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Why And How We Spoke God Into Existence by Colin Baker Have you ever wondered how God came to be? [234 words]
Douglas R.I.P. by Colin Baker - [270 words]
A Bus Commuter's Sonnet by Colin Baker - [107 words]
Debt by Colin Baker Debt, Emily Dickinson style. [178 words]
Norman's Unemployment Policy - Britain, Summer 1981 by Colin Baker - [158 words]
Evening Class For A Grownup by Colin Baker - [58 words]
Bill The Bus Driver by Colin Baker - [61 words]
Taking Leave (And All That) by Colin Baker - [36 words]
(Especially) Without You by Desi Williams slam poem ish bout a friend... or what I want to be MORE than... [170 words]
Whispering Words by Andrews - [15 words]
Where Do They Go? by Neil Southern Nice to think they are still around? [92 words]
What If It Was Me by Green Emerald Grateful for what I have [169 words]
What Am I Here For? by Green Emerald I'm here your here but we're in the middle of Nowhere [121 words]
We'll Go No More A-Dogging by Colin Baker - [70 words]
We'd Sit And Sing Alway (Then Came A Barratt Team) by Colin Baker Greenbelt, in certain parts of 21st century Britain, is a dw... [71 words]
Up-Hill (Till M4 Junction 3, Then Head South) by Colin Baker - [138 words]
Trap by Elise Simmonds Short poem. Being disconnected from the world and feeling like they don't belong. [86 words]
Tool Of The Gods by Rae - [104 words]
Too Horny by Alia Harold - [405 words]
Today With Ms by Shelley J Alongi A poem about the affects of MS. This is how I've heard it described and expressed it. [70 words]
Time To Smile
Things My Heart Misses 01 by Jessica Barth - [79 words]
They Fell by Jessica Barth just a random poem i wrote one day. [64 words]
The Truth Of A Broken Heart by Jack Primer - [21 words]
The State by Colin Baker - [22 words]
The Misery Pool by Buxton Swim or sink. [100 words]
The Mask by Celestial Space My current thoughts and feelings on life [130 words]
The Lords by Colin Baker - [28 words]
The Full Thought by Andrews - [75 words]
The Cliff by Nikky Epperly poem [78 words]
Sugar! by Neil Southern Kind of a cross between a poem and a short based on a creepy thought that came to me one cold dark morni... [190 words]
Still Be The Wind by Andrews - [37 words]
September 03, 2007 by Colin Baker To mark a particular President's recent visit to Iraq [18 words]
Sensations Of Good And Evil by Mike Piotrowski Enjoy this poem, I promise it won't disappoint, You will have a sensational time, B... [138 words]
Random Thought by Jack Primer - [35 words]
Psalm 17-30 (The Rush-Hour Psalm) by Colin Baker - [261 words]
Princes And Lesser by Gregory Novak An exercise in entendre. [117 words]
Poems Of Existance by Michael Potter Four short poems about internal reality. [179 words]
Passion For Truth by Shelley J Alongi My admiration for a federal prosecutor. [69 words]
Oh To Hear Your Voice Again by Andrews - [102 words]
Oh Great, Bedtime by Curious - [22 words]
My Child X 3 by Colin Baker - [23 words]
Math by Desi Williams I wrote this in math one day based on a nearby poster combined w/ feelings of my life. [103 words]
Lord Find A Place by Randall Barfield (For Luciano Pavarotti: R.I.P.) [70 words]
Little Girl Blood by Jodie Brown was origianly written for my myspace about me section :P lol [172 words]
Life Story by Robert Kelly The things that piss me off in life at the moment [195 words]
Lies Past Formalities by Roberto J Moreno - [214 words]
Last Wednesday: Peterchurch, Herefordshire. by Colin Baker - [31 words]
In The Top Right-Hand Corner by Colin Baker - [21 words]
In The Heat Of The Moment by Andrews - [184 words]
I Wonder Why by Duke Sekhon - [248 words]
I Miss Yooh by Jessica Barth - [134 words]
Hey Darcy Read by Katherine Smith - [6 words]
Goodbye Girl by Ally Its goodbye time ! [94 words]
Getting Back On Track by Carla Thomson - [98 words]
Get On Board, Iraqi Children by Colin Baker Allah's train keeps a-comin' for thousands of Iraqi children. [181 words]
Friends And Deeds by Celestial Space The down side of friendship [75 words]
Free-Style2 by Jay Little - [394 words]
Either You Or I Or Both by Jimmy Mason If writing is present for anything. It's to have the ability to explore all the landsca... [189 words]
Dance With Me by Dri - [151 words]
Convey by Desi Williams It's written to this boy whom I hold very dear. [180 words]
Completely Consumed by Natalie Pierpont Story about being entirely infatuated with another. [63 words]
By Night When Others Soundly Slept (I'd Pinch Lots Of Stuff) by Colin Baker - [114 words]
Beneath Her Window by Colin Baker - [34 words]
Barbie's With A Twist by Kabbash Poetry about Barbie dolls [1,147 words]
