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Short Stories

The Name Game by Peter Rego A short story about coping with life and death. [3,756 words]
House: A Brett Mccarley Locomotive Engineer Story by Shelley J Alongi Laurie meets Brett's house. [2,842 words]
Daughter: A Brett Mccarley Locomotive Engineer Story by Shelley J Alongi A wedding cake, a ring, and a daughter. [1,885 words]
The Salt Of A Captain by Blake A Collins A captian ponders his prophesied fate as the time for its revealing draws near. Reliving... [3,909 words]
The Other Side Of Life. by Terry Collett - [634 words]
Matilda & Mr Doozie. by Terry Collett - [538 words]
Just Death Waits. by Terry Collett - [677 words]
Expiration Date (The List) by Molly McIntosh this is a story i wrote for a creative writing calss assignment. it is about what li... [5,112 words]
Carol: A Brett Mccarley Locomotive Engineer Story by Shelley J Alongi Flash back. A distressed engineer, train traffic and domestic... [2,046 words]
Cold: A Brett Mccarley Locomotive Engineer Story by Shelley J Alongi Snap shot of Brett's morning. [1,820 words]
Supper Comes Too Early by Connor Weatherly A story about some army guys. [806 words]
Rape & Crucifixion by Terry Collett - [696 words]
I Saw It by Mateja Marie Lund - [4,504 words]
Her Mother's Madness. by Terry Collett - [529 words]
Willing And Able. by Terry Collett - [718 words]
Suffocating Angel. by Terry Collett - [597 words]
Dwayne's First Day by Paul B Kramer How do you do, with the rest of your life? [2,345 words]
Daughter's Suicide. by Terry Collett - [610 words]
Mother And Child 1904. by Terry Collett - [679 words]
I Bid You Adieu And Fuck You! by Emory L Griffin Some more copy cat horror dedicated to you RICHARD. I sincerely hope you enjoy it... [527 words]
Always Waiting. by Terry Collett - [2,159 words]
What I Learned As A Kid by Justin Gar This was a creative writing assignemnt for my English 121 class [638 words]
The Sacred Space by Vishal Arora - [2,726 words]
Moonlit Flowers by Iron Dave A more traditional vampire tale. [5,650 words]
Daughter Drowned. by Terry Collett - [928 words]
When The Wind Blows: Part 2 by Lost Pieces - [102 words]
When Cold Wind Blows
The National Historic Museum. by National Historic Museum It is known that the national historic museum in brownsville,texas is haunted. [72 words]
Port In A Storm. by Terry Collett - [555 words]
Not Just Yet. by Terry Collett - [858 words]
Me Myself And...... Laura? by Lost Pieces A battle with multiple personalities [63 words]
Just Smiling by Terry Collett - [638 words]
Jericho Pilsbury by Paul B Kramer Jericho, RELAX! [1,744 words]
Its Self Explainatory by Lost Pieces Its self explainatory. Its a short biography of me. [65 words]
I Want Them To See My Pain by Lost Pieces About how you cannot always be who you want. That most things are chosen for you. (i... [112 words]
Gobbledygook by Hasan Zahid This is a short story written by me (Hasan Zahid) in English. It’s a story about a girl named Nats... [1,390 words]
Final Summer. by Terry Collett - [705 words]
Cause And Effect (Affect?) by Lost Pieces A story about feeling like you dont know which way to go and giving up. [97 words]
Woodrow's Return. by Terry Collett - [1,056 words]
Robin by Geetika Aswal Its a story about a Kid, Who is going through a troubled teen time. With all the Luxuries available to hi... [2,465 words]
No Remorse. by Terry Collett - [937 words]
Last Tango. by Terry Collett - [863 words]
The Legend Of Snake Two-Guns by Bandit O'hara After a terrible mistake he made as a sheriff of a small town, the hero turns his ... [5,181 words]
Waiting For Marcel. by Terry Collett - [919 words]
Time Stands Still by Jinndal Davis Living forever... [550 words]
The Beauty Horse by Spencer A Morin It's about a remarkable horse who is dying and needs a cure, but the cure is not known of yet. [592 words]
