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Infinity 7 by Richard Evans a never ending story- [40 words] [History] (HITS 1212, REVS. 0)
Shake by Richard Evans real shit- [75 words] [Biography] (HITS 1162, REVS. 0)
My World In Words by Joseph Albrecht My book of poems is out! "My World in Words: A Collection of Passionate Poetry." [9 words] (HITS 1015, REVS. 0)
Wondering Why Mcmlxviii by Terry Collett - [128 words] (HITS 1071, REVS. 0)
Women Swarmed The Streets by Cedric McClester - [116 words] (HITS 1230, REVS. 0)
Winter Weather 1957 by Terry Collett - [232 words] (HITS 897, REVS. 0)
What She Never Saw by Terry Collett - [135 words] (HITS 938, REVS. 0)
We've Seen This Movie by Cedric McClester - [114 words] (HITS 1085, REVS. 0)
Wet Dreams 1972 by Terry Collett - [147 words] (HITS 953, REVS. 0)
We're The Greatest Country On Earth by Cedric McClester - [147 words] (HITS 1212, REVS. 0)
We Stand For Right by Cedric McClester - [79 words] (HITS 1175, REVS. 0)
Troppo Tardi by Terry Collett - [128 words] (HITS 969, REVS. 0)
Tomorrow Is Inevitable by Saskia Griffith Life is a mystery, you are here today and might not be here tomorow. [57 words] (HITS 822, REVS. 0)
This Isn't The End by Cedric McClester - [72 words] (HITS 1177, REVS. 0)
Thirty Seconds Closer To Midnight by Cedric McClester - [157 words] (HITS 1178, REVS. 0)
The Hush I Fear Mcmlxxi by Terry Collett - [204 words] (HITS 949, REVS. 0)
The Green Shoot : A Legend Of The Boros by Dr Surya Kumar Daimari The unexpected death of a beloved one is really painful. Yet the memory of his love and good works for his friends, family and the society at large gives hope that buds in spring and leaves of green w... [249 words] [Relationships] (HITS 910, REVS. 0)
Teacher Stopped Play 1962 by Terry Collett - [69 words] (HITS 918, REVS. 0)
Some Place Else 1962 by Terry Collett - [114 words] (HITS 1211, REVS. 0)
Should Have Told by Terry Collett - [237 words] (HITS 1003, REVS. 0)
Shoe Shine by Lamar Cole - [43 words] (HITS 1197, REVS. 0)
Sheila's Musing 1962. by Terry Collett - [136 words] (HITS 1130, REVS. 0)
Seeking Love Mcxmlxxi by Terry Collett - [130 words] (HITS 1012, REVS. 0)
Saxons And Such 1956 by Terry Collett - [102 words] (HITS 1011, REVS. 0)
Richmond Replay 1965 by Terry Collett - [141 words] (HITS 1148, REVS. 0)
Pretty Paula by Lamar Cole - [51 words] (HITS 1154, REVS. 0)
Pre-Raphaelite In A Cafe. by Terry Collett - [73 words] (HITS 988, REVS. 0)
Over The Way by Terry Collett - [195 words] (HITS 926, REVS. 0)
Out Of My Head 1964 by Terry Collett - [141 words] (HITS 959, REVS. 0)
Only Us. by Terry Collett - [125 words] (HITS 1119, REVS. 1)
On The Chance That You Care by Cedric McClester - [110 words] (HITS 1141, REVS. 0)
On A Sunday 1958 by Terry Collett - [205 words] (HITS 985, REVS. 0)
Night Hoops by Lamar Cole - [58 words] (HITS 1151, REVS. 0)
New Moon Not Old by Terry Collett - [132 words] (HITS 1008, REVS. 0)
Naaman Muses 1962 by Terry Collett - [83 words] (HITS 995, REVS. 0)
Mrs Netley And You. by Terry Collett - [131 words] (HITS 1021, REVS. 0)
Moon Glow Mcmlxxi by Terry Collett - [161 words] (HITS 963, REVS. 0)
Mary's Beans Of Sin 1963 by Terry Collett - [118 words] (HITS 1031, REVS. 0)
March On! by Cedric McClester - [69 words] (HITS 1218, REVS. 0)
