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The Future Of Islam In Russia by Wael El-Manzalawy - [263 words] (HITS 1803, REVS. 0) Metrolink608: Number One Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Christmas, New years, laughter, tears, teasing, the engineer steeler, and living on a kiss, sort of. It doesn't get much better than this. [6,046 words] [Relationships] (HITS 478, REVS. 0) Metrolink608: Cuddled By The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi quiet confidence, energetic moments, teasing, ephiphany, the engineer and ice-cream, cuddling me with tech talk, just another perfect week at the Fullerton train station. And he still is the best, bec... [3,783 words] [Relationships] (HITS 370, REVS. 0) She Likes Trains: Station Gold by Shelley J Alongi Glen the Metrolink engineer's first vocal utterance has inspired my new series of train writings. Catch up on all the things that are hapening at the station, besides talking to the engineers. Who han... [2,734 words] [Relationships] (HITS 420, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: The Best Two Minutes by Shelley J Alongi I've always said that Glen provided the best two minutes of my day. This week that holds true. Late trains, stress, life, and the best two minutes. [3,088 words] [Relationships] (HITS 363, REVS. 0) Metrolink111 Love On The Rails by Shelley J Alongi Oh the joy and pain of communicating with a locomotive engineer. MP36 verses FP59, sweet promise, reconciliation, sweet bells. In all of it, the train calls, comforts, beckons. Come. [5,155 words] [Relationships] (HITS 444, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Going Steady by Shelley J Alongi Steady as she goes, a dilemma, cherishing the engineer, it doesn't get any better than this. [4,897 words] [Relationships] (HITS 459, REVS. 0) Heavy. What. by Angel Of Hope A vignette of my family. [170 words] (HITS 1926, REVS. 0) Annoyingted One by Angel Of Hope A vignette about my name. [170 words] (HITS 2190, REVS. 0) Splatterpunk: Welcome To It by Iron Dave An essay on the splatterpunk movement of the 1980s [2,637 words] [Horror] (HITS 574, REVS. 0) Metrolink111:She Likes Trains by Shelley J Alongi Metrolink Glen, my engineer, how did you ever get it so right? How could something so devistating turn into something so joyous? three little words sum up the last year of my life so neatly all it nee... [2,190 words] [Relationships] (HITS 472, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Sweet Engine Purring by Shelley J Alongi Locomotives, engineer withdrawals, a stressful day, crying on the engineer's shoulder, and Glen, you really are the best! [3,992 words] [Relationships] (HITS 481, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Alfa Cat Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Another week ends at the fullerton station for Shelley and her engineers. Well, they'll be there but I'm finished. But oh what a rewarding week! Promises, sweet promises. [3,359 words] [Relationships] (HITS 371, REVS. 0) Hamkatramck by Angel Of Hope A vignette about Hamtrack, Michigan. [171 words] (HITS 1951, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: The Disney Engineer by Shelley J Alongi This doesn't take place at the Fullerton train station, it takes place at Disney Land and starts on Wednesday February 25 with a call from a train engineer on the Disney Land railroad needing help wit... [2,046 words] [Relationships] (HITS 389, REVS. 0) Who Americans Are And What They Do by Angel Of Hope - [869 words] (HITS 2097, REVS. 0) Timeline Of My Life by Angel Of Hope - [569 words] (HITS 2059, REVS. 0) Now That I'm Older, I'm Still Not Wiser by James Snyder Now that summer is over and the children are back in school I found myself indulging in a little bit of retrospective thinking. It took some doing but I was able to think all the back to when I was a ... [883 words] [Humor] (HITS 1583, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Sweet Nothings by Shelley J Alongi This week, at the fullerton train station, Glen, the mysterious Metrolink engineer, speaks. [4,452 words] [Relationships] (HITS 464, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Slumming It With The Guys by Shelley J Alongi the engineer factor, can she find the train, plans, a supportive metrolink agent, Glen, and a smile. [3,522 words] [Relationships] (HITS 442, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Shaking Hands With The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi My Glen full of surprises. [2,541 words] [Relationships] (HITS 483, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: My Happy Places by Shelley J Alongi An engineer, food, a gentle train journey, and meeting a restaurant owner. It's a perfect train day. [3,331 words] [Relationships] (HITS 417, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Love Your Best Station Girl by Shelley J Alongi Does he remember my name? Does he know where to find locomotive specs? What does he think about two train-related deaths near the Fullerton train station? He's Glen. Love your best station girl. [6,322 words] [Relationships] (HITS 444, REVS. 0) A Pretty Girl by Angel Of Hope - [1,592 words] (HITS 501, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Touching The Locomotive by Shelley J Alongi This week it's all about Glen and doign something that I've been afraid to do; touching the locomotive. And maybe it's more than that. You decide. [2,520 words] [Relationships] (HITS 426, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Questions People Ask by Shelley J Alongi A stellar day in the nonlogic department at the fullerton train station. [1,645 words] [Relationships] (HITS 431, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Listening To The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi After gushing about glen, it's time for the story I haven't told you