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Remember (To Remind Me) by R Bennett Okerstrom Punkish song. [103 words]
The Last Forgotten Race
Another Endless Try by Fred Hardy rewrite of something I wrote before trying to keep the melody with a better lyric. [245 words]
I Can't Take It (Anymore) by Fred Hardy knew this girl once [281 words]
She Found Diamonds by Fred Hardy - [118 words]
The Problem With Asia by Fred Hardy - [191 words]
School Girl Fantasy by Fred Hardy - [269 words]
It's A Complicated Life by Fred Hardy - [243 words]
Jesus Died Today by Fred Hardy the man on the corner [248 words]
Mexican Princess by Fred Hardy - [400 words]
Kerry Me Home by Fred Hardy - [252 words]
Amatique Bay by Fred Hardy - [269 words]
When You Need Him by Jessica L Young When you need Jesus he is there. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Med. Paced... [215 words]
...Only You... by David Baker Its my first song lol I only got poems on here untill now .. have a look tell us wat u think if ... [235 words]
Your Window by Matt R Kellaher New song, its kind of sad, inspired by leaving the town I lived in and leaving past "girl friends" ... [358 words]
Wesinheim! by Matthew Mark Gill Lesson Learned A Man learns that life is what it's all about! [141 words]
So That I Can Find My Way by McCain - [235 words]
Let by Jamesen Am Schell This song was writien one day when I was having a bad day thanks to my Ex. [421 words]
He Knows by Jessica L Young This song is a really great song. It talks about God knowing everything your going through. He'll help... [178 words]
All In All, You Lied by Brandon Colcleasure - [134 words]
When They Smile by Nash - [202 words]
We Live All Night by Joe Bagtas Hmm [443 words]
This Romance by Matt R Kellaher This is my favorite, and most rescent song I've written, its also in the 'Nine circles of chemical... [711 words]
There's Still An Angel Left In You by Tim D Ryan newest piece for my band, A Cry For Medic. [174 words]
The One by Sam Cheton - [170 words]
The Night You Died by Karra Fritson A song about a love that was lost and a person who doesn't want to let go. Every where they ... [200 words]
The Day You Dissapeared by Harriet Nicholas A sort of country song I composed after an upsetting break with an ex-boyfriend. [217 words]
The Beat by Sam Chenton It's a song me and my friend wrote one day over the phone cuz we were bored! [165 words]
The Beat 2 by Sam Cheton - [165 words]
That Girl by Sam Cheton - [103 words]
Special Song by Daniel Atkinson This is about a girl i know who is quite loose. This is a skit of her and the name is in the song. [113 words]
See by Chassidy D Collins This song is about wanting someone you love to notice you and love you back. [126 words]
Rise Up by Brandon Grimmett More of a rock song.. im kind of a begginer but i like it because its what i listen to.. [154 words]
Quite Contary by Daniel Atkinson This song is a song i wrote which isn't very clear at first. It is about america, hitler, depress... [236 words]
No Sign Of Me by Chassidy D Collins This song is about the bad stuff in a relationship. [146 words]
My Model by Matthew Mark Gill A drama song with alot of emotional times and inspiration to all.. [209 words]
My Mistake by Chassidy D Collins If you ever had a broken heart, you know what I'm talking about. [130 words]
My Life (2005) by Jonathon Brannon - [230 words]
Miles Away From You by Lonnie Vannatter A SONG ABOUT LONG DISTANCE LOVE [227 words]
Like The Passions Of The Days Of Our Lives, The Young Are The Hopeless (It's Not Over Until The Fat Lady Sings) by Brandon Colcleasure This goes with the poem entry I posted called "Sickly Father.... [222 words]
I Just Need Some Time (To Get Over Me) by Jonathon Brannon I wrote this song with the rock group Nickelback in mind. This is pretty... [252 words]
Holding On For Nothing by Chassidy D Collins This is a song about holding on, but you're not sure about how much longer you can go. [239 words]
Half Empty by Jonathon Brannon My latest song. I have written two songs now in the last two days. Got alot of music in my head. Hop... [204 words]
Give It Back by Chassidy D Collins Not my favorite song. I wrote it about a year and a half ago about my ex-boyfriend. [176 words]
Full Spin by Chassidy D Collins This is a song about experiencing the good and bad stuff that comes with love. [144 words]
From The First Kiss by Lonnie Vannatter love song [89 words]
Courtships And Court Martials by Brandon Colcleasure I wrote this for the unlucky few that end up as Hold Overs at any US Army Post be... [305 words]
Catastrophic (The Finished One) by Kyle Gimpy S Preston Hip-Hop/Rap...... just know that i'm from Newfoundland, and if you think you ca... [164 words]
April Showers (090787 - 042605) by Chassidy D Collins This is my latest song about a really good friend of mine who died this year. ... [158 words]
All I Needed by Kournikova - [124 words]
Thorns From Our Dying Love by Amy Anderson - [236 words]
The Party's At My Funeral This Weekend by Brandon Colcleasure - [124 words]
The Fog Of War by Sean M Payne Written after viewing the Errol Morris doctumentry entitled, "The Fog of War." [247 words]
Thank You Jesus by T De Jager A song about the consequences of catholic restrictions. [73 words]
Take A Walk For Me by Sean M Payne I also wrote this song around the same time I wrote Innocent Child. It had rained for days I... [161 words]
Six Feet by Kris Diaz Uy - [114 words]
Retrospect by Jason P Neubauer About all those kids who thought they had it then... [222 words]
Misery by Sean M Payne I wrote this song about a couple I became friendly with...Though they were a bit crazy for my taste...Th... [153 words]
Magic Button by Jason P Neubauer Dark but light at the same time. Triumph. [178 words]
Innocent Child by Sean M Payne I wrote this song when I was about 17. I sat at my piano and out of nowhere it came to me....It ... [224 words]
Heart Of Ice by Sean M Payne I wrote this with a girl I knew back in high school...We used to hang out and one night I sat down... [219 words]
Forget You by Steph Kidd Well...ive been havin alot of problems w/ somebody I used to be close to...so..yea..hope u like it. [145 words]
After Death Do Us Part by Brandon Colcleasure Just something I've come up with over the last few months.. Depending on the response, I... [176 words]

