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Ego by Ramkumar Menon How Ego can affect you? How could you communicate to avoid ego clashes? [2,617 words] [Motivational] (HITS 635, REVS. 0)
Turning To Him by Randall Barfield No description. [354 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2955, REVS. 0)
The Death Of My Mom by Randall Barfield A short reflection on a lack of tears for my mom. [565 words] (HITS 3744, REVS. 3)
World Cubanization--Afghanization by Randall Barfield A brief essay about some things we cannot change in this world and the dreariness of a totally-poor world structure. [775 words] (HITS 2951, REVS. 0)
Blubber, Blubber, Armchair Lubber by Randall Barfield A short essay about the REAL truth behind dieting, etc. [870 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 2860, REVS. 0)
Let's Legalize Pot! by James Cartwright Just an essay I was proud of. You probobly won't be. That's life. Some credit goes to Andrew Looney, and his website, for allowing me to bring up some nice points. [810 words] (HITS 3041, REVS. 1)
Everything's Routine by Pearl S The frightening realization that people live their entire lives like gerbils running in their wheels, and sometimes come away empty-handed. [662 words] (HITS 2416, REVS. 6)
Why We Should Not Invade Iraq by James Cartwright This is just an essay I wrote, that I thought was particularly well written. I liked it, and thought it presented the facts well. So here it is. Also note that while pasting it from Word, it became me... [725 words] (HITS 2404, REVS. 2)
The Hopeless Cynic: Let's Get Typical by Robert G Hagans It's been forever, but I thought it was time to make a comeback. My latest on the subject of women, love and relationships. Specifically, the first early warning system for guys to discover what type ... [2,288 words] [Comedy] (HITS 651, REVS. 2)
Rape Of Maya's Singing Caged Bird by Samantha Carter About nothing in particular; discussing an awful event that happened a really long time ago. Putting it all into perspective. [1,079 words] (HITS 3077, REVS. 2)
The Adventure Of Human Freedom by Jeffrey (George) Winter As title indicates. [1,149 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 2422, REVS. 4)
What We Say, What They Hear by John Sheirer Humorous look at the ways people in romantic relationships misunderstand each other. [1,721 words] [Relationships] (HITS 627, REVS. 0)
Jeffrey Dahmers In Suits by Mike Schilller The truth about the corporate creeps who are promoting war for oil and personal profit. [923 words] (HITS 2468, REVS. 15)
A Candle Still Burning: An Excerpt From My Memoir by Vianne-Marie Fortier This is a piece I am doing for my memoir about growing up and finding your place in the world. This particular piece is about camp, and the time when you have to leave camp. [864 words] [Teenage] (HITS 2657, REVS. 2)
Strength's Illusion by Jeffrey (George) Winter A visit with a disabled friend: How our understandings of strength affect our relationships. [1,696 words] [Spiritual] (HITS 717, REVS. 1)
Revisiting Myself by Charles Cotterman I went back to the old essays, and I have some new philosophies. [357 words] [Mind] (HITS 2290, REVS. 1)
The Best Friend by Kylan Masters I wrote this essay because so many guys came to me and said that they had these best friends that they felt this great connection with and wondered why it couldn’t be something more. I realized that ... [1,429 words] (HITS 2469, REVS. 2)
Mac-Man by Kylan Masters A humerous essay written on how to pick-up women. [990 words] [Comedy] (HITS 2375, REVS. 0)
The Immigrant Story by David Soriano Elaboration on the Led Zeppelin's "The Immigrant Song". [979 words] [History] (HITS 2676, REVS. 1)
The Evil Eye by Norman A Rubin The evil eye is paranoia whose victims are diagnosed on the basis that they see plots everywhere and constantly expect the worse. [1,440 words] (HITS 3858, REVS. 0)
Reflective Essay On Classroom Discipline by Randall Barfield This essay was written as part of the requirements for a course in elementary education. The teacher's comments are placed in parentheses and denoted as TC. Some of the problems have worked themselv... [2,676 words] [Writing Resource] (HITS 667, REVS. 0)
Lapine Roles by Vianne-Marie Fortier Yay! My last English paper of 8th grade! This one's about the important roles that the Watership Down rabbits play. [933 words] [Animal] (HITS 3695, REVS. 1)
Bardo Blurb by Sunny Drinking a beer in a bar, some thoughts! [311 words] (HITS 2650, REVS. 2)
Student And Studies by Juned Ahsan To motivate myself and others. [524 words] [Self-Help] (HITS 2250, REVS. 1)
Evolving To Simplicity; Our Lack Of Human Evolution by Branson Storm A few thoughts on why our species is incapable of achieving peace at this particular time. My belief that it begins with one and with some insight into where I came from, I know that if I can do it, ... [5,571 words] (HITS 743, REVS. 2)
Needed: Diversity In Education by Randall Barfield Including More Studies In Distinct Cultures Needed Urgently: Give-A-Shit Parents Who Actually Monitor Their Kids If we won't listen to Jesus, then... [867 words] [Writing Resource] (HITS 2708, REVS. 0)
If Only (If Only) by Joseph Robert Herrick A message to compromise and be accepting on the issue of abortion. [554 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2299, REVS. 1)