Obsidian by Veraelaine Louch I thought the last thing I needed, in a home with 2 kids and a wild husband, was a dog. I was wrong [544 words]
Backyard Blues. by Terry Collett - [732 words]
The Monkey's View. by Spencer A Morin It is about a monkey who sits on the middle computer in a 4th grade classroom. [188 words]
Waiting & Serving. by Terry Collett - [673 words]
Tick Tock Is It Truly My Sin? by Jinndal Davis Questions, without answers. Placing blame on someone else. [457 words]
The Lullabye Tree by Jinndal Davis A comforting tree, come to it and rest. It takes the weary, the depressed, the sad and lonel... [2,816 words]
The Dutiful Daughter by Jinndal Davis The final breath of a mother, the final thought of a daughter. [478 words]
Stockton Heights : Da Introduction by Nick B this is the first installment of my urban teen drama short story series abou... [199 words]
Saturday Musings: A Brett Mccarley Locomotive Engineer Story by Shelley J Alongi A little bit of truth and a whole lot of fiction. ... [1,781 words]
Mullet Girl by Wetweathersewage This is the origin of Mullet Girl [483 words]
Maggie's Voices. by Terry Collett - [595 words]
Her Mother Said by Terry Collett - [903 words]
Field Of Rubies by Christine E Schulze Presenting "Field of Rubies" from Schulze's Bloodmaiden: Zale. Gauthier. Varden. These three d... [8,482 words]
Father Grant Me This One Thing by Jinndal Davis Walking the Earth looking for the meek and the mild, that is not what was found.... [384 words]
Cramps & Prayers by Terry Collett - [566 words]
Because Of Love.( Story) by Terry Collett - [724 words]
Awaiting Lunch. by Terry Collett - [727 words]
The Worst Story Ever by Spencer A Morin Borin' [10 words]
Phils' Book Of Things by Scott Oglesby Three very short stories taken from the book "Phils' Book of Things" [762 words]
Letter To Andre. by Terry Collett - [907 words]
Cash Bronson Man Stories: Cunty Sausage by Wetweathersewage Cash Bronson is a man who does manly stuff. [464 words]
Birthday Wishes: A Brett Mccarley Locomotive Engineer Story by Shelley J Alongi Getting ready for a big day. [2,016 words]
Before Jacob's Funeral. by Terry Collett - [685 words]
An April In Paris. by Terry Collett - [953 words]
Afternoon Nap: A Brett Mccarley Locomotive Engineer Story by Shelley J Alongi Prenuptial wonderings. [2,263 words]
Date Help by Wetweathersewage - [233 words]
Uh Oh! by Jackson about a boy watching his only friend get murdered [1,782 words]
The Twist Part 1 by Spencer A Morin It is the first not ther last true fairy tale story. ( Not needed to believe) [447 words]
Quiet Love: A Brett Mccarley Locomotive Engineer Story by Shelley J Alongi Brett and Laurie and the beginning of a marriage. [4,377 words]
Nature Walkers by Spencer A Morin This a fun and interesting tale of a changing group of children. [312 words]
Moment Of Your Time. by Terry Collett - [707 words]
Foot - Bomb by Spencer A Morin This is about the biggest football game ever. Then suddenly ... [168 words]
Epidemic By Numbers by Budha So, on the tenth evening of their joint collapse in their respective beds , just as Mumma a... [1,988 words]
Dasher by Grace E And Krysten M Newhouse And Baker Its a horse that never got broke to ride [92 words]
Summertime Is Always Warm by Mercedes Lauren Adams Story of the highs and lows of life. What people lose in their attempts to create pea... [597 words]
Love & Marriage. by Terry Collett - [571 words]
The Hotel Window by Jasmine Marie A woman ponders the reason behind a failed relationship. [1,061 words]
The Coffee Shop by Robin D A short short story that takes place in a coffee shop. [727 words]
Seduction. by Terry Collett - [885 words]
Promises Promises. by Terry Collett - [603 words]
After Lauds. by Terry Collett - [785 words]

