass army man,” said the extremely high egoed fighter. Slain looked deep into his eyes, he had remembered his face before. “Do I know you?” Ben shrugged his shoulders, everyone was looking at him. “Yeah, your that insane guy from that institute, you killed four children” Ben looked away, suddenly his cocky attitude wasn’t part of him anymore. “Your sick, I don’t want you on our team, get the fuck away from us” shouted Jamie. Ben started to walk away with his M16 in hand. “Look, I’ll give you one shot, I don’t know whether you killed those kids or not, but now is your time to show us otherwise, fight for us” Slain ordered. The rest of the team seemed shocked at his decision; Ben was clearly mad and had no right to be in the security of the team. “Right, everyone, back in the house, we’ll look for a way out of here”.

Chapter 8: The Female Slain

Everyone walked back inside, just as they were about to walk back into the front room, Slain’s muscled arm held them back, something wasn’t right. He walked in alone leaving the rest of the team behind him. He looked around the front room, to see a woman, she had long dark hair, wore army trousers with a gun belt and T-Shirt. “Who are you?” she asked. He nodded toward the wall, where his medal rack was; in big letters it said “Marc Slain – hero of our time”. She looked back at him then stood up, she was equipped with a samurai sword. “We’ll just have to see about that won’t we?” she whispered. Which haste she lunged for Slain, missing by inches. He rolled over to the wall and grabbed his sword that was on display. Now it was an even fight. She lunged again only to feel a new pace of the battle, Slain was much faster. With a combo attack he knocked the sword away from him, and jumped for his attack. The girl managed to dodge the attack and start he own pace combo attack. He continued to block and block as sparks flew from the conflicting swords. The rest of the team were peeping through the door to see who would win the awesome fight. Especially Maria who seemed to cringe whenever a blade came close to her desired body. The female attacker was good, very good as she managed to cut Slain’s bicep, making it bleed heavily. With extreme haste, almost as if the gods gave it, the wound was bandaged by his own shirt stopping the almost ever lasting bleeding.
     The attacker backed off by about a meter, this was becoming harder than she expected. The morning light seeped through the window. A red sun rose above the horizon filling the room with a blood soaked smell. The injured hero stood in front of his window with his blade firmly in hand, tapping it gently against the side of his leg. The light shone through the window shadowing the front of the defender. The silent words dripped from his mouth “give up, I don’t want to hurt you”. The female took no notice and slung herself into an offensive position. “Make Me,” she replied in an even quieter tone. They charged toward each other, and with a blink of an eye, the strikes were over, and they had attacked. They just stood like statues, nothing moving, just waiting for their offender to fall.
      The wind blew softly, whistling a slight sound. The observers of the fight still peeped from the side of the door, anticipation building in their minds. Half of the female attackers sword dropped to the floor along with her gun sling. Slain stood still, silent and strong. “You’ve beaten me, you are, Marc Slain, hero of our time” said the attacker as she turned around unscathed “I’m Leigh, US Delta Force Stars”. Slain started to move his body, animating it and putting his sword back into it’s holder. The fight was over, he had won once more. “Glad to hear it, I’m Marc Slain, but I aint no hero” explained Slain as the rest of the team moved into the front room, where the fight had taken place. “I think you are, the only man to ever survive 3 wars, to kill over 5,000 men, destroy hundreds of heavily armed tanks and weapons, to earn every single army medal on the damn list, saved many…” Leigh listed before she was cut off by the loud hero “look, I aint no hero, never have been, I’m just a story, that someone has passed on, now everyone thinks it’s a legend, and that I’m a hero, I’m just a story, you want a hero, find a single father raising three teenage girls and not having a nervous breakdown, that’s a hero” he grunted. Everyone turned silent; they had never seen that side of their hero. “You are a hero, to us you are, you’ve saved us all” forwarded Maria. Everyone nodded, including Leigh, who demised herself for her loss. Slain just walked out of the room into the kitchen, he had enough of playing hero for a day.
