Chronicles Of Zefaria: The Plight Of The Free Peoples (9)
Michael Harris


So they trekked on. The journey to the Yorkian Castle would probably take two hours. This is what Seth told Master Fenfarah.

"Well let us march on then," said Master Fenfarah. "So that we can get the troops and head straight for Fignufen."

In the Yorkian Kingdom they mostly walked through country and some grassland. Yorkian Castle was a good deal east of the Yorkian Kingdom itself. So they continued on. Then the alliance noticed something. It was at a military post. There was the rather queer sighting of a man walking as if he'd been injured, clutching his side. Everyone took to staring at him, but Edith rushed to his aid. It was her beloved, Janus Wraynard.

"What happened?" she said.

"It was Osmadaania--they attacked the Yorkian Kingdom," said Janus. "It was a sneak attack. I somehow made it all the way down here, hoping that I'd find a medic, but they must all be off duty--I think I'm the only one who made it."

"Rest easy," said Edith. "We'll get you to a medic."

Tonomoli couldnt' help it, but he felt strongly that something just wasn't right. It was a rather strange feeling, but he couldn't shake it. Finally he expressed this sentiment to Master Fenfarah and Jebzian.

"I don't feel so good," he said to them. "Something's not right."

Fenfarah and Jebzian stared at one another. "Do you feel like someone's trying to tell you something?"

"Yes," said Tonomoli. "Yes I do. How did you know?"

"Wait here a moment," said Jebzian. The two wizards approached Edith and Janus.

"On what day were you born, young soldier?" said Master Fenfarah.

Edith and Janus looked up at Master Fenfarah shockingly. Everyone else was in the same state of shock.

"What are you going on about?" said Edith. "We have to get him to a medic!"

"What's the name of this here fellow?" said Jebzian of Seth.

"I'm bleeding here!" said Janus Wraynard.

"Hurry, we need to tend to his wouds," said Edith.

"What's the name of your beloved?" said Master Fenfarah.

"Answer our questions," said Jebzian.

"I--I--," said Janus.

"What's wrong with you two!" cried Edith. "We don't have time for this nonsense! If we don't get him to a medic then he'll die."

"Answer our questions," said Jebzian.

"I--I--," said Janus. Janus was staring at the ground with his hands clutched at his side. Suddenly, he began to laugh. Softly at first, but then it took on a wildness.

"Hahahahahaha!" he said. Janus stood, still clutching his side.

"What is all of this?" said Edith.

Suddenly Master Fenfarah spoke out loud. "Ranmah!" Janus was still laughing. He then spun around into a circle and turned into a figure wearing a black robe. When he did this, a great deal of men could now be seen slain next to the military post.

"Begone, you foul servant of Osmadaania!" said Jebzian.

Ranmah then flew away, no longer clutching his side, but still laughing. Everyone was in a state of supreme shock.

"That was Ranmah," said Jebzian, "servant of Osmadaania and leader of the Osmadaania province of Aundar."

"The Yorkian Kingdom must have been attacked by Aundar," said Master Fenfarah. "And Ranmah must have stayed behind to inflict an emotional blow on all of our spirits."

"How did he know to become that knight though?" said Tonomoli. "I mean, he could've been any knight but he chose to be Edith's beloved."

"The enemy has many spies out and about," said Jebzian. "Don't be too surprised that he knew to transform into Janus."

�"How did you see through all of that?" said Edith.

"We didn't," said Jebzian. "It was young Tonomoli who saw through it all."

"I don't understand," said Seth. "What just went on here?"

Everyone else was equally unsure of what just happened. Master Fenfarah went on to explain it to them.

"It's quite simple really," began Master Fenfarah. "There is the Illusionist and there is the Perceiver. Ranmah is an Illusionist. Tonomoli here is gifted with The Perceiving. If it weren't for Tonomoli, Ranmah could've lead us into a trap set by Orcs or Men who serve Lord Osmadaan. We're quite blessed to have a Perceiver in a our party."

Jebzian looked at Tonomoli. "What other latent powers will reveal themselves within you before this saga has ended I wonder."

"But what about Janus?" said Edith. "What really happened to him.?"

There was silence. Everyone was thinking the same thing, that he was slain.

"He may have been the victim of a surprise attack," said Seth.

Seth and Edith began looking for Janus among the dead, and sure enough they found him.

"My beloved--" said Edith while she was crying. "No--this can't be happening."

"I'm sorry," said Seth, as he placed his hand on her shoulder. He allowed her all the time she needed, though she took only about five minutes.

"Are you sure you're ready to go on?" said Jebzian.

"I am ready," said Edith, wiping the tears from her eyes.

So they continued on, all feeling a little heavy-hearted because of what they'd just experienced, Edith most of all. Jebzian approached Seth.

