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Take It Off by Richard Evans life is no fun when you're alone- [76 words]
Same Sex Marriage (Havin' The Right) by Cedric McClester - [268 words]
Haven’T You Heard? by Cedric McClester This song is a warning. And should be up-tempo. [364 words]
Babe How I by Mia Angello - [277 words]
Wait A Minute People by Cedric McClester Wait A Minute is yet another social commentary song about same sex marriage. [514 words]
The Madness by Alison Sullivan A slow song for a change, lyrics are from the pit of my soul, but I do respect and encourage any an... [125 words]
That’S The Gospel Truth by Cedric McClester - [212 words]
Take Me To A Place by Cedric McClester This song was inspired by Carlos Santana. It should have a Santana feel to it. [253 words]
Sweet To Me (Give Me Plenty Of Lovin) by Richard Evans pour a little syrup on me- [99 words]
Rich Boys by Alison Sullivan A very uptempo song...enjoy and then comment, in that order [83 words]
On This One-Way Street by Cedric McClester - [220 words]
Old School Summer Memories by Cedric McClester Old School Summer Memories should have a mid-tempo beat and should be a classic summ... [216 words]
No Longer Lovers (Can't We Be Friends?) by Cedric McClester No Longer Lovers is a mid-tempo ballad. [346 words]
Love Can… by Cedric McClester Love Can.. should be a mid-tempo song. [293 words]
In Time Those Memories Will Disappear by Cedric McClester This should be a country song. It was inspired by LeeAnn Rimes. [292 words]
I'm Way Off, I Know. by Haley B Rodgers About a boy liking a girl with a boyfriend that will never give him a chance, and she has ... [197 words]
I Like That You’Re My Wife by Cedric McClester I Like That You're My Wife is a country song. [260 words]
I Jus Wanna Kiss You by Cedric McClester This should be a country song. [354 words]
I Heard That It’S Your Birthday by Cedric McClester This should be a festive birthday song. [175 words]
I Did Wrong For You Baby by Richard Evans I promise you you're gonna' bleed- [146 words]
His Word Is Good Enough For Me by Cedric McClester - [500 words]
Have A Nice Day by Cedric McClester Have A Nice Day is yet another of my social commentary songs. It should have an angry melody an... [332 words]
Gods Touch (What God Feels Like) by Ana (Kennedy) Grip This is a spiritual song that shows that God can help you even when times are ... [195 words]
Four Years Down And Counting by Cedric McClester Four Years Down And Counting is about a sociopathic murderer. See if you can guess... [213 words]
Bonafide by Lil Bonafide I'm a 15 year old lyricist. [119 words]
Amy Winehouse Exposed by Cedric McClester Amy Winehouse Exposed is an exposee on the British R&B singer, based on a celebrity spott... [315 words]
All I Wanna Do (Is Worship You) by Cedric McClester This is obviously a song of praise and worship [297 words]
Abdul And The Pirates by Cedric McClester Abdul And The Pirates speaks for itself. [214 words]
A Broken Heart by Alex Lawrence Love Song [136 words]
‘Better To Abstain And Wait by Cedric McClester - [275 words]
Wherever You Will Go by Bee Duere Morris - [193 words]
What's Changed by Alison Sullivan A mid tempo song, I really like the electro sound so this is very synthsiser and bass oriented. ... [136 words]
Wanna See It Rise? by Cedric McClester Wanna See IT RISE WAS INSPIRED BY PRINCE ROGERS NELSON. [295 words]
The Wind And The Broken Girl by Bee Duere Morris Ok this song sucks but my friends likes it so WTH? tell me what you think... [93 words]
The Denominations by Cedric McClester This is song reflects on the many Christian denominations. [244 words]
Sumthin’S Going On Here Tonight by Cedric McClester This should be a rousing song of praise and worship [292 words]
Star-Crossed Lovers
Stand Up! (Stand Up!) by Cedric McClester Stand Up! should have a rousing soul touching old fashioned gospel flavor. [315 words]
Spend Some Time With Me by Cedric McClester - [459 words]
Speechless (My Everything To You) by Bee Duere Morris - [229 words]
Something For Your Heartache by Richard Evans this time I want to be more than friends- [167 words]
Somebody Out There by Bee Duere Morris - [170 words]
Some People… by Cedric McClester This is a song of faith. It argues in favor of Intelligent Design. [412 words]
Solitaire (Alma's Blues) by Richard Evans you preach from your tableau- [136 words]
Snow Patrol- Open Your Eyes by Morris my favourite song right now :) Im just sharing the magic [136 words]
Shout It Out Loud! by Mary E Harvey There is nothing left to say/why does it have to end this way/you turn around then walk away... [6 words]
Short And Sweet by Alex Mauromatis - [144 words]
Rejoice by Richard Evans the lord he heard my plea- [63 words]
Reflections Of My Past by Cedric McClester Reflections Of My Past are just that. It is one of the most autobiographical songs that... [298 words]
Only Hope (Mandy Moore) by Bee Duere Morris Just watched a walk to remember for the millionth time and I just wanna post this song ... [210 words]
Obamas Trillion Dollar Magic Trick by Dr Lemuria - [462 words]
Not Yours To Take by Meredith May - [68 words]
My Mind Wants Peace by Richard Evans is there an answer should I try love- [217 words]
My Love For Ever by Devin McDermott - [163 words]
Make The First Time The Last Time by Cedric McClester This is a song about domestic abuse. [428 words]
Love's Game Of Lets Pretend by Random Dreamer This is my first song on here :) Im stil working on writing the music for it, let m... [154 words]
Love Is Like A Rose by Richard Evans it's beautiful when it blooms- [91 words]
Lost ( Wrote It In Music Class) by Bee Duere Morris This song just happened itself in music. I was bored and It just happened :) I ... [174 words]
Look How You Got Me Excited by Cedric McClester Look How You Got Me Excited was inspired by a guest appearance of Hallie Berry on t... [398 words]
Let’S Pray For Zimbabwe by Cedric McClester Let's Pray For Zimbabwe is a song of lament for Zimbabwe in Southern Africa. [317 words]
Knees And Elbows by Richard Evans - [100 words]
Just Can't Get Enough by Bee Duere Morris - [200 words]
I’M Outta Love And Outta Luck by Cedric McClester This is a country song with R&B leanings. [286 words]
I'm Givin' Ninety by Richard Evans you're givin' ten- [125 words]
Im Fine by Alex Mauromatis - [142 words]
Iconoclastic by Cedric McClester This song was inspired by Whoopi Goldberg's beef with a TV guide critic. [336 words]
I Know Where The Needle Goes by Cedric McClester I Know Where The Needle Goes is a song that explores our complicity in the drug tr... [337 words]
I Cant Feel It by Devin McDermott - [90 words]
Hey Boy by Justine Bishop Flippantkzn Nice pop song with a funky beat. [191 words]
Heart Like A Sad Song by Bee Duere Morris I love this song :) it took a while, I might even have the music to it now :) [132 words]
Everybody Wants A Quick Fix by Cedric McClester Everybody Wants A Quick Fix is about our present economic condition. [303 words]
Every Time Our Bodies Meet by Cedric McClester Every time our bodies meet, we're like dogs in heat. [284 words]
Don’T Walk Quietly Into That Good Night by Cedric McClester This is a praise and worship song of encouragement. [371 words]
Cheater (Everyone Knows) by Alison Sullivan About a girl that has her friends and family spy on a guy that she suspects is cheatin... [159 words]
Broken Mirror by Random Dreamer - [217 words]
Breathe You by Bee Duere Morris how you practically breathe the one you love:) But he's never going to know it [106 words]
Behind Lonely Eyes by Richard Evans love in an unusual place- [86 words]
Bare With Me For A While by Cedric McClester - [305 words]
A Supply Of Victims by Cedric McClester A Supply Of Victims tackles the thorny issue of the American economic system. [372 words]
A Life In Bad Photography by Alec Gourley Song lyrics. if anyone has music for it go ahead and send it to me! [63 words]