Unemployment: Cum Laude And The Greatest Terrorist by Randall Barfield 2-cents' worth about employment? [563 words] [Writing Resource] (HITS 2763, REVS. 0)
Daddy And Me: Making The Rounds by Randall Barfield A little wallow? [428 words] [Writing Resource] (HITS 4358, REVS. 0)
The Effects Of Human Cloning Through Experimentation by Elizabeth A Letourneau This essay is based on a project for my senior year of school in which we had to research a topic. I choose the effects of human cloning. Within this essay I outline the types of cloning and the eff... [2,481 words] [Scientific] (HITS 733, REVS. 1)
Life With A Chocoholic by Ben Overby "...there on her hands and knees in the middle of the floor was the chocoholic gobbling the tasty treats like a head of cattle grazing in the pasture. One fist was thrust into the box. The other was... [1,492 words] [Humor] (HITS 2042, REVS. 0)
Clothesline Conversations by Ben Overby Though we all bungle our color-filled lives with a splatter of blackness, the spark of a kind word reminds us that we are never completely in the dark. [1,730 words] (HITS 683, REVS. 0)
Racism In Modern Literature by Christian Obermanns - [704 words] (HITS 3385, REVS. 2)
Play Ball: The Real Rite Of Spring by Steven R. Kravsow I love the spring. Wanna know why? Because spring is the time of year when good things begin to happen. And like anyone else, I like good things to happen. And if they happen to me, then so much the b... [917 words] (HITS 2410, REVS. 0)
It Happens To Us All by Niall Power Essay comparison. [750 words] (HITS 2108, REVS. 0)
Glen Of Purity, In Wood Of Dying Light (Anne Frank Diary Entries) by Vianne-Marie Fortier This is an essay I had to do for English class about what would Anne Frank have said if she had been able to take her diary with her to Westerbork, Auschwitz, and Bergen-Belsen. I thought this was an ... [3,164 words] (HITS 715, REVS. 1)
The Green, Green Grass Of Home by Robert Edward Levin essay about holy war. [1,130 words] (HITS 3564, REVS. 0)
The British Are Crying! The British Are Crying? by Branson Storm Editorial on the treatment of the 'detainees' at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. [1,239 words] (HITS 4001, REVS. 13)
Should RHS Change Its Attendance Policies? by Andrew Allyn Rasmussen This essay is purely my opinion on RHS's Attendance policies. It goes over the pros and cons of having them. [887 words] [Publishing] (HITS 2576, REVS. 0)
Joby The Shiloh Silent Screamer - Essay Narrative by Vianne-Marie Fortier This was a paper I had to do for English and, I decided to put it in here because it explains the way I write. It's supposed to be a narrative of a young Drummer boy that was on the side of the Confed... [1,144 words] (HITS 3286, REVS. 0)
The Diversity Mystique by Richard Koss The ultimate hype of political correctness. [1,083 words] (HITS 2887, REVS. 6)
Four Of Them by Randall Barfield ...nobody has eight kids anymore either. Right? [259 words] [Writing Resource] (HITS 3000, REVS. 0)
The Hopeless Cynic: Believing In Believing by Robert G Hagans Seems like a good time to submit this. It's not as coherant as some of my other works, but it's my most upbeat. Dedicated to Cameron Crowe, Tom Cruise and Charlie Cotterman. [1,395 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2403, REVS. 6)
Lights, Camera, Action! by Clark G Curtis This is a look at how one young lad (mau) from southern Indiana spent the weeks leading up to Christmas. This included figuring out where the presents were stashed, the annual Christmas sing and fina... [3,184 words] [Humor] (HITS 659, REVS. 0)
Imagine That by Duck A short essay describing my childhood escape. [502 words] [Adventure] (HITS 2551, REVS. 0)
Ten--Hour Weddings by Randall Barfield About South American weddings. [510 words] [Humor] (HITS 2924, REVS. 0)
Let The Air Begin by Clark G Curtis While growing up in southern Indiana the rites of fall included sitting on the forced air heating duct and using my mother's hair dryer to keep warm. [1,565 words] [Humor] (HITS 606, REVS. 0)
What Would He Think? by Randall Barfield An attempt to look at ourselves constructively. [559 words] (HITS 2951, REVS. 0)
Population Out Of Control! by Frank Dunsmore At the rate of 94.5 million more people on the planet each year, you might wonder how much longer will there be wide open spaces and big skies in Montana. [984 words] (HITS 2159, REVS. 0)
Betsy In The Twenty-First Century by Frank Dunsmore My grandfather was one of the first owners of an automobile and one of the first to be scorned for the black clouds of smoke that his Model A belched. [1,990 words] (HITS 691, REVS. 0)
Randy's Advice To Young Writers by Randall Barfield - [807 words] [Motivational] (HITS 2958, REVS. 0)
My Mother, The Halloweenie by Jennifer L O'callaghan Reflections on my favorite holiday and how it has changed. [1,460 words] [Humor] (HITS 3264, REVS. 0)
May Mothers And Fathers by Randall Barfield A short essay about those parents who want to push academic responsibility off onto others. [479 words] (HITS 3540, REVS. 1)
Fishing Obligations by Randall Barfield A short essay about parental responsibilities and kids' obligations. [558 words] [Relationships] (HITS 3317, REVS. 0)

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