I,Am (7)
Deon C Sanders Deno Sandz


The next morning, Michael awoke putting his dream out of his mind and proceeded to do his usual routine. He walked down stairs and went to the front door to retrieve the morning paper off of the front steps. To his surprise , there in front of him stood a four legged opal colored cat on his front step with greenish eyes. The green eyes did not strike him as peculiar at that time, so he tried to wave the cat away. However, this cat
was not in the mood for running. After trying several attempts to get rid of the cat. Michael closed the door, walked to the kitchen, and sat the paper on the table. His wife asked him to grab the garbage and take it out for her. "No problem," replied Michael. As Michael opened the door to his surprise there was the same black cat standing in front of him again. At that instant, Sarah screamed loud and Michael dropped the garbage and slammed the back door.
After searching for a moment Michael finds Sarah in the bathroom in the corner next to the toilet shaking. "What happened Sarah," asked Michael? "When I looked in the mirror there was a image of a black cat with greenish eyes staring at me," answered Sarah. Michael moved toward the mirror cautiously, until he was dead center and there in the mirror he saw the black cat, not just staring, but moving also. "I,AM" in a loud voice, spoke the black cat, shattered the mirror into pieces. Michael grabbed Sarah and both of them ran out of the bathroom keeping his back to the bathroom while holding Sarah, until they made their way to kitchen. Michael sat Sarah down at the table and left her for a moment to get his gun out of his holster in the living room. "Stay in here Sarah," yelled Michael. "Be careful baby," Sarah cried out. Michael proceeded to the bathroom, taking cover on the side of the door in a tactical position. One... two...three Michael counted in his mind then took a deep breathe and kicked the door in, with his gun in position to fire. However, something strange had happen the bathroom was clear, the mirror was back to its original state, and the black cat had vanished. Sarah had eased up on Michael touching his shoulder. "Are you all right Sarah," asked Michael? "Yes," relied Sarah. Michael leaned back against the base of the door taking another deep breathe.
�����Suddenly, Michael moved Sarah to the side, realizing that he had just saw the black cat at the back door. Michael shuffled to the back door,grabbed the door knob, and pulled with great force. When the door hit the side of the stove, he placed his foot in the way for its return. Surprising them, there in front of him stood the black cat. Michael did not think, he just began to unload his nine at the cat, hitting it several times. The cat screamed out from the pain because the blessed bullets were hitting it. Yet, it just vanished right before Michael's eyes. The green blood that laid on the ground; suddenly seeped into the ground and vanished also.
After everything died down and the cat was gone, Michael was rather impatient about getting to work to find this monster. "I have to go to work baby," whispered Michael. "Go baby, I will be all right," replied Sarah. As Michael made it to the front door. Sarah spoke and said, "Michael kill that abomination and you better come back to me." "I will Sarah and I'll be all right," replied Michael. Driving to work Michael noticed the leaves were gathering icicles on them and the summer morning warmth was becoming saturated with cold air. Peoples stopped their cars, pulling over to the side of the road looking up at the blackening sun. Because the evil dark spot had almost covered the sun and this was not the only thing that happened. Lake Michigan had formed a thin sheet of ice on its surface. It was chaos in the streets of the city and it was getting colder every hour as if time had stood still in the beginning stages of an ice age. Michael finally made it to the station he pulled into his parking space out front of the building and saw vehicles with governmental plates and trucks with high-tech equipment to track down I,AM. There was also a containment unit with wheels that measured 60 feet long and 15 feet high made of material that the government could only have. When Michael entered his office there were two federal agents, Dr.Wells, Steward Roth who was the Archaeologist, a
Reverend, and the Mayor. "Come on in Detective Zeiss," asked the Mayor. "You giving orders in my own office Mayor," asked Michael? "There's no time for this Detective, the Federal government is taking over the case. They have briefed us of the situation and we believe they can handled it," stated the Mayor. "Well good luck to you all," replied Michael. "Detective Zeiss, we have lost enough men trying to capture I,AM. Let the government have a try," stated the doctor. "You haven't lost anybody, those were my men," replied Michael. "Detective Zeiss we all appreciate the good work you have done to try to stop this entity," stated Stewart Roth. "Who are you," asked Michael? "I am the chief archaeologist on this cast and these two men are with me," replied Stewart Roth. "Well, well, now we are cooking with gasoline," mutters Michael. The reverend moved over to the door and spoke, "gentlemen, gentlemen, it is not human, it is not a man, it is an abomination and if we don't stop it, it will destroy the world." "What about public
awareness," noted the Mayor? "Public awareness Mayor, the public already knows," explained Michael. "There are thousands of calls coming in to my office every hour. There's news cameras everywhere," shouted the Mayor. "Well look at it like this Mayor," replied Michael. "If we don't find away to stop I,AM you will not have to worry about calls. It wanted be anyone around to make them," stated Michael. The Mayor walked over to Michael and said, "detective I want you to work closely with Mr. Roth and his people to apprehend this thing," asks the Mayor. "What ever you say Mayor," replied Michael. Michael walked to the door, but was stopped by a question from the reverend. "Detective, do you believe in God." "Not for a long time," replied Michael. "What about now," asked the reverend? "Now and forever more, you can bet your last baptism on that," stated Michael. Michael left the room and proceeded to the bathroom to throw so water on his face, but
when he returned to his office everyone was gone. All alone he sat at his desk, kicked his feet up, and stared into outer space, waiting for a sighting of I,AM to come across the radio or T.V.. Yet, Michael stayed at the office all that day with not a murmur of I,AM across anyone lips; including his.
