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Until Now by Eric Richards Realizations of life. [102 words]
Slaughter House Merry Go Round. by Stuart Eric Longridge Story time [669 words]
Love & Hate by Eric Richards Well this is about the darkest thing I've ever written. It's about betrayal and hurt. [307 words]
I Killed Her by Eric Richards A short poem I wrote about screwing up a relationship. [64 words]
You Can Think What You Want by Sara Roggy Anything you have to say does not bother me. [159 words]
World Of Color by Eric Richards We live in a world of color but nothing is brighter than our shades of grey. [137 words]
When Your Friends Are Gone by Sara Roggy When you lose some friends, you'll always have others. [106 words]
When All I Want Is by M Q Walters - [224 words]
Unclaimed by Nikky Epperly - [118 words]
T'was A Quiet Evening by Mindy It's about meditation? the title says it all. [62 words]
Tree Of Blood by Elboc Noj My Sacred Place. [92 words]
To My Mother by Hanan Al Kindi It's just a poem I wrote for my mom. [148 words]
Tiny Shining Stars by Sara Roggy To me, the smallest stars shine brightest of all. [70 words]
This Time by Elboc Noj Maybe things will be better this time... [136 words]
The Personification Of A Cello by Vianne-Marie Fortier Assignment for Freshman English. This is definitely the best poem I've ever writ... [59 words]
The Me That I See by Maliaka R Martin This is a poem about not living up to the standards that some set for themselves. [127 words]
The Hiding Angel by Angel Silver - [127 words]
The Coward by Angel Silver - [200 words]
The Concert by Vianne-Marie Fortier This is another school assignment. It's based on the Wallflowers concert I went to last December in... [194 words]
Tell Me Why by Sara Roggy Tell me why things are so hard. [111 words]
Symphonic Ambition by Vianne-Marie Fortier Another school assignment! [85 words]
Simply Want To Scream by Sara Roggy I just wanna scream... [69 words]
School's Out by Sara Roggy It's the end of school and the start of summer... why can't this day come sooner? [76 words]
Only Me by D Donely This poem was WRITTEN by a FRIEND of mine. She is the same person who wrote "nothing,nothing". so r/r.t... [37 words]
Nothing,Nothing by D Donely This is a cool poem written my a FRIEND of mine. So, please, read and review. thanks. [44 words]
No Memory by Elboc Noj Who was it?... [65 words]
My Life (For Now I Don't Care) by Sara Roggy My life is bashed to pieces, but for now, I don't really care. [116 words]
My Insomnia by D Donely I'm suffering through insomnia at the moment, so I as inspired to write about it. Joy. [41 words]
My Heart Is Free by M Q Walters - [83 words]
My Difference by Angel Silver - [308 words]
Mold Or Old? by D G Williford A woman faces her fears of growing old... [116 words]
Magical Mushrooms by D Donely A stupid, pointless poem about "magical mushrooms". [55 words]
Loved Him (Bad Day) by Sara Roggy I loved him, I can honestly say I did. [86 words]
Lonley by Angel Silver - [160 words]
Logic by Zach Imwalle - [108 words]
I Will Wait by Sara Roggy I will wait for you... I'll always be by your side. [87 words]
I Smiled Again by D Donely - [93 words]
I Belived In Me by Sara Roggy When I was with you, I believed in me too... [118 words]
