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Magical by Annacat - [48 words] (HITS 1799, REVS. 1)
Redhaired Radio by Richard Evans national pastime- [22 words] [Motivational] (HITS 1817, REVS. 0)
Here And Now by Richard Evans blessings- [32 words] [Motivational] (HITS 1799, REVS. 0)
The Martyr by Richard Evans weep when there are no more- [55 words] [Fable] (HITS 1914, REVS. 0)
Let Us Pray by Richard Evans a revelation of character- [53 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1782, REVS. 0)
Precious Precious by Richard Evans take care of business when you're young- [74 words] [Motivational] (HITS 1522, REVS. 0)
My Momma Make Me Mad by Richard Evans now, now- [64 words] [Fable] (HITS 1811, REVS. 0)
Yours & Mine by Matthew Mark Gill This belongs to all of Us.. Compliments of God.. ty 4 my niche [115 words] [Art] (HITS 1849, REVS. 0)
Your Going Down by Matthew Mark Gill Dedicated to Cowell and Dawny Lets Rock kid.. [77 words] [Art] (HITS 1864, REVS. 0)
Words Worth by Terry Collett - [140 words] (HITS 1615, REVS. 0)
With The Grubbs. by Terry Collett - [211 words] (HITS 1489, REVS. 0)
When Not To Gaze. by Terry Collett - [135 words] (HITS 1527, REVS. 0)
Then by Terry Collett - [59 words] (HITS 1658, REVS. 0)
Their Paris. by Terry Collett - [241 words] (HITS 1617, REVS. 0)
The Year Marilyn Monroe Got Herself Murdered. by Terry Collett - [170 words] (HITS 1664, REVS. 0)
The Way It Was Meant To Be by Matthew Mark Gill Happy Birthday Dec 22, :) [111 words] [Art] (HITS 2257, REVS. 1)
The Lostness. by Terry Collett - [129 words] (HITS 1594, REVS. 0)
The Girl Who Held Your Hand. by Terry Collett - [170 words] (HITS 1557, REVS. 0)
Stolen Kisses Never Taken. by Terry Collett - [154 words] (HITS 1524, REVS. 0)
Still Born (Poem) by Terry Collett - [120 words] (HITS 1500, REVS. 0)
Showing Dolls by Terry Collett - [202 words] (HITS 1543, REVS. 0)
Out There. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [93 words] (HITS 1483, REVS. 0)
Our Sins by Terry Collett - [136 words] (HITS 1429, REVS. 0)
On The Horizon by Terry Collett - [126 words] (HITS 1727, REVS. 0)
Obliteration by M Q Walters I am what I am...and you are smaller than me [61 words] (HITS 1496, REVS. 0)
Not For Me. by Terry Collett - [202 words] (HITS 1684, REVS. 0)
Mrs Clark's Daughter. by Terry Collett - [185 words] (HITS 1732, REVS. 0)
Misunderstanding by Terry Collett - [121 words] (HITS 1703, REVS. 0)
Miss Arkle's Wart. by Terry Collett - [153 words] (HITS 1631, REVS. 0)
Love Doesn't End With Death. by Terry Collett - [187 words] (HITS 1612, REVS. 0)
Left In The Dark by Terry Collett - [148 words] (HITS 1637, REVS. 0)
Just To Valuable by Matthew Mark Gill :) hello all. [104 words] [Art] (HITS 2107, REVS. 1)
Has His Measure. by Terry Collett - [148 words] (HITS 1691, REVS. 0)
Handles by Matthew Mark Gill Peeps everywhere [72 words] [Art] (HITS 1984, REVS. 0)
Granddad's Candy by Terry Collett - [206 words] (HITS 1568, REVS. 0)
Finally(Poem) by Terry Collett - [207 words] (HITS 1748, REVS. 0)
Father Can't You See? by Ramona L Rigby A poem where the narrorator pleads for their father to see their pain. [138 words] (HITS 1455, REVS. 1)
Fallen From Grace. by Terry Collett - [212 words] (HITS 1574, REVS. 0)
Evening Out by Terry Collett - [257 words] (HITS 1755, REVS. 0)
Dunne Studying by Terry Collett - [189 words] (HITS 1774, REVS. 0)
Dreambook Snapshots by Desi Williams - [180 words] (HITS 1557, REVS. 0)
Dont You Dare (Warning Nc 17) by Matthew Mark Gill Sunny D Stop Do Not Do it.. I love you always have.. Call me or Email me [100 words] [Art] (HITS 1867, REVS. 0)
Dead ( Poem) by Terry Collett - [70 words] (HITS 1703, REVS. 0)
Dark Thread. by Terry Collett - [19 words] (HITS 1833, REVS. 0)
Chahtoun K Saray Bandhan Rabtoun Sa Bantay Ha by Sadaf Shahab chahtoun k saray bandhan rabtoun sa bantay ha rabatay na ho payen rishtay roth jatay ha dil be tout jatay ha rabtoun k hona sa khul k sath hansna sa sath sath rona sa dil ko chain ata ha ghum be bhag ... [50 words] (HITS 1669, REVS. 0)
Card To My Mother by Lamar Cole - [65 words] (HITS 2089, REVS. 1)
Bring Her Back by Terry Collett - [252 words] (HITS 1785, REVS. 0)
Booze And Mahler And Sex. by Terry Collett - [257 words] (HITS 1623, REVS. 0)
Between Drags by Terry Collett - [119 words] (HITS 1584, REVS. 0)
Behind Closed Doors by Terry Collett - [182 words] (HITS 1833, REVS. 0)
Another Loser by Matthew Mark Gill attn Storymania Managers.. His names Dave or William [62 words] [Art] (HITS 1919, REVS. 0)
Anny In The Mall. by Terry Collett - [151 words] (HITS 1844, REVS. 0)
After All That by Terry Collett - [155 words] (HITS 1797, REVS. 0)
A Woman Called. by Terry Collett - [300 words] (HITS 1751, REVS. 0)
A Priceless State by Matthew Mark Gill www.abettercommunity.com It ends now.. Leave ya Mark@ [115 words] [Art] (HITS 1883, REVS. 0)

There are 55 title entries on this page.



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