"The enemy now knows of this traveling company," he said to Seth. "We should be on guard for anything."

Master Fenfarah was right about Ranmah leading them into a trap. Further down the road, a ways from where the incident occurred, there was a band of Orcs hiding in the bushes. They saw how big the company was and ran off without engaging in combat. After that, it didn't take the company too long to make it to Yorkian Castle. When they finally did make it, Seth bade that the Chisolites set up camp outside of the enclosed borders of the castle whereas the alliance of Seth, Tonomoli, and the rest all were to be resting inside the castle itself.

"We'll sleep in suites like we did in Chisolom," said Seth to the alliance. A lone guard showed them to their rooms. Seth and Edith went together to go speak to their father in throne room.

"You've come back," he said. "I thought you were to be away for an almost indefinite amount of time?"

"We were," said Seth the second. "But somethings come up. And we need a good half of the standing army. Also, are you aware of what happened at a military outpost?"

"I am not," said their father. "Tell me about it."

Seth then went on to tell their father about the attack on Janus Wraynard's unit, and the subsequent death of all who were apart of that unit. The king was a great deal shocked and listened to his son's description of the event attentively.

"This is grave news indeed," said their father. "Janus was a valuable asset to this kingdom. And you, my dear Edith, you must be devestated."

Edith said nothing for a moment. "I am," she said. "Greatly."

The king shook his head in disbelief. Finally he spoke. "You may take as many soldiers as you need. But please be aware that we've just been attacked and that another one could just as easily be on the way."

"I understand, father," said Seth. "The Yorkian Kingdom needs protecting. I will leave a good many troops here."

The two left the throne room and went to their sperate and individual rooms and went to bed.
Chapter 17

�Setting Out Once More

The alliance of Seth, Tonomoli, Prailee, Nefandus, and the rest all sat down to have a fantastic breakfast in the wee hours of morning. The king, Seth Von York senior, even ate with them. Edith was the only one who wasn't present at the breakfast as she was still very much shaken up by the loss of her beloved and didn't feel like eating. The chefs were serving mostly pancakes and sausage and milk. There was some cheese and butter, if anybody wanted them. Tonomoli spoke to Prailee who was sitting right next to him.

"This is quite good, isn't it?" he said to Prailee with a mouthful of pancakes.

"Indeed it is," said Prailee. "We haven't eaten like this since when we first set foot in Chisolom. Let's hope that it isn't our last of the extravagant meals."

"I'm hoping just that," said Tonomoli.

It took the company about seven minutes to finish eating their meal. When they had finished they all headed for the exit of the castle, being led by Seth Von York the second. Edith came down from a corridor and met them.

"Are we leaving now?" she said to her brother.

"Yes," he said. "Yes we are. But perhaps you should stay here."

"What?" she said.

"It would do you some good would it not?" said Seth. "Losing a loved one can be hard to manage. You haven't even given yourself ample time to recuperate. Why don't you stay here, and bring an end to your journeys."

"But I don't want to stay here," said Edith. "I want to go on and see this thing to its conclusion. I deserve at least that after what has happened."

"Are you sure about this?" said her brother.

"I am very sure," said Edith.

"Let her come," said Jebzian. "Edith is a great deal stronger than what you might think. Let her come."

"Fine," said Seth. "You may continue along with us."

So Edith joined the company as they were making their way out of the castle. There wasn't too many people out and about. Most were still in bed. It was indeed just a little bit too early for the Yorkians. Those that were out greeted the company with a smile and a wave of their hand. It took the company about twenty minutes to make it to where the Chisolites were stationed. By now also about half of the Yorkian army had been moved to where the Chisolites were. They greeted their leader with customary military greetings.

"We are now a great force militarily," said Seth. "And an even greater force I imagine we'll be when we're joined up with Fignufen. And then there's the probable combining of our forces with Harwrintholien and Finlaiven. Certainly we can make a push toward Osmadaania Castle."

"This is indeed a great company," said Nefandus. "I would think that we could storm Osmadaania Castle with just the men we have here."

"To that I will say that I don't know," said Seth. "This is a great company, of that I am certain. But in terms of us storming Osmadaania Castle with just the knights that we have now, I would say that is a matter yet to be decided."

"We still have Fignufen to rely on," said Master Fenfarah. "Though Finlaiven and Harwrintholien lie in doubt, Fignufen will more than likely be willing to ally with us. And when that happens, look out Osmadaania."

The company went on their way. The first obstacle would be navigating through the dense trees in Foster Forest, as Foster Forest lied about five miles from the border of the Yorkian Kingdom. After making it through Foster Forest, the company would then be at the border where Foster Village and Foster Forest meet. They would then head due west to make it to Archmide, like Tonomoli wanted. After that, they would be heading straight to the south to Fignufen. Tonomoli approached Edith as a thought came to his mind.