Her Bright Blue Eyes by Timothy Schulta A poem about my girlfriend and the first time we met. [84 words]
Help Me To Breathe by Mike Axe About being alone. [108 words]
Hell Or Life? by D Donely I've hit a bit of a writer's block... so... read with caution. [70 words]
Heaven And Earth by E Rocco Caldwell A poem about life and death. [75 words]
Foolish by Hanan Al Kindi A friend has been betrayed by her close friend. Although, this isn't the first time, she is still willi... [288 words]
Flying Monkeys! by D Donely I'm not quite sure what I was on when I wrote this... it's sort of a joke between my friends an... [40 words]
False Hope by D Donely Definitely NOT the best, but these words were just floating around in my head, drivng me crazy. So..... [57 words]
Falling Without Faith by Buxton A real remark on how things are in the world.... [86 words]
Dreams Come True by Sara Roggy Dreams will come true, if only you'd try. [76 words]
Don't Bother by D Donely Break-ups should be permanent. Ever had a guy (girl) come crawling on their knees begging for your... [76 words]
Death Wish by D Donely This one was easy to write. Read and Review, that'd brighten my day a bit. [100 words]
Credit Cards Don't Work by Hanan Al Kindi Instead of buying, buying, buying... show some real love. [142 words]
Confession 1.0 by Elboc Noj This is just a confession of nothing... don't bother reading it... [279 words]
Colloquy by E Rocco Caldwell - [37 words]
Childhood by Christopher Hehemann A poem that describes life. [180 words]
All I Wanted Was... by D Donely Just r/r. [43 words]
A Stolen Moment by Susan T Fisher Was my lover real or imagined? [91 words]
A Sad Love Poem by Flipanmc Couldn't think of a good title for it. I think it's pretty good. About realizing what you had a... [257 words]
A Grey Friendship by Nicole Bills A poem about a friendship gone wrong. [82 words]
A Bridge Too Short by Elboc Noj Based on repeatitive dream I've had... [68 words]
400 Meters by Zach Imwalle Here's one for all you runners. [334 words]
3 Poems by Robert Levin - [129 words]
The Sound And The Silence by Bob M Ra - [73 words]
666 by Bob M Ra - [62 words]
Second Thought by Eric Richards A poem about not having the courage to talk to someone you see... and the regret that follows. [109 words]
Watch Life Make Sense by Sara Roggy Just take things slow... and you'll see [110 words]
Time To Fly by Sara Roggy A dream I had about being an angel... [122 words]
Tick Tock
Things I Love About You by D Donely Err... Umm... just the things I love about... someone. [33 words]
The Mantel by D G Williford Leaving your heart on the mantel.... and more. [160 words]
The Machine by D G Williford Sensitive abortion piece from the baby's viewpoint [160 words]
The Long Walk by Chauncey Brummell - [179 words]
The Lizards Of Cause. by Stuart Eric Longridge If someone made this into a film it wouldnt be believed.As usual. [271 words]
The Hollow Theory. by Stuart Eric Longridge There many ledgends about this. [104 words]
The Darwin Dilemma by Stuart Eric Longridge We were only hunter gatherers because the globe was so devestated by the passing of a huge p... [165 words]
Strange Associations by Bob M Ra - [46 words]
Something Underneath My Bed by J L Watts Lighter than most of the other stuff I've submitted here and less abstract. [219 words]