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When Cold Wind Blows
When Janet discovers what's inside....
[64 words]
Lost Pieces
[August 2010]
A Question Of Persona (Children) A story about a girl named Cam who wonders why everyone else is special in a specific way. [103 words] [Motivational]
Atdhf : Part 2 (Songs) A song about how things can bring you down and how that can affect you as much as that you want to die. [52 words] [Horror]
Awww (Poetry) About what we would go through to help. [24 words] [Motivational]
Because I Had To (Poetry) I had to turn down a boy that I have always liked. This is how it went. [84 words] [Suspense]
Cause And Effect (Affect?) (Short Stories) A story about feeling like you dont know which way to go and giving up. [97 words] [Motivational]
Closure (Poetry) Its about wanting to be let free [59 words] [Romance]
Cold Blooded Murder (Poetry) About a girl witnessing a murder. [80 words] [Horror]
Dogs Moving At The Speed Of Light (Songs) Its actually by a band named burning flesh written by a friend of mine. Its about being yourself and not changing. Its also about being a teenager and the hardships of growing up. [103 words] [Teenage]
Doo Doo Doo I Love You (Poetry) How you know you love someone but dont know how to express it. [81 words] [Relationships]
For You, My Love: The Story Of Jake (Poetry) Well, the guy im writing abouts name isnt really jake but..... I didnt wanna use his name. He would do anything and everything for me, and we werent dating. This is how i let him go. [64 words] [Romance]
I Want Them To See My Pain (Short Stories) About how you cannot always be who you want. That most things are chosen for you. (in two voices) [112 words] [Spiritual]
Ill Never Forget (Songs) A rap I wrote inspired by but not sung to the tune of Cleaning Out My Closet by Eminem [128 words] [Drama]
Ill Never Forget: Part 2 (Songs) A rap I wrote inspired by but not sung to the tune of Cleaning Out My Closet by Eminem. [96 words] [Drama]
In Reverse: Who Are We? A Continuation Of What Would You Do. (Songs) About how you can know so much, but learn something new each day. [84 words] [Self-Help]
Its Self Explainatory (Short Stories) Its self explainatory. Its a short biography of me. [65 words] [Biography]
Lost And Found Goodbyes (Poetry) A poem with a message. [57 words] [Self-Help]
Lost And Found Goodbyes: Part 2 (Poetry) A poem with a message. [66 words] [Self-Help]
Me Myself And...... Laura? (Short Stories) A battle with multiple personalities [63 words] [Psychology]
Not My Time (Poetry) A death told in two voices [106 words] [Crime]
Pieces Of My Heart (Strong Goodbye) (Songs) I enjoy rapping so this is a rap about having to say goodbye to who you love. This song is also can be sung and not rapped. [83 words] [Romance]
Pieces Of My Heart (You Took) (Songs) Part 2 to the rap about how i lost someone very important to me. [148 words] [Romance]
Warm Kisses (Poetry) - [63 words]
When The Wind Blows: Part 2 (Short Stories) - [102 words] [Mystery]
When You Smile (It Means Everything To Me) (Poetry) - [35 words] [Relationships]
Without Me (Who Am I?) (Poetry) A battle with shoulder imaginations. [85 words] [Mind]
When Cold Wind Blows
Lost Pieces

Janet was smart. She knew the stories of that house were untrue. What Colin had told her was wrong. Theres no such thing as ghosts, she thought, but each time she said it, it became more and more true. The facts pointed straight to it. The missing children, the cold air, everything. If she had just kept believing that, she wouldnt be here now.


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August 2010

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