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Let Me Believe by Heidi-Jane Perriam it's about a girl (ME) who always gets put down and never gets let back up. she wants the oppurtunity to do things but nobody will believe in her. she wants them to but all they do is tell her that wh... [227 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 1425, REVS. 0)
Who Said Life Would Be Easy? by Cedric McClester Who Said Life Would Be Easy is a song that suggests life is good, despite its challenges. [250 words] (HITS 2056, REVS. 0)
Where There’S Smoke… by Cedric McClester Where There's Smoke... should be a folk/rock song that was inspired by certain hypocritical men of the cloth. [335 words] (HITS 2123, REVS. 0)
Welfare For The Rich by Cedric McClester Welfare For The Rich is a political commentary folk song. [266 words] (HITS 1954, REVS. 0)
We Had A Beautiful Run by Deepa Seshadri My first attempt at rap, Eminem style ;) [301 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1562, REVS. 0)
The People Are Up Against It by Cedric McClester The People Are Up Against It is a folk rock song that offers political commentary. [216 words] (HITS 2118, REVS. 0)
The Peak by Kyle Walker A song I wrote, the means a lot. [226 words] (HITS 1317, REVS. 0)
Ray Of Hope by Deepa Seshadri Life takes you through dark tunnels and sunny fields. But at the end of the day, there is always a Ray of Hope that you MUST hold on to - that helps you survive everything. In this particular song, my... [305 words] [Romance] (HITS 1486, REVS. 0)
People Ask Me Why? by Cedric McClester People AsK Me Why? should be a contemporary gospel song. [121 words] (HITS 2127, REVS. 0)
Oh Life by Deepa Seshadri Song about life and its never ending questions [214 words] [Mind] (HITS 1489, REVS. 0)
Oh How The Mighty Ones Have Fallen by Cedric McClester Oh How The Mighty Ones Have Fallen was inspired by the allegations of homosexual conduct on the part of Atlanta mega church minister, Bishop Eddie Long [237 words] (HITS 2085, REVS. 0)
Me (Set Me Free) by Deepa Seshadri A song to yourself... of setting yourself free. Being who you want to be... [211 words] [Motivational] (HITS 1586, REVS. 0)
Make It Worthwhile by Deepa Seshadri A song thats as confused as the writer! lol ;) Love / career or both? hmmmm [216 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1524, REVS. 0)
Let's Get This Over With by Deepa Seshadri A song about breaking up with your bf [257 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1469, REVS. 0)
It's A Brand New Day by Deepa Seshadri Everybody has felt so happy that they feel they cannot express it enough. This is one such day. [122 words] (HITS 1687, REVS. 1)
I'm Loving Me Today by Deepa Seshadri A happy, feel good song about feeling amazing and just loving yourself!! [299 words] (HITS 1456, REVS. 0)
I'm Gonna Miss You, Love by Deepa Seshadri A song about missing your loved one. [130 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1480, REVS. 0)
I'm Alright With Jesus by Cedric McClester I'm Alright With Jesus is a contemporary gospel song. [284 words] (HITS 2046, REVS. 0)
I Will Have My Own Say by Deepa Seshadri - [140 words] (HITS 1478, REVS. 0)
I Can’T Stop by Cedric McClester I Can't Stop is a contemporary gospel song. [286 words] (HITS 1996, REVS. 0)
He’S Not The Person That The People See by Cedric McClester He's Not The Person That The People See is a social commentary song on the Bishop Eddie long story. It was written from the alleged victim's perspective. [194 words] (HITS 2110, REVS. 0)
Gossip (Don't Care) by Yume Zook A silly dance/club song about not caring. The verse would be like a Kesha kind of song, more of a rap than singing, with a singing chorus. [337 words] (HITS 1271, REVS. 0)
Don’T Let Life Get You Down by Cedric McClester Don't Let Life Get You Down should be an uplifting song. [189 words] (HITS 2218, REVS. 0)
Castle In The Sand by Oksana Angel What is your love made of? What is your heart dreaming of? WIll this castle in the sand last forever? [128 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1279, REVS. 0)