The evening was close at hand and Michael had made a few calls to his house to check on his Sarah. But for some strange reason around eight o'clock there was no answer, at eight-thirty there was no answer, and at nine o' clock. Michael began to worry, so he tried one more time, but the same thing happened, no answer. Michael jetted out of the precinct to his car. Michael wasn't aware that the government was outside monitoring his every move. All he could think of at that time was to get home to Sarah. Finally, after a few miles Michael spotted the government following him. So being a cop he used his driving abilities to elude them, leaving them with no idea where he was going.
�����Successfully, Michael reached his house without the governments surveillance, pulled into the drive away, jumping out and looked up at his bedroom window, but there where no lights on.
As he continued up the walkway to the front door, the house was silent. Michael placed his key in the door and turned the knob. "Sarah, Sarah, are you in here, it's me Michael," shouted Michael. There was no reply Sarah did not return his beckoning. Michael roamed the first floor, examining the kitchen, the living room, and the bathroom, but no Sarah.
�����As he proceed to go up the stairs, he began to hear noises coming from his bedroom. Michael raised his gun to firing position and continued up the stairs. The door was closed so Michael leaned on the side of the wall to the door, jumped back and kicked the door open. There to his surprise was Sarah on top making love to another man. The kick from the door scared Sarah, so she rolled over pulling the covers up to her chest. "Michael," yelled Sarah." Sarah looked down at the man she thought was Michael. "What the fuck is going on here Sarah," asked Michael? At that point, the man who was making love to his wife raised up. It was Michael, staring at Michael. "What is going on Michael," shouted Sarah? Suddenly, the man that laid next to Sarah that she thought was her husband, turned into the entity I,AM. "Get over here Sarah," yelled Michael. Sarah jumped out of bed and ran over to Michael. "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry baby," spoke Sarah shivering out of control. Michael opened fire, and bullets filled I,AM and the wall behind him. I,AM jumped out of bed in his birthday suit to his feet making a loud crashing noise, pausing for a second and runs to the closed window as Michael continued to fire. As I,AM streaked across the room his clothes formed on his body and out the window he jumped, landing on his feet, leaving a crater were he stood. When I,AM raises up, there in front of him was Kumhuma in all white. I,AM stared for a moment, feeling the power that Kumhuma had.
�����Suddenly, a strong wind blew of enormous power, making the trees dance and I,AM was gone. As Michael looked down out of his window, he could see Kumhuma standing there, motionless. Michael ran outside to face this man in white. A force, or something made Michael's inner soul pulsate as he stood there in front of Kumhuma. "Brother is it you," asked Michael? "Yes brother it is me," replied Kumhuma. "Are you the one that came to me in my dream," asked Michael. "The same one, its been a long time brother," replied Kumhuma. Kumhuma walked over to Michael, meeting Michael half way and they hugged. "I've missed you brother, stated Michael." " I you, replied Kumhuma." "Michael, who is that you are talking too," asked Sarah. "Its my brother Kumhuma," answered
Michael. "Bring him in here and be careful out there," asked Sarah. Kumhuma and Michael walked to the front door, Kumhuma stopping before he broke the threshold. Sarah had made her way from up stairs as Michael stops. "Kumhuma what's wrong," asks Michael? "My brother, I must prepare for our final battle with I,AM," explained Kumhuma. "Sarah you are very beautiful. I am glad my brother has you. He will need your strength. We have no time to waste brother, we can discuss are lives later," stated Kumhuma. "Michael do you still have the gift I sent you along time ago," asked Kumhuma. "The statuette," replied Michael. Michael ran upstairs and on his dresser was the statuette, grabbing it running back down stairs and presenting it to his brother. "What will this do Kumhuma, its just a statuette," asked Michael? "Don't tell me it has some kind of powers," remarked Michael. "No, Michael it doesn't, but what it has in it does," replied Kumhuma.