Ballad Of The Opiate King by Gregory Novak - [151 words]
And I Believed by Dri - [201 words]
Alexandria by Gregory Novak Just a quick little verse I scribbled down one day on a whim celebrating the destruction of knowledg... [24 words]
African Sioux by Sinfonia - [15 words]
A Smoker's Pledge Of Allegiance by Colin Baker - [98 words]
A Restraining Order For Jesus by Colin Baker - [258 words]
A Fortnight's Away by Roberto J Moreno - [135 words]
A Dreamer's Song (Aka Wishful Thinking) by Colin Baker - [85 words]
A Child's Cry by Celestial Space This is based on past real life experience.Maybe you can share and relate to this. [132 words]

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Time To Smile
[71 words]
Carla Thomson
hello everyone, i hope that you like my work.. i'm a 19 year old girl who uses writing as an outlet.. some of my work isn't the best but there's a few pieces out there worth reading.. i started writing these posts when i was 14.. and i haven't taken the time to weed out really anything that's a little dull.. well anyways.. hope you enjoy what you do read
*Smiles* always,
[January 2009]
A Card For My Love (Poetry) Ok... this isn't a card I sent to anyone... and no one sent this to me... i wrote this for my art class and I thought it was good enough to post,,, so what do you think? [92 words]
A Fleck Of Sand (Poetry) - [115 words]
A Letter To You (Poetry) It's a letter to the only guy I've ever loved. it's letting him know how I feel, an opology, and letting him know that I've changed.... well read the thing... what do get out of it?... i never did sen... [232 words]
A Place In My Memories (Poetry) - [84 words]
Alarm Clock (Poetry) - [91 words]
Another Long Summer (Poetry) What can I say summer can be boring when all your friends are out of town. [232 words] [Teenage]
Can't Get Away (Poetry) - [78 words]
Class After Lunch (Poetry) - [134 words]
Confused (Poetry) - [19 words]
Congratulations (Poetry) I wrote this for an art project at school... we have to make 3-4 card and this was one of them.. hope you like it... and I hope my teacher does too...lol. [55 words]
Crying At Night (Poetry) - [62 words]
Cute Little Kids (Poetry) - [63 words]
Dad (Poetry) This poem is about my dad, and how he let my step-mom take over. My brother and I moved out after having to dealing with 4 1/2 years of her of her bullshit. And I pray to god that she doesn't treat Ta... [126 words]
Dear Friend (Songs) - [167 words]
Do I? (Poetry) - [102 words]
Do You Really Like Me? (Poetry) - [114 words]
Drama (Poetry) - [68 words]
Drea (Poetry) - [209 words]
Dumped For The First Time (Poetry) - [134 words]
Empty Room (Songs) - [116 words]
Everyone's Crap (Poetry) - [249 words]
Expanding My Horizon (Poetry) - [164 words]
First Time In 3 Months (Poetry) It's about the day I saw my friend val again. [128 words]
Flash-Backs (Songs) This is a country song that I wrote on the date of: 10-24-04. [165 words]
Fly Like A Sparrow (Poetry) - [64 words]
Friday Afternoon (Songs) This song is kinda jazzy. if you just read it can sound depressing. but it sounds kool when its being sung. [99 words]
Get Out Of My Head (Poetry) - [205 words]
Getting Back On Track (Poetry) - [98 words]
God Please Help Me (Poetry) - [51 words]
Hidden Beauty (Poetry) - [121 words]
Hope You're Lucky (Poetry) - [77 words]
How Do I Say It? (Poetry) - [133 words]
I Feel So Used (Poetry) - [116 words]
If You Were Here (Poetry) - [56 words]
I'll Try For You (Poetry) - [117 words]
I'm A Bitch! (Poetry) ok... this is about me, how i lost my verginaty to my friend's guy, and how i feel about that... [297 words]
It's My Birthday! (Poetry) I just wrote it... tell me what you think... I think it get's a little of the subject... all well... hope you enjoy it [198 words]
It's Not All About Sex (Non-Fiction) You'll find out. [383 words]
It's Only A Dream (Poetry) - [77 words]
Just Hold Me (Songs) - [156 words]
Just Respect Me (Poetry) Guys annoy me when they don't know how to show respect... what else can I say... they piss me off. [99 words]
Kid Without A Clue (Poetry) - [55 words]
Lets Clean The Slate (Poetry) Something I just wrote.. I see more than one meaning in it.. well it's here for everyone to enjoy... would love some feed back... keep on smiling... because smiles sure make my day! [91 words]
Life Wasted Sitting (Poetry) - [99 words]
Looking Back At You (Poetry) This is about a person that I spent a lot of time with last summer. i don't think that the title really fits this poem.. but it's gunna have to do until I think of somethink else. [141 words]