Blues For Kalpana by Dario Vergaridario-V- This song was written while the Space Shuttle Columbia was exploding on its re-entry to earth the 1 February 2003 and it's not a typical blues. [617 words] [Mystical] (HITS 1350, REVS. 0)
Blow My Mind by Deepa Seshadri A song about sex! [216 words] [Romance] (HITS 1410, REVS. 0)
An Imperfect Being by Cedric McClester An Imperfect Being is a contemporary gospel song. [221 words] (HITS 2050, REVS. 0)
All Things Beautiful by Deepa Seshadri Here's a song about all the things that are beautiful to me and bring a smile on my face. I hope it brings a smile to you too! :) [203 words] (HITS 1439, REVS. 0)
Ablution by Cedric McClester Ablution should be a folk rock song. [274 words] (HITS 2126, REVS. 0)
Abandon (Leave Me) by Chelsea P Briggs Ballad [190 words] (HITS 1225, REVS. 0)
A Sinner And Deceiver by Cedric McClester A Sinner And Deceiver is a contemporary country song that was inspired by the Brooks and Dunn song, Red Dirt Road. [213 words] (HITS 1884, REVS. 0)
You Turn Me On by Cedric McClester You Turn Me On should be an R&B love ballad. [193 words] (HITS 1817, REVS. 0)
You Too Can Dream by Cedric McClester You Too Can Dream was inspired by wingnut Glenn Beck who has organized a march on Washington on the 47th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's historic march on Washington. [220 words] (HITS 1708, REVS. 0)
You Don't Care by Shane J Beard - [159 words] (HITS 1286, REVS. 0)
You Are Not Worth It by Erica Young Wrote this for a friend dealing with heartbreak. [113 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1447, REVS. 0)
Won't You Be My Man? by Deepa Seshadri - [206 words] [Romance] (HITS 1479, REVS. 0)
Why Do I Do This To Myself by Kourtney Ramsauer Someone who is tired of getting put down [121 words] [Drama] (HITS 1282, REVS. 0)
We Are Living Beings by Deepa Seshadri We are living beings - supposidly the most intelligent kind on planet earth, and yet we behave worse than animals. huh? [184 words] (HITS 1468, REVS. 0)
Sweet Sixteen by Deepa Seshadri How does it feel to be 16? [150 words] (HITS 1429, REVS. 0)
She Moved On by Cedric McClester Moved On should be a melancholy love ballad. [247 words] (HITS 1871, REVS. 0)
Running Away (She) by Kourtney Ramsauer Its about a girl who got lost in the world [119 words] [Drama] (HITS 1507, REVS. 1)
Revival by T-Rey Lindholm About a person being reborn after what happened to them and telling everyone what's about to happen [717 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 1261, REVS. 0)
Pick Up The Phone by Erica Young - [85 words] (HITS 1451, REVS. 0)
One Night by Jarrod Nelson - [179 words] (HITS 1259, REVS. 0)
One Day I'll Walk Away by Cedric McClester One Day... is a contemporary gospel song that was inspired by gospel singer Donnie McClurkin's intention to retire from singing to devote full time to his ministry. [240 words] (HITS 1881, REVS. 0)
My Lullaby by Erica Young - [105 words] (HITS 1479, REVS. 0)
My Complete Life by Grace Fynn A love song about a couple's commitment to remain one forever [329 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1204, REVS. 0)
Most Guys… by Cedric McClester Most Guys is an R&B song that was inspired by the kind of songs Lyfe Jennings sings. [264 words] (HITS 1881, REVS. 0)
Memories (Movie In My Head) by Deepa Seshadri Memories, are a movie playing in your head. [121 words] [Mind] (HITS 1425, REVS. 0)
Love Love Love by Deepa Seshadri A song about love! [136 words] [Romance] (HITS 1399, REVS. 0)
Love Is Beauty Through My Eyes by Shuu This is what I think about the girl who I love. [490 words] (HITS 1209, REVS. 0)
Live Life How You Want To by Cedric McClester Live Life How You Want To is a contemporary gospel song. [293 words] (HITS 2075, REVS. 0)
Let’S Take A Holiday by Cedric McClester Let's Take A Holiday was inspired by neo-soul singer J. Holiday. [213 words] (HITS 1888, REVS. 0)
