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Zinnia Hates Mornings. by Terry Collett - [151 words] (HITS 1634, REVS. 0)
You'll Never Be Famous by Little Johnny Trying out another writting style [133 words] [History] (HITS 1602, REVS. 9)
You Get Hurt by Matthew Mark Mark Always your bi polar is never going away but someone supported ya always. Da [142 words] [Art] (HITS 1250, REVS. 0)
Yardic's Payback. by Terry Collett - [228 words] (HITS 1654, REVS. 0)
Xavier's Take On Life. by Terry Collett - [189 words] (HITS 1961, REVS. 0)
Winnie's Window Eyes. by Terry Collett - [348 words] (HITS 1641, REVS. 0)
What Was That On Mars? by Saranjit Bhambra After reading the recent find on Mars, l decided to make my own ideas of what that that could be.... [54 words] [Mystery] (HITS 1206, REVS. 0)
Viminter's Hope. by Terry Collett - [155 words] (HITS 1590, REVS. 0)
Ursula Undresses. by Terry Collett - [182 words] (HITS 1759, REVS. 0)
Tomsin Laughs Alone. by Terry Collett - [202 words] (HITS 1712, REVS. 0)
The Rain Wash Away The Pain by Saranjit Bhambra - [110 words] (HITS 1307, REVS. 0)
The Day L Went To Catch As Lion by Saranjit Bhambra l was about 11 when l went to an animal park which housed wild animals and l remember...... [75 words] [Adventure] (HITS 1464, REVS. 1)
Sound And Silence by Meredith - [13 words] [Mind] (HITS 1431, REVS. 1)
Sam's Sugar. by Terry Collett - [347 words] (HITS 1753, REVS. 0)
Rigmoss & The Book. by Terry Collett - [219 words] (HITS 1796, REVS. 0)
Quttocks Slept Alone. by Terry Collett - [206 words] (HITS 1892, REVS. 0)
Prestwick Dines. by Terry Collett - [167 words] (HITS 1827, REVS. 0)
Overdose. by Terry Collett - [128 words] (HITS 1794, REVS. 0)
O.K. by D A Ash happy in a mazzy star way [86 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 1406, REVS. 0)
Odd Work Of Art. by Terry Collett - [175 words] (HITS 2105, REVS. 1)
Nodmeyer Remembers. by Terry Collett - [93 words] (HITS 1601, REVS. 0)
No Welcome. by Terry Collett - [175 words] (HITS 1679, REVS. 0)
Meaningless Drivel For The Masses by D A Ash lost [100 words] [Psychology] (HITS 1738, REVS. 1)
Marina's Night. by Terry Collett - [160 words] (HITS 1721, REVS. 0)
L Picked Some Flowers For The Woman That L Loved..... by Saranjit Bhambra l remember poems...... [50 words] (HITS 1540, REVS. 1)
Ill Looking by Terry Collett - [118 words] (HITS 1712, REVS. 0)
I Don't Call 911 by Luke Mahossal Private Property Stay Out.. [33 words] [Art] (HITS 1428, REVS. 0)
Her Prison Now. by Terry Collett - [149 words] (HITS 1870, REVS. 0)
Gordplatter's Analysis. by Terry Collett - [227 words] (HITS 2230, REVS. 1)
Faded U by Luke Mahossal Your Drivel in a Land of Make Believe Kid [80 words] [Art] (HITS 1718, REVS. 12)
Ednoun Brought Flowers. by Terry Collett - [198 words] (HITS 1706, REVS. 0)
Doutwinder Knew. by Terry Collett - [167 words] (HITS 1889, REVS. 0)
Digital Electro Face by Little Johnny Robotic.....exotica [205 words] (HITS 1289, REVS. 0)
Caitlin's New Day. by Terry Collett - [340 words] (HITS 1952, REVS. 0)
Broken In Two... Into Forever. by Saira M Bathory I am Ehe 1 & 白n豕y.....SAIRA B.♫♫♫(SINGER, SⅥNGWRIEER ,P白EE,AREISE,Ph白E白grapher,Dreaming Of Nightmares,SpaCe Bitch,Veggie,Fi豕Eh M白nger...EnEer @ Y白uR 白wn RisK... [70 words] [Horror] (HITS 1347, REVS. 0)
Bolthold's Book by Terry Collett - [289 words] (HITS 2117, REVS. 0)
Another Face Poem by Little Johnny What we choose to remember will form the person we are in life. Remember the negative and be miserable or try to enjoy what little time we have and file it under the good times [66 words] [Adventure] (HITS 1776, REVS. 10)
Aldrush Dished The Dirt. by Terry Collett - [279 words] (HITS 1744, REVS. 0)

There are 38 title entries on this page.



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