     “So, we’re looking for a way out of here, do you have a radio or something we can use?” asked Jamie, who had been away from the action for a while. Everyone had settled down after the huge sword fight, Maria walked quickly into the kitchen. “I’ve got a radio, but there’s no point,” explained Leigh as she sat down in the chair. The house seemed almost a pit of destruction after the big fight, Leigh had broken no sweat though, all in a days work in her mind. “Why not, we need to get out of here!” shouted out Mel waving her RPK around. Leigh just chuckled while she picked her gun straps back up again. Apart from Slain, she was the best there, which seemed extremely funny in her mind. “Cos, there’s already a pickup on the Hydram skyscraper, it leaves in two hours” she explained while checking her twin pistols. “One thing” Ben added “why are you here, in his house!?” Leigh started to laugh again; she had seemed to be like a schoolteacher at the moment, teaching a bunch of hopeless kids. “I’m here, because my father and Slain have a deep sense for each other, I’m the generals daughter, I was trained in the same ways that Slain was”. Mel turned the TV on and continued to watch her programme while Ben, Jamie, Emma and Sophie continued to chat to their new fighter. “So, your basically the female version of him right?” asked Emma, more like stating it. Leigh looked at the kitchen; she couldn’t see Slain or Maria so she began to tell her story. “Well yes, but I’ll never be as good as he is, they say he’s the best, even my father says that, and for a general that’s hard to believe, he was named hero of our time because he played a massive role in the winning of the Africa wars, he seemed invincible, no one could harm him, but he had one weakness, and the African’s picked up on it very quickly, his wife who was in the war with him was captured along with Slain. He was pinned up against the wall while they raped and killed her, then in the biggest surge of anger anyone could possible have, Slain decimated all of the squad that were involved, he hasn’t been the same ever since, he doesn’t want to kill, he doesn’t want to fight, he doesn’t want to be a hero, he will forever be scared by what happened on that day” explained Leigh. She had long dark hair tied in a pony tail, she smiled and splattered out a few more words “I’m just a daddy’s girl” everyone laughed a jolly laugh, she was a lot like Slain, just more laid back.
    “What’s wrong?” she asked as he started to pop open one more of his sodas. “Nothing, just drop it okay?” he grunted. She got closer to him; there was tension in the air. “I saw you from the window, you were going to sacrifice yourself for us, no one here would of done that, you’re a true h…” Slain moved away from her into the front hall, he began to climb the stairs. Maria followed him quickly, she had to figure this out, she had to admit, these complications in Slain’s mind had almost attracted her, and she liked complicated men. He walked into his bedroom and slammed the door shut in front of her. A deep sense of rejection filled the stench of death in the house. She bent down to the keyhole and looked through, she started to whisper some words to him. “Slain, look, no one can move into the future when their past haunts you like this, you are a hero, whether you like it or not, and, most of all, I don’t know, but I think, I love you”. The door opened revealing Slain, he stood firm at the door, Maria picked herself up. They looked in each other’s eyes, Maria was almost ready to cry, Slain was still, like the warrior he always was. “Let’s get out of here,” he said strongly as we walked past her.

