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What A Surprise by Stuart Eric Longridge A cheery little rant. [110 words] [Mind] (HITS 2742, REVS. 1)
The Wolf Prologue by David B Doc Byron A self educated street tough decides to become a modern day Robin Hood. [1,115 words] [Crime] (HITS 2890, REVS. 1)
The Wolf Part 0ne by David B Doc Byron The Wolf investigates the abuse case of a neighbor. [237 words] [Crime] (HITS 2983, REVS. 1)
Don't Cry Out by Sylvia Browne Warning! Not intended for children. Several chapters, posted again. [23,247 words] (HITS 931, REVS. 5)
Arual Evenstar by L J Milakovic The beginning of a Lord of the Rings fanfiction I'm working on alongside other material. Not brilliant, but I enoyed writing it. It's about Arual, Elrond's daughter, who knows she doesn't belong in Ri... [5,123 words] [Fan Fiction] (HITS 616, REVS. 1)
A Model Life by Harriet Nicholas Janet hates her life, hates her parents and her boyfriend isn't the ideal she'd dreamed of. She is rude, calculating and other girls hate her guts. On top of that, she's a raging nymphomaniac, incapab... [6,622 words] [Humor] (HITS 784, REVS. 3)
The Mad Music Teacher (Chapter 2 Part One) by Tammi Goyns - [299 words] (HITS 1815, REVS. 0)
Constance & Flynn by Julissa Gayle Raven An unusual love story set back in the 19th century England. I hope you like it mushy. It was written with determination and of course I must let you know it made my muse, happy. For Haven. [16,482 words] [Relationships] (HITS 888, REVS. 4)
The Masochist Boy by Pearl S A neglected teenager confronts his addiction and depression with the help of an insecure friend. [35,178 words] [Teenage] (HITS 899, REVS. 10)
The Ladies' Conspiracy by Alex Brown "The Ladies' Conspiracy" is an epic story of three girls who are challenged by a wise mentor to become women of substance. Set on the exotic island of Antigua and the industrious island of Manhattan, ... [2,488 words] [Literary Fiction] (HITS 575, REVS. 0)
Blurring Fiction With Reality (3) by Tim Baker The third chapter of my novel in progress and possibly the last I will post for a while. Things are starting to move along but I'm trying not to give away too much too soon and as later chapter's prog... [3,884 words] [Drama] (HITS 562, REVS. 0)
The Mad Music Teacher by Tammi Goyns A story about a girl who is in a world of strangers, trying to find her friends, let alone herself. Lost and looking for freedom shes finds it in her solitary writing, will she find freedom? (This is ... [1,515 words] (HITS 646, REVS. 2)
Purple Passion by M F J Baker A story of love, deception, lust and longing. [2,525 words] [Erotic] (HITS 1029, REVS. 2)
Prey by Sam Malone She is his only way out of his insanity. [1,774 words] (HITS 638, REVS. 0)
Blurring Fiction With Reality (2) by Tim Baker This is the second chapter to my attempt at a novel. I'm not too happy with any of it but like I said, its still early days. [3,264 words] [Drama] (HITS 517, REVS. 0)
Blurring Fiction With Reality (1) by Tim Baker This is the first chapter of a novel I'am working on. One of my poems posted on this site is included and not everything is set out the way it eventually will be. Its about Seth, a twenty something wh... [1,826 words] [Drama] (HITS 560, REVS. 1)
The Wildwood by David B Doc Byron A novelette about an ancient entity that travels the universe in search of any type of wildlife that it can use to take power over mankind and other lifeforms for evil purposes. [533 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 2988, REVS. 1)
The Wildwood Part Two by David B Doc Byron Lester Talbot, an old man living in a hillside cabin alone, experiences something he's sure is paranormal. [678 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 2728, REVS. 0)
The Wildwood Part Three by David B Doc Byron Alex realizes that the shapes he saw on the moon werent just shadows. [305 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 2569, REVS. 0)
The Wildwood Part Four by David B Doc Byron Nakata, the evil entity who plans to oblierate mankind, observes the earth from his lunar perch. [213 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 2508, REVS. 0)
Lilian From The Mountains by Ivonne León Vonchyta This novel, is about a woman, named Lilian, she lived in the mountains with her sister and son. Something unexpected happened to her, a congresist came to her village, to do goverment business, and he... [591 words] [Drama] (HITS 1955, REVS. 0)
Letters From The Wasteland by David B Doc Byron A serial novel about a young drifter who stumbles on to a secret society run by a lunatic who fancies himself the second coming of the anti-christ. [1,899 words] [Horror] (HITS 625, REVS. 1)
Letters From The Wasteland-Installment - Three by David B Doc Byron The dark one, Ted Lexxus, is lead to his isolation cell, unknowing to his captors he has a plan for escape. [566 words] [Horror] (HITS 2408, REVS. 0)
Letters From The Wasteland-Installment 5 Part6 by David B Doc Byron Billy Walker is still being chased by the crazy cop. [815 words] [Horror] (HITS 3984, REVS. 0)
Letters From The Wasteland--Installment 4-Part5 by David B Doc Byron JR Walker and the nun get aquainted under the worst of circumstances, and JR comes up with a plan for escape. [729 words] [Horror] (HITS 2803, REVS. 0)