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The Last Forgotten Race
[291 words]
Fred Hardy
[July 2007]
21 Days( Away From You) (Songs) - [317 words]
40 Days (Songs) - [313 words]
A Country Road (Songs) Song more like folk or country [251 words]
Alexander Park (Songs) - [258 words]
Amatique Bay (Songs) - [269 words]
Angie's Song (Songs) Trying to put it back together after tragedy and hope are gone. [350 words] [Relationships]
Another Endless Try (Songs) rewrite of something I wrote before trying to keep the melody with a better lyric. [245 words]
Another Night In Paradise (Songs) Simple three cord progression the chorus sounds familiar plain rock no surprises lyrically interesting would like to hear any comments good or bad. [318 words]
Arizona Heat (Songs) A pop rock song with simple but catchy lyrics .any comments would be appreciated. [237 words] [Literary Fiction]
Beautiful Girl (Songs) Song lyrics (re write of an older post) [169 words] [Romance]
California (Songs) - [306 words]
California Gold (Songs) - [218 words]
Can't Let You Go (Songs) I've tried to write this several times but I can't find the right mix so I've tried to make this shorter and slowed it down now it one of those love songs, oh well. [251 words]
Can't Let You Go (Revised) (Songs) -sometimes love is hard . [242 words]
Christmas Day (Songs) Simple melody catchy,not every thing is as it seems. [211 words] [Literary Fiction]
Come Over Here (Songs) - [164 words]
Coming Home (Revised) (Songs) Croos over song [266 words]
Consumed (Songs) It's about a girl who was just trying to be herself and trying to fit in to the world around her and the conflicts that exist . [263 words] [Teenage]
Don't Talk (Songs) - [236 words]
Don't Waste My Time (Songs) - [279 words] [Relationships]
Dreaming (Alt) (Songs) - [236 words]
Eric (Extended) (Songs) Additional lyrics added more detail who is Eric? [264 words] [Literary Fiction]
Fire-Lite (Songs) Blues rock slow tempo. [205 words] [Relationships]
Forgiveness (Song) (Songs) - [364 words]
Give Me A Gun (Songs) - [261 words]
Goodbye To You (Songs) - [251 words]
Hard To Say I'm Sorry (When Your So Far Away) (Songs) - [256 words]
Here And Gone (Songs) Depression with susidal theme a definite rock song with more tempo in the chorus. [321 words] [Mind]
How Good It Use To Be (Songs) - [268 words]
How Is It Now! (Songs) hard to follow its like a really bad trip chorus is simple with repetition any comments good or bad. [248 words] [Mind]
I Can't Take It (Anymore) (Songs) knew this girl once [281 words]
I Lied (Songs) - [246 words]
I Wish You Well (Songs) - [368 words]
If She Could Die (Songs) Depression, suicide theme. [229 words]
I'm Almost There (Songs) - [161 words]
Immortalized Dream (Songs) Suasidal theme. something I wrote a long time ago the words came very easy. and like most things I have written very hard to define. [172 words] [Literary Fiction]
It's A Complicated Life (Songs) - [243 words]
Japanese Girls (Songs) Alternative sound fast pace. [256 words]
Jesse (Songs) - [287 words] [Relationships]
Jesus Died Today (Songs) the man on the corner [248 words] [Spiritual]
Johnny At Fourteen (Songs) - [279 words]
Kerry Me Home (Songs) - [252 words] [Popular Fiction]
Learning To Fly (Revised) (Songs) - [205 words]
Lonely Nights Revised (Songs) - [311 words]
Looking For Empty Space (Songs) - [159 words]
Looking For No One (In The Middle Of No Where) (Songs) - [255 words]
Lost And Alone (Songs) - [234 words]
Lost Paradise (Song) (Songs) -something a little different about the burden of life here in the twenty first century, it seems the people making desicions these days have forgotten what it was like to be young. [308 words]
Mary Jane (Songs) - [324 words]
Mexican Princess (Songs) - [400 words]
Mother Nature (Nothing We Can Do) (Songs) - [367 words]
