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Witch Hunt by R Bennett Okerstrom Defeating the evil that takes away life is more difficult than it seems. [165 words] [Horror] (HITS 2678, REVS. 12) Sanguinary by R Bennett Okerstrom The blood continues to flow in this experimental preface followed by poetry. [128 words] [Horror] (HITS 2843, REVS. 8) Influence by R Bennett Okerstrom How influential can a demon of the night be? [218 words] (HITS 2718, REVS. 7) Attempted Suicide by Rowan Davies NB: Don't read this if you're suicidal. In fact you probably shouldn't read it if you're a fan of good poetry either, but what the hell, I've seen and written worse on this site. [143 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2424, REVS. 9) The War: What Next? by Musaum War! [37 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2043, REVS. 3) Rising Angel by Stuart Eric Longridge Its not a being its a consciousness/materialism. [114 words] [Psychology] (HITS 2579, REVS. 3) The Airforce Of Nature by August Nyghts - [151 words] (HITS 2235, REVS. 1) Night Life by August Nyghts - [176 words] (HITS 2504, REVS. 4) My Birds In Paradise by August Nyghts - [45 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2315, REVS. 4) In The Morning by August Nyghts - [81 words] (HITS 2369.77, REVS. 3) He Says by August Nyghts - [118 words] [Romance] (HITS 2478, REVS. 1) And Then by August Nyghts - [86 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2378, REVS. 3) No One by August Nyghts Been single for awhile [157 words] (HITS 2396, REVS. 3) Afraid Of Buildings by Peter Rivendell Written one unhappy morning, but I got a poem out of it... [132 words] (HITS 2309, REVS. 3) Lagos by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A poem about lagos, the commercial nerve centre and former capital of Nigeria. [158 words] (HITS 2081, REVS. 0) Sarcophagus by Peter Rivendell Grief and betrayal in a bleak landscape. [204 words] (HITS 11058, REVS. 2) Heaven Is Hell's Fire by Jeffrey (George) Winter - [108 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 2319, REVS. 6) Tease by Tessa I was recently told that I'm a tease- I guess I kind of am because I've stayed single and abstinent for over a year now. But, isn't teasing the funnest part? ;) This was just something I had fun with.... [216 words] (HITS 2737, REVS. 8) Your Own Shadow by David B Doc Byron A poem about Vampires, man! [79 words] [Horror] (HITS 2807, REVS. 5) Waterfalls by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A poem about life. [134 words] (HITS 1987, REVS. 0) Waste by Tessa Saw a picture and got mad again. Hate having him in my thoughts, so, I tried to write him out. Shall I replace "goodness" with kindness, integrity or decency? Lemme' know, I'll change it according to ... [20 words] (HITS 2614, REVS. 20) Transient Love by M I Chulkova - [103 words] (HITS 1726, REVS. 0) They Called Them Black by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi - [115 words] (HITS 2179, REVS. 1) The Year's 1st Rain by Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin Ii The title explains the theme of the work. Ara- in line 8, is a Yoruba (South-Western Nigeria language) word that means Thunder. ojo- in line 9, means Rain. Ojo- in line 10 has another pronunciation f... [74 words] (HITS 1956, REVS. 0) The Harmattan by Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin Ii This is about the harsh weather conditions endured by Nigerians and some other Africans during the harmattan season, which is usually around November and January. [60 words] (HITS 1965, REVS. 0) The Creator by The Birdman Things in life can be interpreted either good or bad, determining this can only be excepted by you. [79 words] [Mind] (HITS 2094, REVS. 2) The Chimera by Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin Ii This poem is about the rejection the writer suffered from a girl who was his dream. [73 words] (HITS 2392, REVS. 2) The Book by Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin Ii The last line of the poem summarizes its theme. [61 words] (HITS 2019, REVS. 0) Stolen Kiss by Tessa Thinking about this and reliving a nice, stolen moment... [214 words] (HITS 2411, REVS. 9) Steam Heat by Judith Goff A little something to warm a winter's day? [20 words] (HITS 2533, REVS. 6) St Valentine's Curse by Rowan Davies Love is weird. [144 words] [Romance] (HITS 2257, REVS. 1) Soaked In Deja-Vu by Stuart Eric Longridge I was just wondering. [130 words] [Mind] (HITS 2562, REVS. 2) Skins by David B Doc Byron - [105 words] [Horror] (HITS 2930, REVS. 5) Secret Place 2 by Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin Ii This is a cry of desire of God’s transforming presence, which is encountered through earnest prayer to Him. [83 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 2201, REVS. 1) Samarkand.... The Market I Searched For by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi Dedicated to nigerian nobel laureate Wole Soyinka. A meditation on his poem "Samarkand, and other markets I have known". [413 words] (HITS 2143, REVS. 0) Sacrificial Lamb by Judith Goff - [94 words] (HITS 2425, REVS. 14) Reverie by Judith Goff - [100 words] (HITS 2389, REVS. 6) Psychedelic Travels by Ryon Smith A journey thru the mind of a man with endless visions and inspiring quests... [91 words] [Mystical] (HITS 1975, REVS. 4) Propaganda Bait by Stuart Eric Longridge The great media movie, we are all finally famous. Yee-ha. [170 words] [Drama] (HITS 2234, REVS. 0) Predator by Judith Goff - [84 words] (HITS 2486, REVS. 11) People's Voices by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi - [40 words] (HITS 1935, REVS. 0) Oh What A Dream! by Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin Ii Using the archetype of furniture making as style, the writer writes a book in this dream. He wakes up & it’s not as true as he just experienced. [120 words] (HITS 1950, REVS. 0) Of Love And Of Thy Compassion... by Reagan Rothe The story of a past relationship I had best desribed in this poetic masterpiece!!! Short and to the point... I think all will enjoy!!! [94 words] [Romance] (HITS 2297, REVS. 21) Mezmerized by Judith Goff Oh, the lure of the darkness. [165 words] [Horror] (HITS 2455, REVS. 3) Lily The Dog by August Nyghts My roommate's dog. [152 words] (HITS 2310, REVS. 3) In The Eventide by Judith Goff - [100 words] (HITS 2319, REVS. 6) In Honor Of Columbia by Amy Poet This is a poem I wrote in honor of the Columbia Astronauts. [138 words] [Scientific] (HITS 1942, REVS. 1) Illumination by Tessa Hmmm... Salvation was already taken... Ah, well... [119 words] (HITS 2408, REVS. 22) Her Wares Wither by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A haiku. [8 words] (HITS 2015, REVS. 0) God's Nature by Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin Ii This poem is a mirror of God’s relationship with the author. [85 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1917, REVS. 0) Furious by Tessa Still so angry at an ex-boyfriend that turned psycho stalker on me. He put me through hell, caused me to have to move, and made me guarded and distrustful of all men. I saw him this weekend and sparke... [151 words] (HITS 2570, REVS. 10) Epilogue by Judith Goff - [35 words] (HITS 2515, REVS. 9) End Time Rhyme by Stuart Eric Longridge - [81 words] [Suspense] (HITS 2503, REVS. 2) devil In Us by Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin Ii This explains that God is an expert in removing the evil (here dubbed: ‘dEVIL’) or the devil (whichever is the reader’s preference) in us when we call on Him to do so. [51 words] (HITS 2072, REVS. 0) Daddy Ain't No Man No More by Rowan Davies Figure it out. [99 words] [Comedy] (HITS 2480, REVS. 1) Come What May by Stuart Eric Longridge Easy life. [239 words] [Mind] (HITS 2507, REVS. 1) Cabin Fever by August Nyghts A thought that came and went. [23 words] (HITS 2247, REVS. 2) Bang!Bang!Bang! by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A meditation on the bomb blasts in Nigeria in jan 2002 and feb 2003 [78 words] (HITS 2197, REVS. 2) Auba 'varcity by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A pantoum. [139 words] (HITS 1978, REVS. 0) Africa My Africa by Toris Okotie History has taught us it's lessons, but the pain of those slaves still leaves a mark on us. [122 words] [Travel] (HITS 2198, REVS. 1) A Prayer To Gaia by Stuart Eric Longridge We have a lot of explaining to do. [107 words] [Nature] (HITS 2552, REVS. 1) Dance Floor Snap Shot by August Nyghts changed the title - sounds better i think [54 words] (HITS 2263, REVS. 1) I'm A Pharmacist,Not A Poet by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi - [78 words] (HITS 2230, REVS. 1) Why Me by Mine Able Being loved. [96 words] [Humor] (HITS 2061, REVS. 4) Why I Got High, Ran Away, And Just Generally Screwed Myself Up by Pearl S A thought that popped into my head today. I think it might actually explain something. I don't know, I just want it to be out there. [34 words] (HITS 2207, REVS. 2) Unending Rain by Peter Rivendell Crime doesn`t pay. [76 words] (HITS 2340, REVS. 1) Twenty Children