Lady Starlight by Cedric McClester Lady Starlight was written expressly for Lady GaGa. It pays homage to one of her early mentors Lady Starlight, who became her muse. [231 words] (HITS 1800, REVS. 0)
It’S Just Not The Same by Cedric McClester It's Just Not The Same should be an R&B ballad [231 words] (HITS 1876, REVS. 0)
Influential Rythym by Evan C Boornazian Influential Rythym is an exciting song about dancing with your loved one into the late hours of the night. It is a song that is family friendly and caters to all ages. If you are an exuberant person w... [287 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1454, REVS. 2)
In Love With You by Deepa Seshadri A peppy love song :) [307 words] [Romance] (HITS 1491, REVS. 0)
I'm Sorry, I Love You by Shuu I made this song because I broke up with my girl friend recently, and it just doesn't feel the same any more. I just felt complete with her only, now I'm just alone [671 words] [Romance] (HITS 1265, REVS. 0)
I’M A Woman by Cedric McClester This song was inspired by a live performance of singer Chrisette Michele. [398 words] (HITS 1918, REVS. 0)
If It Wasn’T For God… by Cedric McClester If It Wasn't For God was inspired by something comedian Steve Harvey had to say. [439 words] (HITS 2239, REVS. 0)
I Won't Drown by Erica Young I wrote this in relation to my fight with illness... [191 words] (HITS 1400, REVS. 0)
I Surrender by Deepa Seshadri A dark song, for a dark mood. [264 words] [Mind] (HITS 1444, REVS. 0)
I Know What You’Re Thinkin’Babe by Cedric McClester I Know What You're Thinkin' was inspired by neo soul singer Eric Benet. [227 words] (HITS 2006, REVS. 0)
I Am So Glad by Cedric McClester I Am So Glad is a contemporary gospel song. [219 words] (HITS 1899, REVS. 0)
Help Is On The Way by Cedric McClester Help Is On The Way is a contemporary gospel song. [588 words] (HITS 1939, REVS. 0)
He Is All We Need by Grace Fynn Song telling us that God is all we need to be happy [401 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1253, REVS. 0)
Goodbye (I'm Flying High) by Deepa Seshadri Who said airports was a sad place full of goodbyes? I say its a happy place, if you think about it from the perspective of the person who's flying... [243 words] (HITS 1472, REVS. 0)
Does It Show? by Deepa Seshadri - [151 words] [Romance] (HITS 1466, REVS. 0)
Do You Believe In The Things You Say You Do? by Cedric McClester Do You Believe In The Things You Say You Do? is a social commentary song. [203 words] (HITS 1884, REVS. 0)
Cruel Identity by Jay Scott This is a song from a guys perspective, its basically about how not all guys just want sex straight away in a relationship. But I guess the song can be taken whichever way you like. [258 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1301, REVS. 0)
Controversy by Erica Young - [91 words] (HITS 1427, REVS. 0)
Boo Hoo ( Color Me Blue) by Cedric McClester Boo Hoo (Color Me Blue) is a lament that was inspired by the late pop singer Karen Carpenter. [168 words] (HITS 1910, REVS. 0)
Bieber Fever by Cedric McClester Bieber Fever was inspired by my teenaged niece Rose Ashley's admiration for tween singer Justin Bieber. [230 words] (HITS 1853, REVS. 0)
Bad Checks by Johnathan Kesler a song talking about writing bad checks. [53 words] [Comedy] (HITS 1273, REVS. 0)
American As Apple Pie by Cedric McClester American As Apple Pie addresses the current state of American discourse. It should be in the Dylan mode of folk rock. [254 words] (HITS 1981, REVS. 0)
Almost Every Guy by Cedric McClester Almost Every Guy should be a mid-tempo R&B song. [312 words] (HITS 2061, REVS. 0)
Aching by Erica Young I wrote this for a friend who has had trouble after losing a relative... [101 words] (HITS 1404, REVS. 0)
A Dirty Stone by Cedric McClester A Dirty Stone was inspired by a certain international superstar model. [247 words] (HITS 2106, REVS. 0)

There are 78 title entries on this page.



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