"You never did show me to your master," said Tonomoli.

"I was just looking for him this morning so that I could show him to you," she said. "But I couldn't find him. He must've went out journeying through the forest, as he tends to do. He's very attuned with nature."

"Well, I'll be certain to introduce you to mine," said Tonomoli. "Like I said, he would be very interested to meet you. Perhaps we could even find out if Tal'On Kepp was instructed in the Toran."

"We'll find out together," said Edith with a smile. Tonomoli looked at her. She was quite beautiful with nary a blemish on her white cheeks. She seemed to be taking her misfortune quite well, and Tonomoli was happy because of it. It was eight thirty and the company had made it into the thickets in Foster Forest. The road had been greatly cultivated, and the company used it, staying in single file. The company and passed no one and there was no one to be seen in either direction. It was as if they were the only ones out. Tonomoli wondered if transports were still being attacked by Orcs. It was certainly probable that it could still be happening. But he was uncertain about it. For the answer he went to both Master Fenfarah and Jebzian.

"Do you think that transports are still being raided by Orcs?"

"I can't say that I know for sure whether it's still happening," said Jebzian. "But if we take the belief that attacks on transports were all apart of the pre-war hype of Lord Osmadaan and Osmadaania then I would say that yes, they are probably still happening, simply because of the fact that we are in war, and I see no reason why they should stop it because of that."

"I always thought that the attacks on transports was a discipline problem," said Master Fenfarah. "Orcs would attack transports, not because they were commanded to, but because of a lack of discipline given them from their commanders. But now--"

"But now you see that that's not the case," said Jebzian, who interrupted him. "You see now that those attacks were orchestrated by Lord Osmadaan and his myriad of provinces, don't you?"

Master Fenfarah looked at Jebzian for a time. He then finally answered. "I think that may indeed be the case, but I'm not sure yet. I would need more proof before I come to my conclusion."

"'More proof?'" said Jebzian. "How much more proof do you need? It seems evidently clear to me that those attacks were orchestrated by Lord Osmadaan in his attempt to weaken the resolve of the Zefarian people."

"I still need more proof before I come to my conclusion," said Master Fenfarah.

"Fine," said Jebzian. "Take all the time you need."

The company continued on through Foster Forest. They were two hours worth of trekking inside of Foster Forest, it being ten o'clock. They had to about six o'clock until they'd make it to Archmide. Tonomoli was greatly anticipating their arrival. His master would be most enthused to hear of his exploits. He might even lobby to join the company. "If that were to happen, then this would be a great company indeed," he thought. Suddenly, Le'on, who was looking at Tonomoli came over to him. He had something on his mind and he wanted to discuss it.

"Tonomoli," he said.

"Yes?" said Tonomoli
"There was something I wanted to talk to you about." He paused, not knowing how to start what he wanted to say. "Remember when I said that I prefer the Pass of Galtigor to the Pass of Bravada?"

Tonomoli nodded. "I remember," he said. "What about it?"

"Well--it's like this--the reason why I said that I like the Pass of Galtigor better is because--well, I've grown up a Bravada, and I haven't even lived fully. In fact I've barely been outside of Bravada Castle, let alone living."

"Wow," said Tonomoli. "I had a feeling that it was something so personal, but I didn't know it was that. So you've barely been outside of Bravada Castle? I wager then that you must be enjoying our current journey."

"I am," said Le'on, "immensely. This is such a fantastic experience! Though I do dread the prospect of us making a push for Osmadaania. That dark land frightens me."

"As well it should," said Farimar.

"I am also a little leery about going to Osmadaania," said Tonomoli. "I've heard many a queer tale about that place. But, I gather that we'll discover it out together."

"We will," said Le'on. The company continued on through Foster Forest. By now they had made it to within three hours worth of trekking distance inside of Foster Forest, as it was now eleven o'clock. Even during this current journey, the company still failed to meet many strangers. Those they did meet looked on at the company curiously, like before. At twelve o'clock Seth called for a brief period where they could eat and rest. Most of everyone still had a good deal of meat left over from when they brought it in Galtigor. Tonomoli, Nefandus, and Farimar ate together, while Prailee, Seth, and Le'on ate together. Edith sat with Master Fenfarah and Jebzian. She didn't eat.

"How are you doing, my dear Edith?" said Jebzian.

"I am--I am a great deal better than when I first discovered what happened," said Edith.

"Good," said Master Fenfarah. "Be strong, child."

"You should really eat something though," said Jebzian. "How about a sandwich? Here, I'll make it for you."



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Copyright © 2003 Michael Harris
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