The Girl No One Knew (4)
Nicole M Laster


“Well, we had better go find you parents.” She said smiling as the babe threw her ripped cloths every where. She put a hand on the baby’s head, and they walked out of the clearing. After walking for some time, the babe leading, they stopped before another clearing and Misty saw two adult pure white Unicorns.
“Well, good bye, see you some other time huh?” Misty said, rubbing the little ones head before nudging him into the clearing and climbing up the tree to watch. The babe tumbled into the clearing and pranced to his parents, who both seemed happy to see him. Misty watched from the tree and smiled at her good deed before jumping to another tree and then climbing to the top of it. Looking out over the millions of trees, she saw that the edge of the Forrest was just a few meters away. She jumped from tree to tree until she was on the edge of the Forrest. She looked over the Hogwarts grounds and saw that no one was coming out yet. She spotted the Quidetch pitch and jumped down from the tree. Hitting the ground softly, she raced to the pitch at top speed. She jumped on to the stands and sat down. After waiting for some time, she decided to have a bit of fun, and went down to the pitch. Entering the dressing room, she spotted the box of Quidetch balls and made her way to it. Opening it, she saw that the bludgers were snoring softly. She unhooked one and lifted it gently out of the box. After closing the box, she sneaked out of the pitch onto the field. Then, knocking the bludger on the side a few times tossed it into the air and watched as it came to life. The bludger stopped in mid air, and Misty jumped up at it, hitting it with a paw, it went whooshing to the floor, stopping just in time to stop from hitting the sand. Suddenly realizing what was happening, the bludger buzzed something angrily and flew at her. She jumped out of the way just in time, and the ball almost ran head long it to the stands. Sticking her tongue out at it, she did a few cart wheels back ward and raised her paws in the air. The bludger then sped back at her, and she stepped to one side. It whooshed past and she watched as it sped back at her. This time, she jumped up, and kicked off of it, jumping high into the air. Delayed only a second, the ball sped at her again, but this time she did a flip in the air and kicked it, sending it flying into the night as she landed softly on the ground again. The bludger came back a few seconds later, aiming at her head this time. She smiled and moved at the last second, the ball flying straight into the brick wall behind her. It hit with a booming thud, and fell to the floor, leaving a big dent in the wall. She bent down over the ball and picked it up, a bit confused. Taken by surprise, she gasped and flew back as the ball flew at her stomach, sending her flying a few feet.
“Oh, now it’s on.” She said, after doing a couple of flips and landing softly.
The ball shook, with what Misty guessed as delight, and flew at her again. She didn’t move until the last second, and jumped kicked it, sending it into the night sky. Waiting a few seconds, she heard it whooshing back at her from behind, and jumped to the side as it whooshed of again, and came back. She was ready for it, with outstretched her arms. The ball thudded into her chest and she held onto it as it lifted her into the air. After falling back a few steps, the ball went crazy, and started trying every thing to try and get it off of her. She finally let go and fell to the floor, with a bigger thud then before. Breathing hard, she watched as the ball came at her again, and dodged, landing on all four paws, her tail swishing above her head as she saw it come back at her. She hissed and jumped at it, both of them thudding together as she latched on with her claws. Landing on her back in the sand, she held onto the struggling bludger and stood up before letting it go again. It flew high into the sky, and then pummeled at her again. She hissed at it and jumped aside, and then jumping at it again, it hit her in the chest again, and flew back ward, doing three accidental back flips before skidding to a stop, her hind paw claws digging into the sand to stop. She then jumped at it again, it flying at her with a force. But this time, she kicked off the floor, and dug her claws into the ball, jumping over it, as it drug her forward. Digging her hind paws into the sand, she tried taking control of the bludger as it fought to go free. She pulled it to her, and wrapped her arms around it, it trying to shake her off. She got a grip on it, and made her way back to the pitch. Opening the door with her hind paw, she jumped in and put the ball back in its box. She sighed and walked back out of the pitch. But upon opening the door, she paused as she heard voices.
“That was amazing!”
“Yeah! That was just to cool!”
“Shh! I think she’s coming back!”
She stepped out of the door and listened for the voices again, but couldn’t hear anything. Closing her eyes, she tried to hear it again. Still not hearing anything, she shrugged it off and sat down. She stuck out a leg and started licking her fur, a few cuts and bruises from the fight with the bludger.
“Why is she licking her self?”
“Its called cleaning! Cats always lick their self! Now shut up!”
“Both of you shut up!”
