When did being almost right, but still showing inderstanding of the question, be considered completely wrong? Wouldn't it be better to be smart then to simply be able to memorize? [566 words]
Proud founder and president of Crazy Clown Productions (c) [October 2000]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (10) Dragonball Z - Akira Toryama's Drug Trip? (Essays) An essay worthy of the label of Crazy Clown, about the sheer ludicrousnessness of Dragonball Z. [989 words] [Humor] Some Explanation Is In Order (Essays) You might come to this title expecting a deep, philosophical, or thought-provoking story; instead, you get this! It is an explanation of my rather unique writing style, by Crazy Clown. [447 words] [Humor] The Demented Monologue Of A Downright Imbecile (Essays) Another display of foolishness and inanity, from the one who can do them best, Crazy Clown. Requires an altered state of mind to fully enjoy. [1,246 words] [Humor] The Insane Ramblings Of A Complete Idiot (Short Stories) An essay on the insane ramblings of a complete idiot. Written by a complete idiot. Requires an altered state of mind to properly enjoy. [1,090 words] [Humor] The Muse Keeps On (Short Stories) A tale of the joys and sufferings of the muse... [1,006 words] [Writing Resource] The Test (Short Stories) My first publishing-worthy (at least I hope) short story, on the topic of what religion is, was, and what may become... [1,118 words] [Spiritual] The Unfortunate Homophobe (Essays) An interspective on a homophobe who wishes he wasn't, and some ideas and opinions on homosexuality. [1,131 words] [Gay & Lesbian] The Vaporeal Defecation Of A Mental Diarrheatic (Essays) I just had so much fun writing the other two displays of inanity that I just had to write a third. Depending on how much you like my works, this could be either wonderful or horrifying, your choice. -... [951 words] [Humor] Vanquished (Short Stories) Death, Revenge, Death. Misery has gone full circle. [894 words] [Action] Well, Shit (Essays) A rather... interesting essay on the worlds worst waste. Requires a unique state of mind to enjoy properly. [1,020 words] [Humor]
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! Crazy Clown
If you are almost right, how wrong are you? Let me put it another way- If Mary and Jane are asked "what is 2 + 2" and Mary said purple, while Jane said 17, which one is more right, or conversely more wrong? Neither, if you go by school definitions. But isn't school ideally about understanding, rather then memorization? However, it is exactly that. An ideal, never really achieved. Everything taught in accepted modern day education is about remembering formulas, multiplication tables, dates, names, and procedures. Wouldn't more be done education-wise if understanding was encouraged more then
memorization? What would be more educational; asking "what is 2 + 2" and accepting only four, or asking "name every possible solution for 2 + 2 and justify your answers." This would really cause the students and the teachers alike in the working and grading of schoolwork to think carefully. What about hours, months, or years? What about using different roots? What about 22? What about... and so on. This again would lead to the repealing of such absolute standards so that 2 + 2 = 3.99999 is a bit more right then 897
because it shows understanding of the student, the ultimate goal, is it not?
Take this for another example. For centuries, everybody of popular accepted opinion thought the world was flat. This can be ascertained by measuring the slope over a distance of one mile, which is very, very close to zero, so close you have to go into the eighth decimal place to see a difference. And yet, because of primitive and undeveloped tools, this deciding decimal was never quite found, and that is why the flat-earth theory stayed around so long. If nobody could prove that millionth of a decimal that changed the slope from flat to spherical, then the general population accepted what seemed most likely. Because of today's people overemphasizing the difference in the slope of a flat surface and a small area of an incredibly large sphere, that tiny decimal made ancient people look like fools. How could they not tell the difference between a sphere and a
plane? That's ridiculous. Except when you consider the facts. Then, you see how being
almost right, but still understanding the basics, is considered completely and utterly wrong by today's comprehension. How sad.
When did this happen? I suppose it could be traced to recent days, when the overzealous repealing of common myths and misconceptions resulted in the cynicism of the average American, which in turn resulted in almost-right answers being completely wrong. Plus, increasingly high standards in education, not a bad thing at all, unfortunately led to the one-and-only-one-answer regulation, which, although simplifying things for
students, also restricted their imagination and creativity.
The next time you are posed a simple question that obviously has only one simple answer, do something to help yourself expand your horizons. Think of other solutions that can also meet the same parameters. As one "liberal thinker" put it, think outside the box. See their response. Most people would be ticked off at receiving an answer that they did not expect, resulting in their looking like a fool, in some cases. Others, though, the more open-minded and patient ones, would be pleasantly surprised to see people being almost-right but creative as compared to the usual straight-answerers. Which type of thinker are you?
Your humble servant that will one day overthrow you,
Crazy Clown
"I understand what the author is saying, and I acknowledge that Crazy Clown is an intelligent person. However, I pose the question to the author: if *you* were told to find every possible solution to "2 + 2" and to justify every answer, what would your answer be? Simple arithmetic is not designed for "creativity". I am a strongly creative person myself, but mathematics is a defined subject. There is only one correct answer (or set of answers) to any given problem. The means of achieving it may differ, but the answer will always be the same. If "purple" is given as an answer, and "17" as an alternative, both are equally wrong. Purple is a product of two parts blue and two parts red, is it not? Two plus two does make purple, so is "purple" not a correct answer in that sense? Yes; it is a correct answer in this sense but not in purely mathematical terms (in which case it is a mathematically wrong answer). "17" is only correct in that it has been answered in mathematical terms as suggested by the question, but the answer itself is still mathematically incorrect, just as "purple" was. Both are equally incorrect. Therefore, although creativity is to be encouraged in any system of education, it cannot always be applied. (Though understanding *how* to multpliy, for instance, rather than relying on memorised tables, is a point with which I agree.)" -- OddSock, age 19, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
"I bow before your superior logic. I acknowledge your obviously knowledgable review, and also the fact that there is always multiple ways of seeing the same theory. ^_^" -- Crazy Clown.
"Math teachers aren't going to think outside the box. That's what makes them math teachers. They aren't going to have their students list out every possible answer for 2+2. Math is black and white and that's all it'll ever be. The people who teach it think along the same lines. Some math teachers are drones. Math is a hard subject to explain clearly nad make interesting, which is why the teacher's who mmake it interesting should be commended. Too often though math teachers stand in front of the board and show off, trying to do problems as quickly as possible, then say "What, you don't get it?"" -- Steven.
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