Letters From The Wasteland-- Installment Two by David B Doc Byron JR Walker's brother, Billy, is on the search for JR when he runs into unexpected trouble. [813 words] [Horror] (HITS 2379, REVS. 0)
Alecto by BeckN A story about the Universe written through the eyes of the Universe. [12,358 words] [Science Fiction] (HITS 785, REVS. 1)
The Starbird Hunt (1-9) by Phil V Infinite Chapters 7-9: "In-Laws From Hell" Two years after the beginning of their mission, the crew of the ViperX find the intrigue and adventure of space travel wearing off. Then, they find Dr. Benjamin "Ran... [24,164 words] [Science Fiction] (HITS 765, REVS. 1)
Masters Of The Arches Chapter 2 by Mandil Chapter 2. Vincent try to find out who was this woman that did help him. Then very unexpectedly he does recue her from a terrible death. Then the seed of love begin to grow. [3,623 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 632, REVS. 1)
Farscape Tracker by Rick Mantilla FARSCAPE Tracker is the second story in the Black Ghost series. The story takes place during season one leading into season two and finds Traynor Dekksin in pursuit of Moya. The hunt takes him to the ... [19,364 words] [Science Fiction] (HITS 774, REVS. 1)
Faeid by Aurora Knight Eressea is an elf spying on a kingdom and glamouring as a woman that she's never met. And things start to get more difficult when she finds herself falling in love. [12,740 words] [Fantasy] (HITS 1101, REVS. 4)
The House That Anna Built by Alicia Marlene Dean-Hunter Read and you shall see. [2,014 words] [Mystery] (HITS 634, REVS. 0)
Sinister Music by Sue (Sooz) Simpson She had no psychic ability, so why had fate chosen her to foretell of the spate of brutal murders? [6,114 words] [Drama] (HITS 678, REVS. 1)
No Team To Root For by B J Bloch A mesmerizing drama about a doctor trapped in a world from which he cannot escape. One day he sees a way out, but the path he takes is tortuous and deadly and changes his life forever. - - A spel... [108,566 words] [Suspense] (HITS 787, REVS. 1)
Cyborg Cop (Chapter One) by Christopher Moss A cyborged police officer fights crime in North California in the 21st century. [810 words] [Science Fiction] (HITS 1777, REVS. 0)
Another Senseless Killing by B J Bloch A riveting mystery novel about a detective hired to find a missing woman. Readers can't help but become absorbed in this book as the story unfolds and shocking secrets are discovered. The suspense is ... [72,116 words] [Mystery] (HITS 1005, REVS. 1)
The Masters Of The Arches by Mandil A man on the verge of depression discovers a secret so fantastic that it overshadows all of his many problems. When he investigates further his discovery, he embarks on a series of adventures that tak... [4,705 words] [Science Fiction] (HITS 751, REVS. 0)
The Blood Of Fate-Chapter One by Liz Erjavec K Fate Fate, a girl plucked from the streets is the chosen one, the slayer who must save the world from the vampiric Uprising, but what happens when her closes friend betrays her and she doesn't know who to ... [956 words] [Horror] (HITS 3206, REVS. 1)
Mumbles From The Madhouse by Sue (Sooz) Simpson It was her first day on the secure unit and somehow she had to see it through. [2,215 words] [Drama] (HITS 577, REVS. 4)
A New Zealand Mormon Girls Holiday In Utah by Alicia Marlene Dean-Hunter Being away from home is hard for some people, but being on the other side of the planet is harder.As Mena Shirley discovers the world is not enough to compare to good old home. [2,760 words] [Adventure] (HITS 632, REVS. 0)
The Curse Of The Moloch by Norman A Rubin The novel "The Curse of the Moloch" is about a serial killer by the name of Jeremiah Micaiah, whose victims were women with reddish hair. He was born, through rape, in a coal-mining district. Brought ... [70,061 words] (HITS 1189, REVS. 0)
The Fire Gem by Hamish Roberts I have loved writing stories for as long as I can remember, although I started some stories which were brilliant, but never finished them, like I won't forget the Max Thomas story, and I might start i... [13,687 words] (HITS 1019, REVS. 2)
Lizards Leap by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Four children buy an intricately carved frame from a school fair. A crazy old woman chases them desperately wanting the carving for herself. What is the mystery surrounding the strange frame? [5,753 words] [Adventure] (HITS 634, REVS. 5)
Just Like Old Times...(Plus Madison) by MacKenzie Morgan This is the last of my Senior Week stories that I am going to publish on this site. The ones coming are too personal to post here. Thanks to all who have repsonded in the past, though this one is so b... [12,561 words] [Comedy] (HITS 715, REVS. 0)
New Beginnings by Christian Obermanns A story for english. [2,544 words] (HITS 763, REVS. 0)
The Pearl Palanquin by Govindaraju Sita Devi This is a tale of two villages subtly supporting the cause of inter-caste marriages and a satire against the rigid social practices and hide-bound traditions prevailing in some parts in India. It hold... [46,992 words] [Literary Fiction] (HITS 1005, REVS. 0)

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