AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (8) A New Dawn (Short Stories) When life seems hopeless, there always something, no matter how small to cling to [1,636 words] [Drama] Childhood Dreams (Short Stories) This is a short piece for those who fondly remember the past and try to relive it as often as they can. [288 words] [Mind] Comfort For None (Short Stories) This story is inspired by the sadness of abuse in the family and the effect on those concerned. [326 words] Klaas (Short Stories) This is a story I 'discovered' after noting the homeless in the city of Cape Town. I would appreciate any comments about it. [2,122 words] [Drama] Love For An Hour (Short Stories) This is a very short, sad story of modern love and how easy it is to "love without loving" [146 words] Paradise Relived (Short Stories) This is a short emotional story of the full cycle of love. [1,534 words] [Drama] Quiet Seduction (Short Stories) A short tale of nocturnal seduction [137 words] The Sound Of Lovers (Poetry) A look at the sadness of lonliness against the contrast of love [147 words]
The Greatest Show On Earth Adagio
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Flashing lights, exploding mortars; night skies illuminated with invitations
to watch lives ultimate irony - kill to live. Synchronised regiments, making
time to the playing fields of death. Death and mayhem motivating the
Brainwashed Masses to watch the honourable sport of war dictated by networks
of media hungry tyranny.
Don't change that channel, we'll follow you to the next. We control you. How
many today? Our side killed more than yours. Ratings are up. Tomorrow we'll
fight with our one hand behind our backs - tomorrow we only use flight.
It's a clean fight, our suited Wall-Street-heroes point out. The dollar has
prevailed - don't make peace just yet. Try to understand it's for your own
good. We know best and you'll be entertained. Never mind death, its not you.
Enjoy what you see.
As for you soldier - put up a good show. Don't let the team down, we're all
counting on you. We'll explain everything when you get home. What's that?
Why? Trust us - you won't die in vain. Hold on boy, your medal's in the
post. Can't you see that it all makes perfect sense? Trust us and we'll try
to get you through this. It all makes perfect cents. You'll be in the paper
for sure. Trust us.
Deserts, seas, jungles, electronics - you've done it all. Pat yourselves on
the back, but what are you going to kill next? Which weapons are left for
you to test?
Don't blame us. We give you what you want to see. Aren't your children
playing war with their guns, fighting the enemy on the console? What's that
weapons magazine in your hand for? Your hearts beat faster as the fighter
flies past you and all of you always wave. So don't judge us while you sit
there, fixated on the sounds of the eternal thunder, watching the news for
someone you know or that perfect hit on the ammunition factory next to the
children's home. You can say what you like, sales are up. Critize us, but
watch and read and we won't mind.
False pride in destructive humanity brought us here. There's no turning back
now - rushing into the next hour of prime time killing. Don't worry mothers,
tomorrow all of this is forgotten. Tragically our attention is out of range.
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