Kumhuma twisted the bottom of the statuette and pulled out a vile which contained the untouchable water. "The Lance of Transgression, the untouchable water, and your faith in God along, with my faith may be able to defeat I,AM," explained Kumhuma." Michael turned and looked into the eyes of his wife. Sarah gave him a nod, some kind of blessing
of her own, I guess. "Meet me at that abandoned warehouse on Century Street, that will be our battle ground. Bring the water
and the amulet," asked Kumhuma. Michael and Sarah turn away as if to go in the house but Michael needed to know something.
"Brother, how will you get I,AM to come to the warehouse," asked Michael. "In the Golden Scroll it was said that I,AM believed he was stronger than God, this was his weakness. I,AM knows its time to battle, he will come to me. For I am the Messenger of God," explained Kumhuma. Sarah and Michael turned to close the door, Sarah looked back and Kumhuma had
disappeared. Michael did not know the Feds had bugged his car with a tracking device. So they eventually caught up with him at his house and waited. Michael prepared himself mentally for the worst case scenario, loading up with all the ammo he could carry and the excess too. Departing his dwelling for a date with pure evil Michael told Sarah to get in her car and go to her mother's house. He said, if she did not hear from him in a few hours, he didn't make it.
����� The sun was completely covered with blackness and the ground was ice cold. Street lights that dawned the block had blown from the coldness of the air and it was now or never. "The subject is on the move, please be advised that we want the where about of I,AM, so don't lose him," stated Stewart Roth. Michael arrived at the abandoned warehouse but Kumhuma had not made it yet. The agents pulled up on Michael at the same time as Kumhuma appears from out of the
darkness. "Don't shoot him, that's my brother," yelled Michael. "Detective Zeiss, nice to see you here. You can get a first hand look on how we capture I,AM," stated Stewart Roth. "You can't capture him, he must be destroyed," spoke Kumhuma. "We'll see about that," replied Stewart Roth. "Team one and two into the warehouse, teams three and four cover the area," yelled Stewart Roth.
As Kumhuma, Michael, and the agents entered into the warehouse. There in front of them glowing, was I,AM, laying in wait. The entire warehouse was very cold and ice was forming on the steel beams that held up the decaying structure. "I,AM," spoke I,AM. The windows shook, the ground beneath their feet trembled in fear, and the insides of the agents ears began to bleed. The agents had weapons that shot bolts of energy like a tazer gun. "Upon fire," yelled Stewart Roth! All at once the tazers struck I,AM and they thought they had him. "Bring in the containment module," ordered Stewart Roth. They enclosed I,AM in the unit and sealed it shut with electrical cords. "See Detective and brother he can be contained," spoke Stewart Roth.
�����Suddenly, the unit began to gather ice that glowed red as rubies and the heat was so hot that the closest agents to the containment unit disintegrated. The unit began to melt down like wax and I,AM stood there drawing energy from the dead black sun.
�����Miraculously, I,AM disappeared so Stewart Roth gave the order to find it. "Team three do you see any sign of I,AM," asked Stewart Roth. Gun shots rang out from the outside of the warehouse. I,AM had possessed one of the agents, making him kill everyone standing out there. Soon after the gun fire ended, and there was silence in the warehouse and outside. Suddenly, a section of the warehouse wall was blown opened and there stood I,AM with a smile on his face and in his hand were the souls of every dead man out there. I,AM dropped their souls to the ground and stumped them in to hell. "My son come join your father," spoke I,AM. In that very instance Satan
himself rose from the bowls of hell to accompany I,AM. "No containment, no containment, shoot to kill," yelled Stewart Roth. Michael and Kumhuma stood next to each other, they could not help Stewart Roth and his people, I,AM and Satan had joined to destroy them. Even though I,AM did not need Satan's help it was more like a disrespect against God for still using one of his angels.