She stopped and looked up, looking around. Then she went back to cleaning herself. A few minutes later, she stood up and stretched. She walked around the pitch, looking for a place to lay down. She stopped on a nice patch of grass and lay down, stretching out on her side. Laying her head on her crossed arms, and she closed her eyes and let her tail rest by her side. Her ears twitched back and forth, listening as she rested. A few minutes passed and she heard in the distance, the sound of the door to HogWarts opening, and someone coming out. Still not moving, she started swishing her tail from side to side. The footsteps became clearer and she opened her eyes lazily and glanced around. Then, she sat up and stretched. Yawning, she heard the footsteps become louder and stood.
“What’s she doing?”
“Shush! Look, someone is coming!”
“Why wont she go anywhere?”
Misty stood for a second, and jumped on top of the Pitch roof with a swift movement. Lying down again, she watched as someone cloaked walked into the pitch. He stood for a second and looked around.
“Misty?” he called.
“Who are you?” Misty called back. The person jumped and looked around, surprised.
“Who do you think it is? Draco Malfoy!” Draco called, lowering his hood.
“You dweeb! You know what day it is! Why did you ask me to come?” Misty asked, annoyed but interested.
“Because! I wanted to see you!” Draco called again, looking around. “Where are you?” he asked.
Misty sighed lazily and stood up. She jumped high into the air, and landed in back of Draco. “Right here.” She said, and turned him around witch a flick of her wrist. “You know something? Its very sweet to want to see me like this and all, but very dangerous. I could eat you right now. You know that.” She hissed, bringing him close, latching on with her claws on his collar, her silky voice in her ear their faces inches apart.
“Yeah, I know it’s dangerous, but, I just had to see you like this. Voldemort said you looked like a hag. I just had to see him wrong.” Draco told her, his eyes the look of pure admirement.
“You mean you wanted to see if he was right.” Misty corrected lazely, pushing him back, and making him trip on the hem of his robes. “Do you like what you see?” she asked, twirling in a circle.
“Well, hell yeah. You look beautiful. But I expected cloths.” Draco said smiling at her.
“Shut your mouth you perve. Demons don’t need cloths; Its called fur.” Misty said, smiling back. “So, that’s all, just to see me naked? Or is there something else?” misty said in a silky tone.
“Well, I also wanted to talk to you About Voldemort. As soon as you lure the dream team into the Forrest, he’s planning to kill you harry Ron and Hermione. So you can’t go. Plus that, and he’s going to lure Dumbledore in the Forest as well, and ambush him with dementors.” Draco said actually sounding concerned.
“How do you know all this?” asked Misty raising an eyebrow.
“Because…my father made me come to a meeting. He thinks im loyal enough to become a death eater before I go into seventh year.” Draco said, slightly worried and mad sounding.
“Well, we can’t have that. You try and delay that and then I’ll tell Dumbledore your, our predicament.” Misty said. “Oh yeah, did you hear or see anyone when you came here?” she added.
“Well, almost ran into filch, peeves, Mrs. Norris and Mcgonnagale, but other then that, no.” he said.
“Oh. All right.” Misty said. ”Anything else?” she asked.
“Well, just one thing.” He said, and moved toward her.
“I’ll bite off your tongue, you know that right?” she asked threateningly.
“Yeah. I just wanted to look at this on your arm.” Draco said, picking up her arm, and looking at the star shaped scar. “Well, at least he didn’t burn a skull in your arm.” He said, dropping her arm, and turning to leave.
“Wait, Draco.” Misty said getting infront of him.
“Wha…” but he was cut off as Misty kissed him softly on the lips. “What was that for?” he asked, shocked.
“Oh, for everything. You’ve been really sweet to me, you know.” Misty said before jumping on top of the pitch dressing room again with a flip.
“oh, bye then, see you tomorrow.” Draco said, sounding a bit happier then before and walking out of the pitch, pulling on his hood again. Misty didn’t move for a bit, and then heard talking again.
“I think she’s gone.”
“We better wait to be sure.”
“Shh, did you hear something?”
Misty made her way to the voices that were still talking. She jumped to the ground stealthily and streaked across the pitch in the shadows in complete stealth.
“Hi, take off that cloak.” She said loudly, coming to a stop at the other side by the goal posts. The voices stopped and then right infront of her, Harry Ron and Hermione appeared, Harry rolling up a silver cloak.
“How did you find us?” asked Ron, the moon making his hair brighter then ever.