yet. [1,540 words] [Relationships] (HITS 407, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Finding The Gold Nuggetts by Shelley J Alongi An accident memorial, a not for an engineer, and everything in between. [5,339 words] [Relationships] (HITS 453, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Finding The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Comfort, food, waving, and just plain finding the engineer. [2,750 words] [Relationships] (HITS 418, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: All The Engineer You Need by Shelley J Alongi A heckler, intrigued engineers, and just how do you pronounce chatsworth? [2,122 words] [Relationships] (HITS 419, REVS. 0) Those Darndest Packets Of Powder by Angel Of Hope An editorial for class. [872 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2134, REVS. 0) Real Women Vs. Media's Version Of Women by Dream Rinsed Pretty&Beautiful vs. Hot&Sexy. [156 words] [Psychology] (HITS 1849, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: The Place Of Escape by Shelley J Alongi Waving at and interacting with engineers, teasing, and escaping with trains. [3,034 words] [Relationships] (HITS 390, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Chatsworth Stories by Shelley J Alongi Today I make thirty seconds of contact with a locomotive engineer who knew Rob Sanchez. I'm standing looking up at him on the chatsworth platform, hardly able to believe I've come this far. Stories, c... [3,903 words] [Relationships] (HITS 410, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: All My Engineers by Shelley J Alongi What a journey I've had over the last year since the chatsworth accident. I keep talking about meeting engineers so if you've been following the story you might want to read this one. Read about tears... [2,519 words] [Relationships] (HITS 433, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: A Crush On The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Why don't I just admit that I have a mad crush on someone I never met, and I'm not talking about Rob Sanchez. Philosophy, memorial plaques, food, and great stories, and the engineer. [2,595 words] [Relationships] (HITS 513, REVS. 0) Letters About Islam I by Wael El-Manzalawy - [170 words] (HITS 1718, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: In Search Of The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Which engineer you ask? By now in my story you have several choices. Pick one and enjoy. [3,492 words] [Relationships] (HITS 398, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Flowers For An Engineer by Shelley J Alongi On this trip to Chatsworth I meet rob's conductor, lay flowers for him, get my plaque, and am tempted by fresh ground coffee. Today is a milestone in the quest for information about the accident and i... [3,305 words] [Relationships] (HITS 456, REVS. 0) Metrolink111 Education On The Rails by Shelley J Alongi Saturday September 12, 2009 finds me passing through Chatsworth on my way to Santa Barbara on the Wine Lovers Daylight train. Today I indulge my intellectual and emotional obsession with trains. And t... [3,334 words] [Relationships] (HITS 453, REVS. 0) A Strange New Car by Orin G Quilar An essay about an embarrassing moment with someone else's car. [347 words] [Humor] (HITS 1497, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Asking The Freight Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Making life happen, conversations, a pleasant August evening at the fullerton train station, and rob Sanchez, always. [2,756 words] [Relationships] (HITS 489, REVS. 0) In An Airplane Going To San Francisco by Angel Of Hope - [133 words] (HITS 1888, REVS. 0) The Falseness Of The Evolution Theory by Wael El-Manzalawy - [332 words] (HITS 2049, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: The Case Of The Dejected Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Questions, Chatsworth connections, eyes, and a milestone. [1,950 words] [Relationships] (HITS 425, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: No No Magic Days by Shelley J Alongi Only someone at a train station would call me a gold digger. Heartache, trouble, curiosity, kindness, and what I call the "no magic day." Read all about it. [2,182 words] [Relationships] (HITS 458, REVS. 0) On And Off The Wall by Piper Davenport - [1,538 words] (HITS 530, REVS. 1) My Silent Friend (Shadows) by Veraelaine Louch We are never truly alone. There is always someone with us. [201 words] [Mind] (HITS 1544, REVS. 0) Moving Beyond The Pain by Piper Davenport - [2,014 words] (HITS 542, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Shoes, Songs And Tunnels by Shelley J Alongi All I can say is that two trains colliding last September led to all this. [3,128 words] [Relationships] (HITS 403, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Rob Among The Chips And The Cookies: Almost by Shelley J Alongi Someone told me that I would stir up fireworks in Chatsworth. Apparently I did. Rob, we're still looking. [1,910 words] [Relationships] (HITS 443, REVS. 0) Society, The Family And A Thatcher. by Colin Baker When UK conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher asserted in 1987 that 'there is no such thing as society', she overlooked all that it is to be human. [5,380 words] (HITS 535, REVS. 0) What Do We Want? Concrete Fairness! When Do We Want It? Now! by Colin Baker Live Aid and Live 8 failed because they made metaphysical appeals to fairness and justice. [4,232 words] (HITS 463, REVS. 0) Screwball Scramble by Colin Baker There is a good reason for the phenomenon of frenzied shopping in the Western world. [2,381 words] (HITS 523, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Late Baby Late by Shelley J Alongi Late trains, freight engineers, and new connections. [2,786 words] [Relationships] (HITS 458, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Assist