Scars were her poison always ugly in day ripped her own heart out as if to say: sing not to me I care not at all I am who I'll be or I'll be not at all [May 2006]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (66) A World With You (Poetry) - [49 words] After Dark (Poetry) I used to really like the nighttime... [74 words] As Bad As I Make It (Poetry) - [51 words] Bad Answers (Poetry) It's ok on the surface. [60 words] Beauty Of Horror (Poetry) - [87 words] Begging Forgiveness (Poetry) - [60 words] Broken Tears (Songs) Had a weird afternoon... inspired a song... I hope this one is less confusing to everyone than the last one I posted! [279 words] Canyon (Poetry) More adventures in cutting. [18 words] Caress (Poetry) Took excerpts from In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan and The Knife by Richard Selzer and made them into a poem. really focused on style in this one... [76 words] Comfort (Poetry) - [120 words] Coming Together (Poetry) For now I am calling it a work in progress, but would appreciate feedback on whether it sounds incomplete or not. [109 words] Daybreak (Poetry) - [75 words] Devil Screams (Songs) I don't like it. maybe you will. or maybe i'll just delete it tomorrow. [130 words] Doomed To Be Free And Fanciful (Poetry) - [75 words] For Leah (Poetry) Because I now know why one isn't sainted until after death. [61 words] Forcing Eternity (Poetry) I'm so impatient. [93 words] Getting Ahead (Songs) Well, if you can't get ahead in life, you choose the next best thing, perhaps... [206 words] Going Down (Poetry) - [224 words] Hand-In-Hand (Poetry) - [53 words] I Hate Making Titles 2 (Songs) Song. [128 words] Identity (Poetry) - [134 words] In Time (Poetry) A real enough place. [99 words] Lawrence (Poetry) The [brief] story of a man. [95 words] Like A Hot Knife Through Butter (Short Stories) - [281 words] Like Waking (Poetry) - [86 words] Likely (Poetry) - [62 words] Losing (Poetry) - [103 words] Mirror Games (Poetry) - [135 words] My Lamb (Songs) Not sure what it is... I call it a song only because I sang it while I wrote it... but it could quite possibly be a poem, too. The way it's sung, it's sweet and smooth when it starts, then gets faster... [71 words] My Last Night With Her (Short Stories) A quick story. [448 words] My Soul Is A Hole (Poetry) - [92 words] Needless (Poetry) - [60 words] Never Let Me Go (Songs) - [311 words] Nothing But Touch (Short Stories) Haven't had inspiration lately, so I picked ten random words and wrote around them. [239 words] Ode To Losing Late Nights (Poetry) Stupid ramblings about losing stuff ... like the love of your life ... [90 words] Once I Hit The Ground (Poetry) - [99 words] Passion's Ruins (Poetry) - [56 words] People (Poetry) A little mindlessness. [41 words] Please Every Night (Poetry) Don't wake me up. [72 words] Raven (Poetry) - [83 words] Released (Poetry) - [37 words] Ringing Of War (Songs) Just a song... [204 words] Rodents And Reptiles (Poetry) - [68 words] Schism (Songs) I posted this before, but it disappeared somehow... it's a song kind of like "not my god" which I wrote a while ago.. I suppose you could call it part 2. [269 words] Silent Stalker (Poetry) - [59 words] Sisters (Poetry) - [80 words] Slave (Poetry) You decide who/what it's about... [58 words] Smooth White Plastic (Poetry) - [113 words] So Bold A Man (Poetry) Inspired by one of the many amazing paintings by Zdislaw Beksinski who just recently passed away. (http://www.novumgallery.pl/beksinski/bex4.html) [72 words] Soft (Poetry) - [115 words] Someone Without You (Poetry) I despise trying to do this. [84 words] Summer Song (Poetry) It comes and goes on its own accord... [120 words] Take Me Home (Songs) I dunno about this one... it sounded good when I sang it, but the chorus might be too long, making it too repetitive... and besides that, it might just suck. tell me what you think. [179 words] Taking Control Of What Is Mine (Poetry) - [32 words] That Bed (Poetry) Was at my parents' place this weekend and it felt so weird... [24 words] The Best Of Me (Poetry) - [202 words] The Novel China Doll (Poetry) Seen too many things like it. [52 words] The Wild Flee (Short Stories) An ode to imaginary friends. [471 words] The Worst Thing (Poetry) - [83 words] Think Of Me (Poetry) I cry so often over him lately... [169 words] This Heart (Poetry) - [60 words] To Warm Me (Poetry) I guess it's a poem. [147 words] Tool Of The Gods (Poetry) - [104 words] Twisted Figures (Short Stories) Just wrote it down as it came to mind.. no sense or anything :) [294 words] Unrest (Poetry) Another short one. [28 words] Wschod Slonca Krwawy (Poetry) - [95 words]
Ultimately At Your Service Rae
If only I were a hundred degree weather
and the thought of me made you sweat
If only you were the water in my teapot
and I the flame beneath you
I could heat you up, make you boil
and feel your warmth slide down my throat
If only I lived in your heart
pumped like blood to your limbs
meeting an unequivocable need for motion
And if only when the moon is up
you would rest on me as a pillow
I will comfort you and retain your indention in the morning.
"beautiful!! Rae I miss you! Huggles" -- km.
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