Matthew (Poetry) Well you know who you are.. lol i just read your poem... I thought you'd like a poem more than a review... you write for me so just thought I could write a little something for you... it's a I had tro... [122 words]
Maybe More Than A Friend (Poetry) - [60 words]
Midnight Rain (Poetry) I wrote it last night and would love some feedback... anything would good. [148 words]
Missing You Still (Poetry) The only guy i've ever loved... thinking about him still... I left him about a year ago... [129 words]
My Parents And Myself (Non-Fiction) It's basicly me bitching about my parents. [1,277 words] [Teenage]
My Second Chance (Poetry) - [115 words]
My Writing Lately (Poetry) It sucks [145 words]
Nature Of The Seasons (Poetry) - [62 words] [Nature]
No More Creeps For Me (Poetry) - [78 words]
One Of My Prayers (Poetry) I just started to write what I was feeling and as I wrote I was prying... I guess I just don't know what I want really... I just pray that God will take the hurt away. [301 words]
Only Curious (Poetry) - [122 words]
Picture (Poetry) - [101 words]
Please Smile For Me (Poetry) - [87 words]
Praising Him (Poetry) - [100 words]
Quinton (Poetry) - [194 words] [Relationships]
Rejection (Poetry) - [107 words]
Restless Slumber (Poetry) - [74 words]
Scorpio (Poetry) - [116 words]
Shocked (Poetry) - [74 words]
Should I Let You In (Songs) A slow rock song. [123 words]
Sitting Alone (Songs) A country song. well its just something I came up with thinking of other peoples' lives. it has nothing to do with me, but there are people out there that have to deal with what I wrote. [146 words]
Someone (Poetry) Someone that I knew back in middle school... I just want to get to know him better... he'd a good friend... now all you readers don't get the wrong idea... ok if you want to you can... but that is not... [100 words]
Still Waiting (Poetry) - [95 words]
Stop Looking To The Skies (Poetry) - [45 words]
Stress (Poetry) - [302 words]
The Age Of The Less Forgotten (Poetry) I don’t really understand it, even though I wrote it. these words just came to me; so I wrote them down. maybe someone can tell me what it really means… because I’m really at a loss here. [83 words]
The Break Up (Poetry) - [126 words]
The Girl In The Corner (Poetry) - [89 words]
The Joy Of A Teen's Room (Poetry) Well... my room is one of those kool attic rooms... when i'm done painting it it's going to be spiffy cool with tuns of different colors.... well I don't usually keep my room a mess but i've been bizz... [158 words]
The Outside (Poetry) - [100 words]
The Things We Go Through (Poetry) The person that this is talking about is me... when it says "you" it's talking about me. [171 words]
The Way That I See It (Poetry) - [120 words]
They Said They Wouldn't (Poetry) - [79 words]
Thinking Of My Past (Poetry) - [81 words]
Thinking Of Yashua (Poetry) What do yhou think?... it's just somthing that kind of came to me... didn't spend a whole lot of time on it... i'd like some feedback. [159 words]
This Weekend (Poetry) - [242 words]
Thoughts On Life (Poetry) Thoughts and questions about life... stuff I was thinking about [189 words]
Tk (Poetry) - [204 words]
Turn Down The Sound (Poetry) - [62 words]
Val (Poetry) - [85 words]
Walked Around Town (Songs) - [115 words]
Wanting Something (Poetry) Just something I wrote... I don't know. [113 words]
What Do I Want? (Poetry) - [137 words]
When It Knocks (Poetry) - [90 words]
Where Is It? (Poetry) - [53 words]
Where My Thoughts Lay (Poetry) this is about my ex-fiancé and myself ... a little bit of what i'm feeling right now i couldn't really think of a title that suits this poem [139 words]
Why Am I Single? (Poetry) - [116 words]
Winter's Trees (Poetry) - [20 words]
Wish To Be A Child (Poetry) - [185 words]
Writer's Block (Poetry) - [71 words]
Yet Another Ending (Poetry) more like a letter than a poem... an ending of a sexual friendship with an ex... an ex that's hard to let go of, yet seems to know how to break a girls heart time and time again.. so it's my turn to d... [206 words]
You Are There (Songs) Well it's a song I just wrote... I might add one more verse... [49 words]
You Her And Me (Poetry) - [183 words]
You Love Her (Poetry) - [120 words]
You Need A Beating! (Poetry) - [142 words]
.Always There. (Songs) This is a song that I wrote last summer... I'm just now getting to put it on this site... lol... I hope you enjoy it! [151 words]
.Just Let Me Be. (Poetry) - [221 words] [Teenage]
.Moving On. (Poetry) - [100 words]
.The Beach. (Songs) A countryish song. [125 words]
.Why Do You Hide Me?. (Poetry) - [102 words]
Time To Smile
Carla Thomson


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© 2007 Carla Thomson
August 2007

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