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You Don't Know What You're Doing (Or Why You're Still Fat) by Robert Levin People with perpetual obesity issues are playing a game with themselves. [804 words] [Psychology] (HITS 2473, REVS. 1) Visual Mind by Wanderer Bass This is what I see and think during times of when I'm in a "feral" mode. [663 words] (HITS 2256, REVS. 4) The Surge by Dylan Barbour About the surge [448 words] (HITS 2021, REVS. 1) Talking In Circles by Jordan Holetzky Its not really an essay don't know what to put it as.... doesn't make sense just suppose to be confusing. [86 words] [Mind] (HITS 2254, REVS. 2) Nothing Can Get Worse by Jordan Holetzky Beleive [179 words] (HITS 2312, REVS. 1) God, Man, Consciousness, Magic, Science And Alien Inteligence by Michael Potter An essay on the history of the universe and the origin of god. How and why psychic ability developed and its purpose. The evolution of consciousness from atoms to aliens. [9,701 words] [Mind] (HITS 608, REVS. 0) Especially For You, Beautiful One by Hannibal Kildare Expressing my true emotions for someone really unique and special. [140 words] [Mind] (HITS 2075, REVS. 3) Basics Of A Personality Disorder by Robert A Ferguson A relatively short essay summarizing the causes, affects, and treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Originally written in May of 2004, revised as of April 2007... [1,554 words] [Psychology] (HITS 692, REVS. 0) Balanced by Sasu - [65 words] [Mind] (HITS 2274, REVS. 2) Waiting For Sunshine.... by Anslem B Gentle The Power of a Woman's Smile [1,013 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2023, REVS. 1) Two Way Street by Flying Solo-Now I've written this small piece just because I am bored right now. [80 words] [Relationships] (HITS 1944, REVS. 4) Questions And Answers About Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy - [192 words] (HITS 2361, REVS. 1) Paranormal Sighting 1 More Lights. by Wanderer Bass The follow up of what I saw. Note: The first paranormal sighting one was supposed to be under Wanderer Bass, for I forgot to put in the Wanderer part. [372 words] (HITS 2187, REVS. 1) Paranormal Sighting 1 Lights And Eyes by Bass The beginning of a series of paranormal sightings I have seen and sometimes... even felt. [340 words] (HITS 1923, REVS. 3) Old Phil Propagated A Good Old Hoax by James Snyder It began as all things begin n a long period of boredom with nothing exciting to do. Whoever said, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop,” knew something of what they were speaking. [882 words] (HITS 1845, REVS. 0) Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy - [483 words] (HITS 2368, REVS. 4) Harrassment by Wanderer Bass This has been going on ever since my school started to learn about The Holocaust. [857 words] (HITS 2221, REVS. 4) A Love Letter: To Whom It May Concern by Ghost Writer Just speaking what's in my mind. [400 words] [Mind] (HITS 1901, REVS. 0) What Kind Of Person Are You? by Jordan Holetzky It's not really an essay I just don't know what to categorize this as.... [376 words] [Humor] (HITS 2356, REVS. 1) Through Thick And Thin-True Friends by Kaitlin Kingdon - [1,079 words] (HITS 2302, REVS. 0) Symbolism Over Substance – The Liberal Manifesto by Richard Koss A non-fiction essay about liberal ideology and its influence on today's U.S. and world culture. [1,229 words] (HITS 2262, REVS. 0) Skinny Girls, Fat Girls, And Girls That Are In Between by Jordan Holetzky I wrote this out of boredom...so no offense to anyone! [374 words] [Humor] (HITS 2279, REVS. 1) Serene Sky by J D Existenialist writing, sound profound?? [169 words] [Psychology] (HITS 1665, REVS. 0) Read This by Jordan Holetzky This really isn't an essay I didn't know what to categorize it as...sorry... [93 words] [Humor] (HITS 1982, REVS. 0) Poll by Jordan Holetzky Written when I was really bored...and once again I didn't know what to categorize it as...sorry... [54 words] [Humor] (HITS 2039, REVS. 0) Please Don't Do It by Jordan Holetzky My friend and I were talking and she was saying she was getting so stressed and depressed she could become suicidal, so this is written for her and anyone else who is totally depressed to this level. [349 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 1954, REVS. 0) Can You Picture by Jordan Holetzky A little thing I wrote to make people think. [320 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2274, REVS. 1) What I Am Thankful For by Jordan Holetzky All the things that I am thankful for in my life... [108 words] (HITS 2451, REVS. 2) Under The Sun by Randall Barfield What happens in real life is that we humans are vicious one to the other... [839 words] [Relationships] (HITS 2582, REVS. 0) To My Mom by Jordan Holetzky Something I wrote to my mom about how much she means to me... [284 words] (HITS 2344, REVS. 1) The No-No's And Yes-Yes's. by Wanderer Bass Do not EVER joke around about The Holocaust. [245 words] (HITS 2157, REVS. 1) Importance Of The First Amendment by Jordan Holetzky It tells what rights the First Amendments protects...I mean everyone should know there rights... [327 words] (HITS 2347, REVS. 1) Don't Be Obsessive by Wanderer Bass People during school who act like they are a "gangsta." [456 words] (HITS 2196, REVS. 1) Policing-Immigration