So Empty by D Donely Uhm... [47 words]
So Alone by Sara Roggy I won't look my fears in the face. [26 words]
She by J L Watts A failed relationship ends in guilty tragedy. [154 words]
Secrets Of The Sea by Susan T Fisher A torid love affair is compared to the unrelentless demands of the sea. [97 words]
Screw Me Over by D Donely Nice title, huh? [90 words]
Repose by Christopher Syrett - [194 words]
Rare by Sara Roggy Now I feel bad... cause you are rarely there. [54 words]
Poetry For Seun by Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin Ii A poem of friendship and love for Seun-the author's friend. [228 words]
Plan A by Bob M Ra - [63 words]
One More Look by Susan T Fisher The last thoughts of an aging person about ready to die. [104 words]
No Matter What by Sara Roggy No matter what, you'll always be in my heart. [99 words]
Love Is Suicide by D Donely Read and Review! Come on! You know you want to! My writing's worth your time! It only takes a s... [153 words]
Lost Love by Nikky Epperly Poem. [82 words]
Lost And Lonely by Sara Roggy This is the poem for the lost and lonely. [165 words]
Live by D Donely This... isn't exactly the best that I've written... but... oh well. [46 words]
Like Hell by D Donely Lalalala... oh... um... just read, k? I love reviews by the way, so why not leave me a lil note? And.... [136 words]
Lighthouse by Nikky Epperly Poem. [111 words]
Just Don't... by D Donely The title I wanted was already taken.... Dont' hold my hand, if you won't hold it forever... r & ... [58 words]
Is This Real? by Sara Roggy Is this feeling real? [87 words]
Inexistenz by Men Walkalone Some movie picture that occurs in our life. [67 words]
Ina by Francesca Angelique Carrillo A poem dedicated to my mother for mother's day. [52 words]
In To The Future by J L Watts I don't really know how to categorise this:- it's motivational in a sense with elements of dif... [159 words]
I'd Ask For You by D Donely "If I could have one wish, one wish come true, I'd ask...", well, I'm not going to give it ALL ... [26 words]
I Spy With My Many Eyes by Stuart Eric Longridge I am watching you. [196 words]
I Can't Have You... by D Donely Dude... the title kinda speaks for itself... btw, I love any kind of feedback, even bad. So... [40 words]
History In The Making by Stuart Eric Longridge Do not believe the media. [186 words]
Grocery Shopping by Susan T Fisher Grocery shopping for the family put into words. [128 words]
Genuine by Sara Roggy A true friend... genuinely cares. [64 words]
Face Of Time. by Bg Ryan - [69 words]
Equality by Sara Roggy Doesn't matter what people say, all people will never be treated the same. [156 words]
Elusive by Sara Roggy It's always elusive... [82 words]
Dear God by D Donely A poem about a girl who makes the fatal mistake of driving drunk... these are her dying thoughts. [97 words]
Chipmunks And Cats by Sara Roggy About getting ready for winter. [37 words]
Chicago Public Phone by Andrew French Chino poetry. [116 words]
Buried Alive? by D G Williford Daylight dreaming and no way out. [89 words]
At Night Chinamen Jump by Andrew French Chino poetry. [172 words]
A Little Poem by Desdemonda A little poem about humanity and a certain friend of mine. [64 words]
4d by Stuart Eric Longridge Just something to think about.Hee!Hee! [195 words]

