Weller--A Novel In Work (10)
Woody Floria


General Alfred Crocker keyed up communications with Hendrix at the S-4 command Center. We’re throwing these guys away Matt. Sacrificing them to buy time. Hendrix listened as Crocker went on the explain. We’ve got three flights coming off the tankers out of 29 Palms, and additional flights from six different bases moving in our your position. If we can take this thing out, we want to hit it in a coordinated attack out over the desert and as far away from populations as possible. I understand General, Hendrix confirmed. We have all our Air defenses on full alert, but after what we saw last night, I’m not sure how much good they can do? Well Matt, hopefully it won’t come to that, Crocker replied. I’ve still got a trick, or two up my sleeve.

Perry Franklin and Troy Little watched is amazement as it suddenly became apparent what the Area 51 security forces were up to. SON-OF-A BITCH, Franklin exclaimed. Those SOBs are trying to burn us out. Little continued to watch as the SUVs began to back away from their skirmish line, leaving a wall of fire burning in their wake. I wouldn’t say they’re trying to burn us out Little remarked, more like smoke us out. All across the valley the dry scrub brush was erupting into flames fed by gallons of gasoline, as thick, black smoke began to boil up toward their position fanned by the hot desert wind.

Crystal Mountain, this is 344-Zero, we have radar contact on unidentified bogey, initiating combat posture. Roger, 344-Zero, Avery replied is a cool, collected voice. Stark, switched over to the secure air to air net and began issuing orders to his flight. Okay, guys, that’s a big son-of-a bitch, so let’s not tangle with it up close, if we can help it. Just then, Stark received tone confirming radar lock. I’ve got lock, stark barked into his mic. Keyed mics confirmed his flight also had lock. Spread out guys and fire on three, two one….In a flash, 8 air to air missiles streaked out at the target.

Juking hard left, Stark and his wingman pulled up and around as the other two F18s slid to the right in a scissoring motion. Just as the flight split, a blinding white light flashed through the sky, arcing through the position they had held seconds before. SHIT, Stark exclaimed, that was close!! Fire at will, fire at will, he quickly repeated as his radar locked on for the second time. In his peripheral vision, Starks saw missile flashes as he triggered his joy stick fire controls

Cruising at 700 miles per hour, 100 feet off the deck, Tank Tankowski keyed up his secure air to air comms and called out to Bud Wilkins. Sounds like those Air Force Pukes are having all the fun, want to crash their little party? You know it Tank, Wilkins replied, but let’s not get our asses shot out off in the process. No Worries Bud, those guys couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. Pushing their throttles to full power, Tankowski’s flight of four F14 Tomcats quickly gained altitude. Directly ahead, just above the horizon they could see the bright flash of explosions in the gathering darkness. Target remains viable, Wilkins exclaimed. Roger that, Tank confirmed. I’ve got lock, Tank !! Hold Bud, let’s move in closer, I want to stick it right up their ass!! Pushing the Tomcats to max speed, they quickly closed the distance to target as additional explosions lit up their windscreens. Look at the size of that thing Tank, Wilkins exclaimed. Directly ahead, at a distance of five miles there was a massive, black shape glowing red along it’s outer edges. Two more explosion lit up the sky as the last of the F18s missiles exploded harmlessly in front of the alien craft. Now less then three miles to target, Tankowski called tallyho, and all four F14s released their full compliment of ordinance on to target. Six seconds later, the first missiles impacted with devastating effect, In an instant, the alien craft, yawed hard to port as a second, then third missile impacted. Three more missiles struck home and the craft broke apart in a shower of flames and debris.

Stark watched in amazement as the target exploded right before his eyes. DAMN, we got it he shouted into his mic, but his joy was short lived as tone from his combat control radar signaled new contacts. Quickly reviewing his ordnance, he realized he had nothing left to fire. Just as he was about to order his flight to engage the new target, Crystal Mountain broke in on his Comms. Flight 344-ZERO, STAND DOWN, repeat, STAND DOWN. You are authorized RTB!! Negative Crystal Mountain, Stark screamed into his mic, we have additional contacts. Do not engage, 344-Zero, repeat do not engage, contacts are friendly!!

Hendrix listened in on the battle as it progressed and had to smile as he realized what Crocker had orchestrated. You evil, old bastard he thought to himself. It was the hounds and the hunter all over again. Crocker had lured the alien craft in with the F18s, and used Tankowski’s Navy group to deliver the kill blow.

Crocker took a deep breath, but his relief was only momentary as alarms started to sound again. We have four more alerts sir, Avery notified the general. Hard targets moving fast from the West and South on 51. Peering up at the big screen, Crocker watched as the targets closed at incredible speed. Quickly reacting to the situation, Crocker ordered intercept coordinates.

“Rosie” Arnolds flight of F22s, remained in stealth mode, flying low and slow just above the desert floor. We’ve got bad guys inbound Big Time. Roger that, Furlough confirmed, ETA less then two minutes. Let’s stay on the DL, let them pass over, then we’ll come up on their six. Copy that Rosie, Furlough acknowledged. 90 seconds later, they received position status from the AWAC forward air controller orbiting 100 miles to the northeast. Here we go, Arnold exclaimed pushing his afterburners to max power. Literally jumping into the night sky the flight of four F22s quickly gained altitude, closing on the alien craft.