Lines by Randall Barfield This is a bit about patriotism but not fanaticism. [1,193 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2657, REVS. 0) What Is Smart by Stormy The Writer Smart Essay. [421 words] [Teenage] (HITS 1968, REVS. 1) The Differences Of Love by Jordan Holetzky A little thing between our love and God's love. [550 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 2399, REVS. 4) The Christ In The Holy Quran by Wael El-Manzalawy - [1,584 words] (HITS 632, REVS. 1) Pick Up Lines by Jordan Holetzky Oh, this is just kinda a guy bashing thing... [524 words] (HITS 2748, REVS. 1) Do The Deed, Legalize Weed by Dylan Barbour - [656 words] (HITS 1997, REVS. 4) 911 And Iraq by O'donnell - [243 words] (HITS 1959, REVS. 1) When I Was Just A Little Boy. by Sean P Jessop - [393 words] [Mind] (HITS 1708, REVS. 0) Vote by H J I think we could make goverment work bettter for everyone. [425 words] [History] (HITS 1738, REVS. 0) A Kind Of Dissertation - A Pessimistic (Perhaps Realistic) View On Aliens From Another Planet by Wallace Doig The author sets forth his views not only on the Aliens, but life on Earth in relative general terms. [542 words] (HITS 1742, REVS. 0) Hiking To Higher Heights by Chris K Sexton A cause and effect essay about learning to truly read with quality and comprehension. [660 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 2077, REVS. 1) Getting A Leg Up On Evolution by Jeffrey Hansson The theory of evolution continues to be a controversial subject. Yet, to those willing to understand it, evolution is a very simple concept and it occurs all around us in our daily lives. [1,965 words] [Nature] (HITS 626, REVS. 0) When I Tried To Run Away From My Fears... by Innovant Deis Can't I ever run away from this world and my fears? [698 words] (HITS 2264, REVS. 2) The Dog And The Mynah by Innovant Deis The famed story of a dog and a mynah... a story of trickery and tit for tat. [494 words] [Fable] (HITS 2145, REVS. 0) Streetlight by Michael Schmitt - [293 words] [Mind] (HITS 1980, REVS. 0) Malice In “I Wonder Who I Am” Land by James Snyder For many years I maintained confidence in my personal identity. I knew exactly who I was and was quite comfortable in my skin. Although, I must confess my skin used to fit me better than it does these... [885 words] (HITS 2012, REVS. 0) Living Your Life To The Fullest by Taylor R Ware This essay proves my love for dance. [317 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2244, REVS. 1) Imagination And Children by Lawson - [600 words] (HITS 2655, REVS. 1) Dead-To-The-World Man Walking by James Snyder One morning this week, I woke up with a black eye. How I got it still baffles me. I have my suspicions, of course, but some things are better left to themselves no matter how lonely they may get. [891 words] [Humor] (HITS 1922, REVS. 0) A Silent Night — Not At My House by James Snyder People say, as they get older their hearing is not what it used to be. I have found this to be true for myself. The older I get, and I plan to get as old as I can, the more I hear noises in the middle... [895 words] [Humor] (HITS 2059, REVS. 0) A Page From Betty Crocker’S Cookbook by James Snyder Recently, while sitting in my chair drinking the last of my breakfast coffee, a thought staggered into my mind. I must confess most thoughts are quite lonely once they enter my mind, but this one had ... [860 words] [Humor] (HITS 1956, REVS. 0) Essay On Rats by Johanna Johannamcd Essay On Rats Written by Johanna & Philip McDaniel Being great pets, rats were introduced to the world from the Southeast Asian islands, Centeral Asia, India, and China. Being active, curious, a... [1,026 words] [Animal] (HITS 10542, REVS. 1) The Culture Of Fear: Fear Based On Fallacies by Tina Jafarkhani Sociology research paper based on "The Culture of Fear," written by Barry Glassner. [321 words] (HITS 1978, REVS. 0) Socialism – The Cornerstone Of America by Louise Friedman “In the struggle for socialism, what should be done to attain and sustain equality and justice? What should we mean by equality and justice?” [1,098 words] (HITS 4115, REVS. 6) I Stare Out Of The Window by Vera Marbrylouch A look at life while wondering what happened. [345 words] (HITS 2807, REVS. 3) Baby Talk by Glendora Rider Commentary on today's vocabulary usage. An essay by a humorist. [296 words] (HITS 3102, REVS. 3) Islam Versus Atheism by Wael El-Manzalawy - [374 words] (HITS 2609, REVS. 5) The God In Islam by Wael El-Manzalawy - [337 words] (HITS 2798, REVS. 1) Pet Peeve by Mike Rox This essay is on how annoying it is when people sing along to music. [674 words] [Humor] (HITS 4721, REVS. 1) Thoughts On The Death Of Peter Jennings: Dividing The Sky by Shelley J Alongi An essay on why I feel Peter Jenning's death so keenly and how his life in some ways has influenced mine. [1,203 words] [Motivational] (HITS 3418, REVS. 1) Islam Helps You by Wael El-Manzalawy - [241 words] (HITS 2724, REVS. 3) Homechick by Saurabh Gupta An article. [823 words] (HITS 2013, REVS. 0) Free Jazz: The Jazz Revolution Of The '60s by Robert Levin "Man, In another ten years we won't even need traffic lights we're gonna be so spiritually tuned to one another." [2,615 words] [History] (HITS 600, REVS. 1)
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