AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (28) Apocalypse (Poetry) The German gods didn't like you. [78 words] Ash (Poetry) - [55 words] [Architecture] Bad Day. (Poetry) - [100 words] Crime And Me (Poetry) A commition to crime where there are only two involved. [159 words] [Crime] Dark Betrayal (Poetry) A love misplaced. [58 words] [Romance] Dark Love (Poetry) - [54 words] Dementium (Poetry) - [170 words] [Horror] Don't Be Obsessive (Essays) People during school who act like they are a "gangsta." [456 words] Dreams 1 (Short Stories) This is the most recent dream I can remember. I am above the influence and these are always weird dreams/ nightmares. Enjoy! [355 words] Eternal Heartache (Short Stories) In honor and memory of Grandpa Buddy. [597 words] Harrassment (Essays) This has been going on ever since my school started to learn about The Holocaust. [857 words] Heaven Shunned (Poetry) When all hope is lost, one can give into anything in a time of dire need. [49 words] Hells' Populous (Short Stories) This is chapter one of a comic idea that got turned into a story. It's about types of troops designed for military use that are sent later to an island that's mostly a huge city at their disposal. The... [439 words] [Science Fiction] I Saw You (Poetry) Stalking a girl is like being a ninja during the time of Christmas. [126 words] If You Don't Like It... (Essays) To all the people who don't have a brain out there. [349 words] In Soviet... (Essays) Just a bunch of random "In Soviet..." tidbits I thought up. If any of these are offensive to you, then by all means don't post here. These weren't meant to hurt anyone and if they were, it would've be... [83 words] Ninja (Songs) A short silly song about two ninjas. [49 words] [Comedy] Paranormal Sighting 1 More Lights. (Essays) The follow up of what I saw. Note: The first paranormal sighting one was supposed to be under Wanderer Bass, for I forgot to put in the Wanderer part. [372 words] Rant - Stupid Kids (Essays) Here's a rant that we all share when we think about stupid highschool kids. [718 words] Rest In Peace (Poetry) Everyone loves their mother. [64 words] Stolen Emotion (Poetry) Emotions is the vitae of human suffering. [38 words] The Game Of... (Poetry) Bring your friends to the party, I'm sure you'll love my game... [204 words] [Teenage] The No-No's And Yes-Yes's. (Essays) Do not EVER joke around about The Holocaust. [245 words] The Sea (Poetry) - [51 words] Visual Mind (Essays) This is what I see and think during times of when I'm in a "feral" mode. [663 words] Wanderer (Poetry) This could describe who I am and my goals. [28 words] Whoops... (Poetry) A silly poem about a guy whos' life sucks at the very end. [124 words] Wwii: A Soldier's Experience (Short Stories) This is a piece of writing I un-earthed from the depths of my room that I wrote awhile ago. It's sort of a war-diary of a soldier in WWII named John. Please comment on what you think. [556 words]
What Is Heaven? Wanderer Bass
What do you think Heaven really looks like? Do you think
that it is just an opposite universe to what people really
think it is? I can't believe that Heaven would be a place where
you and your loved ones would be sitting on a cloud with
a white silky gown on, a halo, sandals, and be constantly
playing a harp.
Maybe Heaven is a polar opposite. Perhaps it is a Hell rather
than a Heaven and Hell is a Heaven. Maybe there is no Hell
or Heaven? Perhaps your soul is sent to the Ether Plains,
where you would reside in eternity.
Maybe Heaven is the plateau of everything where patients of
the dead explore the universe in a sort of astral projection
form. This could be possible as these are just ideas. They
could be theories, scientific or religious- it's all the same.
Perhaps Heaven is more of a test rather than a place. It could
be a sanctuary where one would reside in and meditate until
they decide wether to begone from Earth, or to somehow
rebirth unknowingly into another form.
What is Heaven? I have no idea and I don't think anyone can
comprehend what it would be. Is it an unknown immortality
that is pursued after death from entering the eternal gates
between Earth and the other-worldly Earth? Who knows?
"Many before you have contemplated Heaven and Hell. Do they really exist? What could we expect to find there? The more questions we ask, the more we come to see the futility of attempting to understand the grandiose plan of a Supreme Being. Do we really want to know? I don't think God ever intended us to know what Heaven or Hell is really like. If we knew for sure, wouldn't that be like cheating on a test? Who wouldn't be good or downright saintly if we were CERTAIN of receiving untold happiness and pleasure for eternity? He did however, give us a free will to think and act as we choose. Those who believe in God and try to live according to His teachings, believe they will be rewarded in an afterlife. Those who don't believe in God think our rewards and punishment are to be found only here on earth. Noone has ever returned to tell us who's right. " -- Richard.
"Some think "this" is hell...then wouldn"t everything other that "this" be heaven????????? even hanging around our fellow spirits trapped in hell but knowing that your spirit is free of the consequences hell can bring on the body and the watch others endure hell, is that heaven?????????? " -- georgia enoch.
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