Tom “Joker” Miller was leading the second Flight of specially equipped F22s, also in low orbit, just to the Northeast of the base. We’re out of position Joker, Miller’s wingman Tommy “Tomahawk” Longknife, admonished. No shit Tommy, Miller exclaimed. Light em up, we’ve got to get into this game before it’s all over. Pushing their throttles to the wall, the four F22s, blasted along the desert floor on fully automatic pilot as their ground avoidance radar pushed them over hills and deep into valleys. Eagle-eye, the orbiting AWAC FAC, kept them updated on position and course changes. Let’s take em up Tommy, we’re in position now. In one fail swoop, the four F22 Raptors blasted off the deck and into the clear night sky.

Dead ahead, Furlough could see the bogies as Arnold brought the flight into firing position. Let take one down intact Rosie, Furlough suggested. Your call Big time, if you think you can do it? Splash the one of the left, and I’ll use the distraction to cap the one on the right. Without further discussion, Rosie Arnold, locked on and released his full compliment of missiles. Immediately, the two alien craft split formation, as Furlough stayed tight on the tail of his assigned target. Bearing down at over 1,700 miles per hour, Furlough released his electro magnetic burst at practically point-blank range. The effect was devastating!! Dead ahead, the alien craft slumped and began to spiral into the hard packed desert below.

DAMN, Bostick exclaimed, they took another one down intact. Blalock was up and moving in an instant. How far out?? About 30 miles to the West. No time to waste, Blalock exclaimed, get us some choppers. Bostick was on his ever-present comms unit calling out to the commander of his parameter security team. Get the Rangers back to the airfield post haste!!

Miller watched in a near state of horror as the alien craft completely destroyed the F22s flying security air cap just to the North of the base. All he had seen as a blinding flash of light and the F22’s were gone. FUCK THIS TOMMY, light those MURTHERFUCKERS Up!! In an instant, Miller’s flight released a fully salvo of air to air missiles and 7 seconds later the two alien craft were vaporized!!

Perry Franklin and Troy Little watched in utter amazement as the battle unfolded above them, the video cameras running wide open. Son of a Bitch, it’s like Independence Day up there, Franklin exclaimed!! No shit, but who’s winning Little questioned? Suddenly, there was a mid-air explosion as what appeared to be a direct hit by one of the fighters disintegrated one of the alien craft!! To the East, they could see a second fighter in hot pursuit of a second alien craft, then the craft faltered and begin to lose altitude. The fighter banked hard right to avoid the stalled alien craft and at that instant, both Franklin and Little realized that the battle was right at their front door. The smoke from the fires burning in the valley below had obscured the view of the base, but the skies above where still crystal clear. Grabbing the camera from its tripod base, Little focused in on the stalled alien craft as it momentarily seemed to regain altitude, only to be knock back again when the fighter swung in for a second pass. What the Hell, Troy? He’s not shooting at it, but it’s going down!! Damn straight, Little exclaimed, and it’s coming down right on top of us!!

Blalock and Hendrix were speeding back to the base airfield at breakneck speed in Bostick’s black Hummer while Peanut Brown kept Hendrix apprised of the developing situation from the S-4 Command Center. The alien craft is down approximately 3 miles West of Freedom Ridge and Furlough’s flight has regrouped to provide air cover. Bostick was speaking in terse terms to his second in command. I don’t give a tinker’s damn if they’re on public land, get a team up there and take those meddling son’s of bitches into custody. I want everything confiscated, and I do mean everything!!

Franklin and Little watched as the stricken alien craft flew almost directly over their position and spiraled down into the valley on the west side of the ridge. Time to go Perry, Little exclaimed. Leave everything but the video equipment. You want to go down there, Franklin asked Sheepishly? Well, we can’t stay here, Little replied, and you can bet your ass that this whole area is going to be knee deep in military before the sun comes up. The valley on the west side of the ridge was pitch black, but in the distance they could see just a faint glow emanating from the valley floor. What do you say Perry? Want to meet a real life alien?

President Jon Mathews sat in the Camp David Communication Center and listened quietly to General Alfred Crocker’s situation update. We bloodied their noses Mr. President, The fighter groups from Lackland and NAS Corpus splashed one of their big guys over the Gulf, and we took down one of their ships intact over the desert. The other three hostiles were terminated. What were our loses Al? four F22s flying air cap over area 51, Crocker replied. What the status of the downed alien craft? The situation is still fluid Mr. President, but we have Blalock’s Rangers in route to secure the crash site. So, we have containment, Mathews quarried? Well, almost Sir, Crocker replied. We know there were a couple of guys from MUFON camped out on top of Freedom Ridge, and no doubt they got an eye full, but we’ve dispatched a Security team from the base to take them into custody. SHIT AL, we can’t just take private citizen into custody, because they were camped on public land!! I understand Mr. President, but we’ll only hold them long enough to confiscate the video equipment, then they’ll be released.
Then what, they run straight to the media, Mathews exclaimed? Well, probably Sir, but without tangible evidence it will just be a couple of kooks talking about things they can’t prove. We can deal with that simply enough. We’ll just deny like we always do, and if need be, we can take steps to silence them. What steps Al, this isn’t the Soviet Union!! No, no Mr. President, nothing quite so sinister, Crocker replied with a chuckle. We’ll just do something like have the IRS audit them for the last 10 years, screw up their credit, shut down their bank accounts, or double the interest rates on their home mortgages. It’s pretty standard stuff in these situations, and most people get the message pretty quickly that they’ve got to go along, to get along. I don’t want to know Al, Mathews replied!! This conversation never took place!! I understand Mr. President, Crocker acknowledged, this is really not anything you need to worry about.



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Copyright © 2008 Woody Floria
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"