A Letter to My Father
Anthony Beckman


A twinkle in your eye --
or was I?
I remember the nice big tractor you had,
I'm sorry you had to sell it.
I loved to look at your beautiful racing trophies,
I'm sorry I took that car away from you.

I know as a boy I sometimes couldn't remember to do
the things you wanted me to do.
I'll never forget that now.
I'm sorry I never knew why I did
so bad in school.
I'm trying to figure that out too.

Thank you for never hitting me.
I had it easy compared to so many other boys,
probably even you.
You taught me how to handle my emotions.
An Yes, you can Finally throw that silly dress away,
I won't Ever need it.

I'm sorry I couldn't be as strong as you,
I hate to make someone hurt as much as I do.
Whatever... Right?
I have my whole life to worry about woman.
I should focus on the important stuff right now.

And I know I may seem like a bit of a disappointment now,
I am still screwing up my future, but
don't worry to much Dad.
In the end, I'll still be you.
And what more could a man ask from a
twinkle in his eye than to carry on
his legacy.



Copyright © 1999 Anthony Beckman
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"