Chapter 9: Meant To Live

“Hey Slain, we’ve got a way out, the Hydram skyscraper, Leigh said there’s a pick up there” explained Jamie. Leigh looked at him with approval; she nodded while checking her pistols. Slain looked around the room as Maria barged herself in from behind. Slain picked up a shotgun from his weapon case in the hallway, he cocked it and picked another up, did the same. “Lets get going then, guys, its time to get out of here”. He opened the door quickly only to reveal is front garden, full of carnivorous Raptors. “Okay, maybe not” Slain whispered to himself as he closed the door and locked it. “Leigh, Ben, Jamie and Mel, get your guns ready, we’re gonna blast our way out, Leigh, do you have another car, we’re not gonna have enough space in mine?” he asked. Leigh nodded “yeah, it’s just in the next door driveway”. Slain now had to divide two teams, in an all out firing festival. “Jamie, Sophie and Emma, go with Leigh, Mel, Maria and Ben, you come with me, you’re in front seat Ben okay?” Ben nodded as he picked up his grenade launcher, he had a large smile. “Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” said Sophie. Slain laughed, he felt a joke coming on. “Hell no, he would of killed for one of those in the insane asylum!” Ben laughed and continued to grin. Slain held up three fingers, the first one dropped quickly, then the next one. He other hand clenched with a shotgun, and his other one lying near the door. The final finger fell. It was time.
     The door blew open with a shell of his custom shotgun, it fell to the floor attracting attention of the field of dinosaurs, and they were drawn by Slain’s scent. Grenades fired out of nowhere as they began their suicide run. Everyone ran out, Mel fired countless rounds of her gun; Slain fired his inaccurate pair of shotguns with extreme accuracy, blasting Raptor’s heads of by the cartridge. Ben ran out of the house firing grenade after grenade, even blowing a Raptor to kingdom come with one huge explosion. They climbed into their cars, it was harder for Leigh as she only had pistols and her car was further away, Ben provided cover fire from the safety of Slain’s car, blowing Raptors near to their facinity to pieces. Slain’s team were already into the car with little harm, they were all inside and the car roared to live. Leigh’s team were behind, they had the fence to climb over while the Raptors got closer to them. “Yo, Slain, they aint gonna make it mate, I’m out of grenades, what we gonna do?” It didn’t take long for the leader to make up his mind. “Maria, Start Driving, I’ll get in Leigh’s car, go!!” he shouted. He charged open the door, knocking out a Raptor close to him. The tracker gene worked to his advantage this time, the car sped off in the distance, running over some helpless Dryosaurus on the way. The shotguns fired and fired away, blasted away dinosaurs as they came close. Leigh and her team now had little trouble climbing over the fence and getting into the car. Slain ran, still firing cartridges at his attackers. The car began to move forward without him, all her could hear was the words of Leigh “get in the fucking car now! Come on!” He jumped, the car was several metres away from him, and the fence ensured a perfect pick up. The Raptors snapped at his feet as he jumped high into the air, then onto the fence where he jumped again. With perfect accuracy he landed on the top of the jeep with the dinosaurs preparing for pursuit.
    The Raptors were keeping up considerably well, Slain even had to fire numerous shots into pursuing beasts, it seemed as if his scent gave them power, gave them the speed to carry on. The two cars were next to each other now; Slain was still perched like an eagle on the top of Leigh’s jeep, soaking up the cold air as it quickly hit his skin. The cars were speeding hard, making staying on the top of the jeep a much more difficult task. However he pursued to keep on hanging on, firing round after round at chasing Raptors. With tenacity the beasts kept on fighting, even with led inside their bodies, the fight continued. It never seemed to end; it was becoming harder for Slain to keep holding on, his endless endurance kicked in. the cold air trickled into his mind; the thought of the war filled his mind again. His troubled past began to haunt his present, and endanger his future. The thought of him in World War 4, the Russian wars, the everlasting cold that surrounded him. Suddenly his body became stiff and his firm grip upon the jeep was released. The Jeep kept on moving forward down the empty, bloodstained motorway, which lead to the outskirts of the city, to the Hydram Skyscraper. Slain hit the deck hard, dislocating his shoulder well out of place. However he managed to salvage his shotgun, his only means of projectile defence, the jeep sped down the road, unaware of Slain’s departure from the group. With gravel skids on his sides, and pain overflowing in his brain, he stood up, aching his muscles. He was on the highway connecting the city to the west side outskirts; Slain lived on the south side of the outskirts. His gun was pumped ready, he didn’t have much ammunition left, he was running empty. The injured Raptors began to circle him, with a large gouge of blood leaking from Slain’s side; he kept his cool once more and looked around for a way out of his current predicament. The Raptors began to close down on him, giving him less space to move. Something on the hill by the side of the motorway, it said “Wildlife Zoo – closed due to repairs”. “That’s my way out” he thought to himself. The Raptors were now in biting distance; some began to lunge a little. Suddenly, they stopped their formation, with tremors on the ground, there were actual expressions on the Raptor’s face, and they were genuinely scared of this new threat. They scattered away into the distance, parallel to the zoo, and Slain’s way out. He began to run up the hill, whatever scared the Raptors off, was coming for him, and the tremors sounded a lot like the tremors made by a…

Chapter 10: Immortal



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Copyright © 2004 Tony James Sayers
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