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Tick Tock
[55 words]
D G Williford
Don't hate me because I'm crazy!
[August 2006]
A Rose In Winter (Poetry) Love that never bloomed... written in 1991 about a relationship that wasn't meant to be. [253 words]
About My Sisters (Poetry) Life is short... just ask Doc and Judith...I am very close to my sisters and wanted to pay tribute to them... [95 words]
All Hallows Eve (Poetry) ....graveyard play. [72 words]
Braided Belt From Hell (Short Stories) Frustration of trying to get to work on a rainy day... [393 words]
Bruises (Poetry) [55 words]
Buried Alive? (Poetry) Daylight dreaming and no way out. [89 words]
Chest Of Pain (Poetry) What happened to me but not this bad to make me quit smoking... it stinks, but so did I then. [69 words]
Daddy Where Art Thou? (Poetry) Poem about my daughter and her birth father.... [179 words]
Dear Stepdad (Short Stories) A stepson realizes what it takes to be a caretaker. [256 words]
Desk Lunch Part 1 (Short Stories) A middle aged sales rep deals with the confines of her life. [390 words]
Desk Lunch Part 2 (Short Stories) The same but more.... [346 words]
Desk Lunch Part 3 (Short Stories) The sales rep continues with her day... [314 words]
Desk Lunch Part 4 (Short Stories) On the way to postal... [303 words]
Desk Lunch Part 5 (Short Stories) She has totally lost it, but you guess... [153 words]
Desk Lunch Part 6 (Short Stories) Life goes on in the cubicle world... [136 words]
Dragonfly Mile (Short Stories) Whimsical flight of fantasy reality as a young woman tries to find her lost... you tell me... [191 words] [Fantasy]
Floaters (Poetry) Beware of things that fly peripherally... [118 words]
Garden Of Bones (Poetry) What lies beneath the backyard? [107 words]
Hothouse Lizards Part 2 (Novels) Voodoo, soul searching and Spanish moss.... [949 words]
Hothouse Lizzards Part 1 (Short Stories) Voodoo, New Orleans, Spanish Moss, etc... all the things that everyone wants to read about... [2,641 words] [Horror]
Howling Dog (Poetry) What I hear tonight with senses heightened... [107 words]
Is It Real Or Is It Memorex? (Short Stories) You tell me... [82 words]
It's That Time Of Year (Poetry) Memories, smells, sounds of Christmas to a young girl. [197 words]
Looking At The Moon (Poetry) Waiting for my lover...I wrote this about 12 years ago and I gave it to my husband for Valentine's Day after we were married... [149 words]
Madness Amongst The Dust (Poetry) Ssshhh! [81 words]
Man And A Tree (Poetry) What happens in a relationship when a man tries to contain a woman and not let her be herself. [215 words] [Relationships]
Mark Of The Beast Part Three (Short Stories) The saga continues with a gal stuck in Armageddon. [174 words]
Mist Walkers (Short Stories) How I feel every time I visit a new cemetary... [112 words]
Mold Or Old? (Poetry) A woman faces her fears of growing old... [116 words]
My Curse (Poetry) A woman is plagued by other's sights... [266 words]
Night In Antigua (Short Stories) Part one of a slighted warrior bent on revenge towards his derelict father... [194 words]
Nightmare At Brushy Creek (Short Stories) While sleeping dreams become reality... [106 words]
Nocturnal Juices (Poetry) Sexual demon encounter. [103 words]
Procrastination 2003 (Poetry) Waiting can be the death of you. [87 words]
Pull Of The Tides (Poetry) Lovers searching... who knows. [246 words]
Roachtrap (Poetry) Like sticky glue the roach is caught! [125 words]
Rutapottamus (Poetry) I think I saw a Rutapottamus... [114 words]
Smoke Lover (Poetry) Hint of smoke, love ? [68 words]
Take Me To The South (Poetry) Simple diddy re the South. [187 words]
The Countess Of Storymania (Poetry) Everyone knows. [13 words]
The Cubicle (Short Stories) Working in a box and what is does to the psyche... [104 words]
The Evil Root (Short Stories) Manna Madness runs rampant. [165 words]
The Hidden (Poetry) - [27 words]
The Keepsake (Short Stories) Love Story... read and review... come one come all! [837 words] [Relationships]
The Locket (Short Stories) You tell me.... Please read and review... feel free to comment! [880 words]
The Lost Garden (Poetry) Lost History. [129 words]
The Machine (Poetry) Sensitive abortion piece from the baby's viewpoint [160 words]
The Mantel (Poetry) Leaving your heart on the mantel.... and more. [160 words]
The Presidents (Poetry) Twisty and hidden.. You tell me.. I'll let you know if you're right. [122 words]
The Talking House (Poetry) Echoes of old earth and stone.. are you listening? [107 words]
The Tree Of Life (Poetry) I have a tree in my backyard that I'm sure is the center of the universe... There is a suburbia of animals et all living there... Please Read... [119 words]
The Wooden Box (Short Stories) Lesson in shared grief through an antique box. [509 words] [Motivational]
Wanderlust (Poetry) You guess... vampire... or lover??? [150 words]
White White Wonderland (Poetry) A short poem scaling seasons from childhood to adult... [134 words] [Motivational]
Tick Tock
D G Williford

Tick Tock
Times the keeper in this farce

Tell me that your love won’t fade
Tease me with your lies of jade

Taunt me with your dimpled smile
Tricking me all the while

Tepid kisses fall on the floor
Tiny tears spill from my core

Try to hide your forked tongue
Tipped your glass with one so young

Tick Tock
This relationship is locked



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© 2003 D G Williford
May 2003

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