My Angel ,My Star (Songs) Speaks of the pain of living without someone who was very close. [161 words]
On A Night Like This (Songs) - [246 words] [Romance]
One More Try (Songs) Complicated lyrics fast pace music with great melody .still searching for answers. [230 words] [Motivational]
Promises Get In The Way (Songs) - [257 words]
Rise (Songs) Song about addiction. [227 words]
Sam Don't You Cry (Songs) - [270 words] [Relationships]
Save This Love Tonight (Songs) - [190 words]
School Girl Fantasy (Songs) - [269 words]
September Rain (Songs) One of those boring non imaginitve boy girl songs that have been done to death . [233 words]
Seven Holy Nights (Songs) - [276 words]
She Found Diamonds (Songs) - [118 words] [Romance]
She's So Pretty (Songs) Song about nothing. [231 words]
Someone Like You (Song) (Songs) final completed version [241 words]
Something Good Inside Of You (Songs) - [223 words]
Sometimes Love Ain't Worth Fighting For (Songs) - [255 words] [Relationships]
Somewhere Part 3 (Songs) The conclusion, three part song with same chorus trough out, the best lyrics I have ever written on the oldest subject known to man. [315 words] [Spiritual]
Somewhere (Part 2) (Songs) The 2nd of three. [206 words]
Somewhere(Part One) (Songs) Part one of three. [203 words]
Spotlights (Songs) - [232 words]
Talk To Me (Angie) (Songs) - [241 words]
The Days I Feel Alive (Songs) A song I wrote about the colorado river has some river slang but I overall it's still easy to understand [298 words]
The Next Real Thing (Songs) - [220 words]
The Problem With Asia (Songs) - [191 words] [Relationships]
The River Of Life (Songs) a song about fear and the relization we have gone too far . [297 words]
The Sinfull Seduction Of A Communist (Songs) a point of view from the left on how american society has influenced the world around me .song is very personal and full of anger. I only hope it can come across with just the words. [276 words]
This Is Home (Songs) - [309 words]
This Is Your Life (Songs) A complete change of direction from previous title(if she could die)but same depression theme with little changes to verses.new chorus. [300 words]
Tragedy (Songs) -struggling to find the right title to this any suggestions [305 words]
True To Your Name (Songs) Sometimes it can be very confusing with all the complications that surround us choice are made and directions are taken .i wrote this many years ago when I had to make some of my own choices and de... [205 words] [Spiritual]
Turn Away (Songs) - [191 words]
Wating For A Message From God (Songs) Not a religious song. no more of revenge mode on a really bad break up. [240 words]
We All Just Fade Away (Songs) - [205 words] [Relationships]
What A Beautiful Day (Songs) Just a song about having a really good day. (title change) [214 words]
When Your Seventeen (Songs) Misunderstood. very twisted look at the choice between life and death. in a world that has gone so wrong. [359 words] [Teenage]
Where Are We Now (Lost Paradise) (Songs) - [273 words]
Where Did You Find That Girl (Revised) (Songs) re write with final ajustments [399 words] [Literary Fiction]
X Mas Day (Songs) a song about acceptance and understanding. [280 words]
Yesterday's Past (Songs) Not much flow but does speak out with imagination some religious people may be offended. [234 words] [Spiritual]
You Had Lost Your Way (Songs) Very slow with more tempo in the chorus a definite religious theme [193 words] [Spiritual]
You Think That You Know Me (Songs) Slow pace,a view from the left. [231 words]
You Want It All (Songs) About the girl next door a very fast pace rock/alternative type song. [240 words] [Relationships]
Your Beautiful In Every Way (Songs) - [237 words] [Relationships]
Your Leaving (Songs) - [198 words]
Zzx (Songs) Slow ballad. [218 words]
The Last Forgotten Race
Fred Hardy

