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Society by Samantha Carter It's funny how we often shun those who don't make us feel happy or good or comfortable. What about thos... [90 words]
Silence by Samantha Carter A war poem. [95 words]
Running (Away?) by Samantha Carter The title should be sufficient explanation. [47 words]
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First Time by Arthur Henry Isaacson First Lovemaking [41 words]
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Counterfeit Angel by Lena Glasgow - [142 words]
Bracing The Ninja by Rachel Kewin - [177 words]
Beneath The Surface by Martin Rutley Short poem about defeat and escape. [59 words]
Begin Again by Arthur Henry Isaacson Taking a new direction in life. [312 words]
Angel Wings Of Paper by Samantha Carter Remnants of childhood abuse. Find the main them written in all the centered words - read e... [82 words]
After Love by Arthur Henry Isaacson Sharing a bed with someone that no longer loves you. [121 words]
A Pointless Search by Samantha Carter A poem about a confused lover looking for his/her mate, but in all the wrong places and all ... [123 words]
A Fostered Dream by Samantha Carter Sometimes, giving up and hoping for the worst is easier than facing what you are afraid of. Th... [171 words]
Memoirs Of A Water Molecule by Richard Lynch - [333 words]
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Love's Other Vocabulary by Diane Lynn This is an image of the aspects of all the stages one goes through when getting over th... [39 words]
Ode De Toilette by Richard Lynch - [153 words]
The Housecat by Richard Lynch - [40 words]
Waiting For You
Girl And Boy by Deb Meyer This Poem is done in sestina form. A sestina is a lyrical fixed form poem consisting of six 6-line... [150 words]
Poetry Of Abuse And Healing by Sam Vaknin Poems of abuse and healing written by Sam Vaknin, the author of "Malignant Self Lov... [826 words]
What A Pair (Ex-Husbands And Old Shoes) by Richard Koss A symbolic poem comparing ex-husbands and old shoes. Some women divorc... [326 words]
I Thought... (A Collection) by Rose Trimovski I Thought... - It's a sad poem. More Than Friends - It talks about a guy a girl lov... [380 words]
A Shade Of Love by Justin Justin This short poem is basically a cynics view of love and possibly the inevitable costs of giving ... [44 words]
To Know by Jennifer Nobile Raymond Ah...falling in love! [51 words]
Revisitation Du Beaudelaire by Laurette M Laliberté Delouise This is a tribute to a poet I discovered late in life, after an english professor o... [189 words]
Problems by Rose Trimovski It isn't really rhyming or anything but it talks about problems and ways to handle them. [74 words]
Tears Of Forgiveness by Rose Trimovski It's a sad song. [92 words]
A Million... by ~Blythe~ - [178 words]
Private Contemplation by ~Blythe~ - [157 words]
Me. Myself. I. by Li Who am I, I don't know! And I don't intend to find out. [97 words]
Upon Meeting The Devil by Laurette M Laliberté Delouise It is a short poem about a dream (nightmare, really) that I had. I wrote it as soon as I... [67 words]
Lime by Lime This is about how you only understand things when its time. [72 words]
Frenetic Thoughts, A Collection by ~Blythe~ Frenetic Thoughts - About selfish love. Love that only exists because either or... [1039 words]
Only In Dreams, A Collection by Lissa N Metz-Gomez Only In Dreams Tell Me The Coming Storm [172 words]

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Waiting For You
[164 words]
Richard Lynch
[July 2000]
Carrier Waves (Poetry) - [584 words]
Douglas Cliche Part Two (Poetry) - [255 words]
Memoirs Of A Water Molecule (Poetry) - [333 words]
Ode De Toilette (Poetry) - [153 words]
The First With My Last (Poetry) A man's first time with the last woman he'll ever be with. [138 words]
The Housecat (Poetry) - [40 words]
The Saga Of Douglas Cliche - Part One (Poetry) Part one of a series. [243 words]
Waiting For You
Richard Lynch

I fly down from my cloud up in Heaven
and sail over a mist-blooming sea.
As I float to the ground,
you are silently found
at a grave and still mourning for me.

In your world, it's been almost a year now,
endless time filled with gut-wrenching pain.
We were husband and wife
in a beautiful life,
but we came to the end of our reign.

Still, our bonding goes well beyond feelings,
which is something you've already known,
for whenever you die
and you're up in the sky,
your past timeline and memories are shown.

But right now in that form you know nothing
about how we were born as a soul
and then ripped through the heart,
loving halves torn apart,
and our subsequent quest to be whole.

You know naught of the eternal struggle
in corporeal darkness and light,
or the miracle feat
of how we came to meet,
and how now our existence is right.

I've just turned down a chance to go mortal,
to return to a bodily view,
for in time you will be
on a path back to me.
Until then I'll be waiting for you.



"one of the most moving pieces of poetry i've ever read. it brought me to tears. the author showed awesome insight." -- amy lynch.
"Thanks, Sis. I was surprised I could toouch you like that. Next time, I'll show you where the shift key is on the keyboard. ;-)" -- Richard Lynch.
"Rich, I should have read this one at home. I read it at work and started to cry. Absolutly beautiful. :-) " -- Heather, Wayne , Pa .
"I felt your pain in your poem. It was very well written. The whole thing flowed, which made it an easy poem to read and easy to understand. I also think many can relate to your poem. Keep up on writing great work like this poem." -- Rose Lynch, Bloomington/Normal, Illinois, United States.
"This is a truely moving piece of writing. It touched my heart. I hope that you continue to write more poetry like this. This piece of work plays on my emotions at a truely spiritual level." -- Kelly McClain, Normal, IL, USA.
"I see your art/poem work in your eyes. Thank you for putting it to paper. Beautiful expression of your hearts feelings." -- Jan Fiser, Atlanta.
"Richard, 2 hearts that beat as one and their souls are bound by destiny and ecstacy and fantasy and fulfillment...and like your poem shares, nothing can tear that love apart...not even death... So tragic. So real. Time on this earth so precious and together means every moment counts. Time on this earth with that special "someone" means time eternal. As you will know, I love your poem. Even the sadness and death show meaning in life in such a beautiful poem... Hope it means a future together, on earth and in death...." -- Helen, Marietta, GA, USA.
"Richard, this is by far the most touching poem i've ever read...I'm speechless..." -- Ryan Morales.


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© 2000 Richard Lynch
July 2000

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