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Star-Crossed Lovers
Obviously inspired by shakespeare, the wonderful romeo and juliet :) I love that play, movie it rocks :) it can get a little far fetched and a bit too tragic but it is romantic so i guess... so yeah!
[174 words]
Random Dreamer
Crazy girl, Crazy writer, really loves reading, a big romantic with a dry sense of humour. Seen one too many jack nicholson films :)
[April 2009]
A Night In Sorrow (Poetry) dont' use pain as pleasure, it's not healthy. I wrote this poem for my stupid mother. [148 words]
A Wave Of Manipulation (Poetry) This is so sad, i just had to post :( [90 words]
Broken Mirror (Songs) - [217 words]
Dont' Want To Play This Game (Poetry) Child abuse poem. I wrote it for my big brother scotty, although i haven't seen him in four years, i know what he went through as a child and I know how he must be feeling now he's almost 18 :( [310 words]
I Wish I Was Blind (Poetry) I don't actually wish this, but even though this poem is fictional, I think the girl would wish this... [213 words]
Loss Of Innocence (Poetry) I actually cried writing this poem, it took a lot for me to write it, i would really like some reviews please??? It's a poem to make you think... [303 words]
Love's Game Of Lets Pretend (Songs) This is my first song on here :) Im stil working on writing the music for it, let me know what you think [154 words]
Name (Cutting) (Poetry) - [180 words]
Never Forgotten (Poetry) A little girl who lives across the street, was found dead last week. It was so tragic and really pulled at my heartstrings :( After we found out all the horrible things that were happening to her, we ... [180 words]
Secret Treasure (Poetry) My first poem on here, it would be great if i got a rev :) no pressure though lol [74 words] [Romance]
Tear Stained Cheeks And Bloodshot Eyes (Poetry) This reminds me of how I feel everytime I cry over the many mistakes in my short and emotionally wrecked life. I didn't have a good childhood and Im not much happy as a teen, at 17 Iv'e been through m... [103 words]
To Watch You Leaving (Poetry) The sadness at the end of a relationship :( [198 words]
Toy Shed Nightmare (Poetry) I remember this stroy someone told me, I don't know if it is true or not, but i can only begin to imagen how this girl will be feeling. I wrote this poem to try to do that, please let me know what you... [357 words]
Star-Crossed Lovers
Random Dreamer

I'm taking my sweet time,
Waiting for the words to fall in line.
But it's useless and I'm used to it.
Now that we're alone and we're chewing on our flaws and swallowed lies;
Lets get it right, cuz I still reach for you every night.
I miss the sound of your voice,
Not just the way I play it back in my head.
Are we star crossed lovers or just big talkers?
Pretty heavy words for a pretty little girl.
Get over the romance baby.
Are the dirty scarlet letters even forming words that matter?
I'm dying to know. And even if I try,
It won't be good enough to satisfy.
It's useless and I'm through with it.
You and you alone, you're the only thing I can't bury or hide.
Lets get it right, I still reach for you every night.
I hate the thought of you finding someone else,
But you did and I'm used to it.
Star crossed lovers or just big talkers?
Pretty heavy words, you're a petty little girl.
We made it right and put our demons in a deep sleep.
It's not easy, but who is with me?


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© 2009 Random Dreamer
April 2009

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