Marble Champ by Lamar Cole - [44 words] (HITS 1163, REVS. 0)
Loving North 1914 by Terry Collett - [202 words] (HITS 1133, REVS. 0)
Looking For Why by Terry Collett - [89 words] (HITS 993, REVS. 0)
Ladies King by Lamar Cole - [45 words] (HITS 1153, REVS. 0)
Kind Of Drowned by Terry Collett - [209 words] (HITS 1022, REVS. 0)
Jane's Dream 1961 by Terry Collett - [294 words] (HITS 1058, REVS. 0)
Jacks by Lamar Cole - [40 words] (HITS 1168, REVS. 0)
It's Not About Religion by Cedric McClester - [113 words] (HITS 1179, REVS. 0)
It Rained 1973 by Terry Collett - [144 words] (HITS 1035, REVS. 0)
Inner Doubts by Terry Collett - [85 words] (HITS 1055, REVS. 0)
In The Home Of The Brave by Cedric McClester - [110 words] (HITS 1148, REVS. 0)
I Don't Give A Shit by Cedric McClester - [94 words] (HITS 1153, REVS. 0)
Hula Hoop by Lamar Cole - [35 words] (HITS 1157, REVS. 0)
Hopscotch Fun by Lamar Cole - [54 words] (HITS 1094, REVS. 0)
His Soft Words 1962 by Terry Collett - [68 words] (HITS 1041, REVS. 0)
Help Me Understand by Cedric McClester - [127 words] (HITS 1143, REVS. 0)
He Doesn’T Read Books by Cedric McClester - [144 words] (HITS 1156, REVS. 0)
He Didn't Mean It by Cedric McClester - [88 words] (HITS 1146, REVS. 0)
Going Fishing by Lamar Cole - [22 words] (HITS 1148, REVS. 0)
God The Omnipotent by Cedric McClester - [138 words] (HITS 1168, REVS. 0)
Forget The Epa by Cedric McClester - [138 words] (HITS 1180, REVS. 0)
For Dues Already Paid by Cedric McClester - [126 words] (HITS 1178, REVS. 0)
Fllowing The Blind 1959 by Terry Collett - [298 words] (HITS 1070, REVS. 0)
Eyes To The Sun 1940 by Terry Collett - [151 words] (HITS 1083, REVS. 0)
Emptied Out by Terry Collett - [97 words] (HITS 1302, REVS. 0)
Double Dutch by Lamar Cole - [42 words] (HITS 1145, REVS. 0)
Don't Attack Me by Cedric McClester - [100 words] (HITS 1256, REVS. 0)
Din Din by Lamar Cole - [35 words] (HITS 1200, REVS. 0)
Dalya In Amsterdam 1974 by Terry Collett - [145 words] (HITS 1086, REVS. 0)
Checkers Dream by Lamar Cole - [24 words] (HITS 1134, REVS. 0)
Boat Ride by Lamar Cole - [37 words] (HITS 1166, REVS. 0)
Bill's Known Facts 1997 by Terry Collett - [118 words] (HITS 1115, REVS. 0)
Benny's Bus Trip 1955 by Terry Collett - [146 words] (HITS 1149, REVS. 0)
Benny Liked Music 1959 by Terry Collett - [94 words] (HITS 1107, REVS. 0)
Being There Mcmlxviii by Terry Collett - [154 words] (HITS 1091, REVS. 0)
Another Story 1976 by Terry Collett - [85 words] (HITS 1078, REVS. 0)
Another Sort Of Kiss 1940 by Terry Collett - [234 words] (HITS 1132, REVS. 0)
Another Day.(Poem) by Terry Collett - [68 words] (HITS 1088, REVS. 0)
Ancient Bed And Sonya 1973. by Terry Collett - [139 words] (HITS 1177, REVS. 0)
Always To Please 1970 by Terry Collett - [136 words] (HITS 1099, REVS. 0)
Alternative Facts by Cedric McClester - [325 words] (HITS 1196, REVS. 0)
Against The Cold Mcmlxx. by Terry Collett - [115 words] (HITS 1143, REVS. 0)
Abela After Sex 1972 by Terry Collett - [130 words] (HITS 1255, REVS. 0)
A New World by T Flash - [45 words] [Art] (HITS 837, REVS. 0)
A Leopard Doesn't Change It's Spots by Cedric McClester - [66 words] (HITS 1243, REVS. 0)

There are 84 title entries on this page.



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