Waiting Alone for the Unanswered, A Collection of Verse
Tyna Luckey


Waiting Alone for the Unanswered

So many nights spent alone
Really alone, as compared to lonely
It was an ordinary day when we met
Brightness shined on ordinary
He filled voids that have lingered through the times

I know him without really knowing him and feel close
Conversations that last an eternity, clinging to each word
He lightly touched my heart, although for now it's still mine

His heart belongs to another, another from the past
She asked for his heart, again, just as he touched mine
His heart is not mine, the unfairness of it all
Tormented with choice, he seeks the answer
Patience lasts an eternity, what is the answer, will he ever know

Hope fades as time passes
A small light still flickers in the distance
An answer will emerge
Perhaps it was always there

The stars glimmer in the night as I await my destiny
Will he belong to me or will he belong to another
I see the tunnel and the light is dim
I walk towards the light but am not sure of its source
I am not sure what is real

I see him standing in the distance but is he alone
He is calling a name but I can't hear his words

I am unsure of the unknown yet believe in it
Faith and hope
And time

Keys to great secrets



He Left, Stealing My Heart

Today is a good day
Yesterday was better
A special person has left my life
Vanished because he wanted to go
Reality states he was never really with me
Although I wanted to believe he was

It’s probably best that he is gone
It is difficult to let go
I still feel his presence through my pain
His heart was never mine
I could never win it away from another in the distant past
How I tried, how I lost, how I have learned – the hard way

He broke my heart and left my soul empty
There is a void and much loneliness that time will heal
I know now he wasn’t the one
Although I loved him as he could be
How he has lost for having his eyes closed

Today is a good day
Hope is not as bright as it should be
But… it’s there
The thief of hearts has been caught
My soul shall be filled again
Someday… soon
Time will pass, faith will grow, a fool will become wise



(c) 1998 Tyna Luckey
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"