At Chatsworth by Shelley J Alongi I meet the fans that knew Rob Sanchez and get ideas for the memorial plaque. It is a trip I've needed to take since the Metrolink111 accident on September 12, 2008. [2,561 words] [Relationships] (HITS 389, REVS. 0) A Hypothesis On Life by Mike Piotrowski A philosophical approach to a question with an impossible answer. Would like to hear your opinions and ideas as well! How about a discussion or debate? [416 words] [Literary Fiction] (HITS 2018, REVS. 0) The Islamic Civilization And The Western Civilization by Wael El-Manzalawy - [472 words] (HITS 1800, REVS. 0) On Turning Sixty by Robert Levin The rewards of turning sixty [544 words] [Humor] (HITS 2039, REVS. 2) Metrolink111: Here Comes Your Freight by Shelley J Alongi Of horns, freights and memorial plaques. [2,178 words] [Relationships] (HITS 384, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Finding Rob's Spot by Shelley J Alongi A cheeseburger, freight trains, and the quest to find a spot for a memorial plaque. [1,590 words] [Relationships] (HITS 396, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Defending The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi Two trips to the Fullerton station, a trip to a railroad model shop, the Chatsworth accident and finally finishing the memorial plaque. [2,416 words] [Relationships] (HITS 456, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Railroad Family Ties by Shelley J Alongi You would never ever guess what the common factor in my train station journeys is! I had forgotten about it till today! [2,056 words] [Relationships] (HITS 445, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Sick For Trains by Shelley J Alongi The chatsworth accident, engineers, friends, a dog that's a train fan, quiet moments, and lots of opinions. Read the longest Metrolink111 essay yet. [2,995 words] [Relationships] (HITS 437, REVS. 0) Easter Everyday by Bridgett Nesbit A passionate portrait of Mary's love for her son and how the Easter message should be celebrated everyday. [505 words] [History] (HITS 1831, REVS. 1) Chatsworth Journal: Observations About The Metrolink111 Crash On September 12 2008 by Shelley J Alongi I'm obsessed with the Chatsworth train wreck. I have to express my opinion about breaking company policy. [1,785 words] [Relationships] (HITS 410, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Not Quite Throwing The Switch by Shelley J Alongi Finally, a real live, sort of railroad switch! [2,017 words] [Relationships] (HITS 431, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Blame The Engineer by Shelley J Alongi So people want to drag Rob Sanchez's name through the mud after the Chatsworth accident? Okay, fine, blame him for this one, then; for my introduction to the commedy and spectacle and colorful charact... [2,215 words] [Relationships] (HITS 436, REVS. 0) What If I Die Today by Raine Lariza It is an essay about how is it like if one person dies today.. Read on :) [507 words] [Motivational] (HITS 1710, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: Is She A Foamer by Shelley J Alongi Six months and it all comes down to one question. Between grief, solace, creativity, and now new people introduced to the station, you have to ask, is she a foamer? [2,665 words] [Relationships] (HITS 474, REVS. 0) The Paradise by Wael El-Manzalawy - [183 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 2103, REVS. 0) Sex In Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy - [244 words] (HITS 2023, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: The Human Place by Shelley J Alongi Six months after the Chatsworth train wreck it is the human story that draws me to the Fullerton train station and always, when I think about it, has been. [1,174 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2406, REVS. 0) Pagan Cycles Of Modern Religion by Dr Lemuria - [2,935 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 690, REVS. 0) Our Secret Reality by Dr Lemuria - [196 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1848, REVS. 0) Metrolink111: The Planter By The Railroad Tracks by Shelley J Alongi Margaret Mitchell had her window seat. I have my planter by the railroad tracks, a place to reflect on the Chatsworth train wreck of 2008, remember the importance of this place in my life, and create ... [2,342 words] [Relationships] (HITS 528, REVS. 0) How We Create Reality by Dr Lemuria - [7,362 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 546, REVS. 0) Dr Lemurias Host by Dr Lemuria - [12,404 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 594, REVS. 0) Aura's by Dr Lemuria - [301 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1750, REVS. 0) Amphibian Features by Dr Lemuria - [544 words] (HITS 1843, REVS. 0) All Religions Need To Read This by Dr Lemuria - [3,363 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 529, REVS. 0) Aliens by Dr Lemuria - [1,087 words] (HITS 1767, REVS. 0) Alcyone by Dr Lemuria - [382 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 2403, REVS. 0) Alchemy by Dr Lemuria - [272 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1816, REVS. 0) Akashic Records by Dr Lemuria - [231 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 2057, REVS. 0) Ahkenaton by Dr Lemuria - [701 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1938, REVS. 0) After-Life by Dr Lemuria - [241 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1752, REVS. 0) Affirmation by Dr Lemuria - [352 words] (HITS 1943, REVS. 0) Adamic Men by Dr Lemuria - [235 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1840, REVS. 0) Abydos by Dr Lemuria - [253 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1811, REVS. 0) Abductions by Dr Lemuria - [174 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 1809, REVS. 0)
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