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The Curse Of The Moloch
The Fire Gem by Hamish Roberts I have loved writing stories for as long as I can remember, although I started some stories which ... [13,687 words]
Lizards Leap by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Four children buy an intricately carved frame from a school fair. A crazy old woman chases them de... [5,753 words]
Just Like Old Times...(Plus Madison) by MacKenzie Morgan This is the last of my Senior Week stories that I am going to publish on t... [12,561 words]
New Beginnings by Christian Obermanns A story for english. [2,544 words]
The Pearl Palanquin by Govindaraju Sita Devi This is a tale of two villages subtly supporting the cause of inter-caste marriages and a s... [46,992 words]

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The Curse Of The Moloch
The novel "The Curse of the Moloch" is about a serial killer by the name of Jeremiah Micaiah, whose victims were women with reddish hair. He was born, through rape, in a coal-mining district. Brought up by the heavy-hand of his red-hairedmother, a Miz' Jezebel who had instilled him with the fear of the devil and especially the MOLOCH, A Biblical fire god, for sins he committed. This fear was drilled further into his mind by the preacher in the church. This fear was carried to his very place of employment, namely a miner in the pits. An accident at work left him mentally unstable which eventually led him to committ murder upon Miz' Jezebel, his red-haired mother. The fear of haunting by the ghost of his mother forced him to flee his town to a large city. From that period onwards, his fear of the red of hair which signified the return of the ghost of his mother caused him to murder a string of women (mainly with red hair),. At the end, The MOLOCH , the fire god, snared him to the pit of sacrifice.
[70,061 words]
Norman A Rubin
Correspondent (Israel) for the Continental News Service writing under the headline "Dateline - Middle East". Free-lance writer for the past sixteen years writing on various subjects - Near East culture and crafts, archaeology, history and politics; religious history and rites, etc.. Norman A. Rubin has been featured in publications world wide - Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem Dateline, Esra, Israel - Coin News, Minerva, Oriental Arts, etc. England - Ararat, Good Old Days (White Birches Publications), Letter Arts Review, Queen of All Hearts, etc. USA - Spotlight, Japan - International B, Hong Kong - Archaeological Diggings, Australia etc. - Norman A. Rubin can be found on the Web - asianart.com with articles on Japanese Ghosts and Chinese Snuff Bottles - bibarch.com on the subject of musical instruments in the Bible, etc.. For comments on his writing, Norman A. Rubin (Israel) can be addressed to talabar@zahav.net.il
[August 2003]
Darkness In Death And Dissolution (Short Stories) Retribution through the power of the judge of hell upon the act of murder. [2,447 words]
Death The Intruder (Non-Fiction) The rule of Father Death in the time of the Great famine in the Renaissance period. [1,688 words] [History]
High Tension (Short Stories) The short story tell of an elderly woman who thinks light bulbs leak. The copy will give the background to her life and the reason why she thinks light bulbs leak. [1,901 words]
Islamic Metalwork (Non-Fiction) The History and background to metalwork in the Muslim world. [2,193 words] [Art]
Leonardo Da Vinci, Science And Engineer (Non-Fiction) Leonardo da Vinci was known as a 'Renaissance Man' - a man who sought to develop skills and acquire knowledge of human endeavor. [2,112 words]
Murder By The Numbers (Short Stories) - [2,227 words]
My Uncle Louie, The Goniff (Short Stories) A humourous piece of a man who finds hard luck in the committing of criminal acts. Always falling foul of the law. [1,847 words]
Pretty Mary Ellen (Short Stories) A missing little girl disappears and found dead after being violated by a sexual maniac. [1,588 words]
Scorn, Thy Name Is Woman (Short Stories) This is a story of murder committed by a meek little man upon his nagging and complaining wife when the cup of his misery of her wagging tongue overflowed... [2,360 words]
Simple Jack (Short Stories) A backward youth had been jailed for the accidental death of his mother he committed by crushing her in his arms. The mother was in pain as she was suffering from terminal cancer and the youth held he... [3,144 words]
The Curse On The Bones Of Quzma, Son Of Salimu (Short Stories) A short story. [1,557 words]
The Devil's Curse (Short Stories) A group of lumberjacks, sitting around the warmth of a fireplace, listening to a tall tale spun by an elder. The story is about Mad Mike, a logger and his chase by the devil in the ferryboat on the ri... [1,824 words]
The Elves And The Preacher (Short Stories) A modern version of the fairy story which tells of a goodly cleric and how he copes in difficult times... [1,603 words]
The Empty Room (Short Stories) Loneliness in a furnished room except for memories. [2,359 words]
The Enigma Of Woman (Non-Fiction) Love and Women are the brightest solution to all enigmas. [1,683 words]
The Evil Eye (Essays) The evil eye is paranoia whose victims are diagnosed on the basis that they see plots everywhere and constantly expect the worse. [1,440 words]
The Ghost Story Of Yotsu-Ya (Short Stories) The reader is brought to Japan during the era of the emperors - The story, based on Japanese folklore, tells of the unfaithfullness of Yotsu-ya, a warrior in the code of Bushido, towards his wife Oiw... [1,961 words]
The Human Form Divine - Norman A. Rubin (Non-Fiction) Ancient sculptures, statuettes and figurines of wide-ranging artistic interpretations of the human form were a way in which man translates the revelation of his many gods. These representations, mode... [2,659 words] [Mystical]
The Marching Man (Short Stories) A holocaust survivor driven to madness in search of his family lost in the melee of the second world war. [2,001 words]
The Spirit Of The Buccaneers (Short Stories) Fantasy piece which tells of a travel writer during a trip to Eastern Canada. He is trapped in a fierce rain shower and is forced to take shelter in a large stone mansion, which turned out to be a pir... [3,621 words] [Fantasy]
The Watch Cat (Short Stories) The story of a black alley cat who adopted an Israeli family and became their 'watch cat'. [1,123 words]
The Word Is In The Law (Non-Fiction) The law is the word even our sexual life. [1,365 words]
Under The Full Of The Moon (Short Stories) A love goddess looking for new seed for the renewal of life. [1,771 words] [Erotic]
When Mad Mike Cried (Short Stories) The story of a hard-boiled detective who shed a few tears at a funeral of a friend when he remembers the incident of robbery and death... [1,832 words]

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May 2002

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