“I didn’t know where you were at first, but I heard you three talking and knew you were there, the only thing I had to do, was keep you talking so I could find you. And anyway, next time be a bit more quieter.” Misty smiled as they walked out of the shadows on to the moon lit field. “You had better get back. It’s almost sun rise.” With that, Misty back flipped out of the Pitch and streaked back to the Forrest. She ran to the clearing where she first transformed and sat down on her hunches. She sat in silence for more then two hours when the sun started to appear over the horizon. The first light of the sun shone through the leaves and hit her back. She screamed in surprise and jumped up; standing on her hind legs. Sunlight streaked in through the top most branches and hit her. She fell to her knees and screamed in pain, as if her whole body was screaming with her. She felt herself changing all over again, and she let her head fall to the ground. Golden brown locks of hair started growing from her scalp, and her hands were screaming with pain. The tail was shrinking and her face was changing back. She felt her legs straightening and arched her back, throwing her head back in pain as the feel of needles prickling her all over returned. She stared up at the sky, breathing hard and staring with wide eyes at the morning sky. She stood up and grabbed up her scattered clothes. She put on her ripped pants and shirt and looked around. Then, finding her cap scattered by the puddle picked it up and brushed it off before putting it on. She whipped her brow and twisted her cap back before walking through the Forrest to the edge. She walked up to the school and peeked in through the great oak doors. Then she walked in and closed it behind her before running up the marble stare case and up the other stare cases. When she finally stopped at the portrait she was out of breath.
“Oh dear, are you all right?” asked the fat lady.
“Fine…fine…. What’s the password?” Misty had been so worried about getting to the tower, she had forgotten the password! Just then, to her great luck, the portrait door opened and Hermione Ron and harry walked out talking. They stopped how ever when they saw Misty standing there looking as if she had been tossed around by a mountain troll.
“Oh! Hey…thanks!” she said and ran into the common room, and up the girls stare case. When she came back down, dressed for a Sunday afternoon, Hermione Ron and harry were waiting at the bottom of the stare case.
“All right. Now I feel better. Wanna go for a walk around the lake? And talk about last night I suppose.” Misty said shrugging. They agreed and made a quick stop by the kitchens before going out on the grounds. They found a spot under a comfy willow tree that was in a paddock, surrounded by the Forest so no one could see them, so Misty took off her hat to get comfortable. As they started talking about last night, Misty explained that Lucius Malfoy was Voldemort most loyal death eater, and they were using Draco as a messenger to her. They were still talking and didn’t notice Draco walk up behind them until he spoke.
“So why did you kiss him?” asked Ron.
“Like I said, Ron, he was being really sweet and nice to me, besides im the only one who can understand him.” Misty said tiredly.
“No way, there has to be more to it then that.” Ron persisted.
“Ron, shut up.” Hermione sighed.
“Yeah Ron, listen to the mudblood.” Came a voice behind them. Misty jumped up and slapped him in the face hard.
“Oh! That’s the only thing I don’t understand about you Draco! Sit down.” Misty fumed, sitting back down, laying on her stomach like before.
“Damn, did you have to hit me so hard?” Draco asked, rubbing his cheek and glaring at her.
“Yes, and unless you want another slap, I suggest you apologize. Now.” Misty ordered.
“Fine…. Sorry Hermione.” Draco muttered, still fuming about the slap.
“Huh, I didn’t hear you?” Misty said.
“With those ears? Fine, all right, sorry I called you mudblood, granger.” Draco said frowning.
“Ah, good enough. As far as you’ll get anyway.” Misty sighed, picking grass and throwing it a few inches away.
“Anyway, there is nothing going on between us, got that?” she finished.
“Alright, I’ll believe you.” Ron sniggered with harry as Draco scowled.
 “What? What is so funny?” asked Misty hotly.
“Nothing, nothing.” Harry sniggered.
“Okay…anyway, Misty, I think I found a potion in the restricted section on how to make your transformations a bit more…bearable.” Hermione told her, taking out a book from her bag.
“You where in the Restricted section? How with out Harry’s…” Ron started, but harry hit him in the ribs.
“With out my help?” asked harry, finishing Rons sentence.
“Yes I did, Infact I even got Mcgonnagales’ permission!” Hermione said happily. “As I was saying, misty there is this potion I can have ready by next full moon…” Hermione was cut off again as Draco spoke up.
“Wait, they call you misty? Sin, is this some kind of joke, is that your real name? I thought that the dark…” Draco didn’t Finnish his sentence as Misty jumped at him, knocking him on the ground. She stood up and pulled him with her.