I walk these dirty streets in shame
it's how they remind me
and the grey covered skies ,shadow
the pain and misery

hiding somewhere in the backdrop
there's a statue of a man
erected long before my people killed
and stole his land

and now I'm ,frightened of the past
time will not remember
and our future ,will not last
for I am ,the symbol of the end
and I'm wating, for the Gods
to come and take, their rightfull place
for soon, we will be
the last forgotten race

were told of our wonderful achievements
the great things that we do
they tell us that the ones before us
were so lost and confused

were building on their grave sites
we need a road right there
were disrespecting everything they did
cause we no longer care

and now ,I'm frightened of the past
time will not remember
and our future ,will not last
for I am ,the symbol of the end
and I 'm wating ,for the Gods
to come and take, their rightfull place
for soon, we will be
the last forgotten race

the weather is becoming more eratic everyday
and our resources are thin
our enemies have crossed our borders
we can feel them closing in

so many things we don't understand
they've left us paranoid
what made us beleive we were better then
the people we destroyed

and now I'm, frightened of the past
time will not remember
and our future, will not last
for I am ,the symbol of the end
and I'm waiting, for the Gods
to come and take ,their rightfull place
for soon, we will be
the last forgotten race

and I'm ,frightened of the past
time will not remember
and our future, will not last
for I am, the symbol of the end
and I'm waiting, for the Gods
to come and take , their rightfull place
for soon ,we will be
the last forgotten race

I walk these dirty streets of the last
forgotten race




"wow, powerful message...you know I have to ask... what genre?" -- mattie.
"hey Mattie,thanks for taking a look at this one .this has a full arrangement written,it runs about 6min 40 seconds, which takes it pretty far away from commercial,the subject matter is also a hard sell ,not much of an audience for this .personnaly I really like this ,this is where I like to write.now to answer your question about genre ,if I had to label this it would have to be in the alternative family but it's not over done with heavy guitars,sorry I can't be more specific but sometimes music is hard to label thanks again ,mattie" -- fh, canada.


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© 2005 Fred Hardy
August 2007

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