Now, the real battle was about to begin. Michael pulled his nine and began to shoot, emptying his clip. But nothing effected them, so thinking on his feet Michael through two grenades in the path of them. Kumhuma and Michael took cover, but after the smoked cleared I,AM and Satan was still standing. It was time for Kumhuma to meet his destiny, so he went out front to stand toe to toe with them. "You are the Messenger of God," spoke I,AM. "Yes I,AM and I will defeat you," replied Kumhuma. I,AM formed a spear like rod made of pure evil energy and flung it at Kumhuma. "Watch out brother," yelled Michael. Kumhuma glowed in perfect white when the rod struck him, knocking him down to his knees. "So the Messenger of God is not that strong after all. The years have made you weak. Oh that's right, the pure darkness drains your powers of faith," stated I,AM. "Let me have him , let me have," yelled Satan. "Very well," replied I,AM. Satan formed a steel walking demon out of the steel that was laying around. It jumped out on Kumhuma and started beating him. "No," yelled Michael! Michael grabbed his amulet and pointed it at Satan. When Satan saw what Michael had in his hand, Satan retreated to the underworld, seeing the power of God in that amulet and did not want any parts of it. Unfortunately, Kumhuma was hurt bad and was breathing heavily, so Michael sat him to the side. "Me and you I,AM," yelled Michael. The cold freezing temperature was getting to Michael and he could not feel his hands. I,AM ran towards Michael at lightning speed, grabbing him and through him into a pile of wood beams. Michael got up pretty slow as I,AM stood over him laughing.
�����Suddenly, Michael touched the Lance of Transgression and his body began to glow. He raised his hands toward I,AM and something invisible came out of his hands raising I,AM off the ground, hurting I,AM for a minute but I,AM grew stronger as the darkness stayed. �Put me down,I am I,AM," shouted I,AM. The temperature in the warehouse went from cold to hot as the whole entire warehouse melted down covering them with the darkness of night. Kumhuma and Michael were fine the amulet shielded them from the heat and the melting steel. "This is my world now, bow down to me," ordered I,AM. "Never will I or my brother bow down to you," replied Michael. "For you Messenger of God and you pathetic human I will save a slave task for you in my kingdom,"shouted I,AM. "Give me the water now, we must strike him with the Lance of Transgression," ordered Kumhuma. Michael gathered all the power of the amulet and unleashed a bright ray of light that could illuminate the universe, at I,AM. I,AM was caught off guard and was in a little pain until he recapture his power from the blast. Kumhuma jumped up, barely living , opened up the untouchable water, and ran straight to I,AM grabbing hold to him. "Kumhuma, no what are you doing," yelled Michael? Kumhuma poured the untouchable water on I,AM. "Michael the Lance, shoot it again, now," yelled Kumhuma. "No," yelled Michael! "If you love me and your wife you'll do it," replied Kumhuma. Michael pulled all the power out of the amulet and shot it at Kumhuma and I,AM. There was a great light and a explosion that was so loud Michael had to cover his ears. The ground and the heavens opened up.
Suddenly, a voice came from heaven and said: " thank you
my son, you and your brother have fulfilled your destiny," spoke God. "But my brother Lord," asked Michael. "Your brother shall be with me," replied God. The heavens closed, and the hell gate stayed open a little longer. So Michael walked over to it and gazed in to the pit of hell and whispered: "I,AM , you will never be God." The sun started to make its way back from the darkness, the temperature began to warm up, and the evil stench that filled the air, disappeared. As Michael walked away to his car, he looked down for the amulet but it was gone. Making it to his car, he took one more look at the destruction I,AM had done. However, there in the smoke glowing brighter than every was Kumhuma, with the Golden Scroll in one hand and the Lance of Transgression in the other he spoke and said: "You are my brother and a Messenger of God. Peace be with you, all the days of your life."



We know that God has all power, but there.....

Lucifer's jealousy of God ignites a war between God's Army and Lucifer's followers. As the war ends, God and his army conquers Lucifer, banishing him from Heaven to rule in hell for all eternity. However, Lucifer did not gather his jealousy of God and the thought of war by himself. Lucifer was tempted and manipulated, to think he could defeat God by an unknown evil just as powerful as God. Its name was no name, it was neither good nor evil, and it was neither merciful nor malicious.
It was I,AM........................,the Armengenden

Thank you for reading my horror........
Deon C. Sanders




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Copyright © 2001 Deon C Sanders Deno Sandz
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"