“Excuse us, we need to talk. Now.” Misty said, and pulled Draco away to another clump of trees and bushes.
“Why are they calling you misty? Is it your real name? I thought that the Dark Lord banned you from ever saying your name to any one!” Draco hissed.
“No idiot it isn’t my real name! And no shit Voldemort banned me from saying my name aloud! Do you want to know the real story or not?” she snapped at him.
“Fine, go on with it.” He scowled.
“When your father found me, he knew what I was, and took me to his master as a present, a slave. They took my wand and snapped in half. Then Voldemort took me into a quite room…he asked me what my name was, and I told him. Then he put the controlling curse on me, and made me sighn a contract with a quill that used my own blood. He took the curse off and picked up the paper…this is what he said;
‘There now that wasn’t so bad, was it? Listen carefully to what I have to say child. When that wound on your hand heals, you belong to me. And to make you remember…’ that is when he put the star on my shoulder, like you know. I’ll tell you one thing, this wound hasn’t healed completely, and when it does, my name will be lost forever and I will be his slave until he or I dies. Or until I can get that contract back and rip it up. He also said that if I told anyone my name I would die instantly, and he put a spell on me to make sure that I would die instantly. Not only that, but he made sure that as my wound healed, my Name started to disappear from my memory. All I can remember of it now is say…” She breathed deeply. “So just shut your mouth. Sure he called me sin, but that was just a nasty nick name.” Misty finished.
“So, once your hand heals, then you forget your name and the spell he put on you would wear off, and then you would belong to him completely?” Draco said, his sneer no longer visible.
“Right, and I won’t be free until he dies, or I die...or until I find that contract” She said. “Don’t tell them alright?” she added.
“Why?” he asked.
“Because… it just wont feel right, I don’t know. But I can tell you one thing. Besides you, they are the only real friends I’ve ever had.” She whispered and turned around about to head back, but he put a hand on her shoulder and turned her around.
“You consider me a friend?” he asked quietly in amazement.
She turned back around and smiled. “Well yeah, I mean, when we don’t fight we can actually talk together, kind of like Hermione and Ron, even though they fight they are still friends.” Misty told him smiling before walking back around the clump of bushes and trees. She sat down to three very disgusted faces.
“What? Did I miss something?” Misty asked, fearing they had heard.
“No, we were just looking through this book at some pretty gruesome pictures.” Hermione answered, picking up the book and showing her a picture of a hag with an arm coming out of her fore head.
“Yeah, she has an arm pit over her nose.” Harry added grimacing.
“Ewe, that is pretty gruesome. So Hermione you were telling me about that potion?” asked Misty.
“Yeah, like I said it should be ready by the next full moon…” answered Hermione flipping to a marked page and showing it too her. But Misty wasn’t looking at it like harry, Hermione, and Ron were, she looked up as Draco came from behind the trees and bushes. They smiled at each other and Draco sat down as Hermione went on to explain the meanings.

An hour or so after wards, Misty shook her head at Hermiones potion.
“That’s alright herm. I think I’ll pass. Besides, it could back fire, and I could stay demon for ever.” Misty said as they started on their way back up to the castle.
~ Two weeks later ~
“Misty! Hey Misty!” Draco yelled almost in a panicky voice.
“What?” Misty yelled in his face as he came sliding to a stop infront of her, Hermione, Ron and Harry.
“We need to talk,” he said holding up a note. “It’s from Him.”
“Oh, come on then, no need to let the whole school know.” Misty said snatching the note and dragging Malfoy into an empty classroom.
Misty closed and locked the door magically and let Malfoy go before jumping on top of a desk nearby and sitting down as she opened it and read it aloud to Malfoy.
“Dear Draco Malfoy
I am most unpleased. You have not written me at all saying when you were to lead those three into the forest. Tell Sin that once she has made truce with the brats that she is going to lead them into the Forest! If she doesn’t I will have her killed and you will lead them into the forest! Tell her, that she better do it by next full moon.
- Your Lord Voldemort”
“Well, he is your lord then isn’t he?” Misty remarked looking up at Malfoy with a raised eyebrow.
“Look misty…no he isn’t my lord! What are we going to do? I dislike the dream team but I don’t want them dead! And I don’t want you dead either, or me! I don’t want anyone dead!” Draco hissed at her grabbing the letter back.



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Copyright © 2000 Nicole M Laster
Published on the World Wide Web by ""