Can't Play For Twenty Years by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi The title says it all. [95 words] (HITS 2213, REVS. 1) Transformation by Judith Goff I know, I know, vampires again.... [152 words] (HITS 2396, REVS. 6) Traces Of You by Judith Goff - [99 words] (HITS 2524, REVS. 9) They Set Us Free, A Collection by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A collection of poems: 1) they set us free this is a poem about freedom from racial oppression 2) motherly love this is a poem about mothers’ love 3) good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywher... [1,214 words] (HITS 2377, REVS. 1) The Real World by Stuart Eric Longridge I wrote this for my dad,whose last older relative passed on. [80 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 2554, REVS. 3) The Great Pyramid Decoded A Bit.The Principal Facination Part 2 by Stuart Eric Longridge Just trying to show that the ancients had technology higher than ours ,which we have lost somehow.Or was it hidden? [400 words] [Architecture] (HITS 2542, REVS. 1) Thats Entertainment by Stuart Eric Longridge - [105 words] [Comedy] (HITS 2464, REVS. 3) Storymania by R Bennett Okerstrom What is Storymania? [97 words] (HITS 2924, REVS. 26) Soul Of A Dove by Judith Goff - [73 words] (HITS 2384, REVS. 2) Sequence by Peter Rivendell Playing and losing a game with fate. [202 words] (HITS 2069, REVS. 0) Saddam Hussein by R Bennett Okerstrom I was bored. Therefore I write. [39 words] (HITS 2444, REVS. 4) Prayer by Tessa Trying to save myself... [195 words] (HITS 2510, REVS. 13) Player by Judith Goff When the player tires of the game.... [57 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2473, REVS. 9) Pissed by August Nyghts - [112 words] (HITS 2345, REVS. 6) Pierrot by Peter Rivendell A love letter, after a fashion. [196 words] (HITS 2127, REVS. 0) Pic Ka Beat by August Nyghts An oldie. [156 words] (HITS 2093, REVS. 0) Phone Poem by Desmond Swords A snapshot style poem about identity. [254 words] [Psychology] (HITS 1998, REVS. 2) Pause by Sylvia Browne Columbia. [138 words] (HITS 2025, REVS. 5) Our Relatives Are Familiar Strangers by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A poem about modern day slavery. [90 words] (HITS 2049, REVS. 1) My 4th Grade Valentine by August Nyghts - [71 words] (HITS 2285, REVS. 1) Lord Of The Rings by Stuart Eric Longridge Where it ends it has begun. [72 words] [Nature] (HITS 2648, REVS. 7) Listen To The Wall Geckos Singing From A Balcony by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi Tale of a divorcee. [90 words] (HITS 2163, REVS. 1) Know Your God by Stuart Eric Longridge Materialism / luciferianism. [125 words] [Crime] (HITS 2554, REVS. 3) I Can't Be Mad by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A poem about a mentally imbalanced guy. [139 words] (HITS 2131, REVS. 0) Honeybloom by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi It's about the kid no one prays to have. [96 words] (HITS 2186, REVS. 1) Hoes And Bitches by August Nyghts Dedicated to all the pimps, creeps and wanna be playas. [237 words] (HITS 2627, REVS. 13) Heaven Bound by Judith Goff As did Sylvia, I felt the need to express my feelings on this day of national tragedy, and as she so aptly stated, no reviews necessary. [124 words] (HITS 2441, REVS. 3) Haunted by Tessa And still he whispers... as I try to hang on. Temptation... can sometimes get the best of you... but I'm trying not to give in. [118 words] (HITS 2580, REVS. 25) Guitar by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A haiku. [8 words] (HITS 1958, REVS. 0) Gele by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A haiku [8 words] (HITS 2040, REVS. 0) Death Lives Nearby by Toluwalope Olugbenga Ogunlesi A haiku. [8 words] (HITS 2152, REVS. 1) Dear Mother by August Nyghts For my mother, I wish I had better things to say. [85 words] (HITS 2265, REVS. 4) Dear Mister Keys, by August Nyghts My first Epistle Poem. [239 words] (HITS 2016, REVS. 0) Celtic Warriors by Stuart Eric Longridge The mess in N.Ireland. [99 words] [Horror] (HITS 2524, REVS. 3) Catch Me If You Can by David B Doc Byron Jack The Ripper, one of the infamous serial killers in history, leaves a calling card. [404 words] [Horror] (HITS 2963, REVS. 3) Bob The Banana's Magical Acid Ride by Drew Schroder Bob takes a magical ride.... [93 words] [Comedy] (HITS 1723, REVS. 0) A Tragedy Of Love by Parker Short little poem. Please review, thanks. [111 words] [Romance] (HITS 2042, REVS. 3)
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