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Thoughts Of A War by Peter Rivendell Leaving home... [240 words] (HITS 2338, REVS. 2)
Curiosity Of Nations by Peter Rivendell The destruction of an old way of living leads to escape and renewal. [254 words] (HITS 2324, REVS. 1)
Eternal Desire by R Bennett Okerstrom A vampire will stop at nothing to claim his bride and grant her immortality. [84 words] (HITS 2998, REVS. 33)
Deliverance by R Bennett Okerstrom Lingering thoughts and images of something I cannot recall. [97 words] (HITS 2927, REVS. 19)
A Lullaby Consecrated To Infant The Terrible by Duke Sekhon Satirical verse. [1,970 words] (HITS 559, REVS. 2)
Believe by Luis Felipe Moura A girl dreams of true love. But all she has to do is believe... [67 words] [Romance] (HITS 2523, REVS. 3)
Crying Angel by Luis Felipe Moura Ever lost your love because you wanted them to change? This poem is a metaphore that talks about this situation. A boy finds true love in a vision. But he wants something more real... [133 words] [Romance] (HITS 2407, REVS. 1)
Dreams Of My Soul by Luis Felipe Moura It talks about a boy who's loved a girl for a very long time, but she doesn't understand his feelings. [158 words] [Romance] (HITS 2061, REVS. 0)
I've Had You... by Luis Felipe Moura True love never changes... [85 words] [Romance] (HITS 1985, REVS. 0)
Living Tonight by Luis Felipe Moura A couple wants to seize the night, without worrying about tomorrow... [92 words] [Romance] (HITS 1924, REVS. 0)
Chronos by Luis Felipe Moura What memories are everlasting? [53 words] [Romance] (HITS 2014, REVS. 0)
Dream Love by Luis Felipe Moura A boy falls in love with a girl, but it was only a dream... or was it? [91 words] [Romance] (HITS 2055, REVS. 0)
If... by Luis Felipe Moura If you believe that true love requires unconditional devotion, then you'll like this poem. [87 words] [Romance] (HITS 2551, REVS. 2)
Super Conscious Pilgrimage by Stuart Eric Longridge The end of the old systems. [135 words] [Mind] (HITS 2350, REVS. 0)
My Young Friend by Stuart Eric Longridge Listen to your elders. [210 words] [Fable] (HITS 2252, REVS. 0)
Bodies At Rest by A J Magy I lost this piece some months ago; searched all over, couldn't find it anywhere... It's funny how life works. Just about the same time I finally got over the girl who inspired it, I found it in the s... [54 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2137, REVS. 3)
Monkey Boy by Stuart Eric Longridge The transforming times we are living in [220 words] [Mind] (HITS 2243, REVS. 0)
The Principal Fascination by Stuart Eric Longridge They were not tombs. [227 words] [Architecture] (HITS 2242, REVS. 0)
Oh! What Lovely Weather We Are Having by Stuart Eric Longridge Nature is God. [447 words] [Adventure] (HITS 2683, REVS. 5)
The Wests Misconception Of Islam by Stuart Eric Longridge They don't want war either. [237 words] [Psychology] (HITS 3493, REVS. 2)
A Test Of Faith by Stuart Eric Longridge Our lost chapter. [187 words] [Adventure] (HITS 2380, REVS. 0)
2003 by Stuart Eric Longridge Solving a mystery. [204 words] [Adventure] (HITS 2361, REVS. 0)
Falling by Peter Rivendell the first poem I wrote after years of not writing... it`s about a feeling that I often have lately, that somewhere along the line, something`s gone horribly wrong and I can`t quite put my finger on it... [132 words] (HITS 2540, REVS. 2)
Waiting For The Rain by Lawrence Peters - [118 words] (HITS 2395, REVS. 3)
Time Enough For You by Lawrence Peters - [103 words] (HITS 2309, REVS. 1)
When Winter Comes by Peter Rivendell The struggle to connect. [148 words] (HITS 2499, REVS. 1)
Triptych by Peter Rivendell Three linked poems about alienation. [339 words] (HITS 2382, REVS. 1)
Yeah Yeah by Stuart Eric Longridge Symbolic, nothing more. [430 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 2607, REVS. 2)
'ticement 18 W. I. S. H. (When I See Her) by Lawrence Peters - [91 words] (HITS 2349, REVS. 2)
Yin And Yang by Stuart Eric Longridge The secret of peace. [127 words] [Mind] (HITS 2523, REVS. 2)
Why To Kill A Princess by Stuart Eric Longridge Not an accident. [194 words] [Mystery] (HITS 3151, REVS. 2)
When I Grow Old by Roberto J Moreno This is a thought that occured when talking to my Grandfather one night. [193 words] (HITS 2192, REVS. 0)
We Come In Pieces by Stuart Eric Longridge A near miss. [147 words] [Adventure] (HITS 2521, REVS. 1)
Wave by Peter Rivendell - [34 words] (HITS 2496, REVS. 3)
Vivifying Deluge by Ali Nicole I think all can relate... [172 words] (HITS 1709, REVS. 0)
Visions by Yasen Kyanov - [63 words] (HITS 1826, REVS. 0)
The Ones From In-Between by Stuart Eric Longridge Now you see them now you don't. [97 words] [Mystery] (HITS 2219, REVS. 0)
The Man Of Stone by Kristin Renee Bond My poem is about how we should take the time to see God, in everything and help others to see him too. [582 words] (HITS 2084, REVS. 2)
Swimming Against The Tide by Peter Rivendell - [90 words] (HITS 2234, REVS. 2)
Some Day by Stuart Eric Longridge A sad situation. [179 words] [Crime] (HITS 2211, REVS. 0)
Silent Command by Peter Rivendell - [208 words] (HITS 2028, REVS. 0)
Scared by Peter Rivendell - [74 words] (HITS 2046, REVS. 0)
Once Again, With Feeling by Lawrence Peters - [134 words] (HITS 2109, REVS. 0)
No Joke by Stuart Eric Longridge You must have noticed something wasnt right, or maybe not. [238 words] [Crime] (HITS 2254, REVS. 0)
My Parents Have The Mania by Ulysses Hero A little light Humor. [177 words] [Humor] (HITS 2214, REVS. 1)
Love X 2 by Lawrence Peters - [101 words] (HITS 2171, REVS. 0)
If But For A Moment... by Lawrence Peters - [126 words] (HITS 2043, REVS. 0)
Government Business by William Faitel This is how I feel about our disputes. They support our economy. [74 words] [Business] (HITS 2032, REVS. 1)
Finding You by Michelle Anthony - [52 words] [Romance] (HITS 2087, REVS. 3)
Easy Answer by Kurt Kitasaki An easy answer to an easy question. [35 words] (HITS 2055, REVS. 0)
Cosmic Sluice by Stuart Eric Longridge That great place named space. [163 words] [Adventure] (HITS 2531, REVS. 0)
Colours For Killing by Stuart Eric Longridge My poor home N. Ireland. [280 words] [Crime] (HITS 2175, REVS. 0)
Cloaking Device by Stuart Eric Longridge We are very trusting. [202 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 2487, REVS. 2)
Breathe by Stuart Eric Longridge Vibration. [113 words] [Mind] (HITS 2266, REVS. 0)
Baseless, Information, Before, Leaving, Earth by Stuart Eric Longridge A realization of dangerous mistranslation. [540 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 2333, REVS. 1)
Aspects by Emily Hunter - [6 words] (HITS 2215, REVS. 2)
A Sigh Of Relief by Stuart Eric Longridge The flintstones revisited. [100 words] [Animal] (HITS 2241, REVS. 0)
8.14.02 by Kirsten McManus - [111 words] (HITS 2204, REVS. 0)
Undisclosed Male by Fyona Doyle Latz - [48 words] (HITS 2026, REVS. 1)
Traffic Cop by Kurt Kitasaki A short poem on how to deal with traffic violations. [20 words] [Comedy] (HITS 2206, REVS. 1)
Too Far by Fyona Doyle Latz - [19 words] (HITS 1886, REVS. 0)
This Ones For You by David Wrigley Just a small simple poem about someone special. [29 words] (HITS 1886, REVS. 0)
The Window by Kylan Masters A poem written for those hoping for the courage to do what may seem tough to handle. [222 words] [Romance] (HITS 2057, REVS. 1)
The Tigershadow Legacy by Aaron Wheeler - [87 words] [Adventure] (HITS 2005, REVS. 2)
The Out-Path, In by Kylan Masters Sometimes one has to travel through the storm to find the sunshine. [262 words] (HITS 1786, REVS. 0)
The Music Of Life by Suneej Surendran Nair A poem i wrote when listening to a beautiful song.I'ts about music saving me from the ugly clutches of melancholy and dismal. [116 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 1698, REVS. 0)
Stolen Moments In Time by Emily Hunter Beauty and love come in all forms. [97 words] (HITS 2091, REVS. 1)
Special Mushrooms by Fyona Doyle Latz - [28 words] (HITS 1817, REVS. 0)
Reality by Fyona Doyle Latz - [17 words] (HITS 2238, REVS. 1)
Poem To No One by Alberto Pupo Because this is for that somebdy who is nobody... [89 words] (HITS 2272, REVS. 0)
Picture In Picture by Kylan Masters A man trying to decide what is real, what is not and if he can wait for the real answers. [147 words] (HITS 1864, REVS. 0)
Piccadilly Bakery by Fyona Doyle Latz - [49 words] (HITS 2079, REVS. 1)
Percussionist by Andrew French - [16 words] [Mind] (HITS 2184, REVS. 2)
People I Have Met by David Wrigley Just a poem about just dreaming and being somewhere else. [131 words] (HITS 1836, REVS. 0)
On A Napkin At Rialto's by Ulysses Hero Surreal writing. To explain is to say too much. [96 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2126, REVS. 3)
Ode To The False One... by Alberto Pupo A short little invective against one who has caused her such great pain. [74 words] (HITS 2194, REVS. 0)
Oblivious Journey by Suneej Surendran Nair I wrote this poem when I was 14. This is a poem about a person beginning his Life Journey. He is gathering everything he needs for his journey so that he wouldn't ride to oblivion. [79 words] [Publishing] (HITS 2108, REVS. 2)
My Lord by David Wrigley Poem about earths master the sun. [74 words] (HITS 1967, REVS. 0)
Morbidity by Alberto Pupo All that is Morbid. [56 words] (HITS 2249, REVS. 0)
Mango by Fyona Doyle Latz - [36 words] (HITS 2154, REVS. 1)
Just After I Got Him To Sleep by Tara Augeri - [135 words] (HITS 2031, REVS. 3)
Just A Thought by David Wrigley Just came up with it thinking one night. [129 words] (HITS 2102, REVS. 4)
Hammock by Ulysses Hero For all you writers who scribe away on hot summers day: a dreamy submission for the tired of hand. [32 words] (HITS 2126, REVS. 4)
From Me To You by David Wrigley Someone I think about. [49 words] [Romance] (HITS 2173, REVS. 1)
Beyond Earthly Despair by Alberto Pupo Simply beyond... [51 words] (HITS 2188, REVS. 0)
After The Storm by Alberto Pupo Dedicated to a love that has been tested by past phantoms but still goes on stronger than ever. [78 words] (HITS 2184, REVS. 0)
A Really Very Gothic Poem by Wolfa This is so very depressingly gothic that you will scream with fury and tear your hair out in despair. Or maybe not. (As you may have guessed I am not over-fond of gothic poetry.) [107 words] [Humor] (HITS 3267, REVS. 19)
A Monument To Time And Stonehenge by David Soriano A collection of verse. [1501 words] [Mystery] (HITS 874, REVS